Saturday, August 2, 2008

Savoring Saturday

Shirley and I love our weekends. We enjoy having more time together after a hectic week. The weekends are the week's reward for your labors.
It's getting harder to watch all of the political bullshit surrounding this presidential campaign. McCain's team is leading the way by taking the low road and making false accusations against Obama. Usually the real mud-slinging starts about two months before an election, but that's not the case this year.
Personal attacks are the Republican way, as taught by Carl Rove in the last election. Trying to minimize Obama by calling him a celebrity - and comparing him to Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton - is just a childish way to attack a person. It's like throwing shit against a wall and seei ng what sticks in what quarters. A lie out there long enough has a way of gaining life and people looking for reasons to not vote for Obama seize upon these false characterizations with glee.
Like it or not, this election is about the old and the new. McCain represents more of the same Bush regime, and Obama represents change.
The good old boys in the Republican Party don't want change, they like the way things are. Why shouldn't they? The party is so entwined with the Big Oil companies they might as well call themselves the Black Gold Party, or the Grand Oil Party! It's shameful.
But before you think I'm some dyed-in-the-wool Democrat think again. When I look at how inept our Congress is I see two parties unwilling to compromise and vote in a by partisan way.
I see two parties that have separate agendas - and neither are doing any good for the average American. The American people are the real losers when it comes down to this damn two-party system.
We really don't get a choice in elections. We get two hand-picked party darlings. Take it or leave it. If the mainstream media was really doing it's job we should be hearing about the other parties -yes there are actually other political parties in this country. There are other candidates like Bob Barr of the Libertarian Party, who are running for president.
So how much do you hear about them? Practically nothing because the news organizations are controlled by the two dominant parties; the Democrats and the Republicans. In a conspiracy that starts at the White House and trickles down to the news rooms, these parties control America. They try to convince us that we just need the two-party system by giving them tons of public recognition. Out of sight...out of mind. That simple.
How could we have let this happen in a democracy? Generations of Americans have been brainwashed into thinking they only need two parties to pick a president from. The end result of all of this is that you really don't get a choice. Your force fed two party hacks and told it's the "American Way." I just have two words to say about that- actually a hyphenated word - bull-shit!



"In all due respect, I'm not sure it's credible to quote leading news organzations about...
oh never mind."
Tempe AZ , in the 3rd presidential debate

Here's a thought

"The more things change, the more they remain insane."

Michael Fry & T.Lewis ___________________________________________________________________

Confucius Say....

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."



Success doesn't come to you, you go to it."

-Marva Collins

Famous Quotes

"I don't pretend to understand the universe. It's much bigger than me."
-Albert Einstein

Olympic Excitement

"There's excitement in the air over Beijing Olympics. Also lead, zinc, arsenic, benzene, sulfur dioxide..."
-David Letterman


"To be amused by what you read - that is the great spring of happy quotations."

-CE Montague

Friday, August 1, 2008


Good day to you! Here's a reminder; you can make comments on each of the blogs I post by going to the end of the blog and hitting the Comment spot by the pencil and paper icon.
A good way to start a day is with a smile. You might get a kick out of the fact that the world's oldest joke has been traced back to 1900 BC! It is a saying of the Sumerians, who lived in what is now Iraq, that - "Since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap."
There's a 1600 BC gag about a pharaoh, said to be King Snofru, which says, "How do you get a pharaoh's attention?
ANSWER: you send a boatload of pretty women dressed only in fish nets and tell him to go fishing!"
Those ancients were really crack-ups weren't they?
I found this wonderful information on a site called DAVE TV, which comes from England.
The site says: The Home of Witty Banter. Well what do you expect from a Dave? We're usually funny.

Knock Knock. Whose there?
Dave's Not Here!
-Cheech and Chong

There's even a funny movie out called MEET DAVE. And if you want to read something funny from As It Stands - see this week's column in the McKinleyville Press "Did you ever Moon someone?"
Next week's column for the McKinleyville Press is about little mammals that can out booze any human! A must read for people who think their good at holding their booze.



"One of the indictments of civilizations is that happiness and intelligence are so rarely in the same person."
-William Feather



here is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world, than for bread."


Confucius Say...

"Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them your enemies."



Conan O'Brian had this to say about Dunkin Donutes:

Dunkin Donutes announced that they are going to start offering their customers "healthier choices." From now on when customers enter Dunkin Donutes employees will tell them where a good restaurant is located."



"Rarely is the questioned asked: is our children learning."

Florance, SC 01/11/2000


Thursday, July 31, 2008

As It Stands Attacked!

