Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Trump's Bromance With Putin Angers Lawmakers On Both Sides of the Aisle

Good Day World!

Oh Donny boy!

You're really pissing some people off with your romance with that Russian dictator.

As hard as it was for me for me to believe, Mitch McConnell, the turtle look-alike who Americans have come to loath, stood up to Trump and said he was a bad boy for calling Putin to congratulate him on his rigged election.

Will wonders ever cease?

My favorite Republican senator, John McCain, called Putin a dictator who won a "sham" election. He's right, of course.

Democrats are calling for Donny's treasonous actions to be explained. They're dumbfounded that Trump made a call to a dictator who stole another election. 

Trump's infatuation with Putin has dark undertones. Why be so nice to a dictator whose country is trying to destroy America and our democracy?

It's no secret. Putin hates America. It's also no secret that Donny has a crush on the Russian strongman, who he was trying to do business with for over a decade.

Amazingly, with all the reports that have come from our intelligence community about how Russia disrupted the 2016 election, Trump is talking about meeting with him again.

I'm waiting to see what Trump is going to do about Robert Mueller. Former CIA Director Brennan suggested that Putin has something on Trump yesterday.

He's getting under Donny's skin. It's attack Mueller time again, and the legitimacy of the whole Russia investigation. Something his lawyers have pleaded with him not to do.

The question is will we ever find out why Donny is so enamored of Putin?

Does Putin have something he's blackmailing Donny with? Or, is Trump just in awe of someone who has such complete power over so many people?

I'm curious to see how long our lawmakers will put up with Trump's adoration of Putin before it becomes a real problem. Is there a red line drawn by anyone in Congress?

The sad thing is, I doubt it. We're going to find out the hard way why Putin and Trump have been in a relationship for years.

By then, it'll be too late.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Armageddon Around the Corner?

Good Day World!

When it comes to nuclear weapons, I get nervous.

Probably because of my Cold War upbringing. 

It's bad enough that countries like the US, Russia, North Korea, China, Pakistan, and India, all have the means of destroying the planet, but when other players come into the equation, it gets downright scary.

Recent Example:

Turkish authorities captured four men, all gang members, who were trying to sell a radioactive nuclear element for $70 million on the black market.

They had three pounds of synthetic nuclear element, Californium, which is commonly used to set off nuclear reactors.

Just think what a group like ISIS could do with a package like that! What surprises me the most is so far no extremist group has gotten possession of some kind of nuclear weapon and caused chaos with it.

Moving on to Iran

Despite warnings from the US and allies, the Iranians are working on nuclear submarines. Rumors are flying around Washington that Trump is going to nullify the current nuclear agreement supported by most of the countries in NATO.

Moving on to North Korea

So far, the North Koreans have been silent about the upcoming meeting between their leader, Kim Jong Un, and Trump.

Odds makers have it 50-50 that the two leaders will actually meet somewhere. There's negotiations going on behind the scenes, according to the Trump administration.

Call me silly, but I don't believe one word coming from the White House.

This meeting may (tentatively scheduled for May), or may not happen, and even if it does, the chances of arriving at a mutual agreement between the two countries is slim and next to none.

Imagine for a moment, those two egotists in the same room trying to one-up each other in rhetorical lies. The only substance to that meeting would be the byproduct...the bullshit. 

The chance of a Trump tweet tilting the precarious balance can't be dismissed.

One more thing; we know that they get hit the American mainland with nuclear missiles now. 

Moving on to China

The recently anointed dictator for life Xi, is poised to become an international player in the power game.

China's military has been quietly building up in the last decade. It's navy recently launched a new super aircraft carrier with nuclear armament.

There's no doubt that China could make a nuclear strike anywhere on the planet.

On Pakistan and India

These two countries are enemies. They both have nuclear bombs. They're both unpredictable. If it sounds like a recipe for disaster, it could be.

Is Armageddon around the corner?

The only thing I can say, is you better make the most of every day!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, March 19, 2018

Embracing Another Week of Chaos in the Trump Era

Good Day World!

Ready or not, this is the start of a new week of chaos in the Trump era.

Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) said Sunday (on Meet The Press) the House Intelligence Committee was not tasked with investigating collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Really? Then what were they tasked with?

And, what about Conaway's committee report last week that said there was no evidence of collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign?

You can't have it both ways.

On one hand, Conaway claimed the committee was only probing to see if Russia interfered with the 2016 election, not whether the Trump camp was cozy with Putin.

Conaway's report totally ignored the Democrats take on what the committee did, and did not do. Like interview key witnesses.

Another, complete report is due out this week, and we'll have a chance to see both sides of the story.

Looking ahead...

Expect more Stormy Daniels news as her case against Trump grows legs.

Don't be surprised if someone in the White House gets fired. Donny is in full Apprentice mode, and has been gathering steam since last week.

