Monday, November 20, 2017

Why Is Trump Getting Away With Sexual Harrassment When Everyone Else Is Being Held Accountable?

Good Day World!

It seems like it all started when women started calling out Bill Cosby for sexual harassment last year.

A sudden awareness slowly dawned upon the country as more women stepped forth and told their stories of sexual harassment by other famous people.

During the presidential campaign at least ten women came out and told the world what sexual improprieties Trump got away with them.

The now infamous Access Hollywood tape where Trump bragged about being able to grab pussy's because he was famous, temporarily shocked the nation.

The comments raised a brief stir before dropping off the front pages with the news that WikiLeaks was releasing dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Don't think for a moment the timing was coincidental. Trumpies were working with WikiLeaks (See current Russian investigation by special counsel Mueller), and the Russians, to discredit Hillary in any way possible.

The release effectively buried the sexual harassment claims as the Trump campaign knew it would.

But, the women's claims still stand.

An anonymous “Jane Doe” filed a federal lawsuit against GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump last March, accusing him of raping her in 1994 when she was thirteen years old.

The strange thing is the mainstream media ignored the filing at that time.

Trump has a long history of debasing women he’s worked with, crossing the line on a regular basis. He’s taken lifelong joy in objectifying women, including his proclamation: “Women, you have to treat ‘em like shit.”

So why are people talking about Al Franken's two times of questionable behavior? Simple. Politics.

Franken joined in with his critics and called for an ethics investigation on himself. He immediately owned his error and apologized. Unlike, any of the others. 

I can see why people are talking about that pervert Roy Moore running for the Senate.

So far, eight women have come out with stories of him sexually harassing them in their teens. One was 14-years-old.

Look at Hollywood.

Harvey Weinstein was a serial pervert. He had a hit list of nearly 100 actors, publicists, and producers as part of strategy to silence his sexual assault accusers.

He's currently under investigation by the NYPD, LAPD, Scotland Yard, and the Beverly Hills police.

Kevin Spacey joins the list of harassers and has already paid dearly - he was taken off the House of Cards series and essentially banned from acting in Hollywood.

There's many more cases of women calling out their powerful tormentors. I don't have the space to list them all here.

I want to know, with all of this growing awareness in the country, why isn't Trump being taken to task for his sexual misdeeds?

I'm waiting.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Will The IRS Ever Get Done With Auditing Trump's Tax Returns?

Good Day World!

As soon as Trump slithered into office he made it known that he's not going to release his tax returns like every modern president before him.

His excuse was that his tax returns were being audited, which was just another Donny dodge.

The IRS said there's no problem releasing them now if Donny wants too.

Make no mistake; Donny never plans on sharing those documents because they could incriminate him.

At the very least, the public will know how much he and his family benefit from his proposed tax reforms. 

To show how concerned Trump is about someone seeing his returns, he's instructed the IRS to provide even more security for them than they already had. Now a special safe houses his dark financial secrets.

People keep asking me how Trump can get away with doing things like this?

My answer is two-fold: he's being enabled by career politicians without souls, and financial backing from the Billionaire Boys club of America.

After extensive research on the IRS's methods of auditing, I discovered there is no set time limit.

Factor that in with the pressure Trump is keeping on the IRS  (which needs funding from him) and you have the perfect storm of corruption.

Based upon all of the above, it looks like Donny's audit will never end. 

The only thing that can disrupt his corrupt intentions is if special counsel chairman Robert Mueller subpoena's them.

However, he might not get the chance, as Trump's minions are actively trying to get rid of him before the investigation goes any further.

Another sad reality in Trump's Amerika.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Trump Gives Dimwit Sons An Early Christmas Present

Good Day World!

Daddy Trump gave his two stupid sons an early Christmas present this week
 After world gets after Trump, he reverses decision, temporarily restoring ban
by making it legal to hunt endangered animals, and to bring back their body parts for souvenirs.

Once again Trump found an Obama policy to senselessly reverse.

Under President Obama's policy it was illegal to hunt endangered animals, and to bring home elephant tusks.

But Trump minions in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service met with a pro-trophy hunting lobbying group in Tanzania, and with Trump's blessings, tossed out any protection for the animals until 2018.

What happens then, I don't know. Maybe they figure there won't be any elephants or big cats left to hunt.

What really fries my grits is the argument the trophy-hunting trolls make to justify what they're doing.

They contend that it can help preserve wildlife by generating income for poor countries that can promote conservation and improve the lives of impoverished people.

Let's see now, by killing the elephants off the locals will get money to eat and buy supplies as long as the majestic creatures last? What happens then?

Yeah. That would be a new problem.

China, Singapore and the United States, have banned the trade in ivory for years in an effort to protect the dwindling herds.

Trump changed that, at least for a while, so his dumb offspring can bring back more than an elephant tail this time.

