Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 17: Trump's Sudden Awakening, Chippy Interviews, and False Prophets

Dear Diary,

Our Supreme Leader Trump finally figured out that the coronavirus is more vicious than the flu.

If you watched the daily Trump Task Farce briefing yesterday, he finally set aside most of the happy time shit he's been pushing since day one, and admitted "painful weeks are ahead." 

Painful, as in at least 100,000 Americans will die in the coming weeks and months. Possibly more, according to healthcare experts who say the number could be 200,000.

The daily briefings are becoming increasingly chippy. Trump lies about something, and reporters respond by calling him out on them. He then turns on them like a honey badger in heat.

Like a moth seeking light, Trump needs an audience. Social distancing has robbed him of his beloved rallies. The result is daily briefings are becoming longer as he rambles on for the camera.
**The latest controversy is about face masks. Should we wear them in public? I've heard arguments for wearing and not wearing them. As of today, the White House and the CDC...are still looking into it!

**With the White House all but shut down except for essential staff, Melania is stuck all day with Barron - who by all reports is happy he's not going to school right now - and Trump himself. Sounds like she's in the fourth inner circle of hell to me!

**Today is National Census Day. I filled out the questionnaire and mailed it.

**For the second time in two days, police have charged a pastor with defying public safety orders against large gatherings by holding church services with hundreds of members.

I had a hunch that not all churches were going to go along with the national social distancing guidelines. Most have, including Catholics. But there's always cult churches that listen to con men and false prophets who defy science, logic, and community rules for safety.

Perhaps local communities should start keeping track of these defiant zealots and keep them out of public places unless they agree to be tested for COVID-19. 

On the other hand, it is a good way to thin the herd...

On the Homefront - Medford, Oregon
**The coronavirus has hit 29 senior homes (at least 1 death) in Oregon thus far, but not in the senior homes in the Rogue Valley.

There's about 600 nursing and assisted living centers in Oregon, and about 1,500 adult foster homes. With that in mind, I suspect it's only a matter of time before we get cases here.

**We have 84 new cases of COVID-19 statewide. The death toll went up by two yesterday. It now stands at 18 deaths.

**Another lazy day in the Stancliff household. 

Tommy (cat) Molly (black pug) and Butters (blond Iggy), snuggling up on a rainy day.

 This little fur scrum is not an unusual sight as these three are buddies. Our other two cats, Oliver and Bob practice social distancing!

**Our governor, Kate Brown, has tested negative for COVID-19 after exhibiting symptoms of possible coronavirus.

Went to the grocery store today with Shirley. She went inside and I sat in the car. Because I'm almost 70 and have COPD, I just came along for the ride. It was a chance to see what the outside world looks like.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 16: Not So Social Distancing, Inside Trading Scandal Starring Senator, and Tom the Cat

Dear Diary,

It didn't take long.

I really didn't expect the mandatory social distancing would go smoothly even though it's being done for people's safety. Americans are very independent, and stubborn, when compared to other societies.

Social distancing stories
**An 86-year-old NY woman was standing in a packed hospital waiting room where everyone was trying to keep a distance from one another. It was impossible.

She got faint while standing and gripped a pole attached to a wheelchair with a woman in it to get her balance.

The woman became infuriated and punched the 86-year old in the face, sending her crashing to the floor! The woman died four hours later. The attacker was treated for the illness she came in with and was released. 

Police were notified 5 hours later, and they arrested the woman, who by the way had a history of assaults.

**A Florida Sheriff arrested a religious leader for refusing to stop holding packed church services. The pastor claimed his church was protected by some "machines," and that he could cure the state of Florida from the infection.

Nevertheless, the unimpressed authorities cited him for flaunting social distancing rules.

**A Maine man reported that armed neighbors descended on his home and chopped down a tree to block his driveway to prevent him from leaving because they thought he had the coronavirus.

When the police arrived the armed neighbors weren't there, but the tree sure was.

**Then we have the daily flaunting of social distancing when Trump and his Coronavirus Task Farce stand so close together they appear to be members of a chain gang shackled together so they can't run away!

