Saturday, January 11, 2020

'Are You Ready to Rumble?' Trump's Senate Trail Slated for Next Week

Good Day World!

A battered and cowardly group of Republicans are preparing themselves for next week's rumble in the Senate.

The opening bell...

House Speaker Pelosi informed her caucus it's time to send the articles of impeachment over to the Senate, where the fight to stop a corrupt commander-in-chief will be held.

Quick historical fact: boxing was once entirely controlled by mobsters in all the major cities. They picked the winners and losers.

Moving on...

To further this modern day analogy of Trump and cronies controlling nearly everything like the corrupt old days of boxing, the Senate match is being rigged.

Senate majority leader, aka Moscow Mitch, already informed us of that. He has no intention of this being a fair fight. In recent days he's been working out the details of the upcoming political rumble round-by-round with Trump.

This kind of collusion, where the referee is already in one fighter's corner, recalls the mobs complete control of every outcome to a prize fight.

The Republican Party has been reduced to a bunch of has-been fighter's who once cared about our republic and stood up for it.

The pathetic puppets among the GOP Senators have already chosen to turn a blind eye to justice out of fear of Trump the enforcer.

There has been a slight movement (conscience?) among some Republican senators like Susan Collins, to level the playing field by calling for witnesses.

Related:Justin Amash Says 'I Do Think Trump Abused His Power With Soleimani Strike'

Trump, who is well-grounded in mobster (mafia) tactics, believes he has the fight fixed, and who can blame him? He's ready to rumble to a preordained decision.

Right now, the Democrats look like Marlon Brando in The Waterfront, a movie about a slugger standing up to the mob. His famous line "I coulda been a contender" sums it all up.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Coronation is Complete: The Republicans Have Their King

Good Day World!

After three years of groveling and lying for Trump, Republican lawmakers have openly crowned him as King of the Un-United States of Amerika.

The coronation was this week when Pence and the White House told Congress and the Senate that Trump doesn't have to account for why he suddenly decided to assassinate the second most powerful man in the Iranian regime, putting America on a war standing.

Update: US targeted another Iranian official on same day as Soleimani, but the operation was unsuccessful.

This latest assumption of complete power for Trump has even pissed off some Republicans like Sen. Mike Lee from Utah. His reaction to the briefing from Trump's minions was one of outrage:

"It was probably the worst briefing I've seen at least on a military issue in the nine years I've served in the United States Senate," Lee told reporters right after the briefing.

"It was insulting and demeaning," he added while stressing he was in favor of a new war powers resolution.

Related: Trump's Twitter Threats Against Iranian Cultural Sites Borrow From the ISIS Playbook

Despite Trump's massive display of disdain for every law in the land and the Constitution, Republicans plan on protecting him in the Senate now that he's been impeached.

Moscow Mitch's open disdain for the whole impeachment process is clearly demonstrated by his announcement of working with the White House and being in lock-step with Trump.

Trump's acquittal in the Senate was the proposed coronation moment, but when given an opportunity to back Trump's attempt at Wag the Dog, they jumped the gun and prostrated themselves for him despite the risk of war.

I'm waiting for Trump to announce his Round Table of Orange Knights is going to replace Congress and the Senate. I'm guessing Rudy Giuliani is going to be named the official Court Jester soon.

The coronation is complete. The Republicans have their king.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Who Needs a Foreign Policy? Not Trump

Good Day World!

Among Trump's many stupid statements since slithering into office, is that he knows more than all of his generals when it comes to ISIS.

As a matter of record, Trump claims to know how to do anything better than anyone. The few adults that were once in Trump's administration are long gone. Driven out, or by resigning in disgust like John Bolton.Trump's taken charge of all Foreign Affairs.

The results are hardly surprising:

*The Ukraine scandal - got him impeached. A senate trial to acquit or convict soon.

**Selling out our allies the Kurds, to Turkey's dictator. Effectively destabilizing the Middle East. 

**Bringing America to the brink of war with Iran this week by assassinating their top general.

**Effectively defying NATO members on Iran nuke deal signed in 2015, even though the U.S. was an original signatory.

How often do we hear about Trump's foreign policy? 
When has he ever laid out a foreign policy strategy to Congress, the Senate, and the people who elected his fat ass?

I'll answer both of them. Never, and never. 

