Saturday, April 28, 2018

Ignorance is Addicting: Look at Trump Supporters

Good Day World!

Ignorance is a weed in the garden of knowledge.

When people aren't carefully orientated to reality, it results in ignorance.

One of the biggest challenges in the 21st century is deciding what is real and what's fake.

The line between reality and make-believe has dissolved in our politics and general society. While you can argue Trump is leading the way to worshipping ignorance and alternate realities the process actually started decades ago.

The bulwark against ignorance is schooling. Careful orientation to reality is called general education. It's society's way of combating generalized ignorance.

Going to school is society's way of avoiding a general in curiousness about reality. Generalized ignorance is more addictive because it requires very little effort.

When you have a president who tells lies daily, the bar for reality is lowered. Make-believe magical thinking bolsters ignorance. It's very addicting because you can reshape the world anyway you want.

Not being hampered by reality or truth, you have carte blanche to reject anything that doesn't fit in with your world view.

When you look at Trump supporters they all have one thing in common; alternate facts, and so-called truths built on lies. That gives them license to reject science - global warming being one good example.

Dismissing reality is a good way to ignore education and truth.

You are no longer constrained to uncomfortable facts and are free to pursue an alternate path towards ignorance that fits your world view. 

The disillusioned, undereducated, and fearful followers of Trump have found sanctuary in ignorance, partisanship, and alternate realities.

Reality and facts are under siege. The barbarians are at the gate.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Friday, April 27, 2018

An Alternate World Sounds Good To Me

                                           Good Day World!

I never considered the idea of living in an alternate world until Putin put Trump in the Oval Office back in '16.

I watched the house Energy and Environment Subcommittee all but eviscerate EPA chief Scott "The Pud" Pruitt yesterday, over a string of ethics controversies.

But, I doubt if anything will come from the revelations of corruption - based upon verifiable facts - because  like all of Trump's puppet's, he can do no wrong as long as he destroys the EPA with the death of a thousand cuts.

This is what it's like to live in Trump World - once called the United States of America.

In Trump's World it's corporate heaven. It's a world where graft and corruption are cultivated like weeds in the South Lawn of the White House.

Truth is assaulted every day when White House slaves staff follow along with the Liar-In-Chief's version of reality. Facts face an uphill climb in this administration of slime.

The fabric of our society is  being subjected to the whims of a racist and misogynist, who dreams of having his ugly mug on Mt. Rushmore someday in the dystopian future.

Here's the thing, it appears like Trump will finish his term without being incarcerated for the numerous felonies he's managed to perpetrate without any convictions...thus far.

It's up to voters in 2020, to stop Trump's rampage against everything good America stands for. 

It's hard to estimate how much more damage Trump will do to this country, and our Constitution, until the next presidential election rolls around. 

But, who wants to wait and see if Donny starts WWIII?

I'm telling you, an alternate world looks increasingly good to me. 

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The One Subject Trump No Longer Brags About

Good Day World!

It wasn't that long ago when Trump couldn't go a day without bragging about the stock market, like it was a reflection of his greatness.

When was the last time you heard him mention the current stock market? As in the last few months.

The market has been jumping up and down like an excited kangaroo in 2018. Yesterday, US stocks plunged as investors feared the rising oil prices and costs would slow down growth.

It goes deeper than that however.

Gina Martin Adams, chief equity strategist for Bloomberg Intelligence, recently reported that "The reason we're not seeing a strong recovery for the market is broad economic numbers are suggesting the impact of tax reform was only temporary."

That's not good news for Republicans who want to tout the tax reform bill has a great success in the midterm races. It's also not good news for the American public.

This growing concern over the volatile stock market is heightened by the fact that interest rates have gone up, making it more expensive for companies to borrow money.

As if that's not enough bad news, there's other uncertainties like the possibility of a trade war with the world, and yesterday's announcement that China and Russia have become military allies aligned against the U.S.

The bottom line is Trump no longer believes that the stock market is a worthy reflection of his "yuge" economic success as president.

Which means that he's going to have to depend on fake news from Fox, Breitbart, Infowars, and the ilk, to paint an entirely different picture than what's really happening in America.

