Friday, February 5, 2016

Why 'Black Boxes' Are Orange & Why You Should Eat Orange Peels

Good Day World!

Do you ever wonder why some things are called what they are?

Take Black Boxes (Cockpit Voice Recorders) for example. They're actually orange, but the media always refers to them as Black Boxes. Why?

A little backround will help. Black Boxes were developed in Australia in the 1950s. The original version was painted black.

That may be the reason the media calls them that today. 

The name could also have it's origin in early engineering design philosophies, where boxes that contained electronic components were termed "Black Boxes.

The simple reason they're orange today is it makes them easier to find.

Speaking of oranges: quit throwing away those orange peels! 

Doctors recommend eating them because they're rich in flavonoids, like hesperidin and polymethoxyflavones (PMFs) and other phytochmicals, which are healthy.

But wait! That's not the whole story. 

Inaddition, orange peel contains higher amounts of certain nutrients than its flesh. For instance, 3.5 orange peel provides 136 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C, while the flesh contains about 71 mg.

Orange peel also contains considerable amounts of calcium, copper, magnesium, vitamin A, folate and other B vitamins and dietary fiber.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

#2016ElectionIn3Words - Describing This Year's Presidential Elections in 3 Words or Less

Good Day World!

I'm reaching out to every country in the world today to poll it's citizens on what they think about our presidential elections this year.

The only thing I ask is that when you give your opinion narrow your response down to three words, or less. 
I'm really looking forward to some interesting snapshots that sum up this year's elections in the eyes of the world. That includes Americans too of course!

Stop by my Twitter feed at @AsItStands63  with your reply, or leave your comments here at the end of this post
You can also reach me at 

The Hashtag is #2016ElectionIn3Words

I'm putting a one week timeline on this experiment. At the end of that time I'll share the results. It ought to be fun. I hope you take a moment to reply.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Great Idea! Eagles That Hunt Drones!

Good Day World!

I'm thinking about getting an Eagle to hunt drones. 

The Dutch have come up with a program that trains the raptors to attack drones!

I don't like drones, and that includes the one's that are now available to the general public. 
They represent another invasion of my privacy - a rapidly disappearing right thanks to Big Brother's Drones in America program.

Drones are also creating a new danger in the skies by interferring with planes taking off, or landing at airports, and fighting fires.
There were over 150 incidents last year involving drones flown by idiots who like to push the boundries of their new toys.

The Japanese have come up with an interesting program to chase down rogue drones - they have police drones equipped with nets to disable the perps.

The Federal Aviation Administration has come up with a drone registration program for operator accountability, but don't kid yourself; that won't solve the problem of nearly a million new drones sold last year with predictions of more being sold this year!

It's a damn invasion.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Two Subjects No Presidential Candidates Are Talking About And Why

Good Day World!

In this election cycle issues are being addressed, but upon close examination they're not the ones that really matter to most Americans.

Sadly, most of the issues are between the contenders themselves, with Donald Trump leading the way in the war of words. 
The contenders are too busy attacking each other to talk about what voters really want to hear.

There's two BIG issues unfolding that are apparently off the presidential contenders radar. 

The first one is Flint, Michigan, where residents have been poisoned in the name of saving money. Why? 

Because every one of the candidates is taking on sexier issues that please their contributors and PACS. They are all afraid of taking on America's crumbling infrastructure.

It will require a long term program across the country, and the commitment of millions of dollars to shore up the deteriorated pipes, weakened bridges, and endless miles of poor roads and potholes. 

The second issue none of the contenders want to talk about is the nation's gang problem. It gets worse every year. Take a look at Chicago which has become Murder City once again.

The nation's third largest city recorded 51 homicides in January, the highest toll for the month since 2000. Gang conflicts and retaliatory violence drove the increase according to the Chicago Police Department.

Every city in America has a gang problem. How scary is that? With all the talk about international terrorists and domestic terrorists, the gangs seem to slip past any meaningful conversations or solutions.

Check this out: The Countdown for the Top 30 Murder Capitals of America

And what do the presidential candidates talk about?

Emails, birther accusations, and a laundry list of political gossip with plenty of rude language, and hateful suggestions against certain segments of Americans.

The bottom line: lot's of rhetoric about making America Great Again, even as we sink into a polarized political quagmire with puppet politicians running for president. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, February 1, 2016

Why I'm Not Voting in This Year's Presidential Election

                                   Good Day World!

The first time I exercised my right to vote was in 1976. I picked Gerald Ford (Republican). He lost to Jimmy Carter.

During an interview with CNN's Piers Morgan (2013), former president Jimmy Carter made a striking claim about how presidential campaigns have changed since he ran against Gerald Ford.