Who needs a damn foreign policy when Trump can just go by his amble gut and change it daily? The Republicans on Capitol Hill seem okay with his fly-by-the-diaper decision-making process, regardless of the consequences.

Trump's drone attack on a revered Iranian leader has united the people -who were starting to protest the regime's policies - and assured the region of continuing conflict as they seek revenge against "The Great Satan (Trump calls himself the Chosen One)."

Currently, all Americans have been alerted to the possibility of Iranian computer intrusions attacking our infrastructure. Thousands of new troops have been sent to the Middle East which is now on a war standing with an uneasy, unwritten, truce.

No one knows what will happen next. Just the way Trump likes it. Total chaos.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

War and Impeachment: Trump-Caused Chaos Coming to a Climax Somewhere Near You

Good Day World!

I never watched so-called reality shows on TV.  

People doing idiotic things and infusing drama into every episode was never my cup of tea. 

That's why I resent being caught up in Trump's reality show presidency.

The first three years have been nothing but chaos caused by Trump's corruption. It been like living through the sack of Rome. The barbarians, aka Trumplicans, follow Trump's efforts to destroy a civilization - a great democracy - blindly.

In his fourth year, Trump has shed all pretenses of propriety in a power grab to be our first dictator. Despite being impeached by Congress he's defiantly tying up the courts.

Trump's latest show of power, not even consulting the Gang of Eight  to get authorization for the assassination of the top Iranian general, may drag America into another unwanted war!

As a combat Vietnam veteran, I join my other veteran brothers and sisters who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, in solidarity AGAINST WAR. Now, and forever.

Cadet Bonespurs says he's ready for war. I'm not. The American public is not.

Click here to Say NO to WAR with Iran.

What's unfolding before a stunned American nation is absolute chaos. Suddenly Americans at home and abroad, are on a war footing.

Related: Iran Attacks US Military Bases

Congresses impeachment of Trump will just be a footnote because a rigged senate under Moscow Mitch, is preparing a quick sham trial without witnesses and transcripts.

If Moscow Mitch is allowed to stop the truth from coming out, Americans will face the biggest threat yet... a totally unhinged Trump doing a victory dance on the Constitution and our freedoms (at least until November).

I admit, this is what I feared would happen if Trump got elected. Seeing us on the brink of war because of a lying sociopath is a waking nightmare.

The foundations of our democracy are crumbling under the corruption that continues to this very day. Like it, or not, we're all players in Trump's reality games.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

John Bolton: The Republican Who Trumped Trump?

                                        Good Day World!

Yesterday former secretary of state John Bolton dropped a bombshell.

He announced, via twitter, that he would obey a subpoena if the Senate sends him one in the upcoming trial to decide whether to acquit, or convict Trump.

Why now?

Speculation is rampant on Capitol Hill. Here are 7 conversations being bantered about by pundits regarding the timing of Bolton's surprise announcement:

1. Bolton is getting his revenge for being fired last September and wanted to start the New Year off with a bang.

2. Because of the recent Kupperman court ruling, Bolton now feels it's safe to testify.

3. Bolton is upset with Trump's decision to take out Iranian general because of the ramifications - uniting Iran in a time where the country was experiencing internal dissent over sanctions.

4. Just the opposite - Bolton is happy with Trump for striking Iran so hard and is going to reward him by downplaying the Zelensky extortion scheme.

5. Bolton is drumming up interest in his upcoming book

6. Bolton plans on having it both ways - appear like he's cooperating although he knows he'll never be forced to deliver AND he can save the real juicy information for his book.

7. It's a slimy self-serving calculation; Bolton knows McConnell doesn't want any witnesses (especially him). 

What are the ramifications of Bolton's Announcement?

The first thing that comes to mind is the pressure it puts on Mitch McConnell to call witnesses. Something he doesn't want to happen because more truth will come out about Trump's blatant abuse of power.

Bolton appearing before the court gives the Democrats a first-hand witness to what Trump was doing with the Ukraine. It would also destroy the Republicans argument of no first-hand accounts of quid pro quo.

An interesting aside to this story was Bolton actually contacted McConnell BEFORE making his big announcement... and he didn't contact the White House.

Expect to hear more about this new development in the days and weeks ahead.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, January 6, 2020

No Trump - The World is Not Safer After Making an Iranian General a Martyr

Good Day World!

