Thursday, October 15, 2020

Trump Conspiracy Theories Debunked: Campaign Left With Super Spreader Rallies To Keep the Lies Alive

Pandemic Diary - Day 213

Dear Diary,

The only reason Rudy Giuliani hasn't been committed to a mental institution or a prison yet is his longtime ties with Trump.

Operating safely in the Trump alternate universe, Rudy comes out and claims - a couple of days ago - that he's gotten ahold of a secret email that is damning for Joe and Hunter Biden.

It's notable that the New York Post - a replica of that sensational rag The National Inquirer ran the story claiming Hunter attempted to leverage his father's position to help his business interest.

The problem was there was no such damning email. It was a lie, just like the narrative the GOP has been pursuing for over a year.

Oh yeah! The NY Post forgot to mention that Rudy was working with "an active Russian" agent to obtain dirt on the Biden's.

But the bigly bust for Trump and his minions was Barr was unable to conjure up an October Surprise with dirt on Obama and Biden spying on his 2016 campaign.

It was a conspiracy theory that Fox News portrayed as one of the greatest - if not the greatest - scandals in American history.

Fox hosts fumbled over each other in reporting how demonic the democrats were, with descriptions like this:

Tucker Carlson - "It's a domestic spying operation that was hidden under the pretext of national security."

Referring to democrats, Laura Ingraham gleefully told her viewers, "They've been exposed!

Sean Hannity flatly described it as, "the biggest abuse of power, corruption scandal the country has ever seen."

This week the lame theory collapsed when The Washington Post reported that a Justice Department investigation into the supposed scandal ended with no charges.

Barr did not go public with the results. If not for The Washington Post, the results may have been concealed for a while longer.

To add insult to injury, Barr's "unmasking investigation" against the FBI's investigation on Michael Flynn was a BIG DUD. No one charged.

As expected, the news went off like a bomb in the Fox newsrooms where those phony conspiracy theories kept up their ratings for the last four years. 

One shouldn't be surprised that Trump (when he got the news) shrugged his shoulders and continued to keep that - and other conspiracies' - alive during his super spreader rally tour.

Our reality show president knows his season is being cancelled in a matter of a few weeks when voters drive him - and his minions - out of the White House like vermin.

Until then, the show must go on. Regardless of the lives that will be lost.

Quote for the Day: "'I don't know' is how I reply to people with conspiracy theories about the coronavirus. This avoids going down their rabbit hole." -Rupert Wolfe-Murray

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Race for an October Surprise Intensifies as Trump Becomes More Desperate

 Pandemic Diary - Day 213

Dear Diary,

With 20 days left before election day, Team Trump is looking for an 11th hour reprieve to steal a victory from what looks like a sure Biden win.

Trump toadie, AG Bill Barr, has been dangling the possibility of a bombshell report with criminal charges against certain FBI members involved in the origins of the Trump-Russia probe in 2016.

Trump has been hoping the "John Durham report" instigated by Barr and based upon conspiracy theories, was going to be an October surprise in his favor.

To Trump's disgust Barr told top Republican officials the report won't be ready before election day resulting in a nightmare scenario for those Republicans who have been counting on the report to demonize the Obama administration.

Meanwhile, Trump is turning over every stone to get his much-needed boost in the waning days of the campaign. 

Having a vaccine before Nov. 3rd is currently tops on his list of schemes to save the day. Frankly, I doubt it will make any difference with 50 percent of Americans skeptical about vaccines right now.

Next-in-line would be his push to get the experimental cocktail that he received at Walter Reed hospital approved, claiming it was a cure.

Medical experts have pointed out the treatment has not been approved for the general public, is still being tested, and it's a therapeutic... not a cure.

Despite being fact-checked by twitter for lying about the treatment being a cure, he plugs it at every rally now.

The treatment could actually be approved as a therapeutic in early November, according to some healthcare experts who are aware of the pressure the White House is exerting to get an early release of the product.

Time is running out for Trump's October surprise. Over 12 million Americans have already cast their votes and millions more are expected to vote prior to Nov. 3rd.

That doesn't mean, however, Trump won't come up with something in the following days. He's still commander-in-chief and could always try a "wag the dog" tactic in the trenches.

Quote for the Day: "Nowadays most men lead lives of noisy desperation." -James Thurber

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

What Do Americans Fear the Most? The Pandemic, or Getting a Fair Election?


Pandemic Diary - Day 212

Dear Diary,

What do Americans fear more? 