"When I ran against incumbent Gerald Ford, you know how much money we raised? None." (via POLITIFACT).

Contrast that with what presidential candidates are raising today through a variety of legal, covert, and barely legal PACs.

When Citizen's United opened up the flood gates of campaign donations from corporations it changed the way campaigns were run forever.

We're watching the outright buying of the presidency and there's not a thing we can do about it.
As if that's not bad enough, there isn't one good strong candidate running for the position.

As a Vietnam veteran who fought for the right to vote, I've always cast my ballot for who I hoped would be the best leader for the country.

I've voted for Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, over the years. First, and foremost, I never voted for any partisan brand, but for the person who I really believed would make the next best commander-in-chief.

This presidential election doesn't offer anyone I would even begin to think about voting for: Democrat, Republican, or Independent.

I'm left without a choice. I'm not voting for the first time since I've been old enough to step into a voting booth.

I wonder how many people feel like I do? 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, January 31, 2016

How Can We Make the Anger Go Away?

Good Day World!

There's a lot of anger going around our country these days.
(free image via Pixaby)

America the Pissed-Off should be our new motto (forget that United We Stand stuff - nothing could be further from the truth!).

The middle class is terrified because traditional jobs are disappearing. The natural resource exploration industries - oil, gas, timber, and ranching are all experiencing tough times.

Automation has taken away most of the manufacturing jobs that have boosted the middle class since the 1950s. Computers are changing everything that we use to do - like going to a store to shop: people shop online now.

Demographics are changing and whites are no longer a majority. All of these things, and more, are contributing to the anger that is so prevalent in our society.

Fear is the real enemy. It turns good people into extremists who dominate our politics and other issues in our lives.

We have to stop acting like children and learn to play nice. Polarization on nearly every major issue cannot be sustained much longer.

Our infrastructure is crumbling. Our education system is deplorable. Morals and ethics are seen as weaknesses.

You get the point. As simplistic as this may sound, we just have to learn how to compromise in all things. 

Throw in a few little things like encouraging our children to show respect to others and not be bullies, and I think it would go a long way.

As far as making the public anger go away, that can only be achieved by positive solutions for the workforce and ending our political gridlock through honest compromise.

Time for me to walk on down the road....

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Why Wile E. Coyote Never Caught Up To The Road Runner

Good Day World!

What's come over the coyotes in Marin County, California?

Locals describe nighttime drivers stopping on the twisting highway because coyotes were staring them down and acting like they were going to attack.

The curiously hyper-coyotes were coming close to cars, but turning away at the last moment; howling insanely while dashing off into the night.


1) They are stoned on hallucinogenic mushrooms that grow in the area and are on vision quests to interact with people driving cars. (my favorite)

2) People have been feeding the coyotes from their cars, which is never a good idea for several reasons.

One of my favorite cartoon characters, Wile E. Coyote, always looked like he was loaded (at least he did to me!).

Now, I know why he never could catch up to the Road Runner. He lived in Marin County and his inventions were dreamed up after eating some magic mushrooms! 

It explains a lot.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, January 29, 2016

Recognizing The Power of Breasts

Good Day World!

Men love women's breasts.

I know that's a broad (no pun intended) statement, but I'm standing by it.

A tour through history books highlights how breasts were featured in the arts and literature of all the great civilizations.
Boobs are worshipped on a daily basis in the mainstream media and social media today.


Perhaps one of the most unique way of protesting inequalities in society today is flashing one's breasts in public to make a point (again, no pun intended).

Two quick examples:

* Topless women greeted Iran's leader Rohani when he came to Paris (1/28) to negotiate trading with the government.

What I really found amusing about exposing Rohani's pure eyes to those naked breasts, is that the French really went out of their way to keep him from seeing them by covering up works of art - statues, paintings., - in museums and on the streets.

Rohani finds boobs that offensive. What do you want to bet his mother didn't breast feed him?

* Last fall there was a topless protest in Canada. Women were demanding the right to bare their breasts in public (Warning *Explicit). 

Most men, like myself, think breasts are beautiful. Here are 8 awesome and interesting things to know about boobs.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Takeaway from Trump's Tantrum: Real World vs Reality TV - Things Get Messy

                                  Good Day World!

If it were an episode of The Apprentice Donald Trump could fire Megyn Kelly and gain total control of the Republican debate on Fox News tonight.

But it's not. This is the real world and Trump is either going to have to answer serious questions at some point in his campaign or he's going to lose the presidential game.

Trump's refusal to appear in the debate is reminiscent of a angry, spoiled little rich boy not getting his way and taking his ball and going home.