One more fact to consider, the money that comes into  Zimbabwe and Zambia won't necessarily make it to those who need it.

Both are unstable governments. As a matter of fact Zimbabwe is in the process of a coup as I write this. 

The army in Zimbabwe has seized control of state TV, saying it's taking action to target what it calls criminals surrounding President Robert Mugabe.

What do you think will happen to any money coming in from trophy-hunters?

That whole thin argument collapses under the reality of the situation.

Trump mindlessly overturned another Obama policy for sheer spite, and for his two mentally-challenged children who shouldn't be running around with guns anyway!

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Loser: Trump Fails To Sell One F-18, and Further Alienates Asian Allies

Good Day World!

Based upon facts, let's be clear about Trump's recent Asia tour; it didn't produce anything near a treaty, or sell one F-18, during the trip.

Trump was so desperate, it was reported, that he begged the Vietnamese government to buy American military equipment because he needed "a win."

Now that we have that out of the way, let's take a look at what Donny thought about his latest great adventure. 

Upon returning to the United States he contacted the media and said he had a major announcement to make. An eager press corps assembled and then listened to him babble for 25 minutes.

No real news. Instead, Trump talked about how nice all the dictators were, and how they all threw him lavish receptions. And, how they loved and respected him.

He bragged about how countries were following his lead on sanctions for North Korea, including China.

However, China made a statement the next day refuting Trump's assertion about changing their sanction policy to go along with him.

A Chinese state department release firmly stated, "We are staying with our current policy."

Trump was really on a military sales junket which he tried to disguise as a diplomatic tour. None of the dictators were impressed with his infamous art-of-the-deal approach.

Instead of strengthening foreign ties, as he claimed in his major announcement speech, Donny made it clear that he wasn't interested in signing any long-term strategy with our allies in the region.

He was on a sales mission for American defense contractors, and didn't secure one major order. 


Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Just What I Suspected: Sessions Has Dementia or...

                                     Good Day World!

Watching Sessions stumble through his most recent testimony under oath, was a perfect example of what dementia does to a person.

He couldn't remember a damn thing!

When prodded and confronted with evidence, Jeffy's memory improved long enough to remember some things. 

Not everything, mind you, but enough to say he turned Papadopoulos's attempt to hook Putin up with The Donald down.

Just enough recall to cover his lying ass.

Jeffy was forced to admit (because new evidence showed up) a former aide to Trump's presidential campaign informed him during the 2016 election about ties to Russian officials.

That, of course is in direct contradiction to his own testimony to members of Congress during his confirmation hearing to become attorney general earlier this year.

When not being forced to tell the truth, Jeffy stonewalled the rest of the questions with word salads. And a bad memory.

I believe a memory as bad as Jeffy's qualifies for early - to middle - signs of dementia. I've known people with dementia and Jeffy either has it...or

He's a bigger liar than Trump! How mind numbing is that?

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The 2008 Presidential Election Was A Stepping Stone To Power For Trump

Good Day World!

To understand how someone as corrupt as Trump made it to the presidency we need to turn the clock back a bit.


“I've got this scary feeling, for the first time in my life, that dimwittedness is not just on the march in the U.S., but it might actually prevail!”  - New York Time columnist, Bob Herbert

No, this is not referring to The Donald.

It's referring to the 2008 presidential campaign where Sen. McCain joined forces with Sarah Palin.

I wrote an opinion piece for Nolan Chart that year (Lies on the Campaign Trail 2008: McCain/Palin set new low standards)

I said this in summary:

Forget real issues. As long as they can get away with twisting the truth like taffy it'll be in Republican campaign manuals for future elections.

It sounds prophetic now when we look at how Trump slithered into office. He weaponized lies and declared any news about him as "fake news."

There's no doubt that Sen. McCain and Palin helped paved the way for the Great White Dope now in office.

Not only were American's dumbed down by partisan lies, but many decided to join the Trump cult and to pledge their loyalty to him.

Using his base as reality TV show actor, Chump brought those same mindless minions who watched him for years on TV into the voting booth.

Yes, there were other important factors that led to Trump's rise, but at the core it's the GOP's willingness to accept lies.

Now those spineless GOP members in congress have got what they deserved; a maniac sitting in the Oval Office tweeting our freedom away!

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

I Get It Now! Chief of Staff John Kelly Is A Comedian

Good Day World!

I have to tell you folks, Kelly really had me going there for awhile.

I thought he was the only adult in the West Wing at one point.

I thought he was an honest man.

And, I was wrong on both counts.

After his brazen lie about what Rep. Wilson supposedly said, it was apparent he was no different than any of the other vermin Trump brought into the White House.

After that he went on silly ass rants about Robert E. Lee and the Confederacy, suggesting the war wasn't about slavery and they're were good men on both sides.