The COVID crisis, or having a fair election in November?

On one hand, it would seem to be a no-brainer; the pandemic that's infected over 7.8 million Americans and killed over 219,000, is a damn good reason to feel fear.

Especially because it's still raging out of control across the nation. The patchwork of protections in each state is failing because of economic and political reasons. Not to mention total lack of leadership from the White House.

But there's something else Americans fear; our democracy is at stake in this election. The far-reaching implications of having an authoritarian government is terrifying.

Because Trump is losing the election, by all counts, he's doing everything it takes to suppress voters from going to the polls, or at the polls by calling on his "Trump's Army" to intimidate people at the polls.

His end gambit could very well be to defy the results by going to the courts to contest them, and refusing to step down in an orderly transition.

By pushing though the confirmation of Amy Barrett, Trump's hoping a contested election will go before the Supreme Court where he'll have another appointed stooge to back his power grab.

This same new judge will likely make it a majority to overturn Obamacare and leave millions of Americans with no insurance for pre-existing conditions.

It would be a death sentence. In the long run more people could die from that reversal than the coronavirus where at least there's a real chance of having a vaccine and containing the pandemic.

I suppose one could argue that the two are entwined. Fear to vote in person because of the virus and intimidation, and the fear of becoming an authoritarian state. 

From all accounts Americans are turning out to vote in historic numbers this year. In spite of their fears. Or, because of them.

Quote for the Day: "How do you stop those who will stop at nothing?" Anonymous

Monday, October 12, 2020

Hunter S. Thompson's Take on the 2020 Presidential Election Would Have Been Another Classic

Pandemic Diary - Day 211

Dear Diary,

As a journalist, I've always admired and been envious of the creator of gonzo journalism; Hunter S. Thompson.

Everyone whose ever read FEAR AND LOATHING ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL, comes away stunned, shocked, and highly entertained.

His anarchistic tendencies, excessive use of alcohol and drugs, and constant war with conspiracies' would have made his coverage of this presidential election strand out among his peers.

I suspect Thompson would have admired the chaos Trump has caused in four years. I'm reasonably sure his descriptions of Trump and and his enablers would have left a nation aghast and laughing despite these terrible times.

Here's an example of Thompson's work:

"The sporting editors had given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely dangerous drugs. The trunk of the car looked like a mobile police narcotics lab. 

We had two bags of grass, 75 pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers...and a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.

Man this is the way to travel, said my attorney."

Can you imagine Thompson covering this nasty 2020 race? He'd love it! His descriptions of debates and rallies would capture the truly chaotic times we're living in.

I've considered what other famous American writers might have to say about this election.

Ernest Hemingway's short crisp style would be powerful, and would pack a punch during these tough times.

John Steinbeck's stark style would be very effective in documenting the plight of the poor and minorities in the time of COVID.

Kurt Vonnegut, with his darkly satirical novel SLAUGHTER HOUSE-FIVE, would be describing the corruption and authoritarian rule coming out of the White House under the Trump regime.

But, in the end, Thompson would be my choice to cover this election because he'd fit so perfectly in this chaotic country today.

Quote for the Day: "Elections belong to the people. Its their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters." -Abraham Lincoln

Sunday, October 11, 2020

GOP Argument that USA is Not a Democracy is Partly True...under Trump

 Pandemic Diary - Day 210

Dear Diary,

Republican Sen. Mike Lee went to twitter last week to attack our democracy, and to defend Trump's authoritarian-style of governance.

Lee blithely claimed the US is "not a democracy." 

It's bad enough to hear one US Senator say something that stupid, but even worse to realize the entire GOP - under Trump - has taken a stance supporting authoritarianism.

Summarizing the Republican Party's stand, Lee tweeted; "Democracy isn't the objective; liberty, peace, and prosperity are. We want the human condition to flourish. Rank democracy can thwart that."

In the first place, what the hell is rank democracy?

Republicans have a long history of rejecting the notion that the US political system is a democracy.

Their treasonous theory is political hogwash. We are a representative democracy, not a direct democracy as the conservative pundits try to argue.

Furthermore, our political system is also a constitutional democracy, in which the Constitution provides a system of checks and balances (co-equal branches of government), therefore presenting restraints on the majority.

Technically, the US is a constitutional republic. But a republic, by definition, is a type of democracy, according to Merriam-Webster.

In other words, the US is both a republic and a democracy. 

