Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Gathering of the Trolls: Trump Invites Online Extremists to White House

"Nothing makes sense before coffee." -Unknown

Good Day World!

Tomorrow is a big day for online provocateurs, trolls, Republican lawmakers, alt-right political strategists, and right-wing media stars.

Trump is holding a Social Media Summit in the White House and they're all invited! 

The reason for this dubious gathering is to ensure Trump wins the 2020 election... by whatever means are necessary.

The seeds for the summit were scattered by Trump and minions recently when he went on the offensive against tech giants Facebook, Google, and Twitter. 

The planned narrative Trump and the trolls are taking is simple (it has to be to work with that group); the tech world is liberal, and they hate us by censoring everything we say. Now we're going to do something about it.

That storyline will be coordinated by the master con man Trump himself. Interestingly, none of the tech companies were invited to attend this "media summit."

One of the so-called stars attending will be James O'Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas, a conservative hit team repeatedly exposed for fraudulent stories, but still slinking around in dark conservative corners.

Ben Garrison, cartoonist for haters, will be another alt-right star at the summitt. Trump has personally complimented his work. 

In an interesting twist this week, a federal judge ruled that Trump is prohibited by the First Amendment from blocking critics on his Twitter feed. 

Twitter is now going to "label' Trump's tweets that violate it's policies, but will allow him to keep tweeting because he's a national figure.

The White House did not release a full list of attendees to the event. 

The whole idea for this alt-right fest/summit is part of a broader offensive by Trump and his handlers to encourage pro-Trump online influences. They're not going to depend on just Russia's help again in 2020.

Critics are uneasy over this gathering of the trolls at a moment when disinformation remains high three years after the Russian agents spread disinformation using those same tech giants.

We got a taste of things to come from Trump's legions when a GOP operative recently edited a video of House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi; making her words sound slurred by slowing the speed down so that she sounded drunk.

That was just the tip of a very large iceberg bearing Trump's mark.

This whole joke of a summit has raised the ire of lawmakers, free speech advocates, and open government experts, who see the gathering as a misuse of federal funds.

That's just par for the course in the Trump era where lies and fear rule, and laws are broken with impunity. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Trump's Ongoing Battle With Critics: Who Is Winning the War of Words?

With enough coffee I feel that all things are possible. Many are highly unlikely, but possible." -Unknown

Good Day World!

Trump has critics all over the world. Deservedly so.

When the word got out that Britain's ambassador to the US, Kim Darroch,  was sending negative reports about the Trump administration back home, the shit hit the fan!

We now know for sure, what our main ally thinks about Trump. Darroch wrote that the Trump administration was "inept" and he didn't see any improvement down the road.

Trump's response was predictable, as he attacked England as a whole, and the ambassador who dissed him. He refused to let him come back as a representative of England.

Was this a win for Trump? I don't think so, but it could be argued it was.

Once again, Trump tried to silence his critics online by banning them from his Twitter account, but a three-judge panel ruled today that it was an infringement on the critics 1st Amendment rights.

This was a loss for Trump. No matter how he spins it.
Trump's critics are legion and growing by the day. Trump can't keep defying the Constitution, and the laws of the land, and expect no one will criticize his actions.

Congress is looking at Trump's connection today to a billionaire pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, and Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta (who cut a sweetheart deal with Epstein in 2008 while a government lawyer and was later promoted by Trump to his current position).

This morning, Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, called for Acosta to resign from his position over the plea deal he gave multi-millionaire Jeffrey Epstein after an indictment charged Epstein with operating a sex trafficking ring was unsealed this week.

Trump's standard response to the scandal was typical. He didn't condemn Epstein because he "didn't know all the details." 

He went one step further and had his favorite loudmouth, Kellyanne Conway, tell the press this morning that Trump hadn't spoken with Epstein in "10 to 15 years." Like that somehow exonerated him from befriending a notorious pedophile.

Trump's ongoing battle with his critics is one of the defining acts of his administration. His domestic policy for dealing with critics has long been a point of contention between him and the mainstream press.

In order to silence the press he's been campaigning on the idea that everything they say about him that's not positive, is fake news.