He's afraid of Megyn Kelly and what she may ask him. Imagine that. The man who says he can deal with Putin doesn't want to be put on the spot by a conservative news reporter.  

That's because Trump fears substance. It scares the hell out of him. Pin him down on how he's going to build the "Great Wall Between the US and Mexico" and he'll tell you the Mexican government will pay for it.

How realistic is that response? It's something he could have gotten away with in an episode of The Apprentice, but not in the real world.

Meanwhile Ted Cruz, Trump's closest tormentor, used the hashtag #DuckingDonald to make fun of Trump for ducking out of the debate and tweeted a mocked-up picture of Trump's head on Donald Duck's body sitting on a pile of money.

There's at least one Republican presidential candidate who suspects it's all theater and Trump will show up at the last moment.

Jeb Bush claims to have put a $20 bet on Trump making a dramatic (what else for an entertainer?) appearance at the debate at the 11th hour.

Perhaps he will. Trump is a narcissistic showman who doesn't like being left out of any limelight. Eleven million (predicted) viewers is a big audience.

However, I'll put my money on Trump following through with his own controlled "charity" event and thumbing his nose at FOX and the real world!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Political Documentary I'd like to See: 'Bring in the Clowns!'

Good Day World!

Heres a documentary that I'd like to see:

Title: Bring in the Clowns
An independent documentary on the 2016 Campaign for President of the United States. Every candidate will be scrutinized like never before.

Stripped of party politics in the production, the producers carefully fact-check every claim made by the candidates when they speak to audiences.

The documentary will strip away the clown makeup voters normally see, and force the candidates to address important issues like rebuilding America's infrastructure, instead of relying on demagoguery.

After watching Donald Trump campaign I think most Americans would really like to see this documentary.

I'll go one step further and even suggest that the majority of Americans would like a political system as detailed in Bring On The Clowns.      

Meanwhile I'll leave you with another political story that would make a good reality show, but has been made into a documentary:

Ulta-Juicy Revelations from the Anthony Weiner Documentary

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Viral Videos: It's Insane What Entertains People These Days

Hello World!

When millions of people tune in to a video of a brick in a washing machine on a trampoline, you know how crazy the new cool is.

There's no other explanation.

When over 10 million people checking out a video of a guy covered in ice cream extolling the merits of the desert, you have to wonder about their IQ.

I strongly suspect that Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, is gaining his followers among this group of viral viewers.

Trump followers watch viral videos like "Your Eyes Are Stupid" and "True Facts About The Dung Beetle" (slinging shit is a real favorite pastime with this group).

Here's a list of the Top 10 Viral Videos of all time.

What passes for entertainment in the 21st century seems pretty strange to me with my 20th century values. Let's put it this way;

When I was a teenager if someone would have seen me watching a short movie about a washing machine jumping on a trampoline they would have called the guys in the white coats!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, January 25, 2016

Nightmare #9: Bad Vibrations

Good Day World!

I had a weird nightmare the other night about wearable technology.

I was riding a Hoverboard and checking my Garmin Vivosmart HR Activity Tracker - a wrist watch to monitor my daily activity, when something surprising happened!

My brand new Smart Yoga Workout Pants began vibrating in the wrong places!

I was wearing them so they would track my body's movements and use haptic feedback (vibrations on the skin) to maintain a proper yoga pose while riding on my Hoverboard.


Have you who have heard of vibrating underwear for lovers

Something terrible must have happened with my Yoga Pants because they were acting like vibrating underwear for lovers and driving me crazy!

Worse yet...I didn't know who was on the other end of the remote vibrator! 

Of course I was out in public and people were staring at me as I writhed down the street, when my Hoverboard suddenly caught fire!

Luckily, I had my Smart Ring connected to my Bluetooth and was able to call for emergency tech help at both the Yoga Pants Center, and local Fire Department.

Translation of my dream: I think I'm wary of modern technology...

related: Sex Wearables Go Where Fitbit Dares Not Tread

 Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, January 24, 2016

We Live in Fertile Times: Create You Own Cult

Good Day World!

There's never been a better time to start you own cult.

The dumbing down of America is complete.

(Illustration - Google images via The Atlantic)  

We have a bigger cross section of dumb people to select from now than ever before (318.9 million). 

Perfect example; look at Donald Trump's followers. I know it's not pretty, but if you look at the demographics the picture is clear: under-educated and older White Americans who are feeling disenfranchised. 

Trump's slogan. "Making American Great Again" appeals to a paranoid and angry group who want to turn the clock back to the so-called good old days in the 1950's and 1960s.

