Sunday, June 8, 2014

Pot for Pets: Veterinarians Launch Hemp-Based Medicine for Animals

Good Day World!

More Americans than ever before are okay with the idea that marijuana does have medical applications for humans.

So, I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised that pot works for pets too.  

Two companies in the Seattle area, Canna-Pet and Canna Companion, are leading the charge into a new and uncharted field of hemp-based veterinary medicine.

Dr. Sarah Brandon and Dr. Greg Copas, husband and wife veterinarians, launched Canna Companion in March. They've been exploring medical cannabis for about eight years now.

They started with their pets and then those of family and friends, to find the right dosage.

Canna-Pet has only been selling to the public for about eight months and it's already shipping its products throughout the U.S. and 23 foreign countries.

Dan Goldfarb, president of Canna-Pet, calls it "an exploding market" that will grow exponentially in the years ahead.

The pet supplement industry is largely unregulated.

To further complicate matters, the Drug Enforcement Agency still considers industrial hemp a controlled substance even though it is not psychoactive.

But times are changing.

On Thursday, the Senate Appropriations Committee voted 22-8 on a plan that would block the DEA — or any federal agency — from spending funds to enforce anti-hemp laws in any state that has received permission to grow it.

The full House OK'd the measure the previous week. As a final footnote to this story – it’s the first time a pro-pot law has popped up in Congress, and to have it pass so easily speaks volumes.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

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