It hasn't been fun to watch.
The Republican Party has become a cult in the last seven years.
All vestiges of what the party once stood for have disappeared and have been replaced with sheer lunacy.
The Trump cult has stripped away the Law-and-Order mantra that began with Ronald Reagan. Now they attack lawmakers and the judicial system daily.
Here's three faces of desperation within the cult that's trying to take America hostage.
Donald J. Trump.Our former twice-impeached president is desperately running for re-election to stay out of jail.
He's been indicted in four criminal cases that add up to 91 felony charges. State and Federal jurisdictions.
He's made it clear he wants to change the Constitution, if elected, and turn the country into an authoritian hellscape.
To think that elected lawmakers have jumped to the dark side like spineless jellyfish and are backing him is truly disheartening.
Ron DeSantis.
This is a man with no soul who smiles like a robot about to take a dump. He desperately wants to be president.
See Ron run.
See Ron make an ass of himself during the GOP Primary debates by claiming (if he's made president) that the first thing he would do would be to send in military special forces into Mexico after the drug cartels.
Doesn't Ron know that would really piss-off Mexico and could possibly start a war with our southern neighbor?
See Ron attack Mickey Mouse.
See Ron turn the state's school systems into MAGA indoctrination centers.
Watch the libraries burn thanks to Ron.
See how Ron has rigged the election system in Florida and how he disenfranchises LGBTQ and minority communities.
All for power. He's so desperate that he's running for president against his role model Trump who is crushing him in the polls.
See Ron court Trump's base by acting like a tough guy.
Kevin McCarthy.
This pathetically weak-minded excuse for a man is the Speaker of the House who has sold his soul and who also sold out the majority of Americans by being a MAGA puppet.
He's slimier than a fish in a crude oil spill and is known for his flip flopping on everything from Trump to stripping Social Security.
But McCarthy will forever be known as the weakest speaker the House has ever seen. Watching him licking the boots of the so-called Freedom Caucus or bigly Trump defender Marjorie Taylor Greene is enough to gag a maggot.
Desperation pours from his brows every time he holds a press conference and claims he's got the goods on Hunter Biden and President Biden.
These three characters are joined by many others in the GOP willing to destroy democracy in order to put Trump in charge of our country.
They are all desperate and dangerous. None of them have any guard rails of reason or honesty to go by. They are all shameless.
As it stands, the death knell of the real Republican Party starting ringing in 2017.