You know, like Trump said when the white supremacists paraded around Charlottesville,Virginia, and someone was murdered by a neo-Nazi?

"There's good people on both sides," he claimed.

Having established Kelly's chops as a true Trumpie with no soul, there's one more area that needs exploring. 

How has he lasted this long without pissing Trump off?

Then it came to me, Kelly is a comedian. He's like one of those straight-faced fellows who can make you pee your pants because you're laughing so hard!

Here's a good recent example:

Reporter: Do you think the president's tweets have been a problem on this tour?"

Kelly: Believe it or not, I don't follow his tweets.

I'll give you a moment for a good belly laugh...

Kelly's little stand-up routine for the traveling press just kept getting funnier.

Reporter: Aren't you concerned that Trump is saying the North Korean leader is short and fat when this trip is about calming down the war talk?"

Kelly: It is, what it is.

Wait! Hold on a moment! Kelly has to be joking....right?

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, November 13, 2017

Wilber Ross's Corruption Fits In Nicely With Trump's White House

Good Day World!

Wilber Ross was a perfect fit.

That's why Trump nominated him to be Secretary of Commerce.

His job qualifications ranged from being a billionaire, to a chronic liar.

Oh yeah...he had no trouble pledging undying loyalty to Trump. He didn't just kiss Donnie's ring, he kissed his ass...repeatedly.

Why did Wilber take issue with Forbes Magazine dropping him off the Forbes 400 list last year? Because he listed his assets at $2 billion dollars more than could be verified.

Dropping off that list was a blow to Wilbur's ego and future business dealings. But Wilbur wouldn't clarify where the missing 2 billion was.

Because Wilbur was (and is) a loyal Trumpie, his memory seems to be spotty when being asked questions about his past business life.

When the Paradise Papers were released, lo and behold! Wilbur had a lot of money stashed in Bermuda and was still a partner in a company (Navigator) that had direct ties to Putin.

It's that Russia thing. Donny and all of his cronies love their Russian partners. Especially wealthy Russian partners.

Speaking of The Paradise Papers, their revelations come as Trump is vowing to reform the U.S. tax system to benefit the middle class.

But the Republican tax bill proposed last week includes some loopholes such as allowing deferred foreign income to qualify for a tax rate as low as 5 percent.

It's Wilbur's ability to lie - even under oath - that endears him to Donny. Like during his confirmation when Wilbur failed to list 19 key items on his questionnaire.

Here's a fun idea, count how many Trumpies will benefit from the new Tax Reform bill? Remember, don't forget Wilbur.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Roy 'Fruit Salad' Moore Abused Teen Girls - So What? The Alabama GOP Still Loves Him!

Good Day World!

There was a reason Roy Moore's professor in college called him "Fruit Salad."

Hint; it wasn't because he was gay either.

He was a wacko. 

And now we find out the Alabama Republican Senate candidate also likes young girls. Real young. Like 14 years-old. 

His mentor, Trump, made a brief comment about the allegations saying if they're true he should step down. That's all we going to get from Donnie until Moore's drama plays itself out.

I know one thing for sure, the GOP doesn't want to see the heavily favored Moore drop out of the race. It would mean the Democratic challenger might have a chance to win.

Losing even one seat in the senate right now could be disastrous for the Republicans. Their majority would be whittled down to one vote, instead of the current two, if Moore wins and holds the seat.

Meanwhile the GOP party in Alabama is sticking with their chosen pervert, who by the way is also the founder and president of the Foundation for Moral Law!

Can you say hypocrite? 

If you ask me, Moore will fit in nicely with the constantly growing swamp in the White House if he does get elected and the senators let him in.

He certainly won't feel out of place.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Saturday, November 11, 2017

A Few Thoughts On Veteran's Day

Good Day World!

Today many Americans will honor veterans for their service.
And, rightly so.

Anyone who gives up years of their life to serve our country should be recognized for that selfless act. 

Not everyone in our military went voluntarily. Once there was a draft. The new all volunteer military needs more volunteers, or we may see that draft again.

Regardless of why men and women went into the military over the years, if they served honorably they deserve the benefits they get in civilian life.

This country does love it's veterans.

Sometimes it doesn't seem that way with all of the glitches the Veterans Administration has. Even so, imagine if there weren't any benefits and pensions when veterans left the service?

This country isn't perfect, and I know there's too many homeless veterans wandering around not getting help.

I'm a combat Vietnam veteran with PTSD. I wouldn't be alive right now if not for the help I got from the VA and my wonderful wife.

Life is a challenge for us all. As a veteran, I'm thanking all the people in my life and those strangers who support veterans. We couldn't do it without you!

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

GOP House Members Humiliate Themselves... Again

This is getting old. GOP members of the House never seem to tire of being humiliated by their master Trump. No bar too low. No shame too gr...