Thursday, February 20, 2020

New Domestic Terrorist Group: Not the Boogyman Coming... But the Boogaloo!

Good Day World!

It's a sad fact of life in America that domestic terrorists are increasing like flies around a decaying body.

A new anti-government movement that advocates for a second Civil War is being organized around the term Boogaloo, an inside extremist meme.

Extremism researchers first detected the movement in 2019 when fringe groups from guns rights and militia movements began referring to an impending civil war using boogaloo, a joking reference to "Breaking" 2: Electrical Boogaloo, a 1984 sequel movie about breakdancing.

Boogaloo memes are shared alongside violent text and images that have crossed over from their early platforms like 4chan, to mainstream platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram.

The ambiguity of the term Boogaloo works to cloak extremist organizing in the open, much like the OK hand signal coopted by white supremacist's (who deny the association). 

Like a virus hiding from the immune system, the use of comical-meme language permits the network to organize violence secretly behind a mirage of inside jokes and plausible deniability.

In just the last three months researchers warn that the use of the term has increased by 50 percent on Twitter and Reddit.

Organizers have even monetized the Boogaloo concept through merchandize advertising on Facebook and Instagram ads, marketed to former and current members of the military.

This latest movement is part of a renaissance for extremists in America that have grown since Trump slithered into office.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Tales from the Swamp: Featuring Trump's Favorite Toady Bill Barr

Good Day World!

It's ironic watching the swamp grow in Washington DC, as Trump's toxic policies and deeds foul our society.

Just a little over three years ago, Trump convinced gullible voters he would "clean out the swamp" in Washington politics. 

The reality is Trump created the mother of all swamps, and it's getting deeper by the day.

Tales from the Swamp

This installment we're going to take a look at one of Trump's favorite toadies... Attorney General Bill Bar.

He's been making waves in the algae lately by ignoring DOJ regulations and openly siding with Trump against his own department's decisions.

When Barr recently overrode a recommendation by DOJ prosecutor's for Roger Stone to serve between 7-9 years in prison it was the straw that broke the camel's back.

More than 2,000 ex-DOJ employees have called for his resignation in response to Barr's overt interference. When her saw Trump tweeted about how unfair the sentence was to his long-time buddy Stone, Barr intervened and called for a shorter sentence. 

Meanwhile, Barr has been a busy little toad, conducting backroom investigations to exonerate other Trump associates like former national security advisor Mike Flynn.

Barr's unswerving loyalty to Trump was evident when he managed to suppress - and spin - the redacted Mueller report.

He gave Trump's legal team a head's up, and then held a press conference where he offered an alternate reality defense to the public. 

Barr managed to slime Mueller's report so effectively even the Democrats gave up trying to undo the damage and moved on to the Ukraine scandal.

As a top toadie, Barr has managed to steer Trump through the swamp safely every time he's been threatened with legal issues, and even impeachment.

Qualifications for Swamp Dwellers

1. Willingness to lie for Trump
2. Undying loyalty to his "Trumpness"
3. Must not have a conscience

Needless to say, Barr has passed the bar, and earned his place in the swamp.

 Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

News Alert! Trump on Pardon Spree: Ted Bundy Might Be Next!

Trump sent Americans a clear message today. He's preparing to pardon Roger Stone the day after his sentencing and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

He started the morning off by commuting the sentence of a corrupt Chicago politician, Rod Blagojevich.

It was quickly followed by a full pardon for former police commissioner Bernie Kerik who was convicted of tax fraud and lying to officials. 

That travesty of justice was a warm-up for the next one; pardoning infamous "Junk Bond King" Michael Milikin.

The day isn't over yet.

Trump aides have been hinting at a pardon so audacious and dramatic, it will make members of the alt-right swoon!

Ted Bundy could be the next beneficiary of Trump's unhinged exercise in abusing power to show whose in charge before Stone's sentence is handed down. 

One aide, who asked not to be named because Trump minions would hunt him down like a quail and fill him with bullshit shot, reported Trump may make the announcement shortly before the six o'clock news.

The reactions among Republicans to Trump's predation of pardons was predictable. The sound of sheep bleating across the nation.