It's not really clear whose winning the war of words, but we can expect this assault on our institutions to continue until Trump is chased out of office.
Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, July 8, 2019

'Hi Kids!' Welcome To Mr. Trump's Neighborhood

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, COFFEE and acceptance…The SIX stages of waking up!!”
- Comic Strip Mama

Good Day World!

I was thinking about
the days of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood

Remember him? Two words emerge when thinking about the message his children's show had; peace, and mutual respect.

Just for kicks, let's see what's happened since Mr. Roger's Neighborhood went off the air in 2001.

It became a slum around 2015 when a certain lowlife con man took over. Donald Trump. Here's the 2019 version of our ongoing reality show for American kids.

Mr. Trump's Neighborhood

Trump waddles into a classroom where kids are seated and wearing MAGA hats...

"Hi kids! Have you watched an immigrant family get locked up yet today?"

There's a muted response and forced smiles, "Yes, Mr. Trump," they hesitantly answer.

"Oh c'mon now! You little bastards can do better than that! Who wants to end up in a lib re-education camp?"

The assembled children, really frightened now, scream "Yes! Mr. Trump!"

Trump: "That's better.  Now, today we're going to talk about airports during the Revolutionary War and how Washington stormed the ramparts of Ft. McTrump."

Five minutes later Attorney General William Barr hops into the classroom on a pogo stick wearing a clown costume.

Trump: "Oh, look kids! It's Mr. Bo Barr the Clown! I wonder what he wants?"

Barr hops off the pogo stick, promptly lands face down, and then looks up adoringly at Trump whose watching with obvious amusement.

Barr: "Bigly news, master!

Trump: "I told you not to call me that in public, you moron. What is it?"

Barr: "I've assembled a crew of unscrupulous lawyers ready to defy the Supreme Court's decision against the census question!"

Trump: (delighted) "Whose a good boy? Look here, kids (pats Barr on the head) Who wants to pet the good boy's head?"

The children sit silently praying they don't have to respond. But Trump is already moving on to another subject...

By the time the episode is over all of the children are huddled in a corner of the classroom suppressing sobs of fear, as they clutch handouts of images of children in cages taken on America's southern border.

Trump: "That's it for today kiddos! Tomorrow your favorite president has a special surprise in store for you! Jeffrey Epstein, your favorite president's friend, is going to stop by a give a talk about young love. Won't that be fun?"

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Trump's Defiance of Law Takes Another Scary Step

"I don't know how people live without coffee. I really don't" - Martha Quinn

Good Day World!

Casting all pretenses aside about being a law-abiding president, Trump has decided to defy the Supreme Court who told him to come back with a real excuse for adding a divisive question to this year's census.

When the census ruling went against Trump and his team he quickly replaced the DOJ lawyers (who stood by the ruling) with a team of politically appointed Civilian Division lawyers.


Was it because the DOJ lawyers realized what they were doing was wrong? Were there a few DOJ lawyers left that still believed in the law of the land and ethics? Did they piss him off for not breaking the law?

More than likely.

Trump thinks that he needs to keep the issue going for his base who enjoy defying laws that don't favor them. They expect him to flaunt every law and tradition that defines our country.

By trying to make an end-run around the final arbiter of law in this nation, Trump is showing us who he really is, and has been his entire life...a corrupt con man with the biggest ego in America.

All we can hope for is that our laws and courts continue to stand strong during this unprecedented presidential assault until the orange anus is impeached, or loses the 2020 election.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Americans: Reflections of Who We Really Are

"Coffee makes me do the happy dance!" Anonymous

                                          Good Day World!

I'm kicking back a little longer this morning and adding an extra cup of coffee to my normal routine to fully enjoy this morning.

After Thursday's soggy event in Washington DC, two different narratives have emerged:

1) Trump's Sad, Strange Fourth of July

2) Democrats Swore Trump Would Give a Partisan Speech. He Gave a Unifying One 

These two articles reflect who we, as Americans, are...divided and suspicious of one another.

But, as I further reflected upon the event it occurred to me that there are still many unifying themes that Americans still agree on.

First, and foremost, the pursuit of liberty and justice for all. That great concept in our society is still firmly embraced, regardless of what Trump does and says.

This Fourth of July was still a celebration of our Independence, despite pundits opposing views. 