How about ISIS (or Daesh as they hate to be called?) It's one cult that borders between religion and political agendas.

There are others that fit the foreign and domestic terrorist category.
The armed, and militant, right-wing loonybirds at an Oregon bird sanctuary are holding taxpayer land hostage to further their own personal aims under the guise of helping others.

Religious cults are more common in this country. Some say Mormons are on the cusp of being a religious cult. The armed occupiers of the Oregon bird sanctuary building (BLM property) are led by a group of Mormons (the Bundys), which does play into that narrative. 

A political cult's primary interest is in furthering a certain ideology, mostly advocating a far-left or far right agenda. 
A good book on this subject is:
"On The Edge: Political Cults Right and Left," by Dennis Tourish and Tim Wohlforth

I see the signs everywhere. We live in a fertile time for paranoids of all ilks. Thanks to the Internet, cults can flourish like never before. It's no longer a real challenge to brainwash most of the public today.

Too many are waiting for the next messiah. Be it a president of the United States leading us to world domination, or the next mindless megalomaniac claiming to be Jesus, the country waits...and watches.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Sex Needs a New Metaphor for the 21st Century

Good Day World!

Sex needs a new metaphor.

Baseball is so yesterday.

"Getting to first base, scoring, ...if there's grass on the field play ball, etc., just don't epitomize the world we live in now.

So what does?

How about Mixed Martial Arts? It sounds sexy.

"...she tapped out when he put her in a Full Frontal Nelson."


"He had Back Control and she was ready to submit."


"Their naked Ground and Pound Game left the audience speechless with lust!"

Other MMA terms just waiting for sexual usage:

The Mount (no, really it's an MMA move) Side Control, the Sprawl, and my favorite, the Triangle.

Honorable mention: Takedown

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Friday, January 22, 2016

If You're a Female You Don't Want to Live in This Country!

Good Day World!

Women are marginalized all over the world.

But there's one country that stands out more than any other when it comes to women being killed, raped and harassed daily.

"Things are very gloomy for women, and it's getting worse," activist and campaigner Wazhma Frogh told NBC News .

Last spring this story broke:

Farkhunda murder: Afghan Judge jails 11 Cops Over Slaying 

The brutal attack against 27-year old Farkhunda, a religious scholar, prompted a protest movement -#JusticeForFarkhunda

According to Afghanistan's Women Peace and Security Research Institute, criminality and violence are the heart of the problem.

The real sad part is women got a positive boost from the American occupation and that's rapidly deteriorating as we withdraw our troops.

The country with the highest rates of domestic abuse is only going to get worse. Check this link out:

Afghanistan: No Country for Women

It seems females only chance for leading a better life is to leave Afghanistan. 
For all I know there's already an underground movement to help women escape from their tormentors.

If there is, I wish them the very best.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Litagation Gone Wild: Cases That Should Never Have Been Filed

Good Day World!

It happens all the time.

Somewhere in the USA, someone files a frivolous lawsuit and makes a mockery of our justice system.

Recently, an ex-Taco Bell executive from Southern California assaulted an Uber driver in Newport Beach, and is now suing the driver for $5 million dollars!

Benjamin Golden was drunk when Edward Caban picked him up. There's a viral video that shows Golden attacking Caban throughout the trip.

If that isn't enough to make you smack your head in disbelief, how about this story?

Lambert's Cafe, who proudly bills itself as the "Home of Throwed Rolls," is being sued by a woman for severe eye, head, and neck injuries resulting from one of these tossed baked goods. 

The Sikeston, Mo., based chain is known for serving huge portions of Southern, home-cooked favorites, but the airborn delivery of fresh, large, pillowy-soft rolls, then topped with apple butter, molasses or honey, is what truly makes the restaurant unique.

According to a story in USA Today, Troy Tucker claims she suffered "severe and permanent" personal injuries to the neck and eyes as a result of one of these rolls. 
She's seeking an award of at least $25,000 to pay for medical bills and legal fees (her shyster lawyer must be paid you know.)

This is the 2015 version of the now infamous Liebeck v. McDonald's suit where Liebeck was awarded nearly three million dollars for spilling hot coffee on herself (it was later reduced to $500,000).

It remains to be seen if Tucker will make a sucker of the legal system...once again.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Part Three: Bob the Cat's Great Adventure and New Life

Good Day World!

Thanks for coming back for the conclusion of Bob the Cat's story.

They said he couldn't be adopted. That he was feral. It didn't help when we brought Bob back in the airplane and he went nuts! 

For a brief time, I imagined the plane having to make an emergency stop because Bob broke loose and was rampaging through the cabin.

Didn't happen.