Gina Haspel, Trump's nominee to replace Mike Pompeo as head of the CIA, is already being challenged by some Republican senators like Rand Paul - who is dead set against her getting the job.

Expect more new stories about this issue, and the issue of getting Trump nominees through the vetting process.

Even though Jeff Sessions was a good puppet and fired Andrew McCabe for Trump, he's going to be back on the grill again.

With the recent news that Sessions didn't oppose (under oath he claimed he opposed it) an idea to approach the Russians during a highly publicized meeting with Trump and his staff during the election.

Expect to see increased stories about another round of tax cuts by Republicans. They're still trying to sell the idea the whole tax scam law will benefit America's middle class. It's been a tough sell thus far.

The investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election has expanded to include President Trump’s family business, with the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, subpoenaing the Trump Organization for documents related to Russia.

Expect to hear more about this story as the week goes on. Last year, Trump said that Mueller would be "crossing a red line" if he got into his family business during the investigation.

Looks like that line has been crossed.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Slimey Sessions Always Eager To Do His Master's Bidding

Good Day World!

Even to a casual observer, AG Jeff Sessions is a mean little bastard.

He's shamelessly grovels at Trump's feet even when Trump is attacking his integrity.

But Sessions seems to think it's worth it, because he gets to pursue his racist agenda to new heights.

Just look at the timing of the firing of former FBI Director, Andrew McCabe. It was announced one day before his retirement (thus disqualifying him from full retirement). 

I know that Trump didn't like McCabe, but he let Sessions be the bearer of bad tidings because the little weasel was so good at it.

Always ready to serve his master, Sessions added a little flair to the firing by doing it at the 11th hour.

That's just mean. It's a way of making a point and sending out a warning. Don't dare stand up to Trump. No matter who you are.

Sessions enjoys the disruption he's causing with his racist agenda. It's a dream of a lifetime for the diminutive elf look-alike.

As slippery and underhanded as he is, Sessions knows that he's treading rough water with Trump's impulsiveness and lack of loyalty.

It's Sessions eagerness to please Trump, who treats him like a junkyard dog, that's saved him thus far. There's no law he wouldn't break for Donny.

I'm surprised the man can stand without a backbone. It's a trait most Trump's supporters seem to possess. 

Time for me to walk on down the road....

Saturday, March 17, 2018

#StPaddy Let's Get St. Patrick To Go To Washington D.C. and Drive Out The Snakes!

Good Day World!

May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.

~Irish Blessing

Aye! And it's a fine day to be alive!

Did you wear green today on St. Paddy's Day?

I'm not an Irishman, but I wear green to keep from being pinched.

That's right, I learned early in grade school that if you weren't wearing something green, you were fair game to be pinched! I don't think it traumatized me, but I admit I still wear green on March 17th.

By the way, the pinching thing is American/Irish in origin, like a lot of St. Paddy traditions we all grew up with.

One good example, is having corn beef brisket as the main meal of the day. That's not traditional Irish fare. Try pork.

American origins:

The first St. Patrick’s Day celebration on U.S. soil happened in Boston in 1737. The first parade? That other epicenter of Irish American immigration, New York City, 1762

They say that St. Patrick drove all the snakes from the Emerald Isles, and that's why there's none today in Ireland. Which got me to thinking...

Wouldn't it be nice if St. Patrick showed up on our shores and chased the snakes out of Washington D.C.!! 

Interesting side bar articles:

St. Patrick's Day Started in Florida, not Boston, Professor says

15 Things You Might Not Know About St. Patrick's Day

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, March 16, 2018

The Day Gold Rained From The Skies and Other Odd Stories

                                     Good Day World!

Imagine for a moment that you live in Siberia, one of the most hellish regions on earth, and one day gold bars and diamonds shower down from the skies!

The precious metals rain down as you watch. You think your ship has come in! God has granted your wish for good fortune.

Unfortunately, it wasn't God showering you with enough wealth to take care of generations of your children.

It was a Russian airplane - a Nimbus Airlines AN-12 - that was scattering the riches across the countryside! But before you can start scavenging, government authorities appear.

The Siberian Times reported that the value of "gold, platinum and diamonds" aboard the aircraft totaled $368 million.

Apparently some moron didn't secure the hatch door after the plane took off. Oh, well.

In other off-beat new stories...

Slain Colorado Woman Placed Craigslist ad for hitman to Kill Her, Suspect Claims

Think Commas Don't Matter? Omitting One cost a Maine dairy company $5 Million

One of my favorites today is...

"Grumpy Cat" Wins $700,000 in Federal Case Over Identity

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Where Does Trump Find These People?

Good Day World!

"I pick good people."  - Donald Trump on the campaign trail

Remember how Trump bragged during the presidential campaign about how he'd only appoint the best people to his administration?

