Friday, February 12, 2021

I'll Take 10 Shares of LeBron James To Go With My 20 Shares of Michael Jordan's

I pulled out my albums of sports trading cards the other day when I heard about what's happening on Wall Street.

There's a big trend in sports collectibles that's grabbed the attention of sophisticated investors as well as smart traders, transforming card collecting from a fusty hobby into a major investment market.

According to CNN Business industry insiders know their business is benefiting from a broader market euphoria. But they don't think the boom in demand is generating a price bubble.

Instead the experts are saying the cards are now part of our culture.

But what made the difference? Why now after decades of sports collectibles piling up in collectors homes?

The short answer is the trading card renaissance was spurred by the pandemic. Stuck at home without live sports games, people began raiding their attics and basements and digging up old cards.

Overnight, trading cards were everywhere, boosted by celebrity endorsers ranging from Mark Wahlberg to Steve Aokio and Rersy co-founder Gary Vaynerchuk.

Investment professionals, flush with cash following unprecedented stimulus measures from governments and central banks has caused prices to spike.

Funds are being created. Investors are pooling their resources, causing the cards to become a viable asset.

The bottom line is everyday buyers can purchase a small stake in a LeBron James or Michael Jordan.

The big difference between cards and stock is nobody loves stock. I'm not ready to sell my top cards because I simply don't want to part with them.

It's amazing watching the cards go up in value like never before. If you're a sports collector willing to part with top cards, now is the time to do it.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Senate Republicans Are Stuck

What does the man in the photo have in common with Senate Republicans?

Here's the situation; Senate Republicans are stuck.

When it comes to convicting Trump for his attempted coup they've super glued themselves into an uncomfortable corner.

With no chance for a "Road to Damascus" moment they are stuck in a quagmire of their own making.  

With the exception of the already established Trump puppets, Senate Republicans who wish they could vote to convict Trump are stuck. They have to acquit him because of their prior vote on the constitutionality of the trial before it even began.

Even though it's a sticky situation, one Republican senator has come out mid-trial (after viewing graphic films of the Capitol insurrection) and indicated he's changed his mind and will vote to convict.

Just one. The Lone Ranger among the hapless group of stuck Republicans, who are 'keeping their powder dry" in servile silence, apparently has a conscience. A rare attribute in Washington DC.

A quick true story

A Louisiana man glued a paper cup to his face yesterday in a bid to show the heavy-duty adhesive Gorilla Glue wasn't as sticky as a recent viral video claimed.

Asked why he did such an idiotic thing the man said, "I thought I could lick it off, kind of moisten it and pull it right off, but that didn't work though." 

The comparison

The Senate Republicans who voted that the trial was unconstitutional are stuck with that procedural dodge to avoid Trump's wrath.

The man with the cup glued to his mug had it surgically removed in what doctors said was a "painful peeling process."

The lone Republican who dared break ranks is going to go through a painful political process pushed by Trump minions.


in both cases there will be healing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Another Trump 'Perfect Call' Prompts Criminal Probe in Georgia

Now there's two states that are investigating Trump for criminal offenses.

Remember Trump's first "perfect call" last year when he tried to extort the Ukrainian president to dig up dirt on Joe Biden?

It looks like Trump didn't learn his lesson the first time (thanks to a Senate that was populated by jellyfish).

Georgia joins New York in filing a criminal investigation into Trump's activities - in this case a phone call that was far from "perfect."

The investigation by Fulton County prosecutors is looking into a damning phone call that Trump made to the Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, while he was still president in which Trump begged him to "find" the votes to reverse Joe Biden's victory.

According to The New York Times there are several allegations ranging from false statements to "any involvement in violence or threats related to the election's administration."

In addition, Raffensperger's office has opened a separate investigation into the phone call.

Stay tuned.

This is going to be a bigger story than Trump's second impeachment.

More importantly, he may actually be convicted, unlike the impeachment trial with it's predetermined outcome.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Blursday Blather and the Same Old S**T

Another Blursday.

Another impeachment.

When it starts to feel like Groundhog Day every day it's time to take a break. Time to drop out, and get off the hamster wheel.

So, I'm cancelling today. 

There's nothing new under the sun. The same story that's been plaguing the planet - the pandemic - is a daily challenge to stay alive.

Trump is still headline news although he's no longer the president. And not just for the impeachment hearings that start today, but for all the other court cases he faces now as a civilian.

Racism is still rampant. Anti-Semitism still lurks in every corner of our society. 

White grievance politics still fuel militia groups and other wackos like QAnon followers.

Most Americans have no respect for the "other side" as division is a driving force that fuels hatred throughout the country.


I'm letting this day pass without recognition. I'm going to focus on a peaceful day without the same old shit.

You might try doing the same.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Meet The Newly Revived 'No Nothing Party'

Once upon a time in American history there was a group called The Know Nothing Party - a nativist  political party which operated nationwide in 1855.

The Know Nothing Party was xenophobic and known for its crazy conspiracy theories. It's roots trace back to 1853 when a group of cretins formed a secret society known as the Order of the Star Spangled Banner.

Later it was renamed the Know Nothing Party. There was an initiation rite called "Seeing Sam" and members had to be pureblooded pedigree of Protestant Anglo-Saxon stock. Catholics were outright rejected.

Like most secret societies the members weren't allowed to talk about their secret society. If asked anything by outsiders, they would respond with, "I know nothing."


They're back! 

The 21st century has seen a revival of the Know Nothings among conservatives.

Like their predecessors, xenophobia is one of the hallmarks of the modern day Republicans who have chosen to believe in conspiracies' - think QAnon - and white supremacy is rampant among their followers.

Terms like "fake news" is the modern equivalent of "Know Nothing" when it comes to factual occurrences.

Like the original party, the new "Know Nothings" are spread out across the nation and are poisoning political discourse today.

What's left of the GOP had better find it's identity again as members are flocking to the new game in town where facts and racism are constant talking points.

Sipping 'Tree Spirits' Sounds Scrumptious

To all you drinkers of alcoholic spirits I have a surprise for you. I just discovered a spirit that will delight your senses and give new ...