Monday, January 4, 2021

Why is Trump's Unhinged Abuse of Power Going Unchecked?

Trump meltdown.



Abuse of power for all to see and hear.

Why is Trump getting away with openly trying to steal the 2020 election? 

His latest naked attempt to cheat has been recorded Here is the audio tape. He tried to get the Georgia secretary of state to illegally overturn the state's voting results.

It was another "perfect call." The other happened last January when he tried to extort the president of the Ukraine to dig dirt up on Biden.

What's it going to take for the Republicans - especially those in the Senate - to pick country over this madman trying to subvert democracy and a fair election?

He's been enabled for far too long, and now this is the price the nation has to pay. A dangerous sociopath who won't stop at anything to live his fantasy of winning the election that he lost in reality.

Unless the Republican party - along with the Democrats - stop his escalating madness during the next 16 days, the nation may pay even a bigger price than it already has for not holding him responsible throughout his presidency.

There must be something Congress can do to assure national security isn't further compromised by Trump.

Right? Right?

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Christian Nationalism Versus the Pandemic

I'll get right to the point; Americans who embrace Christian nationalism are skeptical of science.

Followers believe scientists are hostile to the faithful. 

This twisted notion goes back hundreds of years to when the Catholic Church barbequed scientists claiming they were wizards or heretics.

The bottom line was the Catholic church wanted complete control over the masses, mentally and physically.

No surprise then when a recent study found that Christian nationalism is a leading predictor of ignoring precautionary behaviors regarding COVID-19.

Research has revealed that religious states disobey stay-at-home orders at a higher rate than anyone else in the country.

Christian nationalists prize individual liberty or economic security rather than the protection of the vulnerable.

Today the Christian nationalists in America strongly support politicians who promise to advance their values and oppose targets of suspicion.

This defiance of science has cost thousands of lives last year. Ignoring social distancing advice from the CDC may have been an act of faith to followers, but it was deadly for the rest of the country.

The worst is still coming because Christian nationalists are anti-vaxxers. The only way out of this worldwide pandemic is vaccines. 

Americans want to return to a normal life, but that time will be extended when religious zealots oppose the science that is our very salvation. 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Georgia is on My Mind: A Special Election That's Going To Determine the Nation's Future

 "I said, Georgia, oh, Georgia

No peace I find

Just an old sweet song

Keeps Georgia on my mind."

-Ray Charles

I can't remember the last time when all eyes were on Georgia to decide the political fate of a newly elected president and administration.

I suspect it's a first

Georgia Senate candidates have just three more days to sway the remaining registered voters to cast their votes for them.

Thus far there has been a record early voting turnout. More than 2,8 million people have cast their ballots.

If the Republicans win one of the two races they will maintain control of the Senate. If both Democrats win they assure a Senate majority, giving Joe Biden an opportunity to pass more laws.

The most recent poll from JMC Analytics gave Democrat Jon Ossoff the edge: 53 percent support Ossoff, and 45 percent support his Republican opponent David Perdue.

Republican Kelly Loeffler was trailing Democrat candidate Raphael Warnock by 1.9 percent.

This election is too close to call a winner. Whoever does win, it's not going to be by a wide margin.

Our country's fate is tied to this special election. If Mitch McConnell retains his position of power in the Senate, it doesn't bode well for change and a new direction.

McConnell will treat Biden the same way he treated Obama, by obstructing every legislative move he tries to make.

Biden's challenges will be many, but his term will produce more needed changes if the Democrats take the Senate.

The damage Trump has done to our government is going to take years to repair.

My eyes are on Georgia, hoping for the best result.

Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Day: A New Slate Full of Hope

                     Happy New Year!

Despite Trump's tantrums that will continue for another 19 days, there's millions of Americans looking forward to this new year.

Our new president Joe Biden will have his hands full picking up all the balls Trump dropped when he lost the election on Nov.3rd.

First and foremost, Biden's medical advisory team has to fix the broken vaccine roll out under Trump's Coronavirus Task Farce.

At the same time Biden's team will be facing international challenges caused by Trump's lack of foreign policy and his ridiculous America First policy that alienated our allies.

