Monday, November 1, 2021

Cult Over Country: The Unraveling of Democracy


"...and a great liar emerged at the dawn of the 21st century in America. He cultivated weak and fearful minds into fierce supporters who assaulted everything America ever stood for. It was a dark time for the republic." - Democracy's Last Stand

Fact, or fiction?

It's hard to believe that one seriously flawed man has built an autocratic cult that has made Cream of Wheat of the once proud Republican party, while threating every norm in society.

Trump's followers are happily rejecting reality and trying to re-write history about what happened on Jan. 6. This, in spite of the tons of evidence from videos recording the entire assault on the Capitol and what really happened.

The worst, most treasonous president in American history is actually looking to get re-elected with the help of state cronies rigging their electoral systems - willing to cheat democracy and the will of the people for a failed reality star that went bankrupt four times.

All of this is no secret. It's happening right before our eyes as Republican governors pass voter suppression laws.

The most frustrating thing of it all is nothing has happened to Trump yet. No legal charges have been filed for fomenting an insurrection or for cheating the IRS for decades. 

And it looks like he's going to tie up the courts (something he's gotten away with all of his life) until midterms, hoping that the Republicans will get back the House and ax the Jan. 6 committee investigating his complicity in the coup attempt.

No one could have predicted that the greatest democracy in the world would succumb to a fascist sociopath with a cult following.

It hasn't happened yet. Perhaps justice will still prevail and Trump will pay for his crimes one day. It's just a gamble we'll all have to take.  

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Halloween in a Polarized America


It's Halloween in a divided country that's already experienced the scariest medical emergency - COVID-19 - in our history.

Instead of holiday revelers we have rioters.

The sane part of our population will try to forget - for a moment - that Trumpies are their worst nightmares.

While traditional costumes will be worn, Trump followers will be wearing their usual regalia of defaced American flags and images of Trump's ugly mug on their shirts and flags.

While children trick-or-treat in neighborhoods, Trump supporters will be planting Trump signs on lawns and intimidating parents accompanying their kids.

Instead of traditional Halloween parties, Trumpies will be holding rallies worshipping their favorite devil - Trump - by burning copies of the Constitution.

This Halloween is not about the usual monsters -Frankenstein's, vampires and witches.

It's about the new monsters that have infected our society in the name of a failed reality star and world-class narcissist. 

Instead of showing classic horror shows, theatres will provide a full four hours of the insurrection attempt on our Capitol.

This Halloween is truly a horror show, with Trump acolytes roaming the night like ghouls in search of humans to harass.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Trump To Russia With Love: Secret Back-Channel Exposed

The world's most renowned cybersecurity experts found unexplained communications between an email server used by the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, one of Russia's largest financial institutions, back in October of 2016.

Under Trump's regime the story was buried and discounted. A massive disinformation program was pushed by Trump minions AG Bill Barr and other corrupt officials.

Just before Trump was kicked out of office he appointed a lackey, John Durham, as a special counsel to look into the origins of the Russia investigation. It was a desperate last minute attempt to keep the Russia disinformation campaign flowing.

Last week, Durham brought charges against Michael Sussmann, a cybersecurity lawyer and former computer crimes prosecutor, who he claimed represented a technology executive and the Hillary Clinton campaign and lied to the FBI.

In fact, Sussmann told the truth as later revelations show. Daniel J. Jones, a former investigator for the FBI and the U.S. Senate, filed a lawsuit against Alfa Bank on Sept. 14, 2021.

Jones' 2018 report found that the Trump server was configured to accept incoming mail from certain entities and to reject all other incoming messages. 

After submitting a 600+ page report in 2018 to the Senate, Republicans made it disappear. 

Still, with the information gathered by cybersecurity experts it's apparent the case against Sussman and another cybersecurity officials is going nowhere. Facts have disputed Durham's bogus report.

The damning testimony given by Sussmann about the relationship between the Trump organization and Russia's largest bank is now public knowledge.

When the New York Times shared the DNS data (accumulated by Sussmann and others) with Alfa Bank's representatives the Trump Organization took down their email domain two days later.

But the damage was done. An investigation was launched. Jones filed a lawsuit on Sept. 14, and the previously stuffed reports he wrote during Trump's reign, were made available.

The Sussmann indictment has actually opened a Pandora's Box of Trump lies instead of the false narrative given by Trump's corrupt lawyer.

