Friday, January 20, 2012

Okay…when was the last time you tried something new?

16          Good Day Humboldt County!

  Have you got a Bucket List? Remember that great comedy with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman who were supposed to be two terminally ill cancer patients who decide to break out of the hospital and live their last days to the fullest?

  My wife has been checking off her bucket list items at a pretty good clip lately. I, on the other hand, don’t have a bucket list. I’ve lived such a full life that there’s nothing I haven’t done…that I wanted too that is.

Have you got a bucket list? Here’s a couple of wild ideas for your own list:

Ithaa Undersea restaurant sits 16 feet below sea level at the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island, a hotel resort in Hilton's luxury brand that occupies two islands. Maldives is a country of almost 1,200 islands about 300 miles from the southernmost points of India and Sri Lanka.<br>
Diners eat beneath glass walls at the Ithaa Undersea restaurant. The cuisine is decribed as Maldivian-Western, and the restaurant seats about 12. The restaurant is open for lunch and dinner daily from 11 a.m. to midnight, according to the resort's website.

    Ithaa Undersea restaurant, Maldives

       ( Conrad Maldives Rangali Island )

Ithaa Undersea restaurant sits 16 feet below sea level at the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island, a hotel resort in Hilton's luxury brand that occupies two islands.

Maldives is a country of almost 1,200 islands about 300 miles from the southernmost points of India and Sri Lanka.

The Angola Prison Rodeo is a chance to see serious felons testing their mettle against serious livestock. It's a glimpse into an infamous lockup, bordered on three sides by the Mississippi River, where blues musician Leadbelly once did time. It's an introduction, amid plenty of homegrown food and music, to the peculiarly tangled history of public incarceration and private enterprise in the Tunica Hills of rural Louisiana.<br> <br> The Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola, once labeled the bloodiest prison in America, holds about 5,200 inmates and sprawls across 18,000 acres in West Feliciana Parish, 137 miles northwest of New Orleans and about 20 miles northwest of St. Francisville, La.

                     Angola Prison Rodeo, La.

                            ( Frank McMains )

The Angola Prison Rodeo is a chance to see serious felons testing their mettle against serious livestock. It's a glimpse into an infamous lockup, bordered on three sides by the Mississippi River, where blues musician Leadbelly once did time. It's an introduction, amid plenty of homegrown food and music, to the peculiarly tangled history of public incarceration and private enterprise in the Tunica Hills of rural Louisiana. The Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola, once labeled the bloodiest prison in America, holds about 5,200 inmates and sprawls across 18,000 acres in West Feliciana Parish, 137 miles northwest of New Orleans and about 20 miles northwest of St. Francisville, La.

Time to walk on down the road…

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