Related: 5 Famous Investors Say This Is When The Stock Market Will Crash

Time for me to walk on down the road...  

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Trump/ Partisanship vs Constitution: Supremes To Decide Fate of Travel Ban

Good Day World!

One of the things that has helped me cope with Trump in the Oval Office has been our court systems.

From the lower courts, to the Supreme Court, Trump's attempt's at violating our Constitution have been turned back consistently.

Breaking News: Judge Orders Reopening of DACA, after 90- day delay - 4/25/18

It does appear that Trump is going to win his travel ban today, as Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy have both signaled support for it.

In order to halt the ban one of those two justices needs to support the challengers. That doesn't look likely.

If it wasn't a conservative court the ban would be stopped. But it appears politics is going to infect this decision.

It's an ongoing battle between Trump and the law.

Despite appointing conservative lower court judges, and district judges, it doesn't mean they're always going to go along with a moron like Trump.

For example, we've witnessed the 9th Circuit Court standing up for the rule of law against Trump's efforts numerous times.

Despite Trump's attempts to circumvent our nation's laws, the judiciary system has proven a worthy opponent. The biggest hurdle appears to be partisan poison.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Cabinet Woes: Confirming Partisan Puppets in the Trump Era

Good Day World!

There's one thing the Trump regime has been consistent about...stocking the cabinet, and government agencies with unqualified partisan puppets.

Take Mike Pompeo.

He'd make any puppeteer proud. Master puppet-maker Trump, appreciates anyone willing to let themselves walk around with their head up his fat ass.

One of the other things Trump looks for in his appointments, beside sworn lifetime fealty, is their lack of qualifications for the job.

Back to Pompeo.

He's currently facing confirmation hearings and was in committee at the time I wrote this. From all reports, he's about as popular as a bee in a nudist colony!

He may become the first cabinet-level nominee to not get a good recommendation, since 1945 when Henry Wallace got an unfavorable committee recommendation, but was still later confirmed by the senate.

A lot of people are unhappy with past comments made by Pompeo where he attacked all Muslims, and the LGBT community. His hawkish views are also a concern to many lawmakers.

Still, if I had to bet on it, Pompeo will squeeze through the process with the help of other Trump puppets.

Coming up soon. Two more Trump puppets for cabinet positions:

Ronny (Trump only weighs 239 pounds) Jackson is set to go next. After never supervising a staff larger than 70 people, he's going to take on the job of heading up the Veterans Administration, with over 36,000 employees.

Then it's Gina (waterboard their asses) Haspel. Trump is moving her up to the head of the CIA, taking Pompeo's place. 

One of the things that will be brought up in her confirmation hearing will be her key role in the "extraordinary rendition program," where suspected terrorists were abducted and handed over to foreign governments for torture in secret "black site" prisons by CIA officers and contractors.

However, her chances, with the help of other Trump puppets, also appears to be good enough to get the job.

Some people will point to the fact that she will become the first female CIA director, like that exonerates her entire corrupt past.

Based upon Trump's short turbulent reign, these positions are far from permanent.

One wrong word, or doubt about loyalty (something Trump feels a lot like a mob boss about), and these new cabinet members will become history.

In Trump's world, loyalty only goes one way.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, April 23, 2018

Do You feel Lucky?

Good Day World!

Let's get this week rolling with a question, Do you feel lucky?

I know some people don't believe in luck; attributing all of their good fortune to God, Allah, or Buddha.

I don't mean to harsh anybody's religious beliefs, but there are people who believe in luck.

Ask any gambler! 

Seriously though; I believe I'm a lucky person having survived many close calls during my hectic 67 years-in-residence on this planet.

How about you? Is there times in your life when luck lifted you out of a jam? 

Alice Hoffman makes a good point about luck; "Here's the thing about don't know of it's good or bad until you have some perspective."

An interesting example lies in the recent news story about a man who has been bitten by a snake, a bear, and a shark, all in just four years.

He told a reporter that he still wasn't sure if he was lucky, or cursed. I figure he was lucky, because he's here to tell his stories.

A story out of Sandusky, Ohio last week, talked about a real lucky baby boy. Luck can come at any age you know.

