Saturday, December 12, 2015

Okay class! We’re going to talk about sweet potatoes today

Good Day World!

Welcome to Mr. Dave’s neighborhood!

Today, I’m going to share some interesting things about sweet potatoes.

Hold on! At first blush this may sound like a boring subject, but stick with me here.

* Did you know that North Carolina produces more sweet potatoes than any other state?

* Did you know that hardened sweet potatoes makes a material as strong as concrete?

Still not impressed?

Okay. I bet you didn’t know that sweet potatoes can burn for weeks on end like coal.

Who knows what possibilities lie there? Just one problem; putting out the smoldering sweet potatoes is not an exact science.

You know, how I know that?

A silo full of dehydrated sweet potatoes has been smoldering in a town an hour east of Raleigh since Thanksgiving. True story.

Firefighters and other town personnel have been at the scene around the clock since a suspected spark started the blaze. At least 25 million gallons of water has been sprayed, but it's not clear when it might be extinguished.

No one is sure when the sweet potatoes will stop burning. Kinda reminds me of Chernobyl, but not as toxic.

Class dismissed.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Friday, December 11, 2015

Can You Guess Who I am?

 Good Day World!

Guess who I am.

Like the Joker from the Dark Knight, I just want to see the world burn.

I am white, and really, really angry.

I am also afraid.

I believe the only religion in the USA that can be trusted is Christianity.

I agree that ALL Muslims should be banned from entering our country.

I think the idea of a massive wall separating Mexico and the US is doable and will solve most of our illegal immigration problems.

I believe thousands of Muslims in New jersey celebrated on 9/11.

I believe we once banned Islam in this country in 1952.

I still believe President Obama is a Muslim and was born in Kenya.

I believe in smaller government and that people should be able to carry assault weapons anywhere they want. 

I believe that President Obama is trying to take our guns away.

I believe that anyone who disagrees with me is unpatriotic and doesn't want to see America become great again.

I believe that we shouldn't tax corporations because it's not necessary as the trickle-down-effect benefits the middle class and poor.


I believe that Donald Trump would make a great president because he is point on.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

What was the scariest moment of your life?

Good Day World!

With fear floating around this country like a dark cloud, I thought it might be interesting to explore the scariest moment of my life!

We all have different fears, although some are more universal than others. Sharks, maniacs, natural disasters, the Boogey Man, fire, and terrorists come to mind.

Before I share my moment of terror, I would like to add that it doesn’t matter what your age was – if something scared the Shinola off your shoes then it qualifies.

I’m 65 years-old.

In the turbulent decades of my life I’ve experienced war in Vietnam and Cambodia, had numerous ear surgeries, back surgery, was diagnosed with PTSD, was beat up by hired VA cops while in a PTSD program, and grew up fighting in the barrios of La Puente and El Monte.

The scariest moment of my life was

When I was five-years old we had a big red tabby called Tiger. Tiger thought it was his duty to fight any other animal he encountered. He roamed the neighborhood terrorizing other cats and small dogs. (Chickens once too, but that’s another story)

One day Tiger got into a knockdown all-out brawl with another cat under our house.

Pause here; my mother loved Tiger and nothing was too good for him.

On the day Tiger decided to fight another cat under our house, my mother ran outside in response to the ear-shattering squalls. Quickly deducing the situation, she ordered me to go through the crawl hole and to “get poor Tiger out!”

Have you ever heard two cats screaming at each other in unholy anger?

As I crawled around blindly (with no flashlight) there was an eerie pause…silence. For a brief moment I thought God heard my prayers and Tiger left on his own – but then their shrieks suddenly started up next to me and I saw two sets of blazing cat eyes glaring at me!

That’s all it took. I peed my pants and screamed! Seemed like for minutes, but was probably only a few seconds. In that time the cats broke off the battle and both streaked out the crawl space and into the sunlight.

I always hated Tiger.

So, what was your moment of terror? What still get’s your adrenaline going when you think about it?

Time for me to walk on down the road…



Wednesday, December 9, 2015

al-Baghdadi: ‘Thank you Donald Trump!’

  Good Day World!

Just wanted to share a heart-warming letter from the leader of Daesh (ISIS hates this name) to Donald Trump:

Dear Furor Trump,

Your incendiary anti-Muslim comments come like a blessing from Allah.

We’ve been telling Muslims worldwide that the United States hates Muslims and now you proved it by suggesting we all be banned from your shores!

Allah is great! Banning Muslims really stirred up my loyal followers worldwide. They see the Great Satan for what it is!

You are furthering our aims beyond our wildest expectations!

Love the idea of banning the internet! The amount of hatred you’re creating between Muslims and Americans is helping us achieve our jihad…Allah is Great for delivering you unto us!

As I write this, our media connections are busy making posters and videos of your presidential campaign to share with our brothers, so that they may see how much America hates them.

If you need any help vilifying all the Muslims in the world just let me know. My advisors would be pleased to work with your staff.

Good luck, and keep up the good work!”

your admirer, al-Baghdadi

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Serenity and Painting With Oils

unnamed (1)

(Just finished this piece for our living-room)

Good Day World!

I love art.