There's always one sour apple in the barrel. My last As It Stands column about McCain possibly having PTSD was verbally assaulted by a cranky retired sailor. He sent me a scathing email and a letter-to-the-editor at the Times-Standard where the column ran. He called my column a cheap shot at McCain. Thus far, he's the only person who has expressed anger of the column. All the veterans I talked with about the article said it was outstanding. My veteran activists pal, Carl Young, also gave me good input on it and he said that the people he knows who read it liked it. The moral of the story is you can't always please everyone all the time. No should I. An opinion piece is meant to be intelligently debated. When people respond via email or letters to-the-editor that means their reading my stuff. I couldn't ask for more.

Cough..cough...cough..thoughts on the Olympics

I can't help wondering how the athletes are going to compete outside in Beijing with skies that are so badly polluted. Less than one percent of the 500 Chinese cities have clean air. Respitotory disease is China's leading cause of death.
The Chinese are planning emergency measures for the Olympics. For example, protestors will only be run over with Hybrid Tanks!
I'll bet there's going to be a run on gas masks for the visitor's who have to sit in the outdoor stadiums. I did hear that there are going to be flowers, very hardy little flowers, everywhere.That, however, isn't enough to even think about going to a dirty affair like this promises to be. Free Tibet!

A Good Thought

"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."




"American's will put up with anything providing it doesn't block traffic," Dan Rather once said.


Famous Quotes

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."

-Albert Einstein


Idiot Bush Quotes

"What does that mean, outrages upon human dignity? That's a statement that is open to interpretation."

G.W.Bush at a White House Press conference. 9/15/2007


Wednesday, July 30, 2008


According to a recent article in the St.Louis Business Journal, Rush Limbaugh wants to buy the St.Louis Rams!

Apparently Rush has some buddies who own NFL teams and he feels left out. Personally I don't think an all white team would stand a chance in the NFL!
I can see one reason that he might want to buy a team. It would make it easy for him to buy his pills from a team doctor if he was the head pooba !
Speaking of pills I hear he's having pill vendors instead of popcorn vendors in the stands!

Here's some of the names that Rush's team could be called:
The St. Louis Pain Killers;
The St. Louis Viagra;
The St. Louis Hypocrites;
The St. Louis Loud Mouths;
and The St.Louis Facists!

I just don't see the deal happening however. Imagine the logistics of screening all the fans to make sure their are no liberals in the viewing audience! Even Rush doesn't have enough money to do that throughout a season.
I think it's best for all concerned if Rush just buys himself a nice football, pops some pain killers, and runs around his back yard in pads and cleats till he drops. It wouldn't take long for him to loose his interest in football then.
I'll keep you posted if Rush actually plops some money down and someone is stupid enough to sell him an NFL team!

Funny How Things Work Out

On Tuesday I said that I wasn't going to have a traditional blog going where people could actually give input online while reading it. I even expressed concern about such a feature.
So guess what?
Today I somehow stumbled onto a link and realized that I'm set-up now for online input. I might have been set up a couple of days, but just realized it today. Yikes....
So...despite some misgivings, I'm going to go ahead and see how it goes. Please give me your input sometimes so I know the feature is working.
I'm being very selective who I give this blog address out to. Hopefully it will be a fun thing and we'll all enjoy it.


MY error! I sent my As It Stands to the Times-Standard yesterday but it wasn't the one I mentioned earlier today. The column I sent was titled "Do You Have Lead In Your Home?"
I had already sent the column on the two races.
Whooooo.....that's better! Now I can move on! Ha! Ha!

Midweek Muse Continues To Inspire

Top of the day to you fellow citizens of the world!
It's another day to be creative and still take time to smell the flowers. I sent in another As It Stands column to the Times-Standard yesterday - A Race for the Future and one for the Past. The editor now has a choice of what to run for the next month! Of course I can't just stop writing. There's still the McKinleyville Press. Yesterday's As It Stands in there was titled: No Mooning in McKinleyville. Next week's column is on Tree-shrews who can out booze any human! I think readers will get a laugh from that one.
Then there's my New (as yet untitled) Book that is steaming along like a locomotive rolling through a landscape of words and pages!
There's unlimited potential out there right now, and not just for me. If you choose to, you can keep me company. Life's way too short not to take advantage of every hour you are awake.
I start every morning with s short prayer thanking God for the day and committing myself to missions - no matter how big or small - I tackle them all.

A Famous Quote

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."
- Albert Schweitzer



All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once they grow up." -Pablo Picasso


That a grizzly bear can run as fast as a horse?


Words Of Warning

"The squeaking wheel doesn't always get the grease. Sometimes it gets replaced!"

-Vic Gold

The Power of Love and Humor

"Among those that I love and admire I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh."
-WH Auden


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What's Next for As It Stands?

A good day to you who are taking the time to view this blog.
Here's some of the subjects coming up in future As It Stands columns:

1) Presidential libraries, Charities, and Corruption

2) Prosthetic Ears, Thieves, and Payback

3) A race for the Future and one for the Past

I'm not sure what the T-S editor will run this coming Sunday. So stay tuned.

