Saturday, September 3, 2016

Political Hacks and Innuendos Both Suck

Good Day World!

You can get away with saying anything these days. 

Nasty innuendos have become so commonplace it's hard to sort out the bull pucky from the the truth.

It doesn't have to be true to travel on the Internet or social media/mainstream media.

Political hacks are having a field day during this election cycle. Innuendos and accusations are flying around like a flock of buzzards. 

Look no further than our two major party candidates for president.

"Hillary Clinton has epilepsy, is autistic, and falls down repeatedly," Donald Trump and his Trumpettes claim without a shred of evidence to prove it.

It doesn't matter. Just hearing outrageous, sometimes oblique remarks about race, is enough to fan the fires of hate.

Because we have free speech in this country there's always people that want to see how far they can take that concept. There are those who want to tell lies without reprecussions.

By alluding to something such as - "I heard President Obama wasn't born in America" - you keep a lie alive. Trump has used that lie as a platform to attract hardcore Republicans since 2012.

Suggestive and disparaging innuendos should not be tolerated in any form. It's the tool of bullies and partisan hacks this year, much to the disgust of most Americans.

We must demand...
That all innuendos have to be backed up with verifiable facts.

FYI: Sexual Innuendos are a different subject altogether. Just not today's topic.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, September 2, 2016

Scientists Say Little Pre-Human Superstar 'Lucy' Fell To Her Death

Good Day World!

I'm feeling a little kookie thinking about a pre-human superstar named "Lucy."

Imagine, if you will, it's the summer of 1974 in Ethiopia and a team of archaeologists have discovered a complete fossilized skeleton that's hailed as a major find. 

That skeleton of a pre-human called Australopithecines, has led to a more complete picture of those tiny human forerunners scientists have been studying for so long. 

Yes, pre-humans.

Let me tell you a little bit about Lucy. She was 3.5 feet tall and her feet were made for walking.
(Flashback: Nancy Sinatra sings "These Boots Are Made For Walkin')

Back to Lucy

She had really strong arms that could have swung her up easily into trees. Scientists sitting around at night by camp fires have long debated whether Lucy and her kind lived and foraged in trees, or spent their days on the ground.

Scientists have been studing Lucy's little skeleton since she was discovered and recently decided she was killed from falling from a great height.

Which leads me to why they called their discovery "Lucy." Are you ready for this? 

Because they were listening to the Beatles song "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" while they worked.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Election 2016: 'I wish I was in the land of cotton, old times there are not forgotten...'

"I wish I was in the land of cotton,
Old times there are not forgotten;
Look away! Look away! Look away, Dixie's Land!"

- Dixie Land

Good Day World!

Racists have infiltrating mainstream politics this electoral season.

The word went out when Donald Trump got nominated for president by the Republican party that it's okay to show your true colors.

Encouraged by Trump's success at race-baiting, a former Klu Klux Klan Grand Wizard, David Duke, is running for the senate with the message he will protect European Americans (code for white guys).

Republican politicians have been paving the way to racism for years now. Take Maine governor Paul LaPage for example:

"You shoot at the enemy. You try to identify the enemy. And the enemy right now, the overwhelming majority of people color or people of Hispanic origin." - 8/26/16 News conference

Then there's the emergence of the Alt-Right.

The alt-right is against political correctness and feminism. It's nationalistic, tribalist and anti-establishment. It's followers are fond of internet pranks using provocative, often grossly offensive messages to goad their enemies on both the right and the left.

And many of them are Trump supporters.

Emboldened by their success supporting Trump, the alt-right believers have been crawling out from beneath their hiding places in droves.

Although the alt-right has no official ideology most sources connect it to white nationalism, anti-semitism, right-wing populism, and nativism.

Take a look at the Old Confederacy states. They're now the Neo Confederacy (Red States). 

In the news: US Election: Racist trolling for reporting on Trump

Another recommended read: Trump, Clinton and Racisim in American Politics

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What a Life! We've been Married for 42 Years Today!

Good Day World!

My wife, Shirley, and I, are celebrating our 42nd anniversary today!

It's one of the biggest accomplishments of my life. I made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I did manage to do something right:

Living with Shirley, my soul mate, has been a wonderful roller coaster of experiences. Her limitless capacity for love has always charmed me and guided me. She's taught me so much about love - something I once didn't think I was capable of.

I don't have a bucket list. As long as Shirley is at my side, I want for nothing. 

And you, dear reader, I hope you have someone in your life that fulfills your soul, and showers you with love too.