Families gathered nationwide, BBQ was the order of the day, and little local parades and firework displays flourished just like in years past.

As for politics, they will continue to be a nasty affair that divides Americans - something that happened immediately after our two-party system was adopted back in the day.

That's okay. That's who were are. A vibrant, independent thinking collection of characters from all over the world.

As the majority of Americans struggle with the Trump regime and the damage it's doing (and done), a new administration will have to right many wrongs.

Just like the Tea Pot Dome Scandal in 1920 shocked Americans by revealing an unprecedented level of greed and corruption within the federal government, wrongs will be corrected after Trump is duly kicked out of the White House in 2020.

Americans are - and have been - a melting pot of nationalities from all over the world, and nothing will ever change that.

Especially, a wannabe dictator. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Book Review: Author Promotes Book About Pot Causing Psychotic Disorders

"Nothing makes sense before coffee." -Unknown 

Good Day World!

Everybody is writing books these days.

Just about every person that has left the White House in the last couple of years wrote a "tell-all" account of their experiences there.

We're not talking literary masterpieces either. The only thing going for them is the sensational claims they make. Kind of like the author I'm going to introduce to you now...

Book review:

One author, Alex Berenson, has decided to double down on sensational (and unverified) claims about the dangers of marijuana in his new book "Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and  violence."

He recently promoted his book in a New York Times op-ed that blames pot for "sharp increases in murders and aggravated assaults," purportedly observed in some states that allow recreational marijuana use. 

The book manages to reprise the stupidity of the 1930s, when there was virtually no scientific data on marijuana, and ignorant and racist officials publicized exaggerated anecdotal accounts of harms and were believed at the time.

Fast forward to now.

After hundreds of studies disproving those crazy claims 90 years later, there is no excuse for Berenson exaggerations, or the foolish conclusions he drew.

Evidence from research tells us that aggression and violence are highly unlikely outcomes of marijuana use. When was the last time you saw a story about a crazed pot-user attacking a school or church?

It just doesn't happen. 

Based upon laboratory research, during which thousands of doses of marijuana were given to people - carefully studying their brain, behavioral, cognitive and social responses - no research participant became violent or aggressive while under the influence of cannabis.

What has been determined is that the main effects are contentment, relaxation, sedation, euphoria, and increased hunger.

I'm really curious who Berenson's targeted audience is. Based upon the amount of disinformation in it. I suspect it's a guide for the alt-right and the Republicans that identify with Trump.

The only thing I recommend about this book is it's a great example of how partisan lies are publicly shared for a narrow audience of idiots.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, July 5, 2019

Playtime is Over Trump: The Ides of September Looms

"Coffee: ok, not really a vegetable, but without it I turn into one." Unknown

Good Day World!

From all accounts, I didn't miss much during yesterday's debacle in front of the Lincoln Memorial, billed as a Salute To America.

Pundits aren't writing about a 4th of July oratory for the ages reminiscent of a speech by Julius Caesar. 

Trump's attempt at telling history led to claims of airports during the Revolutionary War, and a stiff defense of Ft. Henry then...when of course, the Ft. Henry thing (rockets in the air, etc.) happened in the War of 1812.

The water-soaked affair will probably be best remembered for the presence of the Baby Trump Blimp and the Trump on his Thrown Blimp, both of which bobbed happily throughout 

Moving on.

Playtime is over for Trump. Between now and the end of September, he has to come up with a budget, or we'll have another government shutdown.

That would be twice in one year. Someone needs to check and see if that's another dubious record set by the orange anus.

Here's where negotiations stand:

1) The GOP senators can't get Trump to sign on with their budget plan. 
2) Trump doesn't even know what he wants.
3) Republicans are baffled by what Trump wants (the goal post keeps moving)
4) No one's asked what the Democrats want.
5) Trump doesn't care what the Dems want.
6) Any bipartisan agreement could be vetoed at the last moment by our precocious man child Trump.

Caesar ignored the warning about not going to the senate on the Ides of March, and we all know how that turned out. 

I've got to think that two shutdowns in one year is not a ringing endorsement for a smooth government. In the very least, it shows chaos in the administration.

Multiple senators took Caesar down.

Multiple criminal investigations will take Trump down. 