Observations from afar
**Like the majority of Americans who are obeying stay at home orders, I'm watching anything on TV that has to do with where I live, and the nation. 

**Under the society pages... a daily litany of famous people dying from COVID-19.

**Much to my surprise, the Justice Dept. is investigating Republican Sen. Richard Burr's stock sell-offs before the virus spike. As the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee he had inside info on when to sell, according to investigating regulators.

On the Homefront - Medford, Oregon
**The grim count: 3 new deaths in Oregon make it 16 who have died from COVID-19. We've surpassed 600 coronavirus cases in the state.

**The state's ban on self-service gas station's has been lifted due to staffing problems caused by the coronavirus. You can now pump your own gas if you're in a hurry.

Meet Tommy the Rockstar! As you can see, he's a handsome cat with a regal bearing.

Don't let that innocent bunny-looking face fool you. 

He's a cunning predator. He's our outside/inside cat and is likes to display his hunting prowess by bringing . 

The other two, Bob and Oliver are inside cats. Oliver for obvious reasons - he's blind. 

As for Bob... he stays inside because he's just not the brightest penny in the pack!

Tommy's other side is a sweet, get along kinda guy who is friends with everyone in the house... even Oliver whose noted for being somewhat grumpy at times.

I'm grateful to all five of our fur babies, and my vastly patient and sweet wife Shirley. The combination make for great entertainment!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 15: Presidential Diaper Shortage, Stalled Supremes, and Oliver the Cat

Dear Diary,

As hospitals across the country scramble for more supplies; from face masks, respirators, surgical gowns, to COVID-19 testing kits, there's another shortage many Americans are unaware of but is vital to the nations security...

Trump's signature Presidential Diapers - Trumpies - are almost gone! The warehouse supply is so low his aides and staff have appropriated funds from the new Stimulus Bill to restock it.

A WH spokesperson who asked not to be named for fear of retaliation, told me that Trump has been wearing his Trumpies full time since the Impeachment hearings began in January. 

This accelerated usage, with at least six diaper changes a day, couldn't be anticipated according to Trump's new acting Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows. 


**The Supreme Court has responded to the coronavirus by postponing the 2-week oral argument sessions scheduled for several cases.

On hold are two cases centered on Trump's tax returns and other financial records, sought by the Manhattan district attorney and House committee investigators.


**Gun sellers across the US are reporting major spikes in firearm and bullet purchases as the coronavirus spreads across the country. I'm not surprised to see this. We're a nation of guns, and are always ready to use them... even on ourselves!

**Right now the major COVID-19 hotspots are big cities like New York and Detroit but Healthcare officials are saying it may hit later, and harder, in rural areas.

**After passing a 2 trillion dollar Stimulus Bill Congress is already looking at another one. That doesn't bode well at all.

**In the middle of a pandemic Trump is touting the viewership his daily Coronavirus Task Farce briefings are getting, and comparing them to The Bachelor. Captive audience much?

On the Homefront - Medford, Oregon

**69 new cases of COVID-19 reported yesterday, bringing the total to 548. The good news no new deaths were reported.

**Texting tales - Shirley is texting a lot, and getting a lot of texts. She has 100s of contacts - friends and family. Lately she is rediscovering everyone and filling me in on their lives.

**Meet Sir Oliver Wendel Holmes, our blind black kitty. He's kicking his Trump doll's ass in the photo. Yes, he's a Democrat!

He's also the boss of the other four animals in our house who've learned to defer to him. 

Oliver follows me from room-to-room like a faithful dog, always settling down by me when I sit somewhere. I'm convinced he has some kind of sonar because he seldom bumps into things.

The photo on the right was taken last spring. It looks like Oliver is watching the birds on the front lawn.

He made a funny little chittering noise as he turned his right from right to left. I suspect his predatory instincts were aroused by just the sound of those birds.

I love the way he fits in seamlessly with the other animals when it comes time to eat and drink. They actually take turns. You'd have to see it to believe it.