Trump was looking forward to bringing in the New Year with a bang, as his guests and cronies at Mar-A-Lago discovered on New Year's Eve.

He waddled around the resort hinting that he had a big surprise in store for Iran, titillating listeners with hints of something so "yuge" it would be earth-shaking.

Two days before Trump ordered the assassination of Iran's top general, he and Lindsey Graham scooted about on a golf cart talking about his impending action.

There was no attempt to get authorization from Congress because Trump doesn't trust the lawmakers there, and they may have tried to talk him out of the rash move.

As for advisers, he no longer has any with a modicum of guts. The drooling minions he's appointed throughout government live to carry his foul water.

Proving he's a world class con man and liar, Trump announced the world was a safer place after killing Gen. Quassim Suleimani with a drone. His puppet Pompeo echoed the lie.

But evidence that claim was bullshit appeared within hours and days:

**Iran ended it's Nuclear Limits agreement and announced it was time to go full-speed ahead for nuke development.

**Iraqi parliament tells 5000 American troops to leave the country because it's no longer safe for them.

**Iran declares all US military bases and personnel are #1 targets for revenge.

**US Homeland Security warns Americans to be on the alert for Iranian retaliation.

**Iranians are united now in their thirst for revenge, and are no longer complaining about living conditions.

**Americans were told to the leave the Middle East immediately for their personal safety.

**All efforts to battle ISIS have stopped, as the coalition fell apart.

**The chances of a new war in the Middle East have spiked as Trump warns of attacking Iranian cultural landmarks (an international war crime) and numerous other locations (52 to be exact).

**America's allies feel they were screwed because they weren't notified of the impending attack, and it destroyed their final efforts to hold Iran to some kind of nuke agreement.

As I write this post it's safe to say more ramifications from Trump's idiotic move are happening. 

There was a reason Israel didn't take Suleimani out; their Mossad could have killed him anytime, but decided the backlash wouldn't be worth it. Our last two presidents came to the same conclusion.

Trump's attempt to divert news away from his impeachment trial in the Senate, and to possibly help get him re-elected, is already backfiring.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, January 5, 2020

About the Church of Trump and the Latter Day Nazis

Good Day World!

The Sermon on Capitol Hill, delivered by Trump and his cult-worshipping religious acolytes, is always the same; 

"God sent Trump to save America to take away women's rights to their bodies by banning abortion in the land."

In return, white Evangelicals and mega churches (think the Church of Prosperity and other fringe domination's) are willing to overlook EVERYTHING else Trump does no matter how abhorrent it may be.

Related: Why Do Evangelicals Support Trump? Blame the Suburbs

Trump is a quasi-religious superstar who can grab pussies with impunity while his flock looks on adoringly. His lies fall upon the faithful like a steady rain in a thunderstorm, but they don't bother with umbrellas.

Related: 'Toxic Christianity:' The Evangelicals Creating Champions for Trump 

This loose coalition of religious hypocrites are offshoots of the Church of Trump and the Latter Day Nazis. White Supremacists and the wealthy are welcome.

It was the latter day Nazi's, along with the white Evangelicals who helped get Trump elevated to the presidency Supreme Leadership.

Related: Evangelical Magazine Calls For Trump's Removal of Office: 'He is Profoundly Immoral' and 'Morally Lost'

That anyone would think that Trump was some kind of messenger from God, shows how far America has gotten away from the traditional religions of the world.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Trumps Sudden Drone Strike: Wag the Dog?

                                       Good Day World!
Without authorization from Congress, Trump suddenly ordered a deadly drone strike on the second most powerful man in Iran - Major General Qasem Soleimani.

Instead of following the lead of past presidents and informing the Gang of Eight (four Democrats and 4 Republicans) before authorizing military action that could lead to war, Trump, aka the Chosen One, chose to make the decision all by himself.

The lone decider is a pattern of governing Trump has been embracing more and more during his corrupt regime. He's turned all the heads of government into puppets dancing to his crazy whims and prejudices.

Why take such a provocative move now? Killing a top Iranian military leader visiting Iraq was a calculated move by Trump. The only person he told about his plan was his asshole buddy, Lindsey-the-hypocrite Graham, while they were golfing at his resort a couple of days ago.