One of my favorite hobbies is oil painting. I’ve been a student of the medium since 1966 (my sophomore year in high school).

There is no one correct way of painting. Artists train themselves in a wide variety of approaches, which they continually practice and extend as they find occasion and need for.

Contrary to what some people think oil painting is straightforward. It’s far simpler than etching or even watercolor painting. If you can see something, you can paint it in oils. Oil painting is the process of painting with pigments bound in oil.

unnamed (3)

The common oils used in oil paints are linseed oil, poppyseed oil, walnut oil, and safflower oil. However, I have used vegetable oil in a pinch and was surprised at the satisfying results.

If you’d like to know more about painting with oils, here’s a great link:

25 Oil Painting Techniques You Should to Learn

(Here’s a piece I did back in 2001.)

I paint because it satisfies something in my soul.

As a Vietnam veteran with PTSD, I’m always seeking serenity. Painting offers an escape from the real world.

Time for me to walk on down the road…


Monday, December 7, 2015

Unicorn Believer and Crazed Sidekick Get Their Day in Court

Charles Dharapak/Pool/Cnp/ZUMA; Catmando/Shutterstock

                               Good Day World!

Sometimes I have to shake my head in awe and wonder at some of the cases tried in our Supreme Court.

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will examine the bedrock principle of "one person, one vote" in a major case that could yield the Republican Party a critical advantage in future elections.

In Evenwel v. Abbott, the court is being asked to change how states draw legislative districts in a way that would boost the electoral power of white, rural voters, who lean Republican, at the expense of Latinos and African Americans, who tend to vote Democratic.

The plaintiffs are two wackos. Sorry for the slang, but when you read their background here you’ll have to agree. Sue Evenwel and Ed Pfenninger are a couple of bigoted people. 


Ed believes in unicorns. They appear repeatedly in Pfenninger's online posts. Arguing with a commenter to one of his YouTube videos, he wrote in 2013 that the "unicorn was a real creature known for it's [sic] great strength, and is also referred to in ancient literature.”

I rest my case.

I hope the “Supremes” do the same thing by laughing at these two idiots while giving them a thumbs down.

Time for me to walk on down the road…


Sunday, December 6, 2015

The only hope for gun safety laws comes from the silent majority of NRA members

Good Day World!

The New York Daily News came out with a controversial cover on Friday that is still resonating with many. The cover portrayed National Rifle Association chief Wayne LaPierre as a "terrorist.”

"Syed Farook joins long list of murderous psychos enabled by NRA's sick gun jihad against America in the name of profit," the cover read.

With LaPierre's NRA and its congressional allies stymying even modest gun safety measures — including, on Thursday, efforts to expand background checks and prevent people on the terror watch list from purchasing guns — it's easy to forget that the NRA's hardline opposition to reform isn't only out of step with the views of most Americans.

It's also out of step with the vast majority of NRA members.

According to a 2013 study featured in the New England Journal of Medicine, 74% of NRA members favor a universal background check regime for gun purchases, while a 2012 poll found that 71% backed banning gun purchases by individuals on the terror watch list.

I was impressed when John Oceguera, former speaker of the Nevada state assembly and currently a Democratic candidate for Congress from the state's 4th District, resigned his NRA lifetime membership in a letter to LaPierre, which he posted on his campaign website.

Oceguera said:

"Our country is facing a tragic gun violence epidemic, and we cannot ignore it. Still, the NRA opposes any legislation that would help keep guns out of the hands of terrorists, criminals and the mentally ill, and spends millions to stop any action in Congress that could help prevent further violence," he wrote. "I cannot continue to be a member while the NRA refuses to back closing these loopholes."

Perhaps if more NRA members followed Oceguera’s lead the NRA would be forced to acknowledge reality – and common sense – when it comes to gun safety laws. So far, those NRA members who favor universal background checks have been a silent majority.

The need for them to speak up has never been greater. Something has to break the deadly cycle of resistance perpetrated by the NRA’s corrupt leadership. We need to stop the hold that the gun and ammo industries have on us, and from destroying our country for the sake of profit.


U.S. taxpayers subsidize the salaries of the NRA leadership. That’s because the NRA, as a tax-exempt organization, pays no federal taxes. LaPierre pulls down a cool million a year for inciting fear.

Other top 2010 salaries at the NRA. Your tax dollars at work.


The NRA’s profit soars as deaths from gun massacres mount

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Saturday, December 5, 2015

To Hell and Back: How a Hero’s Story Inspired Generations of Boys to Play Soldier

Good Day World!

I wish I could have met Audie Murphy before he died in 1971.

I thought he was a god back in the early 1950’s while growing up. I was five years-old when “To Hell and Back – a WW II war movie (1955) – came out starring Audie Murphy as himself.

As the most decorated soldier in American history, Audie was awarded a ticker tape parade down Broadway. He was one of the most popular men in America. Historians say he killed 250 men in combat.

What was seldom talked about – at least while he was still alive – was his mental problems. He had PTSD, but in his time there was no such diagnosis, and so he suffered a silent hell few could relate to.

He was plagued with nightmares and slept with his gun under his pillow. Yet, the popular perception of him was that he was a well-adjusted, talented young man who was always quick to flash that boyish smile.

