Thursday, June 8, 2023

Trump Gets MAGA-Friendly Judge in Classified Documents Trial

After word got out (by Trump himself) that he was being indicted on seven criminal counts his loyal minions in Congress and around the country have declared war on our justice system.

There's more than one troubling aspect involved in the process going forward. Here's something to keep on eye on.
A Trump judge, Aileen Cannon, has been selected to initially oversee the criminal case against Trump. 

She's the MAGA-friendly judge that tried to shield him during the Mar-a-Lago investigation when she purposely tried to slow the whole process down. Her attempts were overthrown but not before proving she's loyal to Trump.

We still don't know what the exact charges are and won't until Tuesday when Trump is arraigned in a Miami Court. In the last 24 hours it's gone from 7 counts to 37 counts!

Information has been leaking throughout the day. Reports that Trump put our national security at risk by disclosing classified documents ranging from US weapon systems to nuclear capabilities and classified information on other countries are circulating through various medias. 

These are indeed dark times.

But they're also a time when democracy has stood up to the most corrupt president in our history. With accountability coming, Trump is not going to go quietly into the night. That ship has sailed in the last two state indictments.

The charges coming out of this classified document case will be devasting for Trump's political career regardless of what his cult members assert.

There's so much more to come. Make no mistake, this is history. 

It's something that's going to shake our republic to its foundations, but in the end, it'll stop the biggest threat to our country and show there are consequences for being a traitor.

As it stands, the world is watching to see if we preserve our democracy or sink into an autocracy.

'Milksop Man' Makes His Mark By Running for President

It's a plane!

It's a train!

It's Superman!


It's Milksop Man!

The most vanilla candidate among the GOP hopefuls for president, Mike Pence, has thrown his dunce hat in the ring. He appeared on CNN Town Hall to make his big announcement the other night despite being warned by "Mother" (his wife) not to stand too close to any liberals.

Listening to Pence talk about Trump - his opponent in the race - it was immediately obvious that he didn't want to say a bad word about the former president.

Forget about the Jan. 6 rioters Trump encouraged to hang him. He said he'll still vote for him if he's the Republican nominee and then turned around (you actually saw his head swivel) and said, "No one is above the Law!" as forcibly as his weak tenor voice could muster.

Hypocrisy dripped off of his white skull cap of hair and soaked into every word he spoke. I could almost hear the song from the Disney ride "It's a Small World" as Pence pontificated on a whimsical boat of lies past a jubilant chorus of MAGA children.

Pence has no punch. His words are hollow vessels blessed by religious extremists. Mainstream America and most Republicans will flick the fly off of his head and pay him no attention.

None of that is stopping the "Milksop Man" a minnow in a sea of sharks, from trying his luck in the political arena. I almost feel sorry for the cowardly lion who would be president. Almost.

As it stands, I can't think of one good reason why Pence is running unless... Mother told him too because she didn't want him hanging around at the house!

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

GOP House is Running 'Green Bay Sweep 2' against Trump Investigations: Will it be a Political Touchdown?

Despite their best efforts MAGA stars Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, and John Eastman's plan to overthrow the 2020 election failed.

The now infamous Green Bay Sweep (as the conspirator's called it) was a detailed attempt to subvert our electoral system and put Trump into the Oval Office.

When GOP House leader Steve Scalise was asked yesterday what the House GOP would do if Trump were indicted, he made it clear the crazy caucus will investigate the DOJ and everyone that was involved in charging Trump.

In other words, they're going to run an updated Green Bay Sweep in Congress to protect the most corrupt ex-president in American history. But this time there's no hiding their perfidy. They're openly attacking our democracy by abusing their oaths of office.

The game's goal posts keep shifting with Trump who is totally assaulting every norm and law in the nation. 

Each attack becomes more problematic. Jan. 6 was a warm-up. Congress is poised to burn the House down defending the orange clown before next year's presidential election.

Traitors like Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, Chairman for the House Judiciary Committee, and Oversight Committe Chairman James Comer have forsaken the American people and are shamelessly conducting sham investigations to protect Trump at all costs.

Will Team Trump score the winning touchdown and let Donny dodge justice again, despite his multiple felonies?

In a nutshell, I don't think so. The evidence is overwhelming, and the case is relatively easy (from a lawyer's point of view) as it focuses narrowly on Trump obstructing justice.

Also take into account that Team DOJ is a lot smarter than the brutish MAGA morons who mindlessly obey orders from a madman and defy the entire establishment.