That reality means nothing to the Party of Trump, which has infected our government with authoritarian actions since Trump lied on inauguration day and swore to protect our democracy.

Watching Trump hold another super spreader event yesterday at the White House - while still carrying the virus - displayed his distain for science, while revealing how desperate he was for an adoring crowd to appear outside his balcony like a modern day Mussolini rally.

Quote for the Day: "I am a firm believer in people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." -Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Cats Out of the Bag: Trump is Crazy and His Enablers Know It


Pandemic Diary - Day 209

Dear Diary,

After four excruciating years in office Trump has shown us he's a malicious narcissist and sociopath. His record backs that up.

But Trump on steroids (which can make you either euphoric or pissed off) is a national threat! 

The head of the NSA came out yesterday and said Trump's erratic actions are endangering national security.

COVID-Trump is so unhinged his staff and advisors are on pins-and-needles every moment as they tip-toe around a White House that's been a vector for the virus for some time now.

No one really knows how sick Trump is. That's because his enablers (including doctors) won't give that information. They all smile for the cameras and act like Trump is doing golly.

With daily record-breaking droid-tweets he's causing confusion and spreading disinformation across the social media, and American's everyday lives. 

Trump's attacks against the Post Office are designed to make people think it's not safe to mail in completed ballots in a vile attempt to discredit the results of an election in which he knows he's losing.

In recognition of Trump's questionable sanity, Nancy Pelosi introduced legislation yesterday that would create a bipartisan commission to determine a sitting president's ability to carry out his duties of the office.

At a press conference she said the measure is not specifically for Trump, but suggested he was the reason for coming up with the legislation.

Republicans in the House and Senate are worried about not being re-elected because of their attachments to Trump. 

But what can they do? When they bowed down and kissed Trump's ring and ass, their fate was sealed. They became fodder for Trump's ambitions.

After four years of standing idly by as Trump broke laws with regularity and lied about everything, the bitter fruit of inaction is poisoning his enablers with three weeks to go before the election.

I feel no pity for any of them.

In fact, I think there should be Nuremberg style trials after Biden gets in office for Trump's minions who corrupted our entire government following their supreme leader's orders.

I don't advocate hanging them however, like the German enablers of Hitler who were tried and executed. Life in prison is fine. 

Quote for the Day: "I'm pretty sure that if I slapped the crazy out of you there wouldn't be anything left." Anonymous

Friday, October 9, 2020

Americans Are Going to Need Extra Protection at the Polls Thanks to Trump

Pandemic Diary - Day 208

Dear Diary,

The fruits of Trump's dangerous rhetoric are already on display three weeks before election day.

Yesterday, the FBI and Michigan authorities rounded up 13 Michigan militia (Wolverines) members who were planning to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and start a civil war.

It's actually come to this.

When Trump told the Proud Boys - an extremist paramilitary group - to "Stand Down - and -Stand By," every militia and antigovernment group in America took that as a signal.

It was not a dog whistle. It was more like a command to go forward as the election draws near and cause chaos at the polls.

To make matters worse - as if having armed militia members intimidating voters wasn't bad enough - the RNC is no longer barred from coordinated poll-monitoring activities

Forty years ago the RNC was barred from the polls for voter intimidation, but that ban expired this year. It couldn't have come at a worse time.

When FBI director Wray announced that White Supremacist's and militia groups were the biggest domestic threat in America last month, Trump publicly contradicted him and said it was left wing agitator's who were the problem.

That was a lie. The proof is here that pro-gun extremist groups and militias are actively working on undermining the elections...and they want to start a civil war.

The good news is several states are holding drills, running through worst-case scenarios, setting up command centers to improve coordination on reports of violence and voter intimidation, and issuing public warnings that any crime that threatens the sanctity of a Nov. 3 vote will not be tolerated.

The bad news is most states aren't reporting coordinated plans to address violence from militias during the voting process. Secretary's of States have implied there will be federal help in protecting the polls without revealing any detailed plans.

The sad news is this shouldn't be happening at all. These violent threats should not be threatening the very core of our democracy - the right to vote.

Trump opened a Pandora's Box of political chaos when he refused to call out these groups throughout his presidency. 

Unfortunately now the American public is paying the price to defend freedom from a morally bankrupt wannabe dictator.

