Saturday, September 20, 2008

Palin said Yes to Bridge to Nowhere

Just the facts folks. Palin was for that infamous bridge to nowhere until the feds pulled out and called it pork spending. As my grandmother use to say, "The proof is in the pudding."

The LA Times today details that whole story and her lies on the campaign trail. How can she continue to tell this lie and get away with it? Well, she's not getting away with it. Facts trump rhetoric.

Meanwhile Fox news reporters Hannity and Van Susteren spent three days interviewing Todd and Sarah Palin in what turned out to be infotainment so frothy, slanted, and off-point they managed new lows for the cable network that's known for low standards!


To me, it's scary that people want to vote for a known liar. What's even more disturbing is that despite the truth, people will vote for McCain/Palin because their not interested in substantial issues; just in jingoistic rhetoric that supports their narrow world views. Who truly believes that Sarah Palin would make a good president if McCain dies in office?

Bush seeks $700 B bailout from Congress

How bad are things today? Officials say this proposed bailout is bigger than the one during the Great Depression!

The statutory limit on the national debt will go from $10.6 trillion to $11.3 trillion to make room for this massive rescue effort. We know who got us here; The Bush administration.


Has there ever been a worse administration than than Bush and his cronies?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Time of Saddness

I'm going be gone until Saturday or Sunday, as I will be attending a funeral. My wife's brother George L. Holloway died suddenly last week.

He and I were in the Nam together in 1970 (he was in the Brown Water Navy and was a Crew Chief). He was only 66 years-old. It seems too many people, friends and family, are dying off lately. It's one of the drawbacks of getting older as you watch people in your own age group pass away!

Last year, while he was living in Humboldt County, he went to the North Coast Stand Down, and had a great time meeting other veterans. He talked about it for months afterward. His funeral is in Tacoma Washington.

Rest-in-Peace, old war buddy, and brother-in-law. We're all going to miss you.

Paintings by Penguins & other animals for sale

Art created by paws and claws are being auctioned off Online to benefits some zoos. Google

to find out how you can get a painting by a penguin or a snow leopard! Sounds like fun and it's for a good cause.

See this article in today's Los Angeles Times.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fear and loathing in Campaign 2008

Lies...are the ammunition which the McCain campaign has decided to use. He's taking a pro-active stance and telling so many lies that Palin is having a hard time keeping up with him.

Lies are the new currency in presidential campaigns thanks to the old guy who runs around in that "Straight Talk" Express! Read more here in my latest Nolan Chart As It Stands column.


How long can lies play a part in this campaign without a negative backlash?

Some notes on As It Stands today...

The Daily Crock, a political blog, is carrying As It Stands/Nolan Chart column on the Bilderberg Group today.

Yesterday's As It Stands in the Times-Standard about a 10th Amendment ruling in California, is still on top of the Most Viewed list in the Times Online Forum this morning.

If you Google As It Stands, my July 5th column (when I wrote for The Eureka Reporter) titled, Outsourcing Newspapers is Offensive, is on the first page. (Sorry no links available. You have to Google The Eureka Reporter and go to their Online edition Opinion Section, and write in As It Stands in the search engine provided.)

Google this As It Stands blog, and you can find it listed under number 414 out of 129,000,000! Most of my visitors come from within the United States, in particular California. Last week there were visitors from Canada; Auckland, New Zealand; Australia; Europe; and Brazil.

I'm still networking with other blogs by exchanging links. Almost all of the web sites that have reprinted my columns ask for permission. Interestingly enough, one web site 420Attorney, an enterprising lawyer, reprinted my Nolan Chart column on the 10th Amendment without asking for my permission! Go figure.

AS IT STANDS...thank you to all of my readers, and I want you to know that I'm having fun and I hope you are too!

No economic downfall for beer

No matter how bad things get, Americans are still swilling their brew. Experts say half of the booze sold in this country is beer, making it the leader in alcohol sales.

Surveys show that beer sales haven't gone flat in this down economy. "It's really a consumer staple kind of industry," said Dan Ahrens, author of the book "Investing in Vice." He put it on par with toothpaste and soap. "People gotta drink no matter what's going on in the economy," Ahrens said in an interview with the Chicago Tribune today.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Feds violate 10th Amendment

Today in As It Stands - Times-Standard edition- I talk about a landmark ruling against the feds violating California's state rights in their pursuit to undermine The Compassionate Act of 1996 when medical marijuana was okayed.


This ruling took place on August 20th. So where was the mainstream media coverage on it?

Kentucky governor outraged at gas price gouging

Wasn't it just yesterday that President Bush assured us that there would be no price gouging in this country after hurricane Ike?

Reality sets in when Gov. Steve Beshear declared a state of emergency in Kentucky today saying, "I'm outraged at the voracious practice of price gouging!" Apparently the greed-meisters are out in full force, trying to make money off of people's suffering!

This is capitalism at it's worse.

No Limits on Imagination

It strikes like lightning. A spark that sets your mind on fire and ignites your spirit. The moment you allow your imagination to run free a...