That's enough verbiage for today. I'm going to smoke a bowl now.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 14: A Horrible Time, Healing Humor, Bob the Cat

Dear Diary,

What a horrible time to have the most inept president in American history...

I'm very concerned about the elections in November. Election officials and voting experts are warning that the coronavirus pandemic is already threatening the safety and integrity of the presidential election.

There's talk of a constitutional crisis. We must have the elections (we managed during the Civil War) on time.

The only way I can see of insuring a safe election is by mail. Currently, only five states hold all of their elections by mail. The state I live in, Oregon, Washington State, Colorado, Utah, and Hawaii. 

Those other 45 states need to get on the bandwagon fast. I predict Republicans in some southern states will push back at the idea for political reasons. Especially if the Imbecile in the Oval office wants his buddy Putin to interfere in his favor...again.
                                    Under Humor

**I love The Rolling Stones hit song "Can't Get No Satisfaction." Here's a great video of a family singing a parody of it: "The Sanitiser Song"

**Quote: "Fate is like  strange, unpopular restaurant filled with little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like." - Lemony Snicket

**Have a cold one!

Now you can drink like a Mexican drug kingpin too, says his daughter Alejandrina Guzman (pictured), whose company has developed a craft beer dedicated to her infamous, incarcerated kingpin father Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman. 

**You've got to eat it, to beat it! 

That's the philosophy of one Hanoi chef who is attempting to boost morale in the Vietnamese capital by selling green, coronavirus-themed burgers.
On the Homefront - Medford Oregon

**A wet week ahead as weatherman predicts more spring showers. That's okay. We need it.

**Not a good sign. There's been 65 new cases of the coronavirus since yesterday. The state count is now 479 cases. And growing... 

**New State of Oregon PSA: "Stay Home! Don't accidently kill someone!" I guess that's pretty straight up!

**Introducing Bob the cat. He's the baby of our little group of animals.

Ways Bob stands out from the group:

He's the heaviest (outweighing both dogs).

He's a shy guy and spends a lot of time in his bed in our closet. When he comes out to visit it's for food... or fun. Or both.

Every night he and our other noctural predator Oliver (our blind cat) have a great time playing and getting into stuff.
They get so loud at times that Mollie (our Pug) - who sleeps with us - wakes up barking and runs into the Livingroom...

… a habit I can't say I've gotten use to yet! Mr. Bob is a sweet-natured guy whose so passive he allows Oliver to bully him at the food dish.

His favorite sports: Eating. Napping. Nocturnal Olympic Games (various events).
Time to sign off. Another day gone by during the Great Pandemic Crisis of 2020.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 13: Pollyana Dreams, Tops Are In, Bottoms Are Out, and Dr. Fauci Doughnots

                                       The Sacramento Bee

Dear Diary,

I woke up today with a real Pollyanna scenario playing in my head like a musical from the 60s.

What if this terrible pandemic brings Americans closer together? What if we actually start treating each other, conservatives and liberals, with respect? 

By the time I finished my first cup of coffee and reality set in while watching the news, the thought of mutual respect among the reds and blues seemed too ridiculous to contemplate.
Moving on...
The days of the week no longer matter.

Today is Saturday, but it might as well be Tuesday. No such thing as work days with weekends to look forward too. On one hand it's kind of liberating. On the other hand, it's another example of the changes in our society because of the coronavirus restrictions.
Odds and ends...
**A pissed-off Trump has finally evoked the Defense Production Act; something he's been hesitant to do for weeks for political reasons.

**Despite the House passing a historically massive relief bill (2 trillion), the stock market plunged yesterday.

**Under signs of the time: Walmart is reporting a run on tops, but no bottoms. The reason why is teleworking. Video conferencing is the way many employers have had to go with their work force isolated at home.

*Hypocrite of the week: New Hampshire Republican Donald Bolduc went on a radio show and said he wouldn't ask people for money. But right beforehand, he sent out an email doing just that!

**Another sign of the times: New York Doughnut shop sells Dr. Fauci doughnuts.

This is how popular the only truth-teller on Trump's Coronavirus Task Farce is. 