The irony in all of this can't be ignored. Republicans spent years going after Hillary Clinton over her email server. Now the shoe is on the other foot.

Friday, October 29, 2021

This Is Another Example Of Why We're Experiencing a Constitutional Crisis in America

Fox News is where truth goes to die thanks to a foreigner who hates America, but loves making money here.

Rupert Murdoch has turned one of his dogs loose at Fox News in an all-out effort to discredit what happened on Jan. 6 when Trumpies stormed the Capitol.

In essence he's allowing Tucker Carlson to go full Infowars on prime time TV. 

The far-right host announced Thursday that, not only is he debuting a special Fox Nation docuseries promoting 1/6 trutherism, but he is making it his "first ever week-long event" starting Monday. 

Carlson released a new trailer for the special week of programming that claimed he will expose "the lies" about the attack on the US Capitol. He hinted he will promote the notion that "other groups" were involved in the violence.

It's important to realize Murdock doesn't care about the incalculable damage he's doing to our democracy.

I shudder to think about the impact of a full week of outright poisonous lies that belong in the dark corners of the web, being shown on prime time TV.

Two GOP members of the 1/6 House Committee had this to say:

Liz Cheney, "Fox is allowing Carlson to spread the same type of lies that provoked violence on Jan. 6."

Adam Kinzinger, "Carlson spews lies and his network is committed to $$$ over truth."

Even Geraldo Rivera called the idea "...inflammatory and outrageous and uncorroborated."

The truly outrageous thing about letting Carlson goose ratings with the same lies Trump and his minions have been pushing, is not only is he going to get away with sharing alt-right information... people are going to tune in and watch it.

Therein lies the Constitutional crisis we're all living in. The polarization level is at critical mass now. What is Carlson's attack on reality going to spur? Another coup attempt?

It's something to watch for.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

What Do You Think Happens When You Go To Jail?

Okay. You committed a crime and are in jail awaiting trial. What are your expectations?

-The ability to call someone anytime?

-Access to the internet?

-A big screen TV?

-A beauty rest mattress with controls?

-A privacy screen on the bars?

Wait a minute!

Let's get real. Jails are not hotels. Apparently the insurrectionists in jail that tried to overthrow our electoral system think they should be in private first-class bungalows.

The Capitol riot defendants have been whining about their living conditions since they got tossed into their cells.

Instead of dealing with the jail system the defendants have hired corrupt lawyers to bring every little grievance they have about their living quarters and treatment to a judge.

It seems judges have their limits however.  Petty-ass bullshit complaints are wasting their time. Especially when the court isn't the proper venue to deal with their daily whine sessions.

One judge, Emmitt Sullivan, wasn't having any more of it. "They're running a jail, not a hotel," he said last Wednesday. "Some people want hotel services," the judge concluded. 

Other judges have been noting that they're working with the D.C. jail to improve conditions and address legitimate complaints. In Sullivan's view these claims should be directed toward the jail authorities.

One such case involves a member of the Proud Boys, Christopher Worrell, who is constantly inventing medical needs. All of his claims have been contradicted or unsubstantiated by medical records, or the doctors examining him.

What really disgusts me is the coordinated efforts by Trumplicans in the Senate and the House to paint the rioters as patriots.

That's the equivalent of giving Benedict Arnold a Medal of Honor for his efforts to sell out Washington's army, and kill democracy in it's cradle.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

It's Haunted House Season: Expect Some Really Scary Shit This Year!

Last October the Haunted House season was canceled by the pandemic.

Nothing was more scary than COVID-19 which was killing thousands of unvaccinated Americans daily. 

The Grim Reaper of reality was more than enough fear for most. Somehow, being scared to death by students dressed up like monsters in haunted houses just didn't seem right. Or, safe.

The Haunted House season is back this year and a lot of people intend to make up for last year's pause in horrific fun.

The king of all the haunted house events - Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios in Hollywood - is ready to serve up ghoulish experiences for cash.

As expected, the production value of the "scare rooms" is excellent as visitors cower from Michael Myers of "Halloween," and Leatherface from the "Texas Chain Saw Massacre."

Local fundraising events sponsoring haunted houses will once again open up across the nation. 

Yes, the experience will be a little weirder as face masking is practiced indoors to slow the spread of the Delta variant.

