Saturday, October 6, 2018

A Dark Day in DC: The Supreme Court Loses It's Credibility

Good Day World! 

It's dark and cloudy outside as I sip my morning coffee. 

We're expecting rain most of the day here in Medford, Oregon.

My thoughts are wandering to Washington DC and the fully-rigged confirmation hearing on Judge Kavanaugh. 

It's a dark moment in history, watching this final partisan take down of the Supreme Court's credibility.  

As the votes are counted, members of the Federalist Society and Trump are gloating now that the fix is in. It's a day for Republicans to celebrate an ill-gotten victory against equality. A moment in time signaling a generational shift to the far right.

As I drink my coffee they're drinking champagne (except for Kavanaugh who ordered a kegger, and Trump whose having a Diet Coke).

I'm not sure what the weather is like in Washington DC this morning, but I can tell you clouds are gathering there and they're going to bring more than rain...they going to pour down with Democratic voters in the midterms!

The political whirlwind that's going to be reaped because of this rape of Lady Justice, is going to send new voters to the polls. Young ones, according to political pundits. Also, first-time voters. As for women, this will be another turning point, and more motivation for the Me Too Movement. 

To the male Republicans that will be losing their seats to female Democrats this November...tough shit boys. It's time to infuse some liberal views, common sense, and ability to compromise to truly serve the majority of Americans.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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