Tuesday, October 9, 2018

'Me Too Movement' Takes On Patriarchal Hierarchy in Congress

Good Day World!

Congress is the elite of "good old boys" clubs in America.

Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation was a clear reaffirmation of that fact.

It was a reminder to all women there was more important business to be done: there were ideological agendas that needed to be advanced, and political careers that needed to be protected.

The whole process was rigged from the very start as the Republicans refused to turn over all of Kavanaugh's history while serving under President Bush.

When things heated up after Dr. Ford came out with a sexual assault charge against Kavanaugh, chairman Grassley and Trump made sure the process was poisoned.

With every new revelation, with every apparent lie Kavanaugh told during his testimony, there was always an underlying sense of futility. 

Deep down, we all saw what was unfolding. We sensed the inevitable outcome, but were still shocked when Kavanaugh was finally confirmed. It was like helplessly watching an oncoming train wreck.

Women across the country marched and said, "Me Too," and the Republicans said "So, what?"

Here's so what: we're now going to have a Supreme Court justice who was accused of sexual assault (which was covered up by Grassley and his ass hats) and exposing himself to another woman.

This creep is going to preside over the reproductive rights of women until the end of his natural life, if he so chooses. Americans are stuck with a far, far right court that will undermine women and promote corporations.

Americans like to believe they're virtuous defenders of women's rights. The reality is women are still marginalized in our government and the workplace.

To get any meaningful change, to really challenge the patriarchal hierarchy, women need to make big inroads during the upcoming midterms. Taking The House back looks possible.

The Me Too Movement is real. The fury women across this country feel, is real. Taking The House back is only the first step in restoring true democracy in our crippled Congress.

Please...don't forget to register to vote, if you haven't yet. Your vote has never been more important.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, October 8, 2018

Drunken Birds, Supreme Turds, and Angry Words

Good Day World!

In northeastern Minnesota they're stumbling along tree branches, and falling out of trees. 

The residents of Gilbert, a city of about 1,800 people, have seen it before.

Birds getting drunk on berries that fermented as a result of an early frost.

Locals are warned when the birds get drunk to try and avoid them, but it's nearly impossible when a drunk Waxwing slams into your windshield. 

The good news is most of the drunken birds will recover and be ready for the next frost! 


The country is still reeling after the Republicans Supreme Court coup. With the addition of Brett Kavanaugh to the highest court of the land, the far, far right, has another champion to go with Neil Gorsuch. 

Worse, the credibility of the Supreme Court, is being questioned by millions of Americans who witnessed the confirmation chaos last week and saw Kavanaugh's naked hatred of liberals spew out in a moment of truth. 

His partisanship is no longer in doubt. He's a conservative stooge of Trump and his minions.


Speaking of our liar in chief, he's managed to ignite a gender war in the last week.

With women coming out with their stories during the current Me Too Movement, the orange anus twisted the storyline by mocking Kavanaugh's accuser and making men look like the victims...instead of women.

The question is, are the Republicans going to pay a price in the midterms? Will the Democrats impeach Kavanaugh when they take The House back, even though it's unlikely the Senate would support it?

Or, are they (as I recommend) going to start investigations into Trump's obstruction of justice, emoluments violations, and exposing his IRS records?

We'll find out 31 days from now. Make sure you get out and vote. Democracy is counting on you.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Kavanaugh Was Confirmed Because Democrats Brought Clubs To A Gunfight

Good Day World!

There was never really a doubt Kavanaugh would be confirmed as a Supreme Court judge.

It was preordained when he went to an elite high school and college, and was taken under the wing of the alt right organization the Federalist Society. He was groomed like a prostitute by a pimp.

From the start, the GOP hid a major part of Kavanaugh's history, and only grudgingly gave up tidbits as they were publicly called out for their partisan obstruction tactics. When Democrats tried to pursue more information about Kavanaugh's time serving the Bush Administration they were stonewalled.

When records were produced showing Kavanaugh was aware of his mentor Judge Kozinski's harassment of female clerks, chairman "Ass Face" Grassley, claimed further information on the subject was not for public consumption.

What happened next was a disaster for the Democrats. After holding a "he said, she said" farce of a hearing, the whole process blew up into a giant debacle.

Republicans, with help from Trump, attacked Kavanaugh's accuser Dr. Ford, like a school of piranhas at feeding time. Trump mocked her at a rally and his base bought into the bullshit he was putting out.

It was a great moment for Trump, dividing people again...this time using gender as a weapon. It worked. After severely limiting the FBI's scope to investigate Dr. Ford's allegations, the Republicans were home free with their supreme coup.

It wasn't bloodless coup however. There will be ramifications in the midterms. 

While it still looks good for the Democrats to take the House back, their chances of getting back the Senate are slimmer. The odds were against it from the start, but the Kavanaugh backlash did motivate the Republican base. How motivated, we won't know until the elections.