*Still another sign of the times: A Missouri woman gave birth in a Walmart toilet paper isle yesterday. I can just hear the overhead sound system announcing the event, "Baby on Isle Seven!" 
On the Homefront, Medford, Oregon

**Alarming news... Oregon state and county health officials reported nearly 100 new coronavirus cases Friday, marking the largest increase of infections in a single day and bringing the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the state to 414.

**I hope the state's Pollyanna assumption is true that if Oregonians stay at home, hospitals appear capable of handling the coronavirus burden.

Listening to stories around the country of overloaded hospitals and front line health care workers dying from lack of protection, has been harrowing.

**Pet talk. These two cuties keep us entertained. 

Mollie is the black pug, and Butters is our Iggy. They're both 7-years old. 

Mollie is a bully, and Butters is very passive. She considers two of our cats, Tommy and Bob, as her kitties, and hangs out with them. 

Our other cat, Oliver (who was born blind) is the king of the roost however. The others - including Mollie - give way to him constantly. Oliver is a loving cat as long as you don't startle him or he'll turn into Edward Sissorhands slashing out indiscriminately.

**Shirley and I have a daily routine that seems to be working out well. It's not easy for her because she is a social butterfly and chronic hugger. 

I suspect we'll have to make adjustments as the days turn to weeks. The hardest part is not knowing when our lives will be restored to normal... whatever that was before the pandemic.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 12: Recession Reality, Senate Passes Relief Bill, COVID-19 Cases Increasing

Dear Diary,
What has clearly emerged since I started this diary is an affirmation on how Trump supporters resist reality.

Not even a pandemic, killing Americans off in greater numbers every day, seems able to pierce the fog of stupidity and greed of Trump followers who want to open up the country and pretend this deadly virus will just magically go away. 

It's a defining moment in our history. 

Fact versus fiction in fighting the greatest challenge America has faced in over 100 years. It's basically up to the governors of each state to take the proper emergency measures with no leadership coming from Trump.

Sadly, there's several Republican governors in the south that agree with Trump, and are trying to ignite their economies by not closing most businesses at the risk of public safety.

The head of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, confirmed that we are in a recession now, and that it will continue until the coronavirus challenges have been solved.

Odd Observations

**Crazy things are happening. Some moron went into a Pennsylvania grocery store and walked through the produce and meat aisles purposely coughing on the food! She was arrested and is being tested for COVID-19.

**The upcoming election almost seems like it's on the back burner. Almost...

**Nurses and doctors wearing trash bags for protection because they ran out of the proper medical supplies.

**I've read numerous reports on how pollution has gone down over major industrial cities/countries across the planet. It's an odd way of improving global warming though carbon reduction.

On the Homefront - Medford Oregon

**Some Oregonians are swarming stores for home improvment projects, ignoring the stay-at home order. It's something that Shirley and have been guilty of...once.

Our excuse (and you knew I would find one) is that the store we went to, Lowe's, was open. "We came, we saw, and shopped!"

 The store was practicing social distancing, and had disinfection stations scattered around. Local authorties don't seem to mind this little reality. That could change if things get worse however.

**I can't help wondering if things will get worse here. Thus far, there have been 78 cases of coronavirus in Oregon since Feb. 28th (latest figures available). Over 266 cases reported statewide. And, 11 deaths.

**Sign of the times... gotta love it. Out-of-work strippers in this area are delivering food, the service is called Boober Eats! Forget it...I'm not even going there!

**Pet update. I'm thinking of running pics of our precious pets. They're always good for a laugh, and all of them are beyond cute! We have two dogs and three cats.

Attitude check 

As long as I don't spend too much time thinking about Trump and what he's doing to this country, I'm okay. Being homebound is no problem for me, as I normally lead a hermit-like existense. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day 11: COVID-19 Deaths Double, Some Relief on the Way

Dear Diary,

The unknown breeds fear. 

When people don't know what to expect, they get nervous.

Right now, the nation is in limbo during a pandemic because the Congress is and the lack of leadership at the top.

Partisan hacks from both parties couldn't agree to pass a stimulus bill to bail out the country in its time of need again yesterday. Talk about pathetic!

