Showing posts with label national debt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label national debt. Show all posts

Monday, July 27, 2009

Your Share of The National Debt


The Outstanding Public Debt as of 27 Jul 2009 at 04:06:54 PM GMT is:

$ 1 1 , 6 2 0 , 2 1 1 , 5 1 9 , 6 3 0 . 5 7

The estimated population of the United States is 306,625,074
so each citizen's share of this debt is $37,897.13.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$3.91 billion per day since September 28, 2007!
Concerned? Then tell Congress and the White House!

Understanding Procrastination

I became a world class procrastinator in my early teens. If I could put something off... I did.  I admit to never giving my tardy habits muc...