Stay tuned.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Living in The Online 'Golden Age of Poetry'

Good Day World!

For a change of pace, I'm sharing a short essay today:

The Online Golden Age of Poetry

The traditional gatekeepers of poetry, professors and such, have long considered themselves quality control experts.
These gatekeepers narrow interpretation of what constitutes what is worthy comes with constrictions and different restrictions.
Examples include:
Haiku, Ballad, Stev, Ode, Free verse, Blank verse, thematic, limerick and nursery rhymes. 
Spoken out loud, they provide powerful images within the confines of each style. 
A feat many writers haven’t bothered to try, poetry was once deemed elitist, and a byproduct of scholarly snobbery.

But The Beat Generation came along and showed us that not all poems have to rhyme, and that provocative word pictures could be painted without formal meter or stanza standing in the way. A revolution that is still happening today.

Even more important to me, is that everyone can feel free to share their poetry on their own websites, or social platforms on the internet and have an audience without conventional publishers dictating terms to them.

This, because of the growing poet population online, is the modern Golden Age of Poetry.  Here's 31 contemporary poets you can check out.
In this age of fake news, poetry is still a reality that reflects our values and emotions. Free from tribal controversy, poets in this golden age help us all keep it real.
Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, February 17, 2020

Presidential Day at the Races: Trump Takes Big Boy Car For a Spin in Daytona 500!

Good Day World!

Yesterday's Daytona 500 featured something racing fans have never seen before.

(Photo-Trump shows off his favorite Big Boy car circa 2016)

Rumors circulated that the president of the United States was going to take a lap around the Daytona 500 Raceway in his "Beast" days ago. 

It was going to be an historic moment... Trump, as the Grand Marshal, and wife Melania, would rev up the crowd moments before the race began, circling the track in the presidential limousine.

It did turn out to be an historic moment (only one other president - Dubya did it before), but not exactly what the script called for...

In a last minute change of plans, Trump decided he was going to take the only car he was allowed to drive by himself around the famous track. It was an opportunity the narcissist in chief couldn't pass up.

The Secret Service agents in charge of watching Donny reluctantly fetched his favorite Big Boy car before the race began.

The crowd roared in appreciation every time Trump flipped his Big Boy car on the turns, and turned it back over (with the help of his Secret Service agents) then gamely pedaling on.

The time keeper fell asleep before Trump finally made the whole lap, but the crowd was loving every moment chanting "Help him up! Help him up!" every time he flipped over.

The chants changed in volume as he repeatedly crashed into the wall, but kept going; "Tear down that wall! Tear down that wall!" echoed across the stands.

Fans were thrilled even though the skies opened up and rain came down after his historic lap. Trump's minions were prepared with his favorite orange rain gear. 

After setting the slowest time record for every going around the fabled raceway, fans cheered as Trump was helped out of his mangled Big Boy car.

It was truly an historic event... and one of the most embarrassing displays by a president to ever be witnessed and documented.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, February 16, 2020

A Numb Nation: It Takes a Lot To Shock Americans These Days

                                        Good Day World!

The alternate reality show in the White House gets worse daily. It's disturbing and tiring.

The Trump administration's shock and awe campaign to corrupt America has been so swift - a mere three years - that it's left most people numb, and barely able to react to the daily chaos.

Few people are surprised, or shocked anymore that the president of the United States is a blatant liar. In all of the past administrations the president was held to much higher standards. Truth mattered.

Sometimes it's hard for me to look back when I was in school and the president of the United States was considered a man of honor who set the standard for respect, and who always defended our republic.

Now we have a president whose openly bragged that he could shoot someone on 5th avenue in New York, and no one would do anything about it. 

Trump's lawyers even tried advancing that fractured theory in court during an attempt to stop the city from investigating his taxes.

How numb are most Americans? 

** The most corrupt president in American history has been impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of justice but it hasn't stopped his crimes... 

… if anything, Trump has doubled down on violating laws after the GOP jellyfish acquitted him in the senate. He's currently on a revenge tour and unconcerned with governing... and no one is doing anything about it. 

** Children at all age levels in school have been influenced by Trump's racism and are picking on peers who are minorities. Where's the national outrage?

