Authorities in Florida recently reported a suspected domestic terrorist disguised as a Green Iguana who went by the name Louie, attacked a power substation causing a "large scale outage" for power customers.
Authorities had been searching for him ever since he was seen running from Mar-a-Lago with confidential files in his mouth earlier this month.
Breaking New Ground
A handwritten letter from a young California girl to animal care and control officials has broken new ground when it comes to fantasy animals.
Authorities spent weeks investigating if unicorns were real without success. But they wanted kids everywhere to still believe there was a chance that unicorns really did so they gave the child a pre-approved license to keep a unicorn as a pet should she find one.
Unicorn dolls have been selling out in California since the news broke.
Cows have been escaping from tractor trailers a lot lately.
Just two weeks ago a great escape - about 30 cows - made a slow dash to freedom before being re-incarcerated by several cattle wranglers.
On Dec. 9th a rogue cow (who goes by Bonny the Bad Ass - photo above) jumped from the back of a trailer and headed straight for a doctor's office.
The 650-pound bovine literally came through the front door and demanded to see the doctor.
If it wasn't for two cattle wranglers scaring the shit out of Bonny authorities said she might not have crashed through the front door and would have been content bellowing for a doctor from outside.
Afterwards, the two men were given cognitive tests to see how stupid they were.
Authorities at Dane County Regional airport in Madison, Wisconsin accidently put a dog a dog through an X-Ray Machine.
The dachshund-chihuahua mix had some harsh barks with its stupid owner who didn't follow the proper protocol for traveling with pets.
Asked what the dog thought while being subjected to x-rays the sheepish owner said, "He probably thought about biting my ass!" she theorized.
As it stands, I hope you enjoyed today's tall tales. I intend to bring Animal Tales back again when you least expect them!