No post tomorrow (still celebrating) - Thursday September 1st - I'll be back on Friday September 2nd

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

That 'Wag' Anthony Weiner Is Back In Town Chasing A Trumpette

Good Day World!

The "wag" is back in town.

You may remember him as Congressman Anthony Weiner.

He was the guy who resigned from Congress in 2011 after he got caught "wagging" his weiner in a sexting scandal.

Let it never be said that this guy doesn't have balls.

After he got caught the first time he claimed that he underwent therapy and ran for mayor of New York in 2013. The funny thing is New Yorkers seemed to be ready to give him a second chance.

That campaign collapsed when it was revealed that the wag was at it again and was sexting under the pseudonym "Carlos Danger."

The fallout from both scandals was juicy enough to make a documentary film called "Weiner."

Throughout the scandals his wife, Huma Abedin (Hillary Clinton's closest aide) stood by him, up until now. But she's fed up after reports came out that he was up to his old weiner wagging ways.

The woman who Weiner was sexting is a Trump follower. I mention this because Trump was quick to come out and condemn the wag that he once donated money to when Weiner was running for Congress.

A perfectly absurd scandal all the way around. I don't think the wag will be getting back into public service ever again. Which begs the question; what will he do to make a living?

I've got a suggestion that I suspect Weiner would like. 

The Oscar Mayer Company has a fleet of eight active Weinermobiles that tour the country. And, from what I hear, they're always looking for drivers!

Reality TV anyone?


Trump Has Donated to Weiner's Political Campaigns

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, August 29, 2016

After 65 Years I Still Haven't Figured Out What I Want to Be

Good Day World!

Growing up, I thought I wanted to be Davy Crockett. Then Wyatt Earp. Then John Wayne.

Each new idol only lasted a short time before I was moving on in search of another. Audie Murphy. Elliot Ness. 

(Pssstttt...I always wanted to play for the LA Lakers)

The names came and went throughout my busy childhood like borders in a hotel.

My desire to grow up and "be something" wasn't overwhelming. I really didn't like to think about the prospect of having to work regularly at anything. Okay, I was lazy.

In grade school teachers would ask students what they wanted to be. I always went out of my way to come up with some shocking the delight of the class.

"What do you want to be Davy?" my third-grade teacher once asked.
"A grave digger," I replied, while keeping a straight face.

The class broke out into peals of laughter as my teacher tried to gage if I was serious or not. Hell, for all she knew my dad was a grave digger.

I use to love to play with my little plastic Army men in the backyard. I'd dig little foxholes and set them up for hours, while my fevered brain imagined being a hero in a battle.

Perhaps when I walked into an army recruiter's office in 1969, I was still that little kid who thought war was glorious. There was no reasoning for what I did. Maybe I was bored and wanted to see the world.

It didn't take long to know that I didn't want to be in the Army. But it was too late. They sent me to Vietnam. Somehow  I survived.

I was given an honorable discharge (Tricky Dick's signature was on it) in 1971. Believe me when I say I had no idea of what I wanted to be (or do) back then.

Became a newspaper man in the following years. An editor, and a publisher. After two decades my PTSD got the better of me. Haven't been able to work since.

I just can't figure out who I want to be. Someone famous? Someone known for their good heart? What will my grandchildren and their children remember about me?

Still looking for a title, and I suspect I always will be. I ponder my legacy daily, and let my natural curiousity be my guide. Research and share.

For now, I'm a junkyard dog digging through books and the internet. Sniffing out stories and facts like a good bloodhound.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Memo To Colin Kaepernick: Play Politics On Your Own Time, It's Time To Play Football!

Good Day World!

Word to 49ers fans; your quarterback Colin Kaepernick sucks!

Instead of concentrating on holding his job as his stock diminishes, Kaepernick has decided to play politics in what should be a no-politic zone - football.

I'm sick and tired of rich athletes protesting about shit. They get paid more money than the majority of Americans and the least they can do is separate football (or any other sport) from political rhetoric and grandstanding.

Get this straight Kaepernik; I watch football to have a good time. All the rest of the world's bullshit is stacked outside the door for another time.

So, don't sit your politically correct ass down every game this season. Stand up for the National Anthem. You don't have to sing along or anything, just stand so controversy doesn't ruin America's favorite sport.

Keep your world view to yourself. I don't care. You want to be an activist? That's fine. Do it on your own time.

I'm not watching the 49er's play this season to join a parade of Black Lives Matters activists. Just do what your paid for. 

Your sorry ass will eventually be benched anyway, because you are a crappy quarterback! 

Until then, I'll be watching the new LA Rams make history.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...