Friday, March 1, 2019

Casting Call: Auditions for Roles in the Trump Regime

                                         Good Day World!

Here's the latest news in Trump's political reality show: 

There's been such a huge turnover during Trump's regime during his first two years there's a need to replace a good portion of his cheer leading section in Congress and the White House.

Don't get me wrong. There's a hardcore group of lawmakers that have elected to star in the Trump reality show since day one, and they're still there. 

Most can be found lurking in the so-called Freedom Caucus in the House. 

The senate has it's stalwarts like Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Roy Blunt, Tom Cotton, Mike Crapo, Chuck Grassley, John Kennedy, and James Langford. This hardcore group gets support from the rest of the Republican senators who are not yet stars in Trump's reality show. 

As for White House cabinet members, the attrition has been shocking. Most of his nominees have been run out because of ethics violations, or because Trump didn't think they were loyal enough. 

As a matter of fact, the turnovers in Trump's cabinet set a record going back 100 years. So you can see Donny's dilemma. Finding candidates stupid,and loyal enough to fill their places hasn't been easy.

Marquee sign in front of the White House:

"We're currently auditioning for roles in the Trump regime as loyal kiss-asses in all departments. Inquire within."

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Americans Exposed To Two Split Screen Realities - Which Will Make History?

Good Day World!

I added popcorn to my morning coffee yesterday while watching Trump's ex-fixer make Republican members of congress squirm in a House committee meeting.

The show didn't disappoint me. It was political theatre at it's worst. 

Meanwhile, I had to flip the dial and see what Donny and Kim were doing in Hanoi. After all the summit was a newsworthy event.

The really big news was Trump dropped the demand for full nuclear accounting, which of course blows the crap out of the whole American mission of fully verifiable denuclearization so America (and the world) could avoid a nuclear war.

There were some photo ops, they had dinner together, and both conspired to keep Western reporters at a distance for two really sad reasons.

One, someone from AP or Reuters dared to ask Trump about Cohen meeting with the House committee, and Kim about denuclearization.

Two, Sarah (suck ass) Sanders said that the way Western reporters habit of shouting questions made Kim uneasy. In particular Trump's best buddy in the press, Jim Acosta, was pointed out as an offender.

It was a spilt screen day that will probably go down in history as historic.

The question is which event will change the course of America's history? 

One more thing, Republican Matt Gaetz is under investigation by the Florida State Bar over the Cohen Threat.

Some Republicans have been trying to show they loyalty, like this asshole Gaetz. I hope this makes those morons think twice when Gaetz's career is ruined over this blatant partisan attack.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Only Voter Fraud that I See Has Been Done By The GOP

Good Day World!

A favorite lie often repeated by the GOP is that there's massive voter fraud going on in the country. 

They trot that lie out on every election cycle.

They claim Democrats cheat nearly every election cycle. It's become a broken mantra with no reality in it's telling.

The fact is there has never been proof of massive voter fraud in any American election. The GOP use that lame excuse to tighten up on voters rights, and make it harder for certain segments of our society to vote.

Trump enabler Mitch McConnell stomped around on the Senate floor yesterday when confronted with the results of an election in North Carolina.

To my great amusement, McConnell blamed the Democrats for the Republican attempt to steal the election. Only someone out of touch with reality and on partisan steroids would make such a ludicrous statement.

Turns out McConnell was conflating voter fraud ― illegal voters trying to manipulate the outcome of an election ― with a case of ballot fraud where someone tried to manipulate the votes of legitimate voters. Either McConnell doesn't know the distinct differences between election/ballot fraud, or he was purposely lying. My vote is he was lying because that's what Trump followers do. It didn't matter though. McConnell's mission was to salvage something out of the whole stinking mess, so he spun a story that makes the GOP base feel better about what happened. His comment came just days after the bipartisan North Carolina Board of Elections unanimously ordered a new congressional election for the seat Republican Mark Harris led by 905 votes after November's contest.

