Monday, February 19, 2024

On Naps and Blog Breaks

I've always thought taking a nap during the day was the way to go even though Americans are not known for the habit.

Taking daytime naps is common in Mediterranean and Asian populations. In countries like Spain, Greece, Italy, Vietnam, and China, cultural traditions of long lunch breaks often include naps.

Perhaps the most famous of all midday rests is the siesta. Derived from Latin meaning "sixth hour," the siesta is a time for people to rest and recharge in the middle of the day. Though the time varies based on location, siesta usually occurs between 2pm and 5pm, about six hours after starting the day.

Experts have concluded that napping improves alertness, cognition, short-term memory, and mood all increase with a short rest at midday.

Taking a Blog Break

I'm stepping away from my blog for a week (back on Monday Feb. 26) to take an extended - if you will - nap break from the computer.

During this time, I plan to recharge my brain batteries and to chill out when it comes to public comments and opinions.

You're invited to read my past posts on the right side of the page.

Like poetry or short stories? Buckle up and go to The Creative Chronicles of Dave Stancliff – Prose and Poetry (

Here's links to a column - As It Stands - that I wrote for five years for the daily newspaper The Times-StandardDave Stancliff – Page 7 – Times-Standard

Some topics just never go old. For example - check out Controversial Conversations About U.S. Politics while you are there.

And just for laughs go here to view the great Gary Larson's FAR SIDE comics.

As it Stands, I'll be back in a week. Peace be upon you fellow traveler.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

MAGA News: The Grift Goes On! Trump's Golden Sneakers

Donald J. Trump is a born grifter. 

It's in his DNA and he looks at every day as an opportunity to take suckers money away.

Here's one of his latest grifts...

Selling sneakers. A day after Trump was ordered to pay nearly $355 million in his New York civil trial he launched a sneaker line.

Don the Con announced he was selling gold sneakers for $399. The "Never Surrender High- Top Sneaker" is the top of the line that also features two versions that have "T' and "45" on the sides for $199. 

He's also selling cologne and perfume at $99 each. I can only imagine what he named this line with names like Grift de Toilette and "Putin Love De Parfum Spray."

Moving on, Trump showed up at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia hawking a pair of gold sneakers on the podium. I loved the reception he got as the audience booed and mocked him mercilessly.

Despite selling all 1000 "available" pairs I'm willing to bet this line of sneakers is not going to threaten Air Jordans or make $355 million. 

Or, as President Biden said, "Trump showing up to hawk bootleg Off-Whites is the closest he'll get to any Air Force Ones ever again for the rest of his life" referring to the popular sneaker brands Off-White and Nike

How did Trump pull off this grift despite his current financial situation?

He can't do any business in New York and the court appointed a monitor to watch the Trump Organizations finances after the court's decision.

So sneaky Don came up with an alternative. The products are "trademarks" of CIC Ventures LLC. Trump sneakers are not designed, manufactured, distributed or sold by Donald J. Trump according to the company's website.

Like a good serial grifter Trump continues to merchandize products from bottled water to Bobble Head Trump figurines. His face appears on American flags and mugs sold by entrepreneurs at all of his rallies. 

With an estimated half of a billion in fines thus far that Trump has to pay in court rulings it's going to take a lot of sneakers and mugs to meet his obligations.

As it stands, the real scary part is Trump's cult, who are willing to pay a supposed billionaire's (convicted of fraud) bills regardless of the laws he breaks.

Understanding Procrastination

I became a world class procrastinator in my early teens. If I could put something off... I did.  I admit to never giving my tardy habits muc...