Then there's that pesky RICO case in Georgia where Trump will likely be indicted in early August according to legal experts in the state. There's no federal crazy caucus that can interfere with their investigation in the Peach State. Congressional federal traitors have no power there.

However, this concentrated attack by sitting Congressman is going to have its consequences in an election year.

The majority of Americans have been shocked at how far the crazy caucus is going to defend a convicted sex offender, and a twice impeached president who is currently charged with 34 felonies in New York.

As it stands, I don't see these Congressional GOP minions carrying anything over the touchdown line but scorn and loathing for their actions.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Trump's Classified Documents Investigation Nears Indictment: Then What?

The Mar-a-Lago probe is at DEFCON 5.

After Trump's lawyers skulked out of a meeting at the Department of Justice the other day, they apparently didn't have positive news for their client.

The federal grand jury convened this week after a hiatus, and it looks like they're ready to get this party started and to indict Trump any day now. Possibly even this week. One thing is for sure, federal prosecutor's will have him arrested... but in their own time.

Remember the last investigation that ended in an indictment but not on the day Trump said? There was good reasons for that. 

One was to avoid violent protests. The same holds true this time. When his lawyers told him that an indictment was imminent Trump predictably lost his mind. Now he's trying to control the narrative by saying it's Biden who should be indicted.  

He's blasting away on his failing web site Truth Social hourly.

His senseless accusations and lies are growing more desperate as his enemies are going to hold him accountable for obstructing justice in this case.

But Trump faces more peril as a RICO case is building against him in Georgia where he tried to overturn the will of the voters by cheating. And the DOJ isn't done with him. Then there's this little matter of his coup attempt at the Capitol in Jan. 6.

The question is what happens when they arrest him? Do they hold him in jail until the trial? I doubt it, but one can dream. He might have to pay a bond and wear an ankle bracelet to keep track of his whereabouts should he decide to flee the country.

Or he just may walk free without any restraints on his movements or lifestyle. It could happen. Anything is possible for this cult leader who owns the Republican Party. Rules and laws can't seem to contain him. He's an unnatural source trying to seize our system of government.

Still... a group of legal scholars published a model prosecution memo last week finding that Trump "should-and likely will-be charged" in the documents probe.

As it stands, we'll find out, one way or another, if America can stand up for its hard-earned freedoms, or if these are the last days of democracy.

Monday, June 5, 2023

GOP Primary Circus Promises to be Pathetic but Entertaining - Here's the Lineup

Coming soon.

Be prepared for the biggest election theatre of the absurd in history as a dozen Republicans vie for being the next president of the United States.

Clown cars of candidates are going to Iowa like it's the promised land. Their race for president already has historic firsts and the show is just starting to pick up steam.

Let's set the stage for the actors involved.

* Top of the list of political performers is Trump a criminally indicted former president who tried to overthrow our electoral system and is seeking an Oval Office comeback.

* Florida governor Ron DeSantis is considered Trump's main competition. He's been positioning himself as a national figure by championing far-right causes. He's best known for attacking the state's school systems and forcing them to ignore large chunks of American history because it might upset some white boy or girl.

* Then there's the biggest milksop in the Republican Party former vice president Mike Pence. His status as a chicken shit was firmly established when he defended Trump after being attacked by a mob riled up by Trump who were looking to lynch him.

* The only female candidate running in this circus Nikki Haley has some political chops. She was a twice-elected governor and a cabinet member during Trump's regime. Her constantly shifting views of Trump are hard to keep up with. 

* A swell of businessmen is tossing their hats into the main tent. People like Ryan Binkley (say who?) a Dallas-area businessman and non-denominational pastor. He wants to be a peacemaker in a den of MAGArats. Good luck with that.

* There's no shortage of conservative media personalities like Larry Elder who ran against Gavin Newsome and lost. His strong point is siding with political extremists.

* Saying he's running an underdog presidential bid Asa Hutchinson is another two-term governor (Arkansas), former U.S. attorney, congressman and DEA administrator. He probably has too much experience for the MAGA crowd looking for one of their own. Oh, yeah! He's not afraid of Trump like most of the rest of the worms are.

* Nothing like a self-described "quality guru" (what the hell is that?) to give some spice to the race and Perry Johnson fits the bill. He has no experience in politics which will probably work in his favor.

* Another billionaire, former pharmaceutical company CEO Vivek Ramaswamy is self-funding his campaign and running an anti-woke agenda. (I hope someone asks him what woke means).

* The GOP loves this next candidate because he's a favorite of the donor class. Like Haley, Tim Scott hails from South Carolina. His connections to Oracle's Larry Ellison and the Kock network automatically elevate his game. 