When I think about how many young men, like myself, who grew up glorifying war I’m not surprised that we live in such a violent society today. My childhood games were all about killing bad guys. So were my sons. And their sons.

Looking around the country today I see the violent seeds that were sowed in society during a time of posterity, and belief in the American Dream. The “Dream” is dead now. Cast under the bus by fear and hatred.

As a combat veteran (Army/Vietnam 1970) with PTSD, I wish I could have asked Audie what it really felt like to be a hero (perhaps the last American hero) for killing so many men?

I’m sure the price wasn’t worth it.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Friday, December 4, 2015

Might as well leave flags at half staff – they’re not coming down soon

Good Day World!

We might as well keep flags flying at half staff from now on.

There’s been more days with mass shootings than not this year. A total of 209 mass shootings have happened thus far – with 26 days left to go.

The FBI considers it a mass shooting when there are four or more people murdered. For updated information check this link out ….Mass Shooting Tracker.

Despite horrendous statistics on gun deaths in America nothing is going to change. Why? Because we are a gun culture. We worship weapons. The U.S. ranks first in gun ownership per capita, with roughly 270 million firearms, or 89 firearms per 100 residents, according to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal.

Those that do have weapons don’t want them controlled in any way. They cite the 2nd Amendment (although it doesn’t say anything about owning personal arsenals) if the topic of gun control even comes up.

Many feel it’s their God-given right to own any kind of weapon and to use it when they want to. They are so blind that any talk of gun control sends them scurrying out to gun shops to buy more guns.

Worse, our country is so divided by the need for gun control that any attempts to do so are crushed by the NRA and their lackeys in Congress. Sensible Americans seeking controls on guns – like back round checks – don’t have a chance.

Conservatives say the problem is mentally ill people using guns. That’s true sometimes. Not all the time however.

Why the U.S. has the most mass shootings

The San Bernardino shooting is the second mass shooting today and the 355th this year

No matter what the president says, there’s no hope for gun control.

It’s become the tar baby of our time – with the nation divided between people sick of seeing mass shootings, and others offering up their condolences to victims while gripping their firearms tighter to their chests.

So, keep the flags at half staff, and pray that someday things will change.

Time for me to walk on down the road…




Thursday, December 3, 2015

Major Terrorist Threat in America: 33,000 Active Gangs

Good Day World!

International terrorism is the trending topic these days.

Some Americans worry about Syrian refugees coming to our country and bringing violence.

What they should really be concerned about is the immediate threat the entire nation faces right now; domestic terrorists, aka gangs.

Gang Violence Is on the Rise, Even as Overall Violence Declines

Gangs, from the West Coast to the East Coast, have murdered more innocent people than all of the combined attacks from international terrorists in this country – and that includes 911.

Startling fact: There are 33,000 active gangs in the United States.

Gang members targeted 9-year-old boy shot in alley

So, why isn’t this senseless ongoing slaughter a topic for presidential candidates? Could it be they’re afraid of alienating possible voters? There must be some reason why we continue to allow gangs to flourish.

Until our politicians prioritize going after these gangs on a national level (which should involve Homeland Security), there are steps that can be taken to combat these gangsters.

Best Practices to Address Community Gang Problems

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Assault on Salt: NYC Passes Label Law on Sodium Intake

Sodium On Menus

Good Day World!

I’m feeling salty today.

Don’t be surprised if I sprinkle some cuss words into my rant about salt being monitored by Big Brother.

Here’s the deal; New York City passed a law putting a warning label on salt (see graphic). 

The first-of-its-kind rule requires a salt-shaker emblem on some sandwiches, salads and other menu items that top the recommended daily limit of 2,300 milligrams — about a teaspoon — of sodium.

Over-reaching government bureaucracy?

Hell yes! (I warned you) There’s already a ton of other warnings about different foods  customers consume. Each new one gets more outlandish than the next:

“Don’t eat the spiced buffalo wings because Uncle Sam doesn’t want you to get indigestion and burn the roof of your mouth, and have to miss time from work; essentially making you a bum.”

Who reads all that nutritional stuff anyway? Have you ever seen a customer go into a fast food restaurant and be concerned about calories? Get real.

In all fairness some food warnings are sensible. Like the presence/amounts of mercury in fish.

My concern is that the Food Police are not going to stop with the attack on salt. I fully expect pepper to be the next on the list!

Then it’s really going to get ugly!

Time for me to walk on down the road..

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

After 3 decades of deception here’s what we know about climate warming

                                         Good Day World!

A nonprofit’s new report documents what oil and coal firms knew about the reality of global warming, when they knew it—and how they have misled the public.

More than half of the carbon dioxide ever created by humans has been released into the atmosphere since 1988.

That was the year NASA climate scientist James Hansen told Congress that global warming was already under way and burning fossil fuels was the primary cause. Hansen’s testimony catapulted climate change from a low-key scientific specialty and the subject of obscure Capitol Hill committee hearings onto the front pages of the nation’s newspapers.

The oil, gas, and coal industries knew Hansen and his peers had the facts straight, but they responded with years of efforts to undercut carbon-cutting regulations—mostly by creating doubts about climate science, especially the link between burning fossil fuels and rising global temperatures.

