Saturday, December 26, 2020

A 'Fake' President Determined to End Year and Term on a Low(er) Note

Trump retreated to his lair in Florida several days ago to golf and tweet lies while the nation was reeling under a pandemic and economic disaster.

Since Trump lost the election he ceased to pretend to be a president for the people. His wrath and grief know no bounds.

While unemployment benefits end tomorrow for millions of cash-strapped Americans, Trump was complaining last night that glossy US magazines have not featured his former pole-dancer, and wife Melania, once in four years.

As Americans hunkered down at home enduring a holiday diminished by the pandemic, an imminent government shutdown looms.

Hope for a relief bill has been repeatedly dashed by a grieving Trump who wants to punish the world for getting legally kicked out of office by a majority of voters.

Trump's revenge is punishing all Americans. Even his supporters. That should come as no surprise to anyone; he only cares about himself and has demonstrated that throughout his disastrous presidency.

As Trump played golf on Christmas Day at his resort, over 3,000 people died from the coronavirus. As he chatted with his buddy Lindsey Graham on the links, the total number of COVID-19 cases exceeded 78 million.

To make sure Trump ends the year on the lowest note in his pathetic term, he's refusing to pass a bipartisan $900 billion COVID relief package to bail the country out.

As Trump huddles with his cronies plotting how to overturn the election at Mar-a-Lago today, a five day count down towards evicting millions of Americans from the homes begins. Without help they'll start off the New Year homeless.

After four years of Trump's fake presidency relief is in sight next month when Joe Biden is inaugurated on January 20th.

Until then, the country will have to endure Trump's remaining days as he leaves behind a nation crippled from his ineptitude, corruption, and division.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Wishing You a Merry Christmas

                       Merry Christmas!

Wishing all my visitors a special Christmas this season.

Regardless of the pandemic the spirit of Christmas lives in our hearts.

May your day be full of grace and love.

                             Above all

Peace on Earth and goodwill to all!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

'Yes, Virginia There is a Santa Claus and He's Still Coming Tonight'

This Christmas Eve is unlike any other in our lifetime.

Traditional large family gatherings are discouraged by the CDC as more than 325,000 people in the nation have died from COVID-19.

There's at least 19 million cases of the coronavirus is surging during this winter of our discontent.

Christmas dinner at most homes will have at least one empty chair, a result of the deadliest virus to hit the U.S. in a 100 years.

While some children will sleep tonight and dream about Santa Claus, others will dream about food, warm clothing, and a home where Santa can find them.

In spite of the challenges the pandemic brings, millions of Americans will make the best of it and will carry on with the spirit of Christmas to guide them.

Sadly, many families are ignoring the CDC recommendations not to travel and have large family gatherings. The result will be more empty chairs at the table next Christmas.

In spite of everything:

"Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus (wearing a face mask) and he will be making his appointed rounds tonight."

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

A Cookie Competition That's Gone National To Bake For Essential Workers

I don't know about you, but I needed some inspiration today.

When I read about two dad's (Photo-Jeremy Uhrich and Scott McKenzie) who had a friendly cookie competition that turned into a nationwide movement to bake for essential workers, it rang the bell!

Good news. Something positive.

Their story has been featured by CBS (link to entire story

I found the story interesting at  several levels.

1. It was two men who started the cookie cook-off

2. Their story launched a movement honoring essential workers

3. They formed a FaceBook Page - Cookies for Caregivers and there's even international interest in their charitable movement.

Sometimes it's hard to find inspiration with so many challenges facing us all. When we do, we should celebrate humanity and remember we're all in this pandemic together.

Monday, December 21, 2020

People Are Getting Numb as The Grim Reaper Walks Among Us

                         I saw it in Vietnam

People who treated thousands of deaths like an ordinary occurrence, reducing all the pain and suffering into a military data bank to study.

Now, in the face of the biggest mass casualty event in American history, COVID-19 stalks the streets yet many people ignore the virulent virus and try to go on like nothing is happening.

Despite warnings from the CDC, people are still making holiday plans, ignoring face masks, or debating how seriously to take the virus, or whether it's all a hoax.

How to explain this? 

I just don't get it. 

Psychologists who have studied genocides and mass disasters claim something happens to the brain when fatalities reach high numbers.

What happens, according to experts, is that the deaths have been hidden from sight, even from family and friends. 

The causalities become a mountain of corpses and people find it hard to focus on individual bodies.

As we track the virus's progress in daily bar graphs people begin to dehumanize the victims in apparent apathy.

Another explanation for ignoring the Grim Reaper; instead of a single discrete event - like the twin towers collapsing on Sept. 11, 2001, the pandemic has unfolded as an invisible, slow creeping, chronic hazard.

Over time, our brains gradually tune out the danger. 

This is a time when empathy is crucial to helping others cope with the challenges from COVID-19 and a crippled economy. 

All Americans have a duty to recognize science if they want to save our society, our friends, and family. Let's not pave the way for the Grim Reaper any longer.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Litigation Nation: Ready To Sue No Matter How Stupid

Our society is lawsuit happy

Always has been, but in the era of Trump frivolous and malicious lawsuits are filed every second.

You need look no further than our presidential election this year. Over 80 lawsuits filed in swing states shows Trump lawyers didn't win one. Not one. All thrown out with scorn from the judges.

The lawsuits weren't just frivolous in the normal sense of the word... they were malicious and without a shred of evidence in every case. They all sought to disenfranchise voters.

The definition of stupid is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result each time. That's been the case with the Trump minions still clinging to his lies about a rigged election.

Trump has spent a lifetime weaponizing lawsuits; most frivolous and only a tactic to stall his accusers in court hoping they'll give up eventually.

3 more quick examples

1. A man sued the Kardashians and Kanye West for conspiring with Al-Qaeda. A Montana judge tossed the lawsuit with distain.

2. Talking about judges; Roy Pearson, a D.C. judge filed a lawsuit against a small dry cleaner over a pair of wet pants for $67 million dollars.

Long story short, the lawsuit was tossed and so was the judge who wasn't reappointed to his position.

3. A guy named Webster Lucas sued McDonald's over a napkin incident so stupid I won't repeat here. The kicker is he's seeking $1.5 million for undue mental anguish. The case is still in the courts.

Understanding Procrastination

I became a world class procrastinator in my early teens. If I could put something off... I did.  I admit to never giving my tardy habits muc...