The scariest haunted house this season - by far - will be a private affair for Trump minions at Mar-a-Lago holding a fundraiser (what else?) to overthrow democracy.

Giant Trump-O-Lanterns will look down (according to one insider) at the gathering of Trump supporters wearing sheep, ostrich and chicken costumes.

The faithful will be channeled like a snake through a maze of rooms that will be a collection of all of their fears.

Visitors cries of horror and surprise will ring throw the rooms like a symphony of lost souls as they see the BIDEN ROOM, where it shows him as the current President of the United States.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Politicizing the Weather: Spurred By 'Sharpiegate' Trump Supporters Gleefully Deny Science

Remember "Sharpiegate?"

On September 1, 2019, as Hurricane Dorian approached the U.S. mainland Trump displayed his ignorance of weather conditions and tracking by using a Sharpie marker with his own prediction.

The former reality star altered the real forecast from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and claimed the tropical-force winds from Hurricane Dorian could impact Alabama.

Reportedly he told his aides to obtain an official retraction from NOAA, supporting his version of the hurricane's path.

NOAA produced an unsigned letter in support of Trump's lie. Since then multiple agencies have investigated the possibility that political influence was exerted on NOAA.

Two reports were released in 2020. Both found political influence was a factor. Hurricane Dorian wasn't going anywhere near Alabama. In fact, it headed up the Atlantic coast.

The committees found that Neil Jacobs, the acting NOAA administrator and Julie Kay Roberts, the former NOAA deputy chief of staff and communications director, twice violated codes of the the agency's scientific policy.

There's a third investigation being done by a committee from the House of Representatives that has not been released yet. I think we all know what that committee will find.

The whole incident was met with scorn and mockery from the scientific community and the general population. Memes mocking Trump with his sharpie can still be found on the internet.

But, and this is where the wheels hit the road, Trump supporters backed his version (even though it never happened), thereby cementing a foundation for the cult's platform of science denial.

It's no surprise then that this one-man cult has embraced lies about climate change, and made it a mission to spread disinformation about the environmental disasters that plague the planet daily.

It's also no surprise that Trump minions won't get vaccinated in defiance of 98 percent of scientists in the world that have determined vaccines and safety measures (face masks for instance) are the best way to combat the virus.

This is one time however where the Trump faithful are literally dying for their master as they fill up hospitals in red states. 

In the end, science catches up to the Trumpies who will still deny its existence right up until their last tortured gasp for oxygen.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Some Scary Halloween Costumes: What Would Happen If There Wasn't a Dress Code in Congress?

Inspired by Rep. "Gym" Jordan's refusal to wear a suit jacket in the Capitol (or anywhere else), I have a stunning prediction regarding post midterm election dress codes.
I've run this same post for 5 days now. It's not something I normally do.
But popular demand dictates it; over 12,000 visitors per day have enjoyed this post. Yesterday 13,600 viewers stopped by. 
FTR: I normally get a couple of thousand visitors per day.
Let's keep it going...
Thanks everyone!

The prediction is only good if the Republicans get back the House, and/or, the Senate in 2022. Otherwise, it'll just continue to be the fashion free Jordon trying to make a statement.

Actually it works. It shows the world he's an idiot that doesn't report young boys being molested in college. 

But, I digress.

The new norm for a GOP dress code would toss out conventional attire, opening the door for right-wing Trumpian lawmakers to dress - for what they think - is success. 

In other words, it's going to look like a Trumpian cosplay event in the halls of Congress if the Democrats lose next year.

It should not come as a surprise to observers when they see the prima Trumpies dressed up in outlandish costumes stalking the "People's House," and making a mockery of our democracy.  

Can you imagine that? The asylum taken over by the patients. In this case Republicans who swear fealty to the biggest loser in our political history...Trump.

As Halloween nears, I have some examples for scary costumes that may even be a preview of post midterm dress codes by Republicans in Congress and the Senate.

-- A full regalia Nazi outfit worn by Marjorie Taylor Greene was a smash with the white supremacists embedded in the party. 

-- An oversized diaper with "Don't Tread On Me" was modeled by Devin Nunes between bouts of bawling because no one likes him.

-- A Red-White-and-Blue Onesie with "I blow Trump Whenever He Asks" was written on the front, and was seen on "Gym" Jordon in the men's bathroom.