1. At least one major oil company knew the risks of climate change three decades ago but denied them in public.

2. Years after acknowledging privately that the links between human activities and climate change were proven, major oil firms including Exxon and Mobil (premerger), Chevron, Shell, and BP continued to argue that there was “unsettled science” about this connection.

3. Despite the increasing severity of climate change impacts in the U.S. and around the world, industry campaigns to distort the realities around global warming and fossil fuels have not stopped.

How we know: A 2014 presentation by the Western States Petroleum Association, a powerful oil industry trade group, describes more than a dozen astroturf groups “activated” to challenge climate action policies in Western states.

With names such as Californians for Energy Independence, Fed Up at the Pump, and Kern Citizens for Energy, these groups sounded like grassroots efforts. “At least two of the front groups set up by WSPA…launched aggressive public relations campaigns in 2014, including radio ads and billboards,” reported the Union of Concerned Scientists.


Funding From Exxon or Koch Brothers Gave Deniers a Megaphone in Climate Change Debate

Time for me to walk on down the road…


Monday, November 30, 2015

It’s not easy to say goodbye: I’ll always love your game Kobe

Photo published for Dear Basketball | By Kobe Bryant

The time has finally arrived for Kobe Bean Bryant to retire.

I remember watching him as a brash kid taking questionable shots late in games. How he became the most dominant player in the NBA.

This season has been painful to watch. The Black Mamba’s moves have faded with his outside shot.

But he’s a confirmed Hall-Of-Famer, and his game will live on in basketball lore.There will never be another player like him.

Here’s Kobe full poem about retiring:

Dear Basketball,

From the moment
I started rolling my dad’s tube socks
And shooting imaginary
Game-winning shots
In the Great Western Forum
I knew one thing was real:

I fell in love with you.
A love so deep I gave you my all —
From my mind & body
To my spirit & soul.

As a six-year-old boy
Deeply in love with you
I never saw the end of the tunnel.
I only saw myself
Running out of one.

And so I ran.
I ran up and down every court
After every loose ball for you.
You asked for my hustle
I gave you my heart
Because it came with so much more.

I played through the sweat and hurt
Not because challenge called me
But because YOU called me.
I did everything for YOU
Because that’s what you do
When someone makes you feel as
Alive as you’ve made me feel.

You gave a six-year-old boy his Laker dream
And I’ll always love you for it.
But I can’t love you obsessively for much longer.
This season is all I have left to give.
My heart can take the pounding
My mind can handle the grind
But my body knows it’s time to say goodbye.

And that’s OK.
I’m ready to let you go.
I want you to know now
So we both can savor every moment we have left together.
The good and the bad.
We have given each other
All that we have.

And we both know, no matter what I do next
I’ll always be that kid
With the rolled up socks
Garbage can in the corner
:05 seconds on the clock
Ball in my hands.
5 … 4 … 3 … 2 … 1

Love you always,

I’ll always love your game Kobe. Don’t go quietly into the night.

On This Day Ann Hodges Was Hit By a Meteorite and Lived!

The victim of a meteor strike in Sylacauga, Alabama.

Good Day World!

I’ve got a bit of trivia for you to share around the water cooler today.

On this day, November 30th, 1954, the first modern instance of a meteorite striking a human being happened at Sylacauga, Alabama.

A sulfide meteorite, weighing 8.5 pounds and measuring seven inches in length, crashed through the roof of a house and into a living room. It then reportedly bounced off a radio and struck a woman on her hip.

The victim, Ann Hodges, was sleeping on a couch at the time of impact. Fortunately, Hodges was not permanently injured, but she did suffer a nasty bruise along her hip and leg. (Source)

Ann's story is particularly rare because most meteorites usually fall into the ocean or strike one of Earth's vast, remote places, according to Michael Reynolds, a Florida State College astronomer and author of the book Falling Stars: A Guide to Meteors & Meteorites.

"Think of how many people have lived throughout human history," Reynolds said.

"You have a better chance of getting hit by a tornado and a bolt of lightning and a hurricane all at the same time."

Time for me to walk on down the road…


Sunday, November 29, 2015

A Homage to Sports Fans Everywhere

 Good Day World!

I’m paying homage to sports fans today.

A true sports fan is the salt of the earth. Loyal, passionate, and proud of their team.

(Photo by Charles Rex Arbogast)

Don’t mistake fan loyalty, particularly with respect to team sports, to brand loyalty. There is a difference.

What causes a person to be a loyal fan, sticking with a team through adversity, rather than a fair weather fan, that switches support to whatever teams happen to be successful at the time?

Psychologists attribute it to the following factors:

Entertainment value
The entertainment value that a fan derives from spectating motivates him/her to remain a loyal fan. Entertainment value of team sports is also valuable to communities in general.
This is described by Passikoff as "the acceptance of the game as real and meaningful".
Fan bonding
Fan bonding is where a fan bonds with the players, identifying with them as individuals, and bonds with the team.
Team history and tradition
Shank gives the Cincinnati Reds, all-professional baseball's oldest team, as an example of a team where a long team history and tradition is a motivator for fans in the Cincinnati area.
Group affiliation
Fans receive personal validation of their support for a team from being surrounded by a group of fans who also support the same team.