A woman was driving by a house when she spotted a 18-month-old baby boy hanging from the roof gutter.

She stopped her car, jumped out and ran up to the house, banged on the door, and then turned around and caught the child as he fell.

In my view, that's lucky.

To be fair, while I don't follow any organized religions, I do believe in a Supreme Being (possibly plural) who isn't burdened with controlling the human race's lucky moments.

You either have good luck, or bad luck. Just don't bet on either one!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, April 22, 2018

What Happened To John Barron, Trump's Imaginary Spokesman?

                                           Good Day World!

John Barron was born in the 1980's, and for a decade he got away with being Trump's spokesman to an unsuspecting press.

History now tells us that John Barron was in fact, Trump himself. 

Barron appears to have been Trump’s go-to alias when he was under scrutiny, in need of a tough front man or otherwise wanting to convey a message without attaching his own name to it.

Listen to the audio of "John Barron" talking with reporter.

Trump might have gotten away with his ruse even longer if not for a lawsuit in which he testified, under oath in 1990, that “I believe on occasion I used that name.

The suit dealt with Trump’s employment of undocumented migrant workers from Poland on his Trump Tower project.
A biographer of Donald Trump says the president's habit of lying can be traced back to his school days

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael D'Antonio, who wrote the 2016 book The Truth About Trump, on Friday told CNN's Anderson Cooper that the president has been fabricating stories since childhood.
Trump "left the New York Military Academy declaring himself the greatest baseball player in New York state and it just went on and on and on," D'Antonio said.
"He was named the ladies man at school that had no young women at it, so you tell me, he has been doing this forever."

I suspect his son's name, Barron, is a nostalgic reminder of the good old days when he got away with fooling the world.
Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, April 21, 2018

What Does Trump's 2016 Campaign, Russia, and WikiLeaks Have In Common? Conspiracy!

                                       Good Day World!

It's finally the right time to use the "C" word - Conspiracy when referring to what happened in the 2016 presidential campaign. 

Reuters was the first to report this story...

"The Democratic party filed suit against Russia, President Donald Trump’s campaign and WikiLeaks on Friday, charging that they conspired to disrupt the 2016 US presidential election campaign, a court filing showed.The party alleges in the federal lawsuit in Manhattan that top Trump campaign officials conspired with the Russian government and its military spy agency to hurt Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and tilt the election to Trump by hacking Democratic Party computers, the filing showed."
In normal times this would be a nuclear bomb and the fallout would have the whole country talking.
But, as we know, these are not normal times (anything before Trump) and the bombshell story is busy competing with stories about students marching for gun control, and 420 party's - in particular an epic one in California which legalized recreational pot this year.
Business Insider reported...
"The suit was filed in federal court in Manhattan and alleges the Trump campaign worked with WikiLeaks, the Russian government, and the GRU, Russia's military intelligence unit, to hack into the Democratic National Committee in the summer of 2016 and disseminate stolen materials to the public.

The Democratic Party claimed the actions were taken specifically to hurt former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's campaign, and that they amounted to an illegal conspiracy to maim the party and sway the election against the democrats."

Meanwhile, The Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media have followed up with reports of their own.

Also competing with this story of conspiracy, is Republican efforts to stop the Mueller investigation, Ex-FBI head James Comey's new book about Trump, and the Stormy Daniels saga.
Now toss in Trump's personal lawyer being busted by the FBI and the rumors he'll flip like a fish out-of-water when lawmakers put pressure on him, and you can see why the general public is shell-shocked with daily revelations.
They all tend to become a blur after awhile. Nothing short of nuclear war can hold a headline throughout a 24-hour news cycle.

I fully expect this latest development - the civil lawsuit against Trump's campaign, Russia, and WikiLeaks - to be thrashed around in the courts for months, if not years.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Friday, April 20, 2018

Today is a Day of Protest and Celebration Across America

Good Day World!

Today is my sister, Linda's birthday.

Of more interest to you perhaps, is it's the second nationwide student walkout this year.

Today is the 19th anniversary of the mass shootings at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado.

Once again students will take to the streets of our nation to demand gun control laws, because the adults don't seem to know what to do about mass murders in America.