Quote for the Day: "Your silence will not protect you." -Audre Lorde

Thursday, October 8, 2020

An American Production: 'COVITA' Starring Donald Trump

 Pandemic Diary - Day 207

Dear Diary,

Watching Trump slowly ascend the White House stairway to the Truman Balcony when he returned from Walter Reed oddly reminded me of a scene right out of the 2008 movie "Evita."

Evita Peron was the wife of Argentine dictator Juan Peron, and was known for her kindness to the poor. Madonna played Evita in the movie, and recorded a hit song, "Don't Cry for me Argentina."

There's a scene where Madonna is standing on a balcony and singing while an adoring crowd below listens.

FYI: The Lincoln Project put out this video Covita yesterday. It's hilarious!

In my interpretation of the movie and musical it's not an icon addressing an audience; it's a physically and mentally deteriorating dictator defiantly ripping of his face mask to show the world how stupid he is.

Verse from Evita:

"Don't cry for me, Argentina

The truth is I never left you

All through my wild days

my mad existence

I kept my promise, don't keep you distance."

Verse from COVITA

"Don't cry for me, America

The truth is I'm Covid free

Everything I'm doing

is for the country

I lie like a rug, about that bug

there's no need to maintain a safe distance."

Everything in Trump's world is a production where he refocuses reality into an alternate universe where he's a stable genius and everyone loves him.

It's an American production that I hope we never see again after voting Trump out of office.

Quote for the Day: "Meanwhile, back at reality." George Lucas

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Just Another (Kaboom!) Day in Trump's America

 Pandemic Diary

Day 207

Dear Diary,

I'm still not use to every day seeming like a chapter from a fictional novel.

Yesterday, Trump told his minions to ignore a stimulus program for Americans, and instead to concentrate on getting "his" judge confirmed.

Stocks plummeted after investors realized there would be no stimulus program until after the election.

In the middle of a surging pandemic Trump has once again turned his back on the public to push for what he thinks will save his election. The confirmation of a supreme court judge.

Despite a strong warning yesterday from Fed chair Jerome Powell that the nation faces an "economic tragedy" if America can't control the coronavirus, Trump is plowing recklessly ahead to save his fat ass on Nov.3rd.

The fact is, the president of the United States is homicidally negligent for not following CDC guidelines and other professional healthcare experts recommendations to protect the country.

The White House is already a cesspool of COVID-19, as staffers and aides are coming down with the virus every day.

Letting a crazed Trump - who has not yet recovered from the virus he scorns, and who is having bad reactions to the steroids the doctors are giving him - run around the West Wing (instead of staying at Walter Reed hospital) is like turning Typhoid Mary loose in a packed NFL stadium.

No one has the balls to stand up to this rapidly deteriorating wannabe dictator. The doctors, the generals, and other staff lie routinely. Or, they resign, and write tell-all books.

Tonight Vice President Pence and Kamala Harris are going to debate before a national audience.

I fully expect it to be a stark contrast between fiction and fact. Pence is on Trump's crazy train to political oblivion. 

Harris is a skilled interrogator whose going to verbally fillet Pence's pathetic stand against reality.

There's so much going on today that I'm not even going to try and report all of the stories that deserve attention. 

I don't have the space, and I'm reasonably sure that you have better things to do with your day. Thanks for stopping by.

Quote for the Day: "The routine dulls the terror." -Maaza Mengiste

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

In The Eyes of Trump

Pandemic Diary - Day 206

Dear Diary,

It's in the eyes.

Madness. Lunacy. Obsession. 

We can see it in Trump's drive by photo-op (above) taken outside Walter Reed hospital, when he should have stayed inside instead of risking the lives of two secret service agents.

Anyone whose ever watched Stephen King's thriller, "It" (left) knows that look, and how a smile can mask evil intent.

One of the reasons Trump doesn't like wearing a mask is that he's an egomaniac who doesn't want to conceal his "beautiful" face, and because it puts too much emphasis on his shifty eyes.

It's common knowledge that a good con man doesn't let you look too deeply in his eyes which could give away his lies.

I've heard it said that a person's eyes are the gateway to their souls. Trump's eyes are the gateway to how he feels at any given moment.

Because Trump has the attention span of a gnat, his eyes rove around unbidden, taking in distractions like a toddler discovering the world.

In the eyes of Trump the world is his kingdom consisting of loyal subjects, or traitors to his cause.

Quote for the Day: "The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter." -Marcus Tullius Cicero



Whose Justice? The Interruption Changes from State to State

It just depends on what state you're in these days whether you have a chance of getting justice in the courts. If you are in Texas, it...