The good news is the Senate passed the bill today and it's going to the house.

Observations and News Bits
**Governors across the nation say feds not taking their calls for help seriously. By any measure, Trump's Coronavirus Task Farce has been a dismal failure full of lies and exaggerations.

**There are at least 30,811 confirmed cases of coronavirus across the state of New York. Over half are from New York City. Gov. Cuomo has been a rock star fighting for the state, but I'm afraid things are going to get worse in the days and weeks ahead because of medical supply shortages and the need for more facilities for patients.

**Young people continue to ignore social distancing standards by gathering together outside and inside with coronavirus denial parties. Until they get it, seniors and people with predisposing conditions are going to get COVID-19 from these rebels.

On the Homefront - Medford, Oregon
**Spring showers today, and forecasted for the next week. That's okay, we need it.

**Our governor, Kate Brown, has joined other governors blaming the feds for shortages of protective equipment.

**Oregon is delaying tax filing until July 15th, matching the new federal deadline.

**Shirley and I have been keeping busy doing projects around the house. She is busy redoing our guest bathroom. Painting, new fixtures, etc., while I hammer away at a keyboard half the day! Seems like I have a lot to say.

**Our precious pets have been providing entertainment. Try to imagine a pug and an Iggy playing tag with three cats! It's a hoot watching the gang tear through the house like furry demons!

What a year! An impeachment and a pandemic in just the first three months. Better buckle up for a rough ride partner. We haven't seen anything yet.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Pandemic Diary Day Ten: 'The Chosen One' Says He'll Resurrect the Economy On Easter, Healthcare Experts Are Stunned

                                          Dear Diary,

It was just a matter of time.

It looks like Trump is phasing out Dr. Fauci (the only non-political healthcare expert on his Coronavirus Task Farce). 

Word is he's jealous of all the attention Dr. Fauci has been getting. Coupled with his concern over the economy, Trump's biggest worry is getting re-elected.

Keeping Americans safe from the pandemic is a low priority item for the Narcissist in Charge. He wants to jumpstart the economy by sacrificing human lives.

In one of his daily displays of stupidity, Trump promised the economy would come back on Easter. Shades of the "Chosen One."

Dr. Fauci - as well as virtually every other medical professional in the country - has been explicit the current social distancing measures need to be kept in place beyond Easter.

He's even hinted the restrictions might even need tightening (in the next few weeks) in order to curtail the spread of the coronavirus. 

It's easy to see what's happening with Trump. He can't ignore reality right now, and it's pissing him off! 

My biggest concern is that Trump overrules the experts advise on social distancing to rev up the economy to the determent of every senior citizen and person with immunity problems in America.

What did this country do to deserve such a profoundly flawed human being?

Other Observations

**Netflix and YouTube are slowing down in Europe to keep the internet from breaking. I'm wondering when (or if) the USA will go the same way?

**A lot of people are ignoring social distancing throughout the country according to news reports. I attribute that to our stubborn independent streak that is more concerned with freedom of movement than safety.

**Jerry Falwell Jr., a political hack and President of Liberty University, proved that he's a Trump puppet once again.

He welcomed 1,100 students back from spring break, greeting many with handshakes, and joking about how they "pretty much had the run of the place to themselves."

This happened the same day Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced that all K-12 schools in the state would remain closed for the rest of the year. Northam, who is a doctor, said the closures were necessary to slow the spread of the virus.

On the Homefront in Medford, Oregon

**Nearly one out of 20 visits to an Oregon emergency department during the last week has involved a patient with COVID-19- like symptoms, according to data from the Oregon Health Authority. 

It's probably because of lack of testing that Oregon looks almost unaffected by the pandemic. We'll see in the weeks ahead.

**Our hot tub broke down. This was a cause of great concern for Shirley and I, because we often use it to relieve our arthritis symptoms.

The good news was it was still under guarantee (until May) and the new pump isn't costing us anything. Of course there's the very real possibility we won't get it for months with the currently strained supply lines.

Thus far, my spirits have been good. I'm optimistic things will get better... down the road.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...