* It seems to be the time for twice-elected governors to try their hand in the game with Doug Burgum (North Dakota) as the latest example. He doesn't have a national profile but is hoping for the party's primary debates to launch his effort. Besides if he loses, he can still run for governor a third time due to a grandfather clause in the state's laws.

*One-time Trump ally, former New Jersey governor Chris Christie has joined the clown show and he plans to be Trump's loudest critic. It's pretty obvious he's not going to pry away Trump's cult followers. One of the reasons he qualifies is ability to lie without blinking at eye.

Some who may get in the race:

* Another conservative talk-radio personality (there's no shortage of them in the country), Mike Rodgers, who was also once the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee in 2014 is tossing his tin hat into the main tent. He doesn't stand a snowballs chance of surviving in a desert. 

* Another governor has been quietly making the rounds in the national media testing out his electability. Chris Sununu the popular governor of New Hampshire. He's probably too moderate for the rabid GOP party. He's also another anti-Trump guy.

So, sit back, pull out a bag of popcorn and be prepared for what will surely be the nastiest GOP primaries in anyone's memory.

As it stands, if Trump wins it's possible he'll be running a campaign from jail like Eugene Debs did in 1920.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

The Mistake We Make When Trying to Communicate with Political Extremists

First off... you're never going to convince a MAGA minion that Trump isn't the son of God, and his holy mission is to get rid of the Deep State.

It's best to smile at extremists and not engage them in conversation. Just keep walking.

Trying to communicate with political extremists is a losing proposition no matter what you do to draw them into reality.

Understand, extremists have profound convictions that oppose the fundamental values of society, the laws of democracy and universal human rights while advocating their supremacy.

We have MAGA morons in Congress that gleefully deviate from the norm and show contempt for life, freedom, and human rights. You can't reason with people like them because they exist in an alternate universe.

We need to keep that in mind when dealing with them.

It really becomes awkward when you have family members or old friends that slipped off the apple cart and follow crap like QAnon and Trump. That's where the smile comes in and you try to change the conversation.

The pandemic has enabled extremism to go to greater heights than ever before as science and facts became political footballs in our society and government.

Crazy COVID myths threatened lives as people swallowed bleach and put lights up their bums for protection from COVID-19. Don't even think about trying to talk sense with them. Again. Just walk away.

The average person sees compromise as a reasonable alternative to solving problems, but political extremists see it as a sign of weakness.

But the biggest mistake we make is when we start letting the loons have free rent in our heads. Thereon lies the road to misery.

As it stands, it helps to know that political extremists are a loud minority in America.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

A Great 'Laughing Gas' Adventure in America

I'm ready to launch the Great Laughing Gas experiment and you're invited to participate.

The genesis of this adventure had a humble start. I received an early Father's Day gift from one of my three sons yesterday. It came in a brightly decorated self-sealing bag. 

The slick bag announced that the folks at Laughing Gas were offering the highest THC level weed on the market. My strain was White Truffle - total THC: 35.92%. All top-of-the-line marijuana.

I'm inviting hip Americans to share laughter via toking up top-notch ganja (edibles work just as well) with a stranger. It's a great icebreaker and mood enhancer. 

It's a better way of spreading laughter than my original Rube Goldberg idea of pumping laughing gas into homes and the halls of Congress. There were just too many logistical hurdles to overcome.

Listen. Laughter is the best medicine. (I read that in Reader's Digest decades ago). Americans need to avoid letting our chaotic culture stress us out on a daily basis by laughing at something. We all need a break today.

It was E.E. Cumings who said, "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."

Mark Twain informed us, "The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter."

But my favorite quote comes from John Cleese; "A wonderful thing about true laughter is that it just destroys any kind of system of dividing people."

As it stands, Americans really need something that brings them together during these challenging times.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Now That We Don't Have to Worry About the Debt Ceiling We Can Get Back To Saving Democracy

Economic Armageddon has been avoided.
The debt ceiling bill is going to President Biden's desk.

Now we can move on to the rest of the coming catastrophes like preserving democracy and stopping Trump from dragging the republic into a fascist state.

Midway through 2023 there is a growing sense that our corrupt former president is going to be indicted by the DOJ and the state of Georgia for his attempts to overthrow the last presidential election. Oh, yeah. And for Espionage and Obstruction of Justice. 

When these indictments are finally announced I expect there will be upheavals by Trump's cult members in and out of Congress.

With a dozen (or so) GOP candidates running for the presidency between now and the Republican primary voting it's going to be a circus like never seen before.