When we finally got home Bob was slowly awakening. We had prepared a place for him in our walk-in closet so he wouldn't be overwhelmed by our two cats and pug, Molly.

We'd take turns going in and just petting him. As the weeks turned to months he started to venture out and was showing us the sweet side that was concealed inside.

After just a few months he became friends with the rest of the animals and shared food and a cat box with them. One of our cats, Oliver, is blind and Bob has attached himself to him and is now his faithful sidekick.

Bob has a funny little cry, almost a chirp. We believe he has a lot of Maine Coon in him. He's only two years old, and Maine Coons keep growing until they're around five.

He's a husky boy and outweighs both Oliver and our other cat Tom. But he's so passive with them all it's amazing. He really has a sweet nature. He just needed a chance.

Bob's transformation has been miraculous. I guess it just shows the power of love. He totally trusts us to pick him up now and is very much part of our family.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Part Two: Bob the Cat's Great Adventure and New Life

Good Day World!

Glad to see you back to find out what happened to Bob the Cat.

As you recall, Bob, my wife Shirley, and I were 30,000 feet in the sky when things started going bad.

The brand new, highly recommended, cat carrier was losing the battle because Bob was clawing and biting his way though it!
The carrier was located in front of her and beneath the passenger in front.

She used her foot - out of reflex she said afterward - to plug the growing gap. Mistake! Bob bit her big toe! She reached down with both hands and squeezed the carrier together, temporarily stemming the attack.

Visions of a wild cat breaking loose and attacking passengers danced in my head as I cowered in my seat helplessly watching the drama unfold.

The carrier was bouncing steadily now as an infuriated Bob attempted to tear through at another place. With options running out, Shirley pulled the carrier out while holding it upside down and together, and headed for the rear of the plane.

A couple of stewardesses sitting in the rear watched her in awe. They could see she was containing a violent little animal and coming their way.


For the record, we got sleeping tablets from the veterinarian and gave him one before we left. It obviously wasn't enough.

By this time Bob had bitten two of Shirley's fingers and clawed her hands. She managed to get inside the bathroom and pulled out another sleeping pill.

Somehow, I'll never know how, but she managed to get that pill down Bob's throat. Holding the thrashing carrier in front of her she stepped outside and was greeted by two worried stewardesses.

They provided band aids and a cardboard carrying tray to hold against the biggest gap in the carrier. When we got back the passenger that was next to Shirley had moved (smart man).

Now it was just a matter of time - we hoped - before the second pill would calm him down. Meanwhile he thrashed around like a demon and cursed the human race!

About 30 minutes later we began our assent to Portland international Airport. Bob was resting quietly when we landed.

We had one more flight ahead of us to go to Medford Airport. Instead of a short wait it turned out we missed our connecting flight and ended up having to spend the night there.

Sitting in chairs. Lying on the floor. A temporary moment of panic when Bob came to and the carrier came to life! Shirley took out another sleeping pill and managed to get it past Bob's fangs. 

In the next post we take Bob home. Find out what happened and his current status in Part Three. Read yesterday's post for backround.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Part One: Bob the Cat's Amazing Adventure and New Life

Good Day World!

His name is Bob (photo).

They said he was un-adoptable at the cat sanctuary because he would go ballistic if you tried to pick him up.

Tales of his aversion to being touched were passed on to visitors. Some said he was feral. 

Bob's chances of adoption were so poor that management was even considering turning him loose in the streets because of the need for more space.

Then Bob's luck changed. His story got to me via my sister Linda. She already had three cats, and didn't want a fourth one, but she wanted to rescue Bob.

Linda called me and pointed out (quite rightly) that I only had two cats, and that I would be saving Bob's life.

I live in Oregon. Linda lives in Southern California. So I flew down with my wife, Shirley, and we got all the necessary paperwork to allow Bob to fly back with us from a veterinarian.

We bought a cat carrier and Shirley picked Bob up with no problems. She talked to him for a moment then put him in the carrier.

This was a surprise after hearing how crazy he was capable of being. Things went first. 

We arrived at the airport with Bob in tow, and passed through security. At one point Shirley had to take Bob out of the carrier so they could inspect it for a bomb.

Then she had her photo taken by a PR person from the airline who said they may use it to show how pet-friendly they are.

We boarded the plane with no incident. Five minutes after take-off the terror started! 

Somehow, Bob had chewed away a corner of the brand new carrier - situated beneath the seat - and a desperate paw was swatting at Shirley's feet!


Time for me to walk on down the road...

Whose Justice? The Interruption Changes from State to State

It just depends on what state you're in these days whether you have a chance of getting justice in the courts. If you are in Texas, it...