It also motivated the Democratic base to turn out and vote. It would take a record turnout to get the Senate back. More Democrats are defending open seats than the Republicans are.

Memo to the Democratic Party: don't bring books to a boxing match; don't bring clubs to a gunfight, and for the sake of the American people, come up with a unified Big Message to counter the Republicans challenge to our democracy.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, October 6, 2018

A Dark Day in DC: The Supreme Court Loses It's Credibility

Good Day World! 

It's dark and cloudy outside as I sip my morning coffee. 

We're expecting rain most of the day here in Medford, Oregon.

My thoughts are wandering to Washington DC and the fully-rigged confirmation hearing on Judge Kavanaugh. 

It's a dark moment in history, watching this final partisan take down of the Supreme Court's credibility.  

As the votes are counted, members of the Federalist Society and Trump are gloating now that the fix is in. It's a day for Republicans to celebrate an ill-gotten victory against equality. A moment in time signaling a generational shift to the far right.

As I drink my coffee they're drinking champagne (except for Kavanaugh who ordered a kegger, and Trump whose having a Diet Coke).

I'm not sure what the weather is like in Washington DC this morning, but I can tell you clouds are gathering there and they're going to bring more than rain...they going to pour down with Democratic voters in the midterms!

The political whirlwind that's going to be reaped because of this rape of Lady Justice, is going to send new voters to the polls. Young ones, according to political pundits. Also, first-time voters. As for women, this will be another turning point, and more motivation for the Me Too Movement. 

To the male Republicans that will be losing their seats to female Democrats this November...tough shit boys. It's time to infuse some liberal views, common sense, and ability to compromise to truly serve the majority of Americans.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, October 5, 2018

Midterm Payback? If Kavanaugh Gets Confirmed There's Always Impeachment

Good Day World!

By the time you read this post the Republicans will have plowed forward with their rush to confirm Kavanaugh
...regardless of what the FBI report said (after being handcuffed by Trump), or that he lied under oath numerous times.

It appears that a full confirmation vote will happen tomorrow.

Short of a miraculous resistance from a few Republican senators, it looks like we're going to get the most politically biased Supreme Court judge in modern history.

Anyone who listened to Kavanaugh rant about liberal Democrats and the "Clinton's," knows he's taken a completely inappropriate political stance which will carry over to the Supreme Court.

Does that mean America has no choice now?

Despite all of the favorable polls for Dr. Ford, and numerous organizations like The American Bar Association; or 48 Christian churches representing the bulk of Christians in America today; or the Catholic Ministries largest publication taking back their support for Kavanaugh; or the Mormon Church telling it's followers not to vote yes for him; is it a hopeless cause?

The answer is no. There is one recourse. It may be a long shot. Impeachment. History shows it's happened before. An Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Samuel Chase (in 1805), was impeached on grounds of letting his partisan leanings affect his court decisions.

Sound familiar? It's pretty much what analysts say Kavanaugh will do, after showing his true colors during the confirmation process. 

President Thomas Jefferson was alarmed at the seizure of power by the judiciary through the claim of exclusive judicial review by the Federalists (led by Chase) on the bench.

The rest of the story; the Senate didn't accept any of the eight articles of impeachment (all bias related) because the majority was the opposition party.

Which brings us to today.

If the Democrats take back The House in the midterms, they could file for impeachment on the same grounds used against Chase, and add lying under oath.

If the Republicans hold on to the Senate after the midterms, then the possibility of history repeating itself could happen and the effort will be squashed. 

Nineteen federal officials — including 15 judges and two presidents — have been impeached, but fewer than half have been removed by the Senate, because of the supermajority standard.

Not likely, you say? Perhaps not. But it's a thought.

Finally, as of today, no one knows for sure how the full vote will turn out. Some Republicans may find the courage to stop this farce and say no at the last moment.

Let's see what happens Saturday.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, October 4, 2018

It's A Trump, Trump, Trump World!

                                     Good Day World!

Face it. You can't take a dump without thinking of Trump.

Everywhere you look, and listen, people are embroiled in heated debates about our Liar-In-Cheats latest tweets, rallies, and near catastrophes at The White House.

It really gets embarrassing when you look at the world's opinion of our president:

Poll: Global Confidence in Trump lower than for China's XI

And, World's Confidence in US Leadership Under Trump at a New Low

But the embarrassment doesn't stop there. Americans have to live daily under the most corrupt president in our entire history. He's a serial liar, and proud of it. His massive ego blinds him from reality. 

He makes up his own reality as he goes. With minions like Kellyanne Conway pushing alternative truths, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders blatantly spreading Trump's lies like they were gospel, we are faced with a sense of being captives in a reality show we never signed up for.