I'm sending out positive vibes today to my friend Glenn. We all need a boost now and then. If you want to make some comments on this blog just email me at:
I really have had trouble figuring out how to get a traditional blog going where readers can input daily. Plus, I have to admit that monitoring something like that, and risking spam attacks, doesn't sound so good to me. So instead, I offer my email address for reader comments.
I was going to put ads on this blog but the more I think about it the less it sounds like a good idea. Too commercial. At first the idea of so-called desk top publishing seemed alright. But the more I pondered it the less appealing it became. So you don't have to worry about any stupid ads in this blog.
My mission today is to work on my new book. It continues to flow like a steady river and the words splash across the screen like Salmon mating!


"To achieve the impossible dream try going to sleep."

-Joan Klempner

Confucius Say...

"To be wrong is nothing unless you continue to remember it."



A 94-year-old man was arrested in a vice sweep for soliciting a hooker. This is what happens when Medicare covers Viagra!"

-David Letterman

Another idiot Bush Quote

"And one thing we want during this war on terror is for people to feel like their lives are moving on. That they're able to make a living and send their kids to college and put more money on the table."
-Jan.16, 2007
-in an interview with Jim Lehrer

Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Maniac Monday Readers!

This just in....I've received four emails regarding yesterday's As It Stands column on, "A President With PTSD?" Three liked the column and the fourth went ballistic on me and demanded I "recant" my column!
Interestingly enough the person was a Republican who didn't believe his nominee for the White House could have PTSD. Apparently he thinks McCain is exempt from what affects other human beings who are tortured for years.
I really wish my column was more accesible in the Online version of The Times-Standard. Only readers with subscriptions can see it, which I fear narrows down the potential audience. I guess there's a lesson to be learned here. Nothing in life is perfect.
Today I plan on picking up where I left off on my new book. I'm also going to make some stew - which should be easy as we have a crock pot. I just have to throw all the makings in and...hopefully a good tasting stew!


Long term goals keep you from being frustrated by short-term failures.

Famous Quote of The Day

"Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry."

A Funny Look at World News

Barrack Obama recently gave a speech in Germany and 200,000 people attended. There were so many Germans shouting that France surrendered just in case!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

As It Stands Debut II

It was nice to see the Online edition with my column, but I have mixed feelings about reader access to it right now. Let me explain.
When you Google up the Times-Standard you get a front page that is only partly updated with the day's content. For example, if you wanted to read my column today you wouldn't see it under Opinion. The content in that area is nearly all past postings. However, if you subscribe to the Times-Standard Online Edition (their E-Edition) you'll be able to actually read the entire current newspaper. Opinion and all.
My problem is that I feel like many readers aren't going to be able to find me Online. Of course, I have no say on how things are done with the T-S. They've managed to get by without my advise for a long time.
It's just kinda ironic that the Eureka Reporter's Online edition is always updated and free to anyone who Googles the publication. I say that because the reputation they have as right-wing conservative platform still offers the public equal free access to the publication.
Maybe things will change.Who knows? Right now I'm going with the flow. I really have no complaints. I've already heard good things about today's column from my veteran activist buddy Carl Young who has emailed it out to people he knows.

You can Google my past columns in the Eureka Reporter by checking out their archives and putting in "As it Stands" with their search engine. Enjoy!


Back again with some thoughts

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with success."


Another Idiot Bush Quote

"I'm the master of low expectations."

aboard Air Force One


Reminder From God

"Forget all sense of failure and shortcomings, all the painful jolts, just trust Me, love Me, call upon Me."
-Two Listeners



"How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct."

"A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends."

-Baltasar Gracian

Confucius Say....

he firm, the enduring, the simple, and the modest are near to virtue."


As It Stands debuts in Times-Standard

Well readers the switch has come and As It Stands takes a new journey now within the pages of the 150 year-old Times-Standard. What an honor.
My photo may scare some people away as I'm not exactly Mr. Hollywood, but once they start reading I think they'll enjoy the content. Or not. maybe they'll disagree with it, which is fine of course. Debate is healthy and I don't expect readers to always agree with me.
I just state the case and let my readers chew it over and see if it's palatable or not. That's the nature of any opinion column.
I did notice that the Times-Standard Online edition isn't updated this morning and I do wonder if - and when - it will be. Traditionally when As It Stands hits the web world it travels with the speed of light.
Shirley and I had a nice day and evening with our granddaughter Carissa. Mom and Dad will be picking her up in a couple of hours. She's so smart at 16 months-old! Her facial expressions can melt your heart. Her curiousness with the world around her is catching and you find yourself looking at the world through her innocent eyes.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...