Finally, as a loyal Los Angeles Laker fan for 52 years, I wouldn’t even think about changing loyalties to another team – despite the fact the Lakers are currently playing the worst ball in their franchise history.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Here’s some news that’s not fit to be primetime, but it’ll make you laugh!

Good Day World!

Welcome to my zany world of news tidbits. These tidbits seldom make the mainstream news, or even in social media for that matter. 

But you can always stop by here to see what your missing:


rare026The NFL recently conducted tests on player’s helmets to see if they could be improved, and reduce traumatic head injuries.

Unfortunately, the test volunteer developed a lisp and was talking in tongues when they finally suspended the research.

10-punt-gunWHAT A BLAST!

 In a moment of downtime, Republican candidates for president recently tried out the new Hummingbird Shotgun in order to gain the NRA’s approval.

 According to reports Donald Trump shot himself in the foot with it! Ted Cruz got in on the fun with the big gun and pointed it at the Mexican border and dared immigrants from entering the country. Ben Carson was such a bad shot that he missed a gaggle of hummingbirds three feet away and reportedly took out the archangel Michael who was converting Ft. Knox into a grain storage center!

BEST-Halloween-Pet-Costumes-Funny-Animal-Costume-Ideas-for-Dogs-and-Cats-unique-holloween-top-ever-pets-19-300x225DRONE on DUDE!

Doug the Wonder Dog prepares to make history by being the first Drone Dog to patrol the skies over animal shelters. His stealthy goggles allow him to see great distances.

His master says if Doug sees an animal in trouble he’ll swoop down and rescue it (as long as it doesn’t weigh more than him!)

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Friday, November 27, 2015

Rock and Roll Heaven Alert: Happy Birthday Jimi Hendrix!

Good Day World!

Somewhere in Rock and Roll Heaven today musicians are celebrating Jimi Hendrix’s birthday.

Jimi, born Johnny Allen Hendrix, is widely regarded as one of the most influential electric guitarists in the history of popular music, and one of the most celebrated musicians of the 20th century.

He will always be my favorite electric guitarist. I remember the first time I heard his rendition of the Star Spangled Banner I went crazy! Never heard anything like it, and it spoke to me in ways I still don’t understand.

In 1968, the year I graduated from high school, I heard Foxey Lady for the first time. It was like a revelation. I loved his unique sound and lyrics and became a die-hard fan.

As I went through my full-fledged hippie days, sparking up joints and dropping LSD, Jimi came up with Purple Haze and it spoke to me personally! 

I must add All Along The Watch Tower and Hey Joe to round out my all time Jimi picks.

Thanks for the memories, Jimi! Rock on!

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

No Post Tomorrow – I’m Taking Thanksgiving Day Off to Give Thanks!

                                  Good Day World!

No Thanksgiving Day door-busters for me tomorrow. Black Friday isn’t even a consideration. I’m going “old school” this year.

For those of you not familiar with more traditional Thanksgivings, that means I’m spending the day with family and friends celebrating life.

No standing in long lines to get dubious sale items for me. I’ll be watching the Turkey Bowl on TV. The day will be spent grazing on great food and drink amid bursts of laughter.

It’s a no politics day. Conversations will be much lighter and less controversial. In other words, I look forward to the gathering tomorrow and really plan on having a great holiday!

Thanks for stopping by!

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Note to BLM Activists: Please don’t marginalize me or my race

Good Day World!

I believe all lives matter.

Unfortunately, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is predominately aimed at police officers whom they feel are unjustly killing blacks.

In fact, 99.9% of people aren't police officers. So, as a non-black, non-police officer person, when I say 'All lives matter' what I'm saying is "Hey Bro, I'm agreeing with you, your life matters just as much as mine."

Yet somehow, I'm considered a racist for saying 'All lives matter?'  That's wrong. I don't give a damn about your race, every life matters.

Sure, I GET that they want the police to know that black lives matter too, but don't marginalize me or my race because they want to be angry at cops. That's not my problem.

If black lives really mattered, the protestors would be in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland etc., marching against the numerous black lives being lost every single week in those cities controlled by black gangsters. But, they aren’t. Why?

The only time black lives seem to matter to BLM, is when a white cop is involved, justifiably or not. Facts no longer seem to matter to BLM. Spreading false stories about events sure seems to matter though.

Lying for your cause because you're frustrated doesn't help your credibility at all. It makes you look like an idiot. If the only time a black life matters to them is when they can blame a white person, their telling me that they don't give a damn about black lives, they just want to vent their anger towards whites.

Why don’t the BLM activists look at their own lives closer? Why don’t they address the REAL PROBLEM – blacks are killing themselves in crime-ridden neighborhoods in record numbers?

That doesn’t make me a racist for pointing this out – despite what many activists claim when that inconvenient fact is brought up. If BLM wants to start saving lives now, they should be protesting the violence in black communities across the nation.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Monday, November 23, 2015

Celebrating the 1st episode of ‘Dr. Who’ Today!

Good Day World!