Unlike the action adventure and comedy, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, World, we are watching a drama that threatens the very core of our highly prized democracy with a modern day fascism under Trump's world. His attempts to destroy our Constitutional rights are nothing less than evil.

The man-baby's days are limited. As he mocks sexual assault victims during this country's awakening in the wake of the Me Too movement, he's going to see Republican women peel away from his base in the midterms.

Trump is so full of himself, and just plain stupid, that he thinks he's not going to pay a price for mocking Dr. Ford during a rally in Mississippi. To him, it was further proof that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue in front of everyone, and get away with it.

Senators are going to review the FBI's report today. Click here to see the ridiculous limits being put on the 100 senators who need to read it.

Let's see what the three people - Sen. Flake, Sen. Collins, and Sen. Murkowski - think about this sham of a confirmation. It's all up to them now.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Once Again Trump Shows He Can't Control Himself

                                           Good Day World!

The Liar-In-Chief couldn't control himself (again) last night at a rally. He went after Kavanaugh's accuser Dr. Ford to throw some meat to the base and outdid himself.

All pretenses of a fair conformation hearing went out the door as Trump mocked Dr. Ford to the delight of his idiot followers.

Trump has been biting his fat tongue all week trying to act like he was for a fair process. He even called for the FBI investigation. However, that turned out to be a joke as he limited the FBI to a narrow lane of investigation.

Before the crowd Tuesday night in Southhaven, Mississippi, Trump imitated Ford during her testimony, mocking her for not knowing the answers to questions such as how she got home from the party where Kavanaugh assaulted her.

It was classic Trump; mocking and imitating people with disabilities, or anyone else who disagrees with him. Especially the 15 females who came out during his presidential campaign and charged him with sexual harassment.

What Trump said:

"I had one beer. Well, do you think it was...nope, it was one beer. How did you get home? I don't remember. How'd you get there? I don't remember. Where is the place? I don't remember. How many years ago was it? I don't know."

What caused the Orange Anus to lose it last night?

The answer may lie with the New York Times story on the Trump family that demolished Donny's claims he only got one million from his dad and turned it into billions.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Trump: Counting On Chickens Before They're Hatched

Good Day World!

"Counting chickens before they're hatched" is a universal phrase meaning wait until something actually happens before you count on it.

Watching Trump strut around like a rooster in the Flower Garden in the back of The White House yesterday was a good example of how he takes a nothing-burger, and serves it up like a Trump endorsed steak.

I'm talking about the tentative agreement that Canada, Mexico and the US, signed yesterday. 

Trump crowed to reporters, "This new deal will be the most modern, up to date, and balanced trade agreement in the history of the country." 

This is a typical Trumpian blast, boasting about anything he does as being the "biggest, or the greatest in history." I see this habit of wild exaggeration as a "tell" signaling he's lying.

Let's take this great non-moment of a real deal for what it is...something for the Republicans to wave around as a victory before midterms.

Here's the facts:

*The tentative deal was rushed for optics. A midterm infusion to rally the base.

* This "deal" has to be approved by Congress next year and guess who'll (at the very least) will have The House back? Yes, the Democrats. 

*The claim (for rushing) was the deal was supposed to be completed before the outgoing Mexican president, Enrique Pena Nieto left office in December. It was really Trump's excuse for pushing a timeline on the agreement (think midterms).

* As it turned out, the incoming president already said he wouldn't overturn any deal his predecessor makes. In any case, the Mexican congress still has to vote on it.

* Lawmakers will be digging into the fine print of the deal and chances are it won't be voted on until the next session of Congress in 2019 (as I mentioned earlier).

Thus far, the Democrats haven't commented on the tentative agreement that Trump is ballyhooing as a major victory and redo of NAFTA.

To be clear, it's showtime right now for Trump and his minions with the elections coming up. 

For Trump, counting on chickens before they're hatched is merely part of the art of bullshitting, and blurring reality.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, October 1, 2018

Trump's Latest Con Game: Claims 'FBI Has Free Rein'

Good Day World!

Our Liar-In-Chief is in rare form...

First he tweeted Saturday that the White House didn't place any limitations on the FBI's ability to investigate the allegations against supreme wannabee Kavanaugh.

Next he told NBC "I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion. 

That response came after NBC cited multiple reports that in fact, the Orange Anus had limited the scope of the reopened background investigation on Kavanaugh.

Classic Trumpian con. Say one thing, then do another. The man simply has no shame. 

According to The New York Times the White House has authorized the FBI to interview four witnesses: Mark Judge; Leland Keyser, a high school buddy of Ford's whom she said attended the party but was not told of the assault; P.J. Smyth, another party guest; and Deborah Ramirez, the Yale accuser. 

Sen. Feinstein has been trying to determine just what was written in Trump's letter to the FBI.,so she contacted Don McGahn and FBI Director Wray yesterday, requesting a copy of the written directive.