Turns out thousands of absentee votes were harvested by an operative for Harris. In other words, the SOB was caught cheating!

When confronted by the committee looking into the election, Harris admitted his son warned him not to hire the man who harvested the ballots. After shedding crocodile tears (of remorse?) Harris said there should be another election.

The good news? Harris won't be running again as he excused himself for "health reasons." Whatever that means.

After years of crying wolf, the GOP just got bit in the ass! No matter how McConnell spins it.

Related: Debunking Bogus Voter Fraud Claims

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

I'm Tired of 'Big Week Ahead' Media Annoucements

                                          Good Day World!

My epiphany this morning, as I slowly drained my first cup of java, was I'm sick and tired of news accounts warning the weary public that some real shit lies ahead and maybe they should get under their beds.

I know why news outlets do this.

They know the promise of upcoming scandals leaves a lot of viewers/listeners salivating for stimulating sensational stories.

Anyone can do a little research and point out upcoming events. It's easy. The artistic part of the "Big Week Ahead" is how editor's and publishers pick out partisan events and tailor them for their selected audience.

One publication can pick out every possible negative story about Trump, and another can do the polar opposite and praise him as the Second Coming regardless of what he does each week.

Somewhere, wedged in between and on Page Three, there's the rest of the news. The non-political news where events are factually reported on by accredited journalists.

I have to admit that I even used the "Big News Ahead" tagline in this blog. In my defense, I either tried to give a balanced accounting, or was right upfront that I was going after someone in a partisan attack.

As of this morning, I'm no longer going to promise wild weeks ahead because it's apparent to me everyone in America knows that in the Age of Trump.

In actuality we face months of earth-shattering events during the last half of Trump's regime. Political earthquakes are going to divide the country further as damning facts about Trump and his minions continue to emerge.

I'm just going to try and take it day-by-day. It's easier. There's less to worry about. I suggest you do the same.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, February 25, 2019

Speculation On Reality and What We See

Good Day World!

Pundits from both sides of the political spectrum have settled into speculation as a talking point in the media.

The result is an unsatisfying menu of nothing burgers being served up by TV hosts from CNN to Fox News.

For those brave enough to surf the web, ultra-partisans (use to be referred to as crazies) speculate on stories from Pedophiles in Pizza parlors, to what Trump will say when he and North Korea's dictator meet this week in Hanoi for Gripe and Grin II in a Communist country.

Liberal hosts and special guests come just short of drooling as they speculate about impeaching Trump, what the Mueller report will reveal, and how far Trump can trample the Constitution with his latest trick toward seizing the power of the purse from Congress?

Conservative hosts go out of their way to avoid facts and rely heavily on speculating ways to stretch laws to favor Trump and his minions.

Their bubble includes ultra-partisan interpretations of reality.

While the majority of the country loathes Trump, as evidenced by the polls, Conservatives huddle together and speculate on investigating the investigators into Trump's corruption.

Americans can be excused for being a little confused
by the amount of speculation coming out in all forms of social media, and the so-called mainstream news outlets.

In the Trump era of fake news, where reality gives way to alternate realities, speculation is a weapon that motivates us all in one way or the other.

Whether we like it or not.

Time for me to walk on down the road...



Sunday, February 24, 2019

Campaign Cons: Hanoi Meet With Kim/Trump Another Bigly Photo Op

                                         Good Day World!

Historians correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Trump was the first president ever elected that announced he was running for re-election the day after he was sworn into office.

It didn't bode well for the country then, and after two years of setting up international photo ops with dictators, Trump is gearing up his re-election campaign efforts to the determent of the country.

Trump's Art of the Deal ability was always a sham (a ghost writer wrote it) and to prove that he's been unable (and unwilling) to compromise with Congress.

Instead, Trump has attacked every government agency that didn't enable his corrupt plans, and is currently busy making an end run around Congress with his phony Emergency Crisis on the southern border.