They know that Congress and Trump are afraid of the NRA because of the hold it has on them. The NRA lobbyists award lawmakers for stifling any legislation that could make them uncomfortable.

I hope those cowardly lawmakers are taking notice. These protesting teenagers will soon become voters. As a matter of fact, they're using this protest to sign up new voters.

420 Across America

For years, states have had informal 420 parties on this day.

Well, today is going to be the Mother of All 420 parties in California!

That's because recreational marijuana became legal this year!

Check it out dude!

The California State Bureau of Cannabis Control has issued 47 temporary event licenses to groups that are limited to holding the marijuana celebrations on county fairgrounds that have authorized such events with city approval.

Meanwhile, a survey of some 1,000 marijuana users that was released Tuesday by the firm LendEDU found that the average 4/20 participant plans to spend $71 on marijuana to celebrate the unofficial holiday, and about 35% of respondents are planning to take off work Friday.

No doubt about it, today is a day of action and empowerment. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Has Trump Set a Record For Employing Lawyers?

Good Day World!

If all the lawyers in America were to erect a statue of Trump in some future museum of law, the plaque beneath it would have to mention how many lawyers he's employed since his daddy gave him a million dollars and turned him loose on the world.

Since the early 1980s, Donny has been hiring lawyers to clean up his messes for him. As the decades passed his use of lawyers increased until he had a virtual rat pack of litigators.

Trump's known for using lawyers up and spitting them out like pumpkin seeds. Witness his 15 months in office.

Can you name the lawyers he started off with in his administration, and which ones he's thrown under the bus?

Has there ever been a man in America that uses so many lawyers in such a relatively short time?

One of his best lawyer buddies, Michael Cohen, aka The Fixer, has been arrested and charged with numerous felonies.

I'm waiting to see how far Trump kicks his ass down the field when lawmakers go through his confiscated computer records and tape recordings.

The real chief-in-staff at the White House, Sean Hannity, just happens to be one of Cohen's three clients. Imagine that?

When the word got out, Hannity claimed he just talked to Cohen now and then about real estate deals. Other than that they were just buddies.

No problem that Cohen doesn't know the first thing about real estate, and Hannity isn't a developer.

Based upon Trump's history, despite being buddies, and Cohen's ability to pull Trump out of trouble over the years, Trump will drop him like a hot stone if it takes pressure off of him.

The rumor that it's getting harder to find White House lawyers has been circulating for months. At one time, such an appointment would have been eagerly seized upon by every lawyer in America.

Who can blame them?

No one appreciates being used and thrown away at the whim of a psychopath who won't even listen to their advise.  

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Is This Lying Alex Jones Waterloo?

                                        Good Day World!

The scum who calls himself Alex Jones is in a lot of trouble. It's about time!

How many years have to go by with constant harassment from Jones and his hate site Infowars, before enough is enough?

Now we'll find out.

A pair of lawsuits were filed late Monday.

The parents of two children who died in the December 2012 shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, say Jones’ repeated lies and conspiratorial ravings have led to death threats.

The suits join at least two other recent cases accusing the Infowars host of defamation.

For years lying Alex pushed a story claiming the whole Sandy Hook thing was fake. He even claimed the parents of the dead children were crisis actors.

If the term crisis actors sounds familiar it should. In the recent Florida high school massacre, students were criticized as crisis actors during and after the terrible incident by extreme right-wing loons like Jones.

As of yesterday, Infowars still blatantly posted this headline:
FBI Says No One Killed At Sandy Hook.

These charges of defamation are going to be compounded by another lawsuit filed in March by a man who recorded the deadly car attack at last year's White Supremacy Rally in Charlottsville, Virginia.

Jones accused him of being a "deep state shill" and a "CIA asset" who helped organize the attack. Now Jones will get to see him in court.

But not before he goes to court for accusing a 24-year old man of being the real gunman who killed those 17 people at Marjoria Stoneman Douglas High School in February.

Seems to me, that pig-bastard is going to have a lot of lawyer bills this year...and it's only April.

Could this be the end of Infowars, one of the most extreme right wing sounding booths on the internet?

Let's hope Jones is left penniless, and living in the streets by the end of this year.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...