Sunday, January 17, 2021

Parting Observations About Trump Leaving the White House

Parting will be such a pleasure... 

watching Trump being trotted out (thrown out, drug out forcibly, violently expelled, or escorted by a police dog pulling on a leash around his neck) from the White House next Wednesday.

It's a miracle democracy survived four years of Trump's best efforts to destroy it. 

His constant discrediting of science led us to where we are in the COVID-19 battle - the MOST CASES IN THE WORLD.

Americans are now looking to Biden for a coordinated plan to help ALL THE STATES (not Red or Blue states) administer a rapid and safe vaccine infrastructure.

After January 20th 

at noon, Trump is OPEN GAME for hundreds of lawsuits, including a felony charge from the New York AG of cheating the IRS.

I'm amused at watching Trump minions jump ship as he belly flops his final days away feeling sorry for himself.

I just received an alert that there's a video of Trump being dragged from The White House... early?

Good Riddance Diaper Don! 

America isn't going to miss you a bit. Okay. With the exception of the hardened cult followers who've been forced to retreat to their caves and parents basements because Big Tech got tired of their lies and pulled their hate platforms.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

A Parody: Where The Trump Trolls Are

After the major social media platforms booted out crazed Trump supporters for their seditious acts, they've been scrambling for hidey holes on the internet.

Trump's online minions have retreated to obscure extremist platforms that most people aren't even aware of. Using encrypted chat sites the demoralized traitors are treading water, hoping for better days ahead.

I can't help seeing some humor in the right-wing exodus. For example, here's a brief parody of the Connie Francis hit song "Where the Boys Are."

Where The Trolls Are

"Where the trolls are, someone waits for me

Trump's orange face, his slimy embrace, and tiny hands shaking me tenderly

Where the trolls are, my master Trump will be

He's walking down Pennsylvania Avenue and I know he's looking for me

in the crowd of thousands, I'll find my valentine

And then I'll climb to the Capitol Building and tell the world he's mine."

It's been said that humor is the best medicine. I hope this little dose helps make your day.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Truth and Consequences? Was the Coup Attempt an Inside Job?

Notorious Gaslighter Matt Gaetz is one of the Republicans who aided and abetted Trump's BIG LIE about the election. House GOP members are being investigated about their roll in the assault on the Capitol.

As evidence grows
of inside assistance to rioters on Jan. 6th, the DOJ says it's looking at everything - including collusion with Capitol Police and possibly some GOP lawmakers.

Was it an inside job? I wonder if we'll ever know the truth? Accusations that lawmakers gave reconnaissance tours on Jan. 5th have surfaced and are being investigated.

According to Representative Mikie Sherrill (NJ),  she saw the tours and was suspicious because no tours had been allowed in the Capitol since March 2020. About 30 others members of Congress have joined Sherrill in demanding an investigation.

Representative Tim Ryan (Ohio) said lawmakers were aware of the tours but are now looking at them in a different light.

If, in fact, Republican Congressmen did give tours to acquaint Trump supporters with the building, it would be as big a scandal as the coup itself.

Because convicting lawmakers would be such a breech in Congress, I seriously doubt any of those GOP enablers will get in trouble.

More than one investigation dealing with the possibility of inside help is being conducted.

The Government Accountability Office is just the latest to signal an investigation that will include the roles that members of Congress may have played in inciting the mob to overturn the results of the election.

"To the extent there were members of the House that were complicit, and I believe there were, we will pursue appropriate remedies including expulsion and a prohibition from holding elected office for the rest of their lives," said the comptroller general who is part of the agency.

All I can say, is seeing is believing. Color me skeptical that any lawmakers will pay the price for inciting an assault on "The People's House."

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Party of No Responsibility is Facing Consequences for Ignoring the Truth

After Trump's coup attempt last week the party of so-called "personal responsibility" is calling for unity.

Republicans who've been drinking orange Trump Aid have suddenly found themselves in the doghouse with the majority of Americans.

After stroking the fires of sedition GOP lawmakers want us to forget their dirty deeds and to move on.

No one knows the exact amount of Americans who've died as a result of being exposed to anti-maskers, but it must be in the thousands. If not the ten-thousands.

It, the resistance to reality, was fomented by GOP lawmakers in both houses since the pandemic broke out last year.

The most recent example happened when rabid Trump followers assaulted the Capitol building.

While sheltering from the attack six Republicans refused to wear their face masks and mocked Rep. Lisa Blunt who tried to give them masks as they huddled in a small room.

Here's the lineup of idiots who exposed their Democratic colleges to COVID-19: (Three have already come down with the virus.)

Reps. Markwayne Mullin (Oklahoma), Marjorie Taylor Green (aka QAnon moron from Georgia), Andy Biggs (Arizona), Michael Cloud (Texas) Doug LaMalfa (California) and Scott Perry (Pennsylvania).