Throw in the economic crisis that has put millions of Americans out of work and hungry, and you begin to see the scope of the challenges Biden's administration is facing. 

But there is hope

The country's chances of recovery are much greater with a sane president who has morals and a conscience.

The foundations of democracy held up under Trump's assault, but will need to be reinforced so another rogue president can't come along and take this nation to the brink of fascism.

It's likely Biden's entire term will be devoted to repairing the damage that Trump has done at home and abroad.

But that's okay. We'll be on track to building America back up, and greater than ever before.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Last Gasp: 2020 Stumbles to a Close

It hasn't been pretty.

As fireworks go off tonight in a socially distanced Times Square in New York, and super spreader New Year parties violate CDC instructions, we've come to the last gasp of a terrible year.

Good riddance 2020

The only bright light in the last 364 days is we elected a new president despite Trump's attempt to overturn the will of the people. Democracy stood tall and he failed to tear the system down.

Tomorrow is a new year

I have high hopes for Biden's administration. Unfortunately, Trump and his minions are dead set on creating chaos right up until inauguration day.

Despite Trump's feeble and pathetic plan to steal the election in January, his final attempts are doomed to failure.

2021 will be a year of reckoning for his past crimes, both as a civilian and during his presidency.  

It will be a long process restoring our government back to the days when the world respected the USA. 

The task will begin on January 20th.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Year In Review Cancelled: No One Wants To Remember 2020

Usually at this time of year I run a Year in Review post. 

Due to what a hellish year it's been I'm cancelling that tradition which dates back to 2008.

If you want to see a re-cap of this miserable year turn on your TV or roam social media platforms. They're packed with events we'd rather not remember.

This year will only be remembered favorably by the wealthy and the Wall Street elite. They all made a killing (financially) while the rest of the country suffered through a pandemic (over 330,000 deaths and counting), food shortages, and economic blows (like losing jobs).

It's hard trying to put a happy face on 2020. Reality has been too harsh. Who wants to remember our sociopath/narcissist president trying to steal the presidential election?

Yes, there's lessons to be learned next year, but showing a montage of the carnage for entertainment doesn't interest me.

Experts in all fields, under the new Biden administration, will have their hands full correcting the mistakes and blatant damage Trump has wrought upon our nation.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Another 2020 Moment: Trump Awards Himself the Nobel Peace Prize

This year has been norm shattering. Many things in our society will never be the same again.

The list is too long to run here, but the top three reasons why our lives have changed forever are; the pandemic, Trump trying to steal the presidential election, and an economy in free fall.

Again, space doesn't permit me to run all the crazy things Trump's done this year.

After watching the video Trump shared Monday, I am submitting it as a great example of what Americans have been putting up with.

In an awkward attempt to congratulate himself, Trump tweeted a montage of his supposed accomplishments (most in his tiny brain). 

The most amusing claim was he won The Nobel Peace Prize. Of course, he didn't, but that didn't matter. He's shown (in a doctored photo) holding up a certificate alongside some real Nobel Prize winners.

A caption below states, "Trump stands for peace" as the logo for the Nobel Peace Prize fills the lower right-hand corner of the screen.

It encapsulates Trump's entire reign; lying and revoking reality at every turn. 

In an interesting result to his latest self-serving promotion, he violated intellectual property law; copywrite and trademark infringement violations.

It's a re-occurring theme throughout Trump's presidency. He's used music from groups and individuals in rallies without their permission. His 2016 and 2020 campaigns used others intellectual property rights with impunity.

Don't expect the Nobel Foundation to go to court over this infringement however. They don't want anything more to do with Don the Con, or his alternate universe.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Looking For Laughter in the Waning Days of 2020

Laughter has become a rare commodity in 2020.

The reason, as we all know, is the worst pandemic to hit America in over 100 years, a crippled economy, and a president that's completely out of control.

It's tough getting guffaws when people are wondering where their next meal is coming from, or if they'll be evicted from their homes. 

Despite the massive wave of challenges there are still people who manage to laugh. My theory is humor is in our DNA.

I got a good laugh today after reading about some guy back east - where the snow is coming down like a solid white blanket - who gave his neighbors (and social media) something to laugh about.