Unlike 2016 Trump is going to become the target of ridicule by his emboldened opponents.  They're going to wave those indictments in every political commercial they run.

From today onward the clock is going to be ticking. Trump is getting more maniac as he sees the signs of accountability gathering around him like a convocation of eagles cornering their prey.

By extension Trump's followers in Congress are going to greater lengths to protect him by abusing their power with phony investigations designed to take heat off their supreme leader.

The crazy caucus in the House almost pushed the country over the cliff by defaulting on our debts for the first time in history. Make no mistake. They're willing to go to any lengths to save Trump and get him re-elected. Nothing is off-the-table as they've already shown. Nothing.

All the political gurus agree Trump will be charged with more felonies in several cases this year, with trials set for next year. 

One trial date has already been scheduled by the New York courts next March for 34 felony counts of falsifying his business records in the Stormy Daniels' case. 

As it stands, be prepared for the most violent and outrageous presidential election in our nation's history. And I don't think that's hyperbole.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Debt Ceiling Crisis Over? Not So Fast!

After months of holding Americans economic futures hostage Republicans and Democrats came up with an 11th hour deal to raise the debt ceiling.

Kind of.

The deal hasn't been sealed yet. There's grumbling in the ranks of both parties as rebellious lawmakers balk at signing off on it.

Congressional leaders are hurriedly holding aggressive whip operations to assure the bill safe passage through the House and Senate.

From all reports leaders McCarthy and Schumer are encountering late resistance to the bill's passage.

The crazy caucus in the House say the deal is betrayal of the Republicans debt passage passed by the House last month. Whispers of a secret deal by McCarthy to appease the crazies injected more drama into the whole situation.

Unhappy Democrats are grumbling about Biden "selling out" to a GOP agenda that will harm millions of Americans.

Rumblings of a revolt are still going on today as the two Congressional leaders try to shepherd their party to the finish line.

It's all a deadly game and the American people are unwilling spectators to the whole debacle. 

The tentative compromise between the two parties isn't going to leave either side totally satisfied but hopefully the bill will reach Biden's desk before the clock strikes twelve.

As it stands, America stands at the cusp of the biggest economic disaster in history and time is running out.

Friday, May 26, 2023

May You Have a Great Memorial Day Weekend

Thanks for stopping by on this Memorial Day weekend. 

May it be a day of peace.

A Brief History of this Holiday 

* The day was originally set aside to remember Union soldiers who died during the Civil War, but following World War I, its scope expanded to include those who died in any war or military action.

* The idea for a specific holiday came in 1868 from Illinois Senator John Alexander Logan, a former Union general and keynote speaker for the fraternal organization of Union soldiers. He called it "Decoration Day" to be observed on May 30. 

*The name "Memorial Day," started cropping up from time to time. The new name became more common after WW II, and in 1967 when it was declared the official name by Federal law.

Most people nowadays aren't familiar with the history of this holiday. Granted, there are still small parades in some cities and flag-plantings at veteran cemeteries.

The holiday is more well known for being a national three-day social event where bar-b-que enthusiasts proudly grill hamburgers and all-American hot dogs while beer flows like rivers through the heartland.   

My memories of fallen comrades in Vietnam still haunt me at times. But on this day, I celebrate their lives and share their stories with loved ones and friends.

As it stands, this is a day for all Americans to remember those who gave their lives in our military to preserve the freedoms we all enjoy today.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Today's Crap is Cancelled

To my regular readers and newcomers...

I'm canceling the day.

It's the thing to do now in America.

Everything is subject to being cancelled in our chaotic society. 

From brand names subject to political cancelling for sending out the wrong message, to Gov. Ron DeSantis's attack against Disneyland, America's theme park.

Dr. Martin Luther King's true messages have been cancelled by white supremist lawmakers and turned into a version of a fake history figure more pleasing to racists. Quotes without context are used to prove they're not really racist in an ironic twist that goes unappreciated by most.

Trump is cancelled.

MAGA is cancelled.

The House seditionist caucus is cancelled.

The gun lobby is cancelled. 

The Supreme Court is canceled.

Hate is cancelled.

Stupidity has been cancelled.

All conspiracies are cancelled.


I'm declaring today is Peace of Mind Day, where we overcome our many worries and challenges by focusing on the positives in our lives. 

We all have something good in our lives even though it might not feel like it at times. 

As it stands, you deserve a break today!

Blog Break: Taking Time to Exhale

Warning. Sensory overload. Too much Trump, Stormy Daniels, MAGA Mike Johnson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lindsey Graham. Too many Trump tr...