Showing posts with label malaysia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label malaysia. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2009

900 Boxes of Coffee Laced With Viagra Seized

It's been a strange day for me so this interesting little story seems to fit...

Malaysian authorities have confiscated 900 boxes of coffee laced with Viagra, a newspaper report said Sunday.

Health Ministry officials raided a company in Kuala Lumpur that marketed the coffee as an energy booster, The New Straits Times said. The report did not say whether the package labeled Viagra as an ingredient.

Sunday's report said the 900 confiscated boxes containing some 9,000 coffee packets were worth more than 72,000 ringgit ($20,000). Some of the Viagra-laced coffee had been distributed nationwide, it said.

Click here to read the rest at NBC Washington

Understanding Procrastination

I became a world class procrastinator in my early teens. If I could put something off... I did.  I admit to never giving my tardy habits muc...