In the request she also wrote, "If the FBI requests any expansion beyond the initial directive, please provide the names of any additional witnesses or evidence."

By now, anyone who follows Trumpian tactics knows he's not afraid of the BIG LIE...he just keeps repeating it. 

This FBI probe is a load of bullshit, but it's working for the Trump puppets that want to plough their boy forward - even if he does get sick and vomit after drinking half of a keg, and experience numerous blackouts.

The con is on. 

* No former classmates who have contradicted Kavanaugh's account of his college alcohol consumption and instead said he was frequent, heavy drinker.

* The FBI will not be allowed to interview high school classmates who could shed light on what some people have called untruths about his testimony on alleged sexual references in his high school yearbook.

That's really too bad because the world won't get to see the real translation of "The Devil's Triangle;" the "Renate Alumnius;" the Beach Week Ralph Club, or (my favorite) "boofing."   

*No one from the FBI has even contacted Dr. Ford yet, and it's not even clear if they will talk to her at all.

While Trump may get away with pulling a fast one and acting like he was trying to get to the truth with this FBI con game, there's one thing he can't get away with; his nominee showed his partisan colors and turned on the Democratic Party and even the Clintons in his rage.

In the end, that revelation of his political bias will be his downfall. His temperament and partisanship can't be brushed aside in a coverup story. The optics were too big.

20 million viewers watching TV that day heard him spew his hate and tell the truth for the first time in the process! 

I believe there's going to be enough Republican Senators (I won't predict how many) that will stand up on that full confirmation vote, and say NO.

If I'm wrong, there's always impeachment after the midterms when the Democrats take back the House.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Because 1 Republican Stood Tall an FBI Investigation on Kavanaugh is Happening

Good Day World!

Millions of Americans owe Republican Senator Jeff Blake respect for what he did yesterday. 

Without Flake holding back his vote because he wanted a full FBI investigation, the rest of his colleagues would have ridden roughshod over the confirmation process.

Personally, I'll be sad to see him leave the Senate. He and Democratic Senator Coon have been trying for years to conduct business in a bi-partisan manner. They're both loyal to their parties, but have shown the ability to rise above political rhetoric when considering important issues.

Without a doubt, Sen. Flake's push for a fair investigation will go down as his biggest accomplishment in his 18 years in the Senate. I'm confident of that.

If, after the investigation he changes his mind and votes for Kavanaugh, I'll still respect him, because I know he was being honest. Frankly, that's not something I often say about any politician.

In this age of political tribalism it takes courage to stand up to his colleagues and speak from the heart. To speak about fairness and justice in the face of a heartless juggernaut trying to stack the Supreme Court with a bias judge, takes conviction. Even if Flake wasn't retiring this year. 

This whole confirmation process has been without precedent. A case of politics on steroids. A vivid demonstration on how polarized we are as a nation. 

Even Trump has recognized the need to agree with Senate Republicans on putting the confirmation process on hold while an FBI investigation on Kavanaugh goes forward.

The deal is the investigation will be wrapped up in one week and have a narrow scope. Let's see how that works out.

One thing is for sure; political fireworks are on the horizon.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, September 28, 2018

Kavanaugh's Partisanship Nakedly Exposed During Hearing

Good Day World!

One thing is for sure after listening to the testimonies of Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford yesterday; we know Kavanaugh is Trump's and the GOP Senators puppet.

He said as much yesterday, if you took note of his rant against Democrats and praise for Trump's crooked 2016 election.

That's called a stacked deck in poker.

The implications are clear; if confirmed, Kavanaugh can be counted on to carry out not only Trump's agenda but to protect him from impeachment. 

His GOP handlers in the Senate and the Federalist Society, have spent millions, and countless hours, to advance their own stooge to the Supreme Court.

Anyone watching Dr. Ford's testimony couldn't help being touched by her sincerity as she recounted Kavanaugh's assault?

Kavanaugh came off like an angry little boy one moment, and a saint the next. No sex for years after high school? Really? How believable was that party boy who drank beer but never passed out?

How convincing was his proud membership of the Ralph Club for puking after drinking lots of beer? Something he denied doing in excess, despite numerous reports to the contrary that he was a hard drinking jock.

He's one of the Alumni of a group of buddies all proudly claiming to have had sex with the same woman. It's in his Year Book. Yet he claimed to be a choir boy. A reputation he's made up for himself, not one awarded by numerous witnesses.

Which brings us to today. The Senate Judiciary Committee is supposed to be considering the nomination. What they'll really be doing is trying to convince Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Jeff Flake, and Joe Manchin to vote for Kavanaugh. It's a group arm-twisting time.

In response to the Republican's rush to confirm the American Bar Association has called for a full investigation and delay in the conformation process today.

We'll see what happens.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...