Realistically, everyone involved in the upcoming Hanoi meeting knows nothing of substance will come out of it. Trump's plan (somewhere in his tiny brain) is to get Kim to give up his nukes.

That's about as likely to happen as Trump is to quit lying. It isn't going anywhere.

Kim is going to have a hard time concealing his glee at becoming an international star thanks to Trump's interest in him. Before Trump came along no world leaders were giving Kim the time of the day unless he agreed to denuclearization.

To Trump, these international jaunts with dictators is padding for his campaign portfolio. He thinks those visits make him look like a world class deal maker.

The only problem is, after two years he hasn't made a deal with Kim. 

Trump has managed to embarrass Americans with his Surrender in Helsinki - a meeting with Putin that resulted in a secret conversation that left our intelligence community in the cold. 

An update to that infamous chat: The House is looking at getting the transcript of the interrupter (Marina Gross) that was in the room. 

None of this will be mentioned in Trump's re-election campaign. 

Instead his minions will pass out photos of Trump's grip-and-grin tour of the international community. They might even put together a glossy picture yearbook of sorts for those Trump supporters who can't read.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Part II: American Traitors: Mitch McConnell and Cronies

Good Day World!

As promised yesterday, here's Part II on American Traitors:

(Note: graphic via The Moderate Voice)

I left off talking about Trump mole Devin Nunes yesterday. Now it's time to take a closer look at some other GOP traitors in Congress.

Topping the list is Mitch McConnell who has known about the Trump campaigns suspicious activities months before Russia helped Trump over the top in the 2016 election.

The so-called Gang of 8 (4 Republicans and 4 Democrats) met with then FBI Director Andrew McCabe who told them about the intelligence agencies growing concerns.

Not one of them openly criticized the investigation. As a matter of fact McConnell has concealed that meeting as best as he could up until recently when the news about it came out.

From day one, McConnell chose to ignore the possible threat of a traitor in the White House and went out of his way to obstruct the investigations that followed.

McConnell cronies in the House, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes (already featured in Part I) Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs, and Kevin McCarthy, all chose to protect Trump despite the fact he had the stink of Putin on him.

Trumps current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney (a Freedom caucus puppet) has done all he could to cover for Trump by lying to the press and working in tandem with the other traitors mentioned above.

Let's stop here for a moment.

The definition of traitor is someone who betrays a friend, country, or principal. Under United States Code 18 U.S.C. § 2381 is unambiguous:

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." 

By enabling Trump and holding bogus investigations to divert from Robert Mueller's legitimate investigation this group of GOP traitors chose Trump over country. It's that simple.

Senate members like Lindsey Graham have not only chosen to align themselves with traitors, he's planning on investigating the investigators - just like the ploy the House used when they had the majority.

Graham, Chuck Grassley, and their Senate cronies are picking the wrong side of the law because they are knowingly obstructing it with the power they have to further muddy Mueller's upcoming report.

Political observers are even speculating the public may never see Mueller's report. No one is sure how far the new AG, William Barr, will go to protect Trump.

The gaggle of traitors stretching from the White House to Congress is shocking, as each new day reveals more corruption and obstruction of justice.

Related: How Donald Trump's Enablers Have Made His Unfitness For Office The New Normal

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, February 22, 2019

Part One: American Traitors: Trump's Enablers

Good Day World!

When ex-FBI chief Andrew McCabe told 60 Minutes and other press outlets that Trump was likely a Russian stooge, talk of traitors quickly circled the country.


The subject has come up numerous times when talking about Trump's cronies actions during the 2016 presidential campaign.

(Editor's Note: This is Part I of a two-part series. In Part II we'll look at other traitors like Mitch McConnell.)

McCabe may be the first lawmaker to publicly come out and say Trump's a traitor. 

But what about the people who have been enabling Trump's treason? The one's who have lied for him, and who snuck around Congress leaking classified committee information to him?  

Like Rep. Devin Nunes, former chair of the House Intelligence Committee. 

He willingly became a mole on the committee and snuck over to the White House in the dead of night to share selected information that could be used to defend Trump.

