I've always contended that the only profession worse than being a lawyer is a politician.
Especially a morally corrupt one (are there any other kinds left?) that divides the country and pushes outright lies that seek to destroy democracy and install an authoritarian regime.
Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation." - Henry Kissinger
Most politicians are (at the very least) creatures than can be bought at the right price. Look at the news on any given day and count the elected clowns being tried for corruption in courts across the land.
Once a politician is elected to an office, they seem to get collective memory lapses about what they promised the people who voted for them.
Politicians are herd animals that need to be led around by their nose by power hungry leaders with no legislative agendas to serve Americans.
When was the last time you feel like you got what you voted for at all levels of government?
On voting.
All Americans need to vote to protect our freedoms. Nearly half of them don't vote and therein lies the problem. A lack of true representation of our entire population in elections.
I cringe when I hear reasons like apathy and no trust in the functions of our democracy are leading reasons why so many don't vote. It's probably true. What a sad statement.
In order to turn this around voters need to start vetting candidates and not just blindly follow a party line. The fact that insurrectionists are now lawmakers in Congress shows that the system is broken.
The only way to hold a politician accountable is to not vote for them. Picking a complete asshole in a partisan vote (and not vetting them) results in electing lawmakers like George Santos.
In all fairness, it's no easy task picking out a candidate who will actually serve their county, state, or nation.
People will have to be determined to make positive choices (like disqualifying candidates with a criminal background) to infuse some credibility into the electoral system.
As it stands, like William E. Simon once wrote, "Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don't vote."