-- A 1920s style Gold Pimp Suit with a big floppy hat was spotted on Matt Gaetz leaving the Little Girl's bathroom.

--A Red MAGA inspired straight-jacket was seen on Andy Biggs who was aimlessly roaming the halls of Congress looking for someone to help him piss.

--A fiery red jumpsuit with QAnon messages on the front and back was Lauren Boebert's contribution to the clown show.


Yeah. It's fun to fantasize about the ridiculous world of politics today. But there is an underlining dark warning in this post...

anything could happen if the democrats don't hold on to the House and Senate in the midterms. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Going Through the Motions: House Select Committee Approves Bannon's Contempt of Congress Report

Straight up.

I have my doubts about the House Select Committee on Jan. 6 holding anyone accountable for Trump's coup attempt. The chances of seeing people go to prison are about as much as a typhon tearing through Alaska. 

The House voted last tonight on holding Steve Bannon in criminal contempt for not responding to a subpoena. But don't expect Bannon to cooperate no matter what.

If forced to appear before the committee legal experts say Bannon will cite his 5th amendment rights and sit there like a content walrus.

Here's the thing that really frosts me; no matter what the committee finds the chances of persecuting offenders is nearly impossible.

Trump's minions have taken their cue from him and are tying things up in court with the expectation that time for justice will run out with endless appeals.

Let's be realistic about what's going to happen when the committee concludes its investigation. Nothing.

Republicans will continue to grovel before Trump and promote the Big Lie. No right-wing troll is going to change their mind because of a slew of facts gathered by Democrats. 

So why even have an investigation that's doomed to go nowhere?

The answer is simple; no matter what Congress can't ignore there was an insurrection attempt at the Capitol. 

What we'll witness in the days and weeks ahead will be a political drama that will further inflame both parties.

The committee will go through the motions to seek justice with little chance of achieving it.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Confessions of a Former Republican

I admit it.

I once voted Republican and even considered myself one.

Go ahead and laugh. It's true. I voted for George H.W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States.

The late 80s and early 90s were a challenging time for me. I was a newspaper editor dealing with PTSD and did little - if any - research on national politics. I worked for small newspaper groups that stuck to the local news. No national news at all.

I registered myself as a Republican without really understanding that much about the party. It's my mea culpa. 

In my defense the Republican party back then wasn't at all like the GOP is today. There's a vast difference between then and now, and it hasn't been for the good.

I came to my senses after four years of senior Bush, and voted for a democrat, Bill Clinton. Since then, I've hovered between being an independent and a democrat.

The Republican party -in name only - has devolved into a cult with a sociopathic narcissist as it's leader. It's why I'm embarrassed admitting I ever voted Republican.

Before capitulating to a former reality TV star, the GOP wasn't this crazy. 

Right-wing, Trump-loving trolls are now embedded in Congress like parasites. Lovers of the Big Lie, these corrupt politicians have ties with white supremacists and groups like QAnon.

Our government, and Constitution, are under siege from the enemies of democracy who claim to be Republicans. If the party seems like the enemy's because it is now, thanks to Trump.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Holding On To Reality In This Golden Age of Disinformation

    Trump is the Star of the Golden Age of Disinformation.

It's not easy.

There's so much disinformation on major issues facing the nation that it feels like a doomsday movie. Staying sane has never been more challenging.

The reason for this is because we're in the Golden Age of Disinformation. The Golden Calf has morphed into a narcissistic sociopathic former president and reality star intent upon destroying democracy.

The Age of Reason is long gone. We have the internet now. With it, comes a dank flowing sewer of lies, hate, conspiracies', and disinformation that empties out into millions of homes. The stench of stupidity is strong enough to make a maggot gag.

Please. Don't tell me how good the internet can be. The bad far outweighs what's happening today.

Don't think for a moment that all of the trolls and wackaloons would have come this far in disabling realities in your life without the massive digital octopus connecting them to each other.

Simply put, there has been no other era in our country's history where a cult of one man has brought us so close to defeat. The irony of getting rid of a sole ruler - crazy King George - to form a free nation is lost upon Trump and his followers. That's what happens in cults.

It's up to you, and I, to cling to reality and believe in science; to believe that we are all equal, to let evidence guide our decisions, to fight against the onslaught of disinformation around us with research and facts.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...