** Trump mocks religion and gets away with it... and is still embraced by white evangelicals and far-right quasi religions like the Church of Prosperity

** Trump believes Russian leader Putin over American intelligence agencies... yet it doesn't seem to matter. People are that numb.

Even Trump's daily toxic tweets bring little outrage nowadays.They briefly go viral on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, and then disappear in cyberspace to make room for the next tweet.

Americans are numb, but not dumb.

During the next nine months voters need to shake off the lethargy that's been enabling Trump. Time is running out. The fate of the nation will be decided in November.

Don't numbly stand by and let the toxic times keep you away from the voting booths. Your vote makes a difference.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Trump's Animal House: Fool Fights, Tweeting Nights, and Outrageous Sights

Good Day World!

It's been a case of animal house in the White House since GOP senators gave Trump a pass, and unleashed a rabid honey badger upon his critics and perceived enemies.

The herds of GOP sheep in the Senate and House are huddled together in fear of the big bad wolf who can blow their careers down with a tweet!

Fool Fights

The mongoose-in-charge is seeking snakes that only exist in his tiny brain. 

Trump's bloodlust even extends to states that he doesn't like. For instance, New York which he has disavowed since authorities have gone after his crooked ass). Now he's attempting to hold the state hostage.

In several chest-beating tweets the Orangutan in the Oval Office bragged that he can tell the Justice Department what to do because he has the "legal right"... which of course is pure Grade A Bullshit.

Tweeting Nights

Like a buzzard circling above it's prey, Trump is ready to pounce upon people with the help of his twitter account. His corruption and lies foul the nest he's made in the West Wing.

While Trump is flying high, some of his minions are facing investigations in the coming days. In particular these two rats:

 Attorney General Bill Barr is set to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Match 31st, where he's sure to be grilled for he's handling of the Stone case and more.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to appear before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Feb. 28th.

He's got a lot of explaining to do....starting with Trump's drone attack on an Iranian leader that nearly led us to the brink of war.

       Outrageous Sights

** Trump awards fascist homophobe, Rush Limbaugh, the Medal of Freedom Award

** The State of the Union Rally that was really a Reality Show.

** Trump fires war hero Alexander Vindman and has him escorted out of White House like a criminal.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, February 14, 2020

'What is America Going to Do?'

                                     Good Day World!

Fair warning!

I'm feeling somewhat poetic today, and have concocted the following poem for your amusement:

What is America Going to Do?

During these dire days
when truth is debatable
and hate
 is setting the country ablaze 

every issue is a stalemate
because two teams rule
the Red and the Blue
fighting in a cesspool
over a world view

What is America going to do?

Oh! America! 'tis for thee
our founders fought to preserve
and keep us free
and to never swerve
protecting our country

What is America going to do?

The answer lies in voting booths
from sea-to-sea
by protecting the truths
in our democracy
our country
from a corrupt presidency


Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, February 13, 2020

After Unleashing Trump Republicans Face New Battles

                                        Good Day World!

To:  Susan Collins, and those other naïve partisan Republicans who claimed Trump would be a good boy after being chastened by impeachment

Subject: Just Look at your boy now. He's on a revenge tour while violating DOJ procedures to save his buddy Roger Stone.

The optics of Trump's attacks against witnesses who testified against him in the impeachment trial are not good. Trump's base may enjoy the bloodletting, but the rest of America is watching, stunned by the viciousness of his attacks.

In a "In your face" moment, Trump got the DOJ (AG Barr) to change the proposed 7 to 9 years for Roger Stone's crimes from his own department. Four of five prosecutors immediately resigned in protest of the unprecedented move.

Related: Attorney General William Barr to Testify Before House Judiciary Committee

Republicans in Trouble

Rep. Jim Jordan, one of Trump's most devout brown noses, is in big trouble.

The brother of Ohio State University whistleblower Mike DiSabato told state lawmakers in a public hearing Tuesday that Jordan personally pleaded with him to intercede after DiSabato publicly accused the Republican congressman of turning a blind eye to the sexual abuse of male wrestlers by team doctor Richard Strauss.

Rep. Doug Collins, is giving the Republican Party in Georgia and Congress heartburn.