When confronted about their actions Green's office said, "She does not believe a healthy adult who tested negative a week ago should be forced to wear a mask."

The sheer idiocy in this statement is only superseded by the harm people like Green have done thus far.

Republicans who have played Trump's game of avoiding reality sent (and are sending) a dangerous message to the American public.

If we ever want to recover from the twin disasters - a pandemic and an insurrection - we need to hold the wrongdoers accountable.

Trump has been impeached for a second time. Now it's time to root out his enablers - who are still threatening our democracy within days of a presidential inauguration.

The anti-maskers don't care about who they expose to the virus. They are enemies of this republic. Plain and simple.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Impeachment 2.0: House Votes to Impeach Trump


One impeachment wasn't enough for Trump.

His poisonous presidency demanded two Congressional rebukes.

Once again Trump is making history in the wrong way. No American president has ever been impeached twice.

It's only fitting. For the first time Republicans are distancing themselves from Trump. Mitch McConnell has let it be known he's pleased Trump is being impeached.

10 House Republicans, including Liz Cheney, voted to impeach their flawed leader. 

However, there's still Republicans in the House and Senate that don't want Trump impeached for a variety of weak reasons. The main one being they're afraid of Trump and his rabid followers.

As I listened to the procedures this morning it's apparent those stubborn GOP stooges are seizing on a false flag argument claiming it'll do more harm than good to impeach Trump's ass.

The cult of Trump runs deep as we hear stories of even police and fireman joining the assault on our capitol.

The toxic legacy of Trumpism is going to take a long time to overcome. He came close to destroying our democracy. The very least Congress can do is to impeach him... again.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Trump's Last Stand at The Alamo

Ever the showman, Trump is staging a symbolic last stand at Alamo, Texas, near the border today.

The White House says he's going there to mark the completion of 450 miles of wall. 

Just to be clear, the stated goal in 2017 was to construct a wall that stretches 738 miles. The majority of the 450 miles was replacing old, dilapidated barriers.

His rabid followers will see this as a mission completed by their lord and master. The rest of the country will view this visit as a last ditch effort at rallying his dark forces to commit further chaos.

In these waning days of his presidency Trump is pushing federal agencies to obligate funds available for the wall regardless of whether land has been obtained for construction.

These last minute shots against the Biden administration are designed to tie up funds and make the transition more difficult.

Diaper Don is determined to cause as much havoc as possible before being vacated from the White House.

There's little doubt in my mind that both Trump minions and detractors will face off in a tense situation. Let's hope it doesn't end in violence.

Monday, January 11, 2021

After 4 Years of Abusing His Power With No Consequences Will Trump Go Unpunished For His Coup Attempt?

Trump's attempt to seize power last week was one of the darkest moments in American history.

The shock of a sitting American president inciting a murderous mob to kill lawmakers in the Capitol building is something that's not going to go away for a generation of Americans.

The unthinkable happened. For a moment democracy was on the verge of destruction.

As citizens and politicians of all stripes scramble to make sense of how it happened, there is one thing that stands out to me; Trump may go unpunished for inciting sedition.

I know. Right now righteous anger seems like it'll lead to making Trump accountable for the first time in his failed presidency.

But don't bet on it

This morning House Republicans blocked an attempt to encourage Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment. This is the first visible sign that Trump's Republican enablers are still willing to defend him, despite the enormity of his crime.

Let's face it; Trump has shaken off an impeachment attempt and even raised money from it for his re-election campaign.

The list of the laws and norms Trump has broken is too long to recite here. If you lived in this country during those four years you know what they are.

I'm hearing talk about impeaching him, which will probably be voted on Wednesday, but even this move is fraught with danger.

Democrats are concerned that Biden's agenda for the first 100 days is going to be entangled - and slowed down - trying to convict Trump in the Senate.

At this point I don't know how this is going to roll out. I'm hoping Trump gets held accountable - but I'm not holding my breath.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Trumpist Insurrection is far From Over Authorities Warn

The attempt to take over our democracy is not over for fringe Trump supporters and their domestic terrorist allies.

In fact, more assaults on government buildings across the nation and the Capitol in Washington DC, are being planned as I write this.

Authorities are warning Americans about the open threats of violence from small and large groups of fringe Trumpists and their allies.

These insurrectionists have activities planned right up until January 20th when they're having a "Million Militia March."

On January 17th a secondary attack against the US Capitol and state buildings is planned with the intent "to inspire others to replicate the violent acts that took place on January 6th.

On January 19th organizers are having an "Armed March on All State Capitols." A post about the event in Pittsburg included pictures of stockpiles of ammunition.

The traitors organizing these activities believe that there's not enough law enforcement to deploy everywhere.

I say they're dead wrong. Every state has a national guard and governors won't hesitate to employ them if necessary.

