Note to readers: I'm taking a blog break after today and will be back on Sunday Feb.19th. Meanwhile, you can peruse past posts in the lower right-hand side of this page.
Good Day World!
I have a real challenge for you today.
It's your mission, if you accept it, to select the biggest liar in the Trump White House. Everyone is fair game, from Rump down.
For starters take a look at Chump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn.
He was caught violating The Logan Act for discussing U.S. sanctions against Russia with Moscow's ambassador to the U.S. before Lump's inauguration. Lump probably violated it too.
After repeatedly lying about the content of the call, Flynn's spokesman finally told the press that "while Flynn had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn't be certain that the topic never came up."
That statement followed on the heels of two intelligence reports that the phone call between the two men was recorded!
Ouch! Does that make Flynn the biggest liar in the White House? What do you think?
Other candidates for biggest liar involved in this sordid story are: Trump, Bannon, Sean Spicer, and Kellyanne Conway.
Setting this example aside, who do you think is the most constant - and outrageous - liar in the Chump administration?
My pick has to be Rump. He's been a pathological liar all of his life. His entire career is riddled with lies. Fact check his tweets and you'll see he lies on a daily basis.
It's a tough call between Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway.
Spicer spews what his master says and tries to put a sane spin on it as his nose grows. Conway is more creative and lies without Dump's help.
Some other anointed Trumpies that should be in the running for the biggest liar are: Steve Bannon; Jeff Sessions; Rex Tillerson; James Mattis; Tom Price; Scott Pruitt; Wilbur Ross; and Betsy DeVos.
If I left any other candidates off this list please let me know, and I'll be glad to add them.
Time for me to walk on down the road...