Time to celebrate faithful Dr. Who fans. The doctor is in the house!

The doctor is an alien – the last of the powerful Time Lords. An intrepid traveler, a wander through time and space. He is, He agrees, “a madman with a box.”

On November 23,1963, the first episode of Doctor Who, the world's longest-running science fiction television show, was broadcast on BBC television, starring William Hartnell as the first incarnation of the title role.

Keeping up with the doctor:

Doctor Who: This Was All The Doctor’s Fault

Here’s a video of the very first episode of Dr. Who

Explore the Dr. Who Universe here. 

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Why it’s easier to hate than to love

Good Day World!

Do you know why it’s easier to hate than to love?

I’ve read a lot of books and magazine articles on the subject. The most recent article being James W. Cone’s brilliant piece;

Why is hate easier than love?

About Mr. Cone: he’s a combat veteran of the Vietnam War and has worked with veterans’ groups in the United States. As a combat Vietnam vet myself(1970), I’m always encouraged to see my fellow survivors emerge from the other side of hell, and go on to lead meaningful lives.

Here’s a quick summary of his insightful article:


Hate is natural and love is supernatural. Hate does not require any effort on our part because it is a part of the human existence. Hate is fueled by fear or by it’s milder forms concern and worry.

Bias, including racial, gender, ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic, are fueled by self-doubt and the feeling we cannot obtain the things we need to survive because of certain people. To make ourselves feel more secure we degrade those who we fear.

Sometimes hate is taught to young people and they believe this hate-talk because it comes from those who they trust. Hate is sometimes passed down from generation to generation even though the hate-talk is illogical and lacks evidence.

Hate requires nothing from us so it is easy to indulge in. All we have to do is dismiss reality and any facts that might differ with our hate-filled beliefs.


Love, on the other hand is supernatural. It requires that we overcome the human need to be defensive and have high expectations of others in order to feel secure.

Love also requires that we have the confidence to be able take on life’s challenges and trust we’ll succeed. It demands that we be willing to walk in another person’s shoes so we can see things through the eyes of others and feel their pain.”

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Saturday, November 21, 2015

A Revealing Conversation Among Two Terrorists

Good Day World!

While the world recoils in horror and anger over the Paris terrorist attacks, a conversation takes place in a candle lit mosque in Raqqa, Syria:

Two men.

One of them is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS.

The attacks on the French crusaders went well enough. What do you think Mohammed?”

The second man replies:

“Better than expected Caliph! Have you heard the reports coming from the United States?”

“No, tell me warrior of Islam.”

“The country is divided even more now, and their government is undermining it’s own foundations regarding immigrants!”

“How so?”

“Members of Congress have banned Syrian and Iraqi citizens from coming to America. I see this as just the beginning in the unraveling of their own constitution and long-held belief that they are the melting pot of the world.”

I see. Soon other refugees from around the world will be banned too. Just as I planned. The anti-refugee rhetoric will show Muslims worldwide that the infidels hate and distrust them.

“True my caliph. It will also lead to total anarchy as ethic groups already living in the USA will be forced to protect themselves from the ruling white class. Militias everywhere. Truly dark days for the great Satan!”

“It is Allah’s will. Now, go out my son and sow more discord among the crusaders to assure yourself a place in Paradise.”

Meanwhile, fear stalks America like a ravening beast as politicians fall over themselves in spewing hateful rhetoric and presidential campaign propaganda.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Friday, November 20, 2015

More Mexicans leaving USA than coming in: GOP claims collapse after study

Good Day World!

Donald Trump can forget building a wall between the US and Mexico.

The air has been let of the bombastic candidate’s campaign when this study came out yesterday. Research shows more Mexicans are leaving the country than are coming in!

Let me repeat that for any Republican readers – More Mexicans are LEAVING America than those who are coming in. You know what that means don’t you?

Those hoards of Mexican immigrants entering the country have been vastly exaggerated by Republicans for political gain.

The Republican candidates for president are going to have to change their narratives on immigration – an issue that’s been gleefully (and forcibly, I might add) pursued with hateful zeal.

However, knowing that Mexican immigration is down will only be a bump in the road for them. That’s because the immigration issue has expanded lately. I’m talking about Syrian and Iraqi refugees coming to the US.

GOP presidential wannabes are eagerly wetting themselves with patriotic excitement at this turn of events. Without missing a beat, the hate expands from Mexicans to Syrians and Iraqis.

Ted Cruz pushed for legislation barring Syrian and Iraqi refugees, and the House turned on the president passing it – despite the threat of a veto. Christians will be given priority when it comes to immigration according to the bill.

New Jersey Governor and presidential candidate Chris Christie said even orphans under the age of five should not be admitted.

The bottom line is Republicans use fear to push their agendas and scored another victory for bigotry and hate. This kind of action is just what terrorists want to see. Looks like they scored another victory!

Time for me to walk on down the road… 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thank goodness, I don’t have to quit drinking coffee!

Good Day World!

As I happily sip my third cup of coffee this morning, I want you to know it’s okay to join me because coffee is NOT a bad thing.

That’s right my fellow Java drinkers, we don’t have to worry about doctors taking away our daily doses of hot steaming Joe. I’ll bet Starbucks executives rejoiced when this recent study came out.