Even though taken out of context Trump weaponized the information to attack the investigators. 

For example, in 2017 Nunes was the subject of an ethics investigation when he held a press conference to announce intelligence agencies incidentally collected information on some of Trump's minions.

It was another pathetic attempt to divert the ongoing investigation into Trump's ties with Russia. 

More importantly however, it outed one of Nunes' efforts to obstruct justice. Thus far, he hasn't had to answer to anyone for the illegal leaks, because of his loyalty to Trump - not the USA. But there's a possibility he'll have to answer to Mueller's investigators.

When you look at how many people that are blindly loyal to Trump in Congress, it's a snapshot of corruption at the highest level.

All - and let me repeat this - ALL of Trump's campaign cronies have either been caught lying (or will be) as the numerous investigations into our corrupt POTUS continues to unravel the whole sordid story.

Related: Here's all the indictments and plea deals Mueller has gotten thus far

This ongoing tale of traitors has many twists and turns. In Part II of this post, we'll look into them further.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Three Thursday Stories Making History

Good Day World!

It took a couple of cups of coffee before I could even begin to analyze national and world events with any clarity this morning.

So much news, so little space here. A day in the Trump era has become like an instant mini-novel on corruption. 

Things that stand out in the news:

Mueller Probe Could End As Early As Next Week

Take note; this announcement comes upon the heels of William Barr being confirmed Attorney General. The question on everyone's mind is, How transparent will Barr be when the report is given to him?

I also question if this startling announcement's timing is just a coincidence or an end-around to halt the investigation and sanitize it?

Here's a particularly unsettling developing story:

Threatening U.S., Putin Promises Both Missiles and Butter

I hope someone other than me can see the irony of the upcoming meeting between Trump and Kim in Vietnam. While Trump claims to be making the USA and world safer with his excellent relationship with North Korea's bloodthirsty dictator, he's opened the door for another dictator to threaten the world.

This following story is kind of like an onion, as layers peel off with each report:

Judge Agrees To Postpone Michael Cohen's Prison Surrender Date

Let's remember Michael Cohen is slated to testify before Congress on Feb. 28th. To refresh, he was slated to speak at an earlier date and backed off because he felt Trump was threatening his family. Digest that for a moment.

After Congress promised to protect him and his family Cohen agreed to speak before the committee. This extension of his surrender date was supposed to be for medical reasons, but I think it's more likely the judge is giving him a break for testifying.

You know what? I think three stories are enough to contemplate today. There's not enough coffee in my kitchen to go on.

Enjoy your day.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Don't Tell Trump Something He Doesn't Want To Hear - Especially If It's True!

Good Day World!

In Trump's world facts are like fleas infesting his dog and pony show.

The latest reminder of Trump's inability to accept facts that go contrary to his rhetoric is the recent rumbling from his regime that the Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, is undermining Trump by telling the truth.

When Coats testified before the Congressional committee last month he made it clear that North Korea was a direct threat to the U.S. and were never going to give up their nukes.

At the same time, Trump claimed he saved America from a nuclear war because Obama was ready to strike against North Korea, by using his masterful statesmanship to stave off the possibility.

In reality, Trump's historic meeting with Kim was nothing more than the usual dog and pony show that resulted in zero agreements.

The word in Washington is never tell Trump something he doesn't want to hear. Heads have rolled for lesser offenses.
When Coats told the truth in the hearing Trump immediately tried to make him walk it back after calling him in to the Oval Office for a scolding.

Related: Sen. King Warns Against Dismissing Intelligence Director for Disputing Trump

Another example currently in the news, comes from Andrew McCabe who told Scott Pelley on "60 Minutes" that Trump believed Putin more than his own intelligence community and told them that in no uncertain terms.

Trump's rejection of reality should be just cause for invoking the 25th Amendment. There's even a possibility it could happen in the near future, with the preponderance of facts supporting he's as crazy as a rabid dog.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...