He used a flame thrower - I'm not making this up - to melt the snow on his driveway. The kicker was he dressed up like cousin Eddie in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

What a hilarious sight - seeing your neighbor wearing a white bathroom and snow cap with flaps swinging a flamethrower from side-to-side by his curb.


The point is, I'm always looking for a good laugh. In the Era of Trump this is almost Mission Impossible, unless you make an effort to turn away from all the shiny objects Trump waves every day.

If you can't find anything to laugh about around you, don't be afraid to look for comedians on TV and social media. I consider them First Responders for people who are bummed out.

Laughter is a balm for the suffering soul. It's a power that shouldn't be underestimated. Especially when times are dark.

I take heart with poet Robert Frost's quote; "If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane."

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Now Is Not The Time To T-P Houses

Public Service Announcement:

"Due to the cost and scarcity of toilet paper T-Ping trees in peoples yards is illegal for the foreseeable future."

Of all the challenges that this pandemic has poised, the weirdest has to be our obsession with having enough toilet paper.

Store shelves have been devoid of toilet paper off and on since March. Every now and then there's a sudden panic (like during the current surge), and retailers like Costco and Walmart have to limit purchases to one package per customer.

The burning question is why TOILET PAPER?

I can see why Lysol and other cleaning products are highly desirable... but toilet paper?

According to experts who study weird shit like this, toilet paper has become a symbol of safety and preparedness during the pandemic.

Cases of hoarding toilet paper have been reported throughout the country since March. 

At one point early on, toilet paper was so hard to get (when retailers were caught off guard without enough supplies) it was selling on the black market for $ 3.50 a roll.

One crazy incident that comes to mind (in April) happened in a Costco in Seattle, as employees were unloading a pallet of toilet paper. It was as if the neat stacks of white rolls was hit by a swarm of piranhas! 


What's the matter with people? Everyone just needs to take a deep breath. I assure you there's more important items to hoard than toilet paper - take any food for instance.

Look at it this way; people have managed to wipe their bums for thousands of years - without a roll of toilet paper.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

A 'Fake' President Determined to End Year and Term on a Low(er) Note

Trump retreated to his lair in Florida several days ago to golf and tweet lies while the nation was reeling under a pandemic and economic disaster.

Since Trump lost the election he ceased to pretend to be a president for the people. His wrath and grief know no bounds.

While unemployment benefits end tomorrow for millions of cash-strapped Americans, Trump was complaining last night that glossy US magazines have not featured his former pole-dancer, and wife Melania, once in four years.

As Americans hunkered down at home enduring a holiday diminished by the pandemic, an imminent government shutdown looms.

Hope for a relief bill has been repeatedly dashed by a grieving Trump who wants to punish the world for getting legally kicked out of office by a majority of voters.

Trump's revenge is punishing all Americans. Even his supporters. That should come as no surprise to anyone; he only cares about himself and has demonstrated that throughout his disastrous presidency.

As Trump played golf on Christmas Day at his resort, over 3,000 people died from the coronavirus. As he chatted with his buddy Lindsey Graham on the links, the total number of COVID-19 cases exceeded 78 million.

To make sure Trump ends the year on the lowest note in his pathetic term, he's refusing to pass a bipartisan $900 billion COVID relief package to bail the country out.

As Trump huddles with his cronies plotting how to overturn the election at Mar-a-Lago today, a five day count down towards evicting millions of Americans from the homes begins. Without help they'll start off the New Year homeless.

After four years of Trump's fake presidency relief is in sight next month when Joe Biden is inaugurated on January 20th.

Until then, the country will have to endure Trump's remaining days as he leaves behind a nation crippled from his ineptitude, corruption, and division.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Wishing You a Merry Christmas

                       Merry Christmas!

Wishing all my visitors a special Christmas this season.

Regardless of the pandemic the spirit of Christmas lives in our hearts.

May your day be full of grace and love.

                             Above all

Peace on Earth and goodwill to all!

He's Back! This Time in Drag

While Donald Trump has inspired thousands of grifters from across the country few have reached the heights that disgraced former Congressman...