Monday, November 20, 2017

Why Is Trump Getting Away With Sexual Harrassment When Everyone Else Is Being Held Accountable?

Good Day World!

It seems like it all started when women started calling out Bill Cosby for sexual harassment last year.

A sudden awareness slowly dawned upon the country as more women stepped forth and told their stories of sexual harassment by other famous people.

During the presidential campaign at least ten women came out and told the world what sexual improprieties Trump got away with them.

The now infamous Access Hollywood tape where Trump bragged about being able to grab pussy's because he was famous, temporarily shocked the nation.

The comments raised a brief stir before dropping off the front pages with the news that WikiLeaks was releasing dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Don't think for a moment the timing was coincidental. Trumpies were working with WikiLeaks (See current Russian investigation by special counsel Mueller), and the Russians, to discredit Hillary in any way possible.

The release effectively buried the sexual harassment claims as the Trump campaign knew it would.

But, the women's claims still stand.

An anonymous “Jane Doe” filed a federal lawsuit against GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump last March, accusing him of raping her in 1994 when she was thirteen years old.

The strange thing is the mainstream media ignored the filing at that time.

Trump has a long history of debasing women he’s worked with, crossing the line on a regular basis. He’s taken lifelong joy in objectifying women, including his proclamation: “Women, you have to treat ‘em like shit.”

So why are people talking about Al Franken's two times of questionable behavior? Simple. Politics.

Franken joined in with his critics and called for an ethics investigation on himself. He immediately owned his error and apologized. Unlike, any of the others. 

I can see why people are talking about that pervert Roy Moore running for the Senate.

So far, eight women have come out with stories of him sexually harassing them in their teens. One was 14-years-old.

Look at Hollywood.

Harvey Weinstein was a serial pervert. He had a hit list of nearly 100 actors, publicists, and producers as part of strategy to silence his sexual assault accusers.

He's currently under investigation by the NYPD, LAPD, Scotland Yard, and the Beverly Hills police.

Kevin Spacey joins the list of harassers and has already paid dearly - he was taken off the House of Cards series and essentially banned from acting in Hollywood.

There's many more cases of women calling out their powerful tormentors. I don't have the space to list them all here.

I want to know, with all of this growing awareness in the country, why isn't Trump being taken to task for his sexual misdeeds?

I'm waiting.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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