Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nadya Suleman, the queen of bad-parent porn

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This is an excellent Op-Ed piece by a very talented writer…

By Meghan Daum

By the time you read this, the world will have peered inside the undoubtedly depressing and quite possibly child-endangering world of the nation's reigning social pariah. I'm referring to Wednesday night's two-hour special on Fox, "Octomom: The Incredible Unseen Footage." At press time, I'd only seen clips, but I think I can guarantee that we're in for another wave of Octo-villification, not to mention some major sanctimony.
Nadya Suleman, in case anyone's lucky enough to need a briefing, is the woman who gave birth to eight premature babies in January, the result of the implantation of six embryos, two of which split. She was later revealed to be not only single and unemployed but also mother to an additional six children, all of whom were also conceived through in vitro fertilization. The TV special, made up of footage collected by the online magazine Radar-Online.com, included scenes of Suleman attempting to soothe several crying babies and, in a moment of self-reflection, saying, "I screwed up my life. I screwed up my kids' lives. ... What was I thinking?"

Click here to read the rest at The LA Times

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