Another shutdown this fall will be considered more evidence of his incompetence. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...  

Thursday, July 4, 2019

A Celebration for Trumpies: 4th of July Morphs Into 'Trump Day Event'

"Hand over the coffee and no one gets hurt!" - Anonymous

                                         Good Day World!

I won't be watching the 4th of July celebration in Washington DC today. It would be too painful.

Our wannabe dictator has co-opted the holiday that was once for all Americans, and made it his own.

He's managed to turn this year's 4th-of-July celebration into a partisan rally, complete with a special viewing section for friends, campaign donors, RNC bigwigs, and his family.

This narcissistic move has motivated Trump haters to protest at the event. The Trump Baby Balloon is flying today, although partially grounded because officials wouldn't let the organizers use helium - forcing them to just use air.

Trump's minions saw to it that all of the organized protests will be out of his line of sight. An act reminiscent of covering the name of the USS John McCain, a Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, when he was in Japan because it offended him.

The best selling souvenir is t-shirts, that are going like hotcakes at his bigly event are being offered by a veterans group. They have a photo of John McCain, war hero on on the front.

I'll still be celebrating our country's founding locally. The only difference this year is, I won't be watching a traditionally non-partisan event morphed into a day for a wannabe dictator.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

One More Tradition Crushed: The Day That 4th of July Became a Partisan Event

I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee. -Carly Simon

Good Day World!

I'm 69 years-old, and have never seen a partisan 4th of July event.

That streak is going to end tomorrow, when Trump turns our most patriotic holiday into a campaign rally for his friends and family.

Trump is promising this 4th of July will be like no other in our history. He's right about that.

There's a reason none of Trump's predecessors in the White House pulled this nakedly partisan stunt before. They wanted the holiday to be for ALL AMERICANS...not just for a fringe minority like the freaks who follow Trump.

Here's the thing; it's important to know the difference between patriotism and nationalism. It is a fine line, but a crucial one.

According to Merriam Webster, "Patriotism is a love for, or devotion to the country. Nationalism is a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of it's culture and interests as opposed to other nations."

Trump and his minions are claiming that those who don't go along with his personal show of power aren't patriotic. In Trump's tiny excuse for a brain, those past presidents were unpatriotic because they didn't get involved and put on a partisan rally.

Then there's Trump's frigging parade. Every since he saw a military parade in France last year, Donny has been lusting for a personal parade to show off HIS POWER.

Related: Park Service Diverts $2.5 million in Fees For Trump's July 4th Extravaganza

America is stuck with a mean little toddler camping out in the Oval Office who stays busy with his toxic Twitter account and his ridiculous demands. 

Cadet Bonespurs realizes the differences in his planned show. He just doesn't give a damn who it bothers, or insults. The orange narcissist is realizing his boyhood dreams when he played with little plastic soldiers and tanks.

Just a quick example of how clueless the orange ape is. He's telling everyone who'll listen that he's going to have some tanks sitting on the National Mall. He even boasted that there will be brand new Sherman tanks there.

For the record; we quit producing Sherman tanks in 1957.

Related: Military Chiefs Have Concerns About Politicization of Trump's July 4th Event

The part that is going to be the hardest to stomach is when Trump spews his shit from the steps of The Lincoln Memorial.

That blasphemy will probably have Lincoln rolling over in his grave.

I only have one hope that this event may get postponed. 

The weather. 

If there is a God, then there's going to be thunder and lightning as the heavens open up and weep!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Taking a Blog Break for 3 Days - I'll Be Back on July 3rd

"What goes best with coffee? Another cup of coffee." - Unknown

Good Day World!

It's time for me to take a few days off and recharge my batteries.

While I'm gone, I hope you'll check out my archives from past posts.

I created this blog in 2008. It's been a long and strange journey (thank you Grateful Dead). I hope many more years are ahead for this opinion platform.

I also have another blog - The Creative Chronicles of Dave Stancliff - which is fiction blog. Flash fiction, essays and poems.

May the wind be at your back, and the sun always shine above you...

Time for me to walk on down the road...

GOP House Members Humiliate Themselves... Again

This is getting old. GOP members of the House never seem to tire of being humiliated by their master Trump. No bar too low. No shame too gr...