Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Plot Thickens: Leaked Cohen Dossier Reveals Russian Connection To Trump

Good Day World!

Thanks for stopping by.

How do you feel about real life detective stories and mysteries?

The Curious Case of Michael Cohen 

Quick update: Thus far, we know that Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, is in a world of shit.

After the FBI raided his home, and office, he suddenly became an albatross around the all ready beleaguered Trump's neck.

A porn star's lawyer has emerged as the detective unearthing valuable information about Cohen and Trump's relationship with a Russian bad boy...and more.

The latest clue in the sleuthing of Cohen's curious case has produced a dossier (sound familiar?) that showed Cohen was hired last year by the a U.S. - based affiliate of a Russian company owned by Victor Vekselberg, a Russian oligarch.

FYI - Vekselberg attended Trump's inauguration.

BTW - He's also on a list of sanctioned Putin puppets by the US government.

Get this: Cohen's company Essential Consultants had received payments from several others with business considerations before the federal government once Trump was elected.

The other sneaks involved in this case are the telecommunications giant AT&T, aircraft manufacturer Korea Aero Space Industries, and the pharmaceutical company Novartis.

Since the news was released yesterday, all three companies confirmed they did make payments to Cohen. There's no doubt what all these companies paid for - influence with Trump.

To rehash: Michael Avenatti - the erstwhile detective in this case - got involved after representing porn star Stormy Daniels who was paid $130,000 by Cohen shortly before the 2016 election to keep quiet about her affair with Trump.

Now he's the darling of the talk-show circuit. And why not? He seems to be charmed with digging up dirt on Donny and his friends, and hasn't been caught lying yet, unlike Cohen.

That someone in the know somewhere, saw fit to leak all this incriminating information is a hole-in-one for any lawyer - or detective.

The news has triggered the inspector general's office to inquire into allegations that Suspicious Activity Reports on Cohen's banking transactions were "improperly disseminated.

The plot thickens... 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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