Researchers have found even more evidence that coffee can be good for you.

"The main message is that regular consumption, meaning three to five cups of coffee a day, is associated with lower risk in total mortality and mortality from several causes like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and suicide," Frank Hu, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology who helped lead the study, told NBC News.

Did you know that coffee is the No. 1 source in the American diet of antioxidants? Other research has found evidence that coffee can help people recover from colon cancer.

Needless to say, all of this information is good news for those of us who are dependent on our daily infusions of caffeine. I’m ready for my fourth cup. Won’t you join me?

Time for me to walk on down the road…



Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Imagine Supporting a Party That Punks You: Many Republicans Do Anyway

Republicans have a case of cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face syndrome.

For example;

There is a question that has puzzled some sociologists for years: If America’s poverty is concentrated in the South, as data clearly show, why is it that those states are the most reliably Republican voters – essentially voting against the government assistance they would seem to need?

Data also shows that the primary red axis of the country, running from Appalachia to the Southern coastal plains, is the epicenter of some of the nation’s greatest stresses.

It’s here that the lack of well-paying jobs and large-scale abandonment of the job market are most pronounced, where obesity and health problems are most dire, where Walmart is winning a race to the bottom of what the American consumer can afford amid stagnating wages, and where the rising dependence on disability and Medicare is most pronounced.

“We know that problems of poverty and health are more endemic … in the red parts of the country,” says Jacob Hacker, a political scientist at Yale University. “That suggests that there’s probably lots of Republicans who live in areas where more effective government action could help them.”

Yet the South is where Obamacare sign-ups lag far behind other parts of the country. (condensed version - originally ran in the Christian Science Monitor) 

How do you account for this situation?

The Christian Science Monitor has their take on what’s happening with Republicans today.


College Protests Disturbing Message – ‘Only Black Lives Matter’

                                       Good Day World!

As a former college student, I don’t see anything wrong with legitimate social protests on campus. For better, or worse, this country has a long history of student activism.

However, I think the current student protests have some very disturbing elements:

First, here’s some backround material for you to consider: 

Today student activists are calling their latest movement #StudentBlackOut — a collective day of action where student leaders are encouraged to organize events that, according to Yamiesha Bell, one of the organizers, uplift Blackness.

Racial Discrimination Protests Ignite at Colleges Across the U.S.

After days of protests, students occupy building at Occidental College

3 University of Kansas student leaders called on to resign

Second, here’s the response to the protests:

Backlash brews against student race protests at Claremont McKenna College

Debating the Campus Protests at Mizzou, Yale, and Elsewhere

Columbia protesters cheer: 'I love black criminals'

Third, it’s scary to think students want to run our colleges and are actually moving in that direction with a series of threats and accusations of racism.

If you took the opportunity to read the links above, one of the central points that surfaces is the protests are an extension of Black Lives Matter (a political group). They talk about Black Spaces (University of Missouri) where no other ethnic groups are allowed.

Just like today, it’s all about uplifting blackness.

The students at Mizzou got their way by enlisting the football team to threaten not to play (thus the school would lose millions of dollars), thus setting up the possibility of repeat performances at other colleges.

Student activists are pestering peers to attend campus protests and walk-outs in solidarity with college students at Missouri and Yale or risk social isolation, students say.

Finally, this whole movement traces back to an incident at Mizzou that’s never been verified. I’m talking about a supposed swastika made from feces smeared on a black dorm door.

Time for me to walk on down the road…





Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Anonymous announces plans to ‘hunt down” ISIS

Good Day World!

Over the years I’ve followed the antics of Anonymous (a hacker collective) with concern that eventually evolved into a grudging respect.

As the world reacted to the Paris bombings, Anonymous stepped up and warned ISIS they were coming after them.We will hunt you down!” the group declared.

Anonymous could start here:

ISIS Has Help Desk for Terrorists Staffed Around the Clock

Past targets of Anonymous hacktivism included government agencies of the US, Israel, Tunisia, Uganda, and others; ISIS; child pornography sites; copyright protection agencies; the Westboro Baptist Church; and corporations such as PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, and Sony.

While somewhat unpredictable, I’ve grown to believe there are good people involved with Anonymous – even if I personally dislike the idea of hiding one’s identity while claiming to do good.

Here’s something to consider:

ISIS, or Daesh (as they hate to be called), have enjoyed success using the internet as a recruiting tool. But, the internet is Anonymous’ backyard, so when they say they’re coming to kick some ass Daesh better believe it!

The western world is uniting to wage an air and ground war on Daesh. There’s no reason to believe they can’t drive them from their strongholds in Iraq and Syria. But to actually win the war, Daesh’s recruiting efforts on the internet have to be stopped.

Once the murdering bastards have lost their ability to recruit worldwide on a daily basis the core of their power will be nullified. Once they are driven out of their strongholds they’ll join the rest of the cockroaches scurrying around the world trying to avoid the light of retribution.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Monday, November 16, 2015

Real Heavy Metal Band Seeks Robot Lead Singer

Compressorhead at Musikmesse 2013 - Gibson

                                    Good Day World!

