Good Day World!
Once, or twice a year, I like to get away from all my social media sites, and go on a vacation.
A real low tech travel approach I find refreshing. My destinations vary, but all have one thing in common – no cell phone, computer, IPad, tv, or radio is allowed.
Imagine that for a moment. Could you do it?
It’s not easy. You have to prepare loved ones and friends for the fact that you’re going into the hermit mode for a week. Not totally hermit mode, however. I always take these breaks with my beautiful wife for 40 years, Shirley.
While you’re here, please explore the links on the right hand side of the page. I think you’ll find them amusing and even controversial.
I’ve been blogging since 2008, and am proud to say I just recently had my 5 millionth viewer! I’m humbled by the thousands who visit this blog daily. I enjoy sharing news and opinions with people. Guess it’s the journalist in me.
Speaking of sharing, here’s a couple of well-written articles on pot:
Medical Marijuana: the Myths and Realities
Groundbreaking Research Suggests Medical Marijuana Could Reduce Seizures In Children
If this is your first visit – welcome! If you’re a regular reader, then you know I’ll be back (God willing) in a week. Until then, “…may you have the wind at your back and a smooth path ahead.”
Time for me to walk on down the road…