He's decided the House wasn't big enough for his ego and the senate was. His decision to run is going to complicate the path for a Republican to hold onto the seat and increase the chances where no candidate gets a majority of the vote, forcing it to a two-person runoff. 

All of the Republicans and Democrats face each other in the special election as part of Georgia's election rules.

More trouble ahead for Trump as House Democrats ask Secret Service for details about it's payments to Trump's company.


Collins' career change attempt is giving Mitch McConnell a new headache in his quest to hold onto the senate majority. It illustrates growing cracks in the party.

Jordan's career is on the line, and depending what happens in the investigation, his freedom may also be on the line if he's convicted of enabling a massive cover-up.

Trump is going to be hounded with numerous court cases and oversight issues with the House prior to November.

Democrats are largely on offense in Senate races this November. They need a net gain of four seats, or three if they win the White House since the vice president would be the tie-breaking vote.

Senators Cory Gardner, Susan Collins, Thom Tillis, Martha McSally, and David Perdue are all considered vulnerable this November.

*Note: that if David Perdue and the other contested Georgia seat that Doug Collins is vying for are defeated, it'll be the first time in 20 years Georgia has had two Democratic senators.

The biggest challenge for the Republican Party this election is if Democrats turn out to vote in record numbers. Most political analysts predict they will.

Let's hope so.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Hang In There America! There's a Light at the End of the Tunnel

Good Day World!

Trump's winning streak is coming to an end.

I understand that it's hard to believe that right now after his recent acquittal in the senate. 

I know it's not easy watching Trump mock and manipulate our judicial system, and traditional values.

It's difficult to live with Trump's daily lies and his monumental scorn of everyone who doesn't follow him like sheep. 


Trumps days are numbered. If he isn't arrested by the IRS when his taxes and accounting firm cheating are exposed by The House and the State of New York, I'll be surprised.

It doesn't take a stable genius to know that messing with the IRS is a big time problem. Al Capone found that out the hard way. He was a murderer, but didn't go to prison for murder. Instead, he was caught cheating on his taxes.


Let's say - for the sake of argument - the Supreme Court decides that Trump is above the law in all three cases - and his federal and state taxes along with his accounting firm records aren't revealed in July.

By then the Democrats will have their candidate for president. More than likely the democratic party will unite behind their pick. That pick will also announce who their vice president will be.

The polls tell us that Trump is extremely unpopular with a majority of Americans. His strength is his cult-like base and the current economy. 

The base alone won't be enough to reelect him, however. It stands to reason Trump has to attract more voters. But can he? He faces numerous court cases between now and November, for other crimes.  

Recent national polls show the following democratic candidates for president who would beat Trump in a head-to-head election:

Joe Biden; Mike Bloomberg; Pete Buttigieg; Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren. *Also note that Amy Klobuchar is doing well and could be an outside shot.

How motivated are the democrats to beat Trump?

A recent poll conducted by Ipsos for the website FiveThirtyEight shows two-thirds of primary voters say "The ability to beat Trump" is more important a consideration for them than shared stances on issues.

All of the Democratic candidates have pledged to back the eventual party pick in a show of unity. Mike Bloomberg has publicly stated that if he's not the pick he's still going to donate millions of dollars towards defeating Trump.

Thus far every political analyst and pundit agrees there is going to be a record turnout for the presidency. Many suggest a Blue Wave, similar to the one in the 2018 elections is going to happen.

If there's one thing Trump can be counted on it's his ability to stick his foot in his own yap at crucial times. His own mouth got him impeached when he publicly called on the Ukraine and China to dig up dirt on his political opponent.

For those voters who don't have their minds made up yet there's a chance Trump's actions - like his current revenge tour - will be too much corruption for them to ignore.

There's a national desire to end the chaos in The White House. Most Americans know Trump will continue to trample on our freedoms and rule of law if reelected. They want a change.

Yes, there will be numerous challenges ahead as Trump and his minions seek to suppress voters and to cheat in every way possible. 

Nothing is going to stop this from being the nastiest presidential election in our history.

But, I believe Americans don't want a dictator, and there's light at the end of the tunnel. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...