America is not going to be taken over by thugs, conspiracy nuts, right-wing militias, and corrupt Republican lawmakers.

I expect that message will be telegraphed in the days ahead.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Twitter Boss Jack Dorsey Should Be Charged With Aiding and Abetting Trump's Insurrection

It's time Jack Dorsey, Twitter's chief executive, should pay a price for allowing Trump to bypass mainstream media, and viciously lie repeatedly during the last four years.

Dorsey's disregard of truth is inexcusable. No matter what his lame response has been for allowing Trump to pollute America, it simply doesn't hold water.

Just look at Dorsey's response to Trump's treasonous action that put all of the members of Congress in harms way - he suspended Trump's account for 12 hours.

JUST 12 HOURS! Other media platforms, like Facebook, are banning Trump indefinitely.

One of the reasons the riot was so successful was that Twitter allowed Trump and others to "call for action" which resulted in and armed assault against lawmakers in the nation's capitol.

Because Trump was never called out by Twitter (until very recently) his actions became more dangerous with every passing month.

Trump unfettered became more aggressive with the passage of time until he got to the place where he convinced his followers to assault the rule of law with impunity.

Here's what really pisses me off about Dorsey; he's allowed Trump to violate Twitter rules because Trump was "newsworthy."


Now millions of Americans believe the 2020 election was stolen because Trump said so, making Dorsey accountable for the armed insurrection.

Everyone is watching Trump closely now. The Pentagon is in the process of protecting the nuclear codes against our unhinged president as I write this.

Let's not forget about Jack Dorsey's complicity in this sad state of affairs. He failed to help prevent future attacks against our democracy.

He needs to be held liable, and made an example of. There's enough traitors in the country enabling Trump without Dorsey stirring the pot.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Here's a Change of Pace: The Polis Chronicles

Just for the fun of it... I culled The Polis Files from my fiction blog - It's a futuristic trilogy.

Book One: 

Post Mortem Party

Polis sat on a bench and watched the frothy tide recede leaving tons of plastics and other pollutants in it's crimson wake. A three-legged man awkwardly scuttled along on mountains of trash that were once sandy beaches as far as the eye could see. His bald head and upper body were red from exposure to the harsh sun, and his three legs gave the illusion he was a crab searching for food.

Read the rest here

Book Two

The Legend

The gathering around the campfire was diverse and grotesque. They were mutants whose parents survived the nuclear war of 2057. Their grotesque bodies had extra limbs. Some with no limbs that looked more like worms than humans. Their tortured flesh were portraits of nightmares yet undreamed. Some with heads of animals long extinct. Blank faces with only mouths. Some exceptionally tall, and others stunted dwarfs a mere three-feet in height. Some of the odd company had horns, and or, tails.

Read the rest here


Ludi's three eyes watered under the bright sun. His tall slim body was protected from the brutal rays under a cloak with a hood. He was getting old. Mutants seldom lived more than 30 years - he was going on 60.

Ludi looked out at the assembled crowd before him. They were twisted versions of human beings. Children whose parents were exposed to the radioactive fallout from the nuclear war of 2057. Hundreds were sitting and standing around him in a semi-circle in what was once an outdoor stadium. Most of the concrete seats were covered in heavy vegetation. Their voices were humming in the scorching heat when he raised his long arms up and called for their attention.

Read the rest here

I hope you enjoy this fictional change of pace from my usual opinion post. It's an experiment. Variety is the spice of life... they say.

Trump Incited Mob to Assault Capitol: 4 Dead During Coup Attempt

                  Enough is enough!

No more coddling the wannabe dictator squatting in the White House trying to overthrow our government.

His coup attempt yesterday demands action.

Newspaper around the world reacted in horror with headlines like ANARCHY in America, and TRUMP SUPPORTERS DEFILE DEMOCRACY.

How bad was it?

The attack by Trump followers was a stunning display of insurrection. It was also the first time the U.S. Capitol had been overrun since the British attacked and burned the building in August of 1814, during the war of 1812.

Both Republicans and Democrat were exploring means of stopping any further damage by Trump by invoking the 25th Amendment, or impeachment last night.

It's still unclear how far that talks will go. 

Maybe this time Senate Republicans will stand up to the sociopath who they should have indicted for abuse of power in February of 2020.

Early reports this morning say that four people died; one was shot after Trump supporters breached the Capitol Building, and the other three suffered "separate medical emergencies that resulted in death" connected to the riot.

More than 52 people have been arrested but the FBI is still searching for participants and asking the public to identify attackers. The FBI's digital experts spent the night watching surveillance videos to match faces with social media posts.

This morning there was a confirmation that pipe bombs were found at the headquarters for the DNC,RNC and grounds of the Capitol building.

While it was a dark day for America, Congress still did it's job and confirmed the electoral votes that made Joe Biden our next president.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...