Exhibit A: Donald J. Trump
After decades of dragging the justice system around by the hair one man has eluded, mocked, and used it with impunity.
Yet we claim no man is above the law.
Forget about Trump's ghost-written book The Art of the Deal... he should have written The Art of the Steal. Or "The Art in Delaying Justice in America.
Delayed justice didn't suddenly become a problem when Trump ambled upon the court scene. He just mastered the art.
Corrupt lawyers and judges have always infected our judicial system. It's a foul byproduct polluting our system of law from the earliest of days. There will always be bad actors in the courts because the world's not perfect.
Some decades are worse than others. Politics plays a major part in polluting both our government and judicial systems. Our Constitutional Democracy is struggling with the biggest challenge in America's history.
Can our republic stand up to a lunatic leading a cult that was once the Republican party?
With Trump judges in the Supreme Court, federal, and state courts, justice is slowly being choked via delays by corrupt judges.
There's no excuse for the courts to move like arthritic turtles when it comes to making decisions.
Instead of the old hard copy searches for evidence and information, there's these newfangled things called computers that move with astonishing speed.
The Constitution supposedly guarantees everyone the right to a speedy trial, but when's the last time you saw that happen? Trials today are political minefields where lawyers plant delays to avoid adverse judgements for their clients.
Trump's masterclass performance in delaying justice sets new lows in America's court history. It has become the blueprint for MAGA crooks for the foreseeable future.
As William Gladstone said, "Justice delayed is justice denied."
As it Stands, because of justice delayed - all four of Trump's trials that should have begun two years ago - a sociopath is running for president in November.