Developed in the late 1960s and early 1970s, heavy metal bands sprang from blues rock and psychedelic rock. The bands evolved over the decades until reaching their current transformation:

Meet Compressorhead.

Compressorhead is a three-android, full-robot band that has performed live covers of Metallica, Motorhead and Black Sabbath — with real instruments — in cities from New York to Sydney, Australia, since 2013.

The group is now trying to raise more than $300,000 to help fund the development of a fourth robot — a "heavyweight" lead vocalist they hope will take their careers to the next level.

The band’s three human creators plan to produce their first original album of 14 tracks written by Canadian progressive punk rock musician John Wright.

The album, which will be available free for download, is scheduled to be released next summer and is due to be presented live for the first time at Europe's largest open air hard rock festival in Wacken, Germany, in August.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Time for a Worldwide Response Against Daesh – it could, and should happen

Good Day World!

The 21st century has been about technological advances, and the formation of an evil force that threatens innocent people across the planet.

After the Paris attacks it became clear that if this evil isn’t confronted head-on with a world-wide response, it will continue to spread terror like a cancer among countries.

Millions of people will die in the name of an ideology that can’t really be called mainstream Muslim – more like a bastard off-shoot based upon hate.

The fact that these terrorists spring from the Middle East causes many to suspect all Muslims are evil. That’s not fair. Bad people come from all over the world regardless of origin.

One thing is for sure, something decisive needs to be done quickly. Not next month, or a year from now. The fact is, retaliation could come quickly – as little as a couple of days from now.

A force of elite warriors is waiting for the word. NATO’s Naval Striking and Support Forces are fully capable of going after this group of murders who call themselves Islamic State, but are mostly referred to by the world as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh (which they particularly hate!)

Of course, the only thing holding this possibility of instant karma back is politics among the countries themselves. Perhaps that’s what Daesh is counting on. Time will tell.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Sunday, November 15, 2015

‘Influencers’ in society: Or, where can I get that guy’s puffy jacket?’

Drake's "Hotline Bling" coat

Good Day World!

In elementary school, I was considered an influencer.

Not a good influencer, but someone who led other children astray! I was a bad boy. My friends parents pigeonholed me, and that was all there was to it.


We know there are good influencers in society who take us down the high road to humanity. Sadly, there seems to be less of those than ever before.

Then we have influence marketing.

I compare it to a herd of sheep mindlessly following a viral ram. The idea is to get someone with media influence to appear with your product. The list of candidates is endless.

It reminds me of high school when popular kids wore certain shirts, pants, etc., that became an instant trend among social climbers.

Popular influencers run the gamut from athletes, musicians, singers, and actors. Cagey companies nowadays believe in picking out a person who already has a big following.

For example:

Drake's 'Hotline Bling' Moncler jacket is selling like crazy

The idea that people matter is always going to be the name of the game. Just like the cool kids in high school mattered. Instead of trying to market for the masses, it takes a completely opposite approach – tapping into an established specialty market (person).

Here’s an interesting documentary (you can watch the trailer or the whole film) Influencers – How Trends and Creativity Become Contagious. This video tells you a lot more about influencers than I ever could.

I would like to say, in passing, that as a parent I became an influencer by default. I just hope I was a good influence!

Time for me to walk on down the road…



Saturday, November 14, 2015

Facts can be so inconvenient at times!

Illustration source

                                      Good Day World!

For some people facts are messy things that tend to explode their crazy universes.

They see facts as unnecessary information that conflicts with their world views. They hide from facts like vampires from sunlight, content to dwell in dark parallel worlds where their twisted ideologies rule.

In our society politicians use fear to motivate would-be voters. When it comes to politicians, truth is the first thing that is hidden behind closed doors…waiting to come out, but never getting the chance.

Lies, like cockroaches, scurry around every promise made by most politicians. When it comes to their personal lives they hide their skeletons deep in an imaginary biography designed to appeal to the masses.

It isn’t just politicians that lie in our society. So-called activists often lie to further their aims. Today, I’ll leave you with three examples to consider:

* Republican presidential contender Ben Carson has maintained a business relationship with a close friend convicted of defrauding insurance companies and testified on his behalf, even as the candidate has called for such crimes to be punished harshly.


* The Benghazi Committee staffer who says he was fired for resisting participation in what he called a politically motivated probe of Hillary Clinton is not protected under federal whistleblower laws - an exemption that some labor lawyers call "inexcusable."

Advocates say the lack of protection for Congressional staffers effectively silences any House or Senate worker who could otherwise reveal potential corruption in Congress. A perfect example of hiding the truth.


* Something stinks at the University of Missouri. A reported incident of vandalism at Mizzou sparked university-wide protests, a boycott by the school’s 4-5 football team, and eventually the resignation of the university’s president and chancellor.

There’s only one problem: no evidence of the alleged incident, in which a poop swastika on the wall of a dormitory restroom was reported, has ever been made publicly available. Did this incident occur as reported, or was it an immaculate defecation that formed the foundation of an unimaginable deception?


1. Is Ben Carson an impostor?

2. Democrats on Benghazi Committee Release Devastating Fact Sheet on Gowdy


Time for me to walk on down the road…



Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...