Saturday, October 4, 2008


Be sure to read AS IT STANDS

in the TIMES-STANDARD today.

Click here but fair warning,

this column may chill

your blood when you

find out about our

Active Armed Forces new

mission : DOMESTIC DUTY!

The BAILOUT has passed but what comes next is not clear


Click here to read this LA Times article about what to look for in the future. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson hasn't bothered to share how he plans to administer his new found power. He's been given the green light to pump tax payer's cash into his old stomping grounds, Wall Street. Who can forget Paulson was once the Chairman of Goldman Sachs Group Inc.?

He's going to have the power to play up to his cronies and some firms are going to get more money than others. My bet is they're firms favorable to Wall Street's new savior Paulson. Some lawmakers managed to tack on some pork projects (how about $1 million for wooden arrows!) which will also require more tax payer cash. Why do I feel like the only thing that happened was that the little man/average American got screwed again?

O.J. SIMPSON CONVICTED: Justice finally catches up with him!

It turns out that lawyers can't save O.J. this time. Click here to

read about the details. Simpson will be sentenced on Dec.5th

On today's date (Oct.4) in 1995, O.J. celebrated his acquittal in the

murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown, and Ron Goldman.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Puking Pumpkins!



Investors buoyed by Wachovia Deal

Despite a report showing 159,000 jobs were lost in September (the biggest drop in 5 years) investors seem positive today because Wachovia was bought by Wells Fargo. This $15 million dollar deal was accomplished without assistance from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.


Job listings at the employment training

facility, Job Train, in Menlo Park,CA.


Is this deal proof that we don't need to bail out Wall Street? Could it be the market will adjust itself without the proposed $700 million dollar handout?

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Watch this "extremely funny" video and have a few good belly-laughs! We all need a break from this serious world once in a while. Have a smile!


If you want to know the story behind this nearly unbelievable deal click here.

Robber escapes in inner tube!

Click here to read about an original robbery for the books: the robber posted an online ad on Craigslist seeking 27 laborers for a landscaping job. "Why," you ask?

Because he used these men as decoys in a bank robbery. He had them waiting across the street from the bank he was going to rob. The men were told to wear blue shirts, work boots, and safety vests to apply for the job. The reason why was that the robber himself was wearing the same attire and he wanted to create some confusion for the cops.

The guy then went to a nearby river, hopped into an inner tube, and made his getaway!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nude Sarah Palin painting is a big draw at bar


Bruce Elliot, whose wife owns the Old Ale House, painted this nude portrait of VP nominee Sarah Palin recently. He says he has serious political differences with her, but admits to having a crush on her!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How now busted cow?


This costumed Ohio woman was in an udderly insane disorderly conduct arrest recently. She got drunk and chased kids and blocked traffic in her Middletown neighborhood and had to be restrained by police.

Planes circle airport as controller sleeps!


Two airplanes had to circle the Greek Island of Lesbos for one-half hour while the air traffic controller slept soundly. The airport's secondary control finally took over and assisted the stressed-out pilots. Wouldn't you have loved to have been in one of those airplanes wondering if you ever were going to come down?

Monday, September 29, 2008

BREAKING NEWS you won't see in corporate media today

Giuliani's Law Firm is seeking bailout business as you read this. The Treasury could emerge with vast new power.

Click here and see what's not happening on ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc.,al. This web site presented by The Citizens for Legitimate Government might give you pause for thought.


Protestors hold signs at a HOLD SARAH PALIN ACCOUNTABLE RALLY organized by Alaskans For Truth in Anchorage on Sept.27th. The protestors demanded she uphold her promise to cooperate with the state Legislature's investigation into her firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Enter the Outer Limits with As It Stands Today

Venture into the Opinion Section of today's Times-Standard Online and find out why we have entered the Outer Limits of presidential elections.

Chinese celebrate their first-ever space walk


The boys in Beijing are jumping for joy as they

honor the three astronauts that completed the historic mission. The Shenzho 7 spaceship did what it was supposed to, and the capsule containing the astronauts landed safely in Inner Mongolia yesterday.

We (Americans) probably financed the mission with interest payments on the money we've been borrowing from China!

AP Investigation: Palin got zoned aid, gifts



This is Gov. Palin's former home. When she sold it during her last year as Wasilla Mayor she got the city to sign off on a special zoning exception-and did not keep a promise to remove a potential fire hazard.

The more we know about Sarah Palin the more apparent it becomes that she wasn't properly vetted by McCain's people. The "Bridge to No Where", outrageous earmarks for her tiny town, are only the tip of the iceberg for this Alaska Governor who would be VP.

The Associated Press's recent investigation of Palin's first actions after being elected mayor in 1996 raised possible ethical red flags. For example she cast the tie-breaking vote to propose a tax exemption on aircraft when her father-in-law owned one, and backed the city's repeal of all taxes a year later on planes, snow machines (her husband owes a snow machine company), and other personal property. There's no doubt she started off with "good ol boy" tactics, and no reason to think she's given them up, based upon her actions.

10 Crazy Collections That Will Leave You Feeling Uneasy

Some collections are crazier - or more passionate - than others  by virtue of how exotic and downright weird they are. I'm not about t...