That meeting stinks of a wag-the-dog moment. With the impending impeachment trial in the Senate coming up soon, Trump did what he does best - divert attention to something else.

ompous Mike Pompeo and Trump declared the reason for the sudden strike was because of an imminent threat;

**The reason for the strike was to stop an ongoing threat, according to Mitch McConnell; 

**The drone strike was a deterrent according to the Pentagon;

The story keeps changing. Take your pick. 

This post is not about defending that ruthless murderer Soleimani. Lives will be saved with him gone. What needs to be examined is why now? Let's be real. Soleimani has been a threat to Americans in the region for at least three decades.

It's no coincidence that in the last two weeks more revelations about Trump's Ukraine cover up have become public with additional damaging information on Trump.

It was time to change the narrative.

By now, everyone in America knows Trump will stop at nothing to stay president, and get re-elected. If that means starting a war, he's fully capable of it.

The scary thing is if Senate Republicans acquit Trump he's going to become even more unhinged than he currently is... at the sake of our country's best interests.

The nation's fate rests with true patriots recognizing the truth and convicting Trump for Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress in the Senate trial. 

The senators have all sworn to protect our republic from day one. This is their chance. Trump has to be stopped as soon as possible.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, January 3, 2020

Majority of Americans Want To See a Fair Senate Trial But Will That Happen?

                                       Good Day World!

The U.S. Senate is reconvened today, but don't expect an answer on when the impeachment trial will be held, or what the rules will be.

Despite how divisive the impeachment saga has been, most Americans believe the Senate trial should - and will - be handled fairly.

The Senate Republicans, under Moscow Mitch, have no intention of making it a fair trial if they can help it. But there is pressure on them to make it fair.

Seven in 10 Americans in a new ABC/News/Washington Post poll say Trump should allow his top aides to testify. The last thing Moscow Mitch wants is witnesses because he knows their testimonies would be damning for Trump.

McConnell knows Republicans Senators would feel immense pressure if more information came out about Trump's crimes on live TV. Facts are hard to fight when constituents are paying attention.

To complicate Moscow Mitch's battle to protect Trump is Trump himself. He wants a show trial. He's dreaming of bringing Adam Schiff, Joe Biden, and his son Hunter, onto the senate floor in chains to be tried for treason.

Related: Mitch McConnell Devastated As 50 Percent of Voters Want Impeachment Trial Witnesses 

To Moscow Mitch's credit he knows that's not real world thinking coming from the reality star turned wannabe dictator.

Republicans are going to be the ones in the hot seat because they have to demonstrate it's going to be a fair trial and not a partisan coverup.

If John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, Michael Duffy, and Mark Esper testify, Trump is in deep shit. They'll be more smoking guns uncovered for the public to view. If they don't get called, then accusations of unfairness will follow.

The final consideration lies with those GOP senators who decide to ignore all the evidence, even though it's been a fair trial, and still vote to acquit Trump.

Related: 4 Ways the McConnell-Pelosi Impasse Over a Senate trial Could End

Time for me to walk on down the road....

Thursday, January 2, 2020

This Year Americans Will Find Out If a President is Above ther Law

                                        Good Day World!

It's been a reoccurring claim since Trump stole the 2016 election with Russia's help...

Trump believes he's above the law.

Any law. He has christened himself the Chosen One. His hardcore followers are ready to walk of cliffs of credibility for him at a mere tweet.

He's bragged on numerous occasions that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and get away with it. Trump believes the Constitution is a pain in the ass and is constantly testing the courts to see how far he can go to get his way.

Despite having been impeached, he's confidently defiant. He knows GOP senators fear him and won't convict him for his crimes when his case goes before them.

As of the writing of this post, there's no doubt it will be a show trial. A sham. A kangaroo court with the accused and senate majority working hand-in-hand. Nothing short of a political miracle can change that.

When the senate trial is over, Americans will either know if their president is above the law (if Trump's acquitted), or if the guardrails the founder's came up with for our democracy failed.

There's a very scary possibility our system of checks-and-balances will collapse for the first time in American history.

If that's the case, we'll officially have the nation's first dictator. 

How long Americans are going to tolerate that inconvenient fact will be decided in the November elections.

Time for me to walk on down the road....

Whose Justice? The Interruption Changes from State to State

It just depends on what state you're in these days whether you have a chance of getting justice in the courts. If you are in Texas, it...