Funny what a difference a year makes. That first round of government appointees, including a couple of key cabinet positions, are almost all gone now.

Fading memories of ass-kissers who couldn't cut the mustard. Every one of them left under a dark cloud. 

Trump's new generation of puppets is being announced almost daily.

The most recent was Larry Kudlow, a TV personality, has been tapped as an economic advisor by Trump. He's replacing Trump's longtime lawyer and buddy, Gary Cohn.

Like all of Trump's second generation administration, Kudlow is uniquely unqualified for the job.

His biggest recommendation was that he flip-flopped on his dislike of tariffs to fall in with Trump's lonely position on the hot-button topic.

If you thought Rex Tillerson was unqualified for his appointment to Secretary of State, his successor is even worse.

Mike Pompeo, whose made licking Trump's shoes into an art form, was tapped to take Rex's place. As for diplomacy experience, the man doesn't have any. Kissing American politicians asses is different than sucking up to heads of state.

Trump happily touted Pompeo's new position on twitter, noting that they think alike. Now that's scary. It's also how he got the job as CIA chief in the first place.

And look at who Trump appointed to take Pompeo's place...Gina Haspel.

In case you don't know who she is, let's just say she made her mark with the agency by using torture techniques (including waterboarding) in a CIA house in Thailand.

The rest of the story is the White House purge isn't over yet.

I can see Ben Carson, Scott Pruitt, and Betsy DeVos following shortly because of the sandals they're involved in and actually embarrassing the White House (which isn't an easy to do).

F.B.I. deputy director, Andrew McCabe, appears to be in Donny's sights. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reviewing a recommendation to fire him just days before he's scheduled to retire on Sunday.

Though no decision has been made as of this writing, the scuttlebutt at the Justice Department expects him to be fired before Friday.

Why? Because Trump is a vindictive asshole and wants to jeopardize McCabe's pension after serving honorably for 21-years.

The million-dollar question is, where does Trump find these piss-poor people? What rocks does he overturn to locate so many scumbags?

It's like he's purposely picking the most unqualified candidates possible for each position. Out of spite. After all, he came into Washington as the self-avowed Disrupter-in-Chief.

It's getting harder to find candidates for positions in the Trump administration every day. The fear and loathing that takes place behind those hallowed doors has taken it's toll.

Consider this, Trump is already replacing his great picks after just one year in office. What will the next three years bring to the revolving door in the West Wing?

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Didn't You Use To Work In The White House? And, Other Questions Of The Day

                                     Good Day World!

Washington D. C. Pennsylvania Avenue

Man-On-the-Street interviews:

"Excuse me sir! Didn't you use to work in the White House? Aren't you John McEntee?"

Man keeps walking without answering.

"Wait a minute viewers! I think I see Rex Tillerson! Yep, that's him on the North Lawn! Boy he sure looks pissed off! Let's see if we can get a statement from him.

"Excuse me, Mr. Secretary of State, can I ask you a quick question?"

"Better make it quick, I'm outa this shithole for good!"

"What? Why?"

"That moron-in-charge fired me this morning! He claims I didn't kiss his ass often enough."

"Whose going to take your place?"

"A top-drawer ass-kisser...Mike Pompeo."

"Then whose going to take Pompeo's job as CIA chief?"

" Another world-class ass-kisser and kicker! Gina Haspel, the current CIA deputy director."

"Well viewers, you heard it here. Another White House exodus."

"Hey buddy, I've got some news for you."

"Who are you?"

"David Rhodes."

"As in the president of CBS News?"

"That's right. I just want to let you know my network is working on verifying information provided by Stormy Daniels before we release an interview with her on 60 Minutes." 

"Can you tell us when to expect this bombshell?"

"Soon. Just stay tuned."

"This has been quit an exciting day so far viewers. You never know who you'll see strolling along on Pennsylvania Avenue.  
"Hold on... I think I see Yahoo News chief investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff and Mother Jones Washington bureau chief David Corn coming up the street!

"They released their new book "Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump" yesterday. Let's see if we can have a moment with them.

"Excuse me gentleman! Do you have anything to say about your new book?"

" it!" Isikoff said.

Pausing for a moment the two men stopped directly in front of the White House. Then they both gave a single finger salute and slowly walked away.

"That's a wrap for the day!

"In the upcoming segments we hope to see the rest of Trump's original cabinet - Jeff Sessions David Shulken, H.R.McMaster, Ryan Zinke Scott Pruitt, Ben Carson, John Kelly, and Betsy DeVos, before they're kicked out too.

I hope you tune in next week to see whose coming and going on Pennsylvania Avenue!"

Time for me to walk on down the road....

A Cult Leader for the Ages: Trump Transformed a Segment of American Society into 'Useful Idiots'

        In the pantheon of cult leaders from around the world Trump has emerged as the gold standard for cults in the last nine years. His ...