Fair warning. Shop at your own risk!
Holiday shoppers are risking life and limb to go shopping across America this season.
Groups of thieves are looting retail stores in organized smash-and-grab robberies putting shoppers at risk. Gunshots have been ringing out in malls from Washington to Minnesota.
The headlines:
**Six Injured after shooting at North Carolina mall sends Black Friday shoppers running in panic
**Black Friday: Another High-End Store is Robbed, In String of Six LA Smash-and-Grabs
How Safe Is It Too Go Shopping?
In addition to the perils shoppers face this season they have to contend with the ongoing pandemic.
First, it's important to note public health authorities are urging people to stay at home as much as possible by limiting errands and outings to just the essentials.
The fact is only 58 percent of all Americans are vaccinated. That means 42 percent are unvaccinated and walking around in public.
Holiday shopping has always been a chaotic experience with crowds rushing stores that feature special seasonal sales.
But this season is special for all the wrong reasons. Just know that if you decide to join those adventurous shoppers you could be taking your life into your hands.