Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Trump's Bullshit Didn't Fly - But the Trump Baby Blimp Did!

Good Day World!

"Coffee first. Save the world later." - Caroline George

Trump is trying to sell his alternate reality trick again. 

Despite recorded evidence to the contrary, he claims the English people love him...

Do you think this Baby Trump Blimp is a sign of love and respect?

Hardly. It's to mock the orange ape.

In a press conference yesterday Trump told gathered reporters that all he saw were British people flying American and British flags demonstrating their great love for him.

"I didn't see the protesters until a little while ago, and it was very, very small group of people put in for political reasons, so it was just fake news," Trump told the press.

Meanwhile (in the real world), as Trump was speaking, the British people made their feelings about him crystal clear, as tens of thousands gathered in London's Trafalgar Square.

Trump's avoidance of reality is becoming more of a challenge every day, as it closes in on him and his corrupt regime.

For a moment I wondered what Trump's base thought about this obvious contradiction, and then I remembered; they wouldn't have seen videos or pictures of the protests on Fox News, and were spoon fed his comments. 

Like mushrooms, Trump's followers are kept in the dark about what's really happening in the world. As far as the rest of us, his bullshit doesn't fly, but his Trump Baby Blimp sure does! 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

2020 Presidential Election: Will Economy Save Trump?

Good Day World!

“I think much of a #writerslife is figuring out how much coffee is needed to fuel madness & creativity while avoiding having to pee.” - Jennifer Worrell 

As much as the majority of Americans loath Trump, many could conceivably give him a pass and re-elect him if the economy is thriving.

Or, at least that's the conventional view.

I know! It's blasphemy to suggest the orange ape might squat in the White House for another four years. However, you can't count out a healthy economy either. It's a powerful point to run on.

For most candidates. That may not be true for Trump.

His war with Congress is going to take a lot of oxygen out of his re-election campaign, despite what his minions believe. Trump's challenge to impeach him is part of their twisted strategy to get more than his fervent base to rally around him when it comes time to vote.

I would suggest to those mini-stable genius' laboring around that battle plan that they're not looking at the overall picture logically.

Let's start with Nixon. Americans had little desire to impeach him (37% for impeachment), until the impeachment inquiry opened up a can of whoop ass! 

Let's compare:

The latest poll on Trump shows 43% of Americans are ready to impeach him. That's an increase from April, when the number was 37%.

Political analysts are saying that 67% of the country wants to hear Special Counsel Robert Mueller testify before Congress. That results from that interview could be even more disastrous than his report.

Looking at what happened to Nixon is a road map to what we can expect. The more evidence that came out against him during the inquiry, the more the American people lost faith in him and his numbers in the polls tanked. He finally had to step down in disgrace.

Not that I expect Trump to take losing gracefully, or to slip quietly away into history. I suspect he'll have to be frog-marched out of the White House by FBI agents (wouldn't you love being one of those lucky guys?).

Back to the economy. It's been looking good thus far, but ominous signs are surfacing.

Experts Warn of 'High Chance' of a recession by 2020

Which leads me back to how popular Trump will be next year if we're in a recession. Yes, I know, no matter what his cult-followers won't be swayed by anything. 

However, combining Trump's unpopularity with the majority of Americans, the negative results coming from an impeachment inquiry, and a lousy economy should be more than enough for him to lose the election in a landslide.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Monday, June 3, 2019

'Stable Genius' Expands Trade War: India is Latest Target

Good Day World!

"Sometimes success is simply being able to drink the entire cup of coffee while it's still hot." - Tanya Masse

The bully boy squatting in the White House has done it again...

by shocking Mexico, and his own minions, with last week's five percent tax on everything from Mexico threat. But that wasn't enough for the orange ape.

On June 5th, India is being terminated from it's designation as a beneficiary developing country. The move is going to cost the country billions of dollars. We can expect retaliation against U.S. goods.

That's just what we need right now, another country forced into a trade war with us, leaving American taxpayers footing the bill.

For those who are paying attention, two things are obvious:

1) Trump is a pyromaniac (along with his other mental conditions), and enjoys setting fires around the globe under the guise of the great deal-maker.

Fun Question: Name one big foreign accomplishment -actual signed deal - that Trump made with any country in the world.

Fun Answer: That's, nada, none.

2) Trump is never happier than when he's causing chaos and getting a lot of attention. 

For example; Trump's in England where the government is doing a high wire act balancing between maintaining good ties with America, and dealing with the majority of the population who loath him.

Fun Fact: The Trump Baby Blimp will greet Donny Tuesday.

So, he's already stirred the shit pot: 

Trump Shatters Diplomatic Etiquette On Eve of Visit

It's perfectly clear that the self-appointed "stable genius" doesn't know the first thing about foreign policy and could care less. 

Instead he goes by his amble gut, stumbling into a bigger quagmire with every stupid undiplomatic move.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Turning Point: The Supreme Court's Creedence in Question

Good Day World!
“...and woe betide anyone foolish enough to question my caffeine intake.” Kieron Gillen

Americans have traditionally accepted the Supreme Court as the guardian of our laws, but that acceptance is rapidly dwindling as the court becomes more politicized and partisan decisions are made.

It's no secret. We have a conservative court that's in bed with The Federalist Society, and GOP lawmakers who see the judges as another extension of their politic power in the senate.

Trump's two appointees, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh, are perfect examples of infecting the Supreme Court with ideology. Neither would have been confirmed if not for Trump and his GOP minions in the senate.

And both of the new appointees know it. It's safe to say this conspiracy is a blow to democracy.

The court's upcoming decision as to whether the Department of Commerce can add a question about citizenship to our national census, is a major moment with possible historical ramifications.

The true motivation behind the Commerce Department is that Hispanics will be afraid to vote, and it will adversely affect the Democratic Party who count on minority voters. 

Get this, there's new evidence that Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross' decision to add a citizenship question to the census has everything to do with helping Republicans and harming Democrats.

The thing that gets me is the fact that this evidence (and any other that's been collected) will likely not even matter to the Supreme Court.

The Trump administration and it's challengers agree on one thing; adding the citizenship question will reduce the census response rate, especially in immigrant communities.

But when the case was argued in April, the court's conservative majority seem prepared to rule that Ross had acted within his authority to add it, because no method is guaranteed to produce an accurate count.

The fact is the conservative wing of the court has not been particularly concerned about the Voting Rights Act in the past.

For example, six years ago it struck down a key portion of the act designed to protect voters from discriminatory laws. Since then two new conservative members have been appointed by Trump.

Despite what every court in the land has asserted about the question not being lawful, here we are with a conservative majority that could care less about The Voters Right Act.  

The three lower courts ruled against adding the question to the census, but it apparently doesn't matter. It appears the Supreme Court is ready to undermine it's legitimacy by ignoring reality and context and overturning those decisions.

Sadly, we've been reduced to partisan politicians in robes who have no shame, or sense of history.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Tariff Wars: Did 'Don the Con' Go Too Far This Time?

Good Day World!

"It's when I sip coffee that I know I can handle anything that life can throw at me." - Anthony Hincks 

Holy crap! It's happened!

Trump has pushed a lot of his minions too far and signs of dissent are coming from the GOP held senate.

Grassley Slams Trump Tariffs on Mexico: 'A Misuse of Presidential Tariff Authority'

The misuse Grassley is talking about is the latest moronic move by an out-of-control president: As of June 10th, Mexico is going to get hit with a 5-percent tariff on all goods.

So Trump, Mr. Art of the No Deal, is attacking another ally. 

His plan to keep increasing the tariff 5-percent a month thereafter, until Mexico somehow miraculously stops illegal immigrants from crossing the southern border in the United States, has shocked his supporters and American businessman are speaking out.

The powerful U.S. Chamber of Commerce responded to this stupid move Friday:

Business Groups Might Sue White House Over Mexico Tariffs 

It was only a week ago that Trump's advisers were thrilled when he dropped the steel and aluminum tariff on Mexico and Canada.

These same advisers were hoping to pass the NAFTA makeover with a new trade agreement (negotiated in September 2018) called USMCA (U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement).

No such luck now. Don the Con quickly reverted back to bullying with tariff attacks on Mexico. Don't expect USMCA to ever get through congress.


The stock market has been taking it on the chin, with big losses Thursday and Friday as the market reacted to Trump's so-called "Big League" announcement.

Expect to see more headlines like these:

Beer and Liquor Stocks Get Whacked By Mexico Tariffs

Expect to see the price of avocados and tomatoes go up, along with the price of cars, machinery, and medical supplies.

Keep in mind that this tariff goes both ways. America sold just shy of $300 billion in goods to Mexico. The chances of retaliation from Mexico are high.

I'll be watching GOP senators closely next week as they try to deal with Trump's latest temper tantrum.

Could it be Don the Con had gone too far this time?

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, May 31, 2019

From Oval Office to Romper Room: Ruling By Temper Tantrums

Good Day World!

"I never said I like coffee more than sex. I said I'd had it more." - Kevin Sinnott

Once upon a time in America, the Oval Office was a sacred place in the White House where the president served the people.

Fast forward.

There's been a massive makeover and the Oval Office has become a romper room for Baby Trump. Let's take a look at just this weeks activities:

After Mueller spoke for the first time about his report...

Trump Ramps Up Campaign To Distort Mueller Report Findings

Trump Falsely Claims Mueller Statement Exonerates Him

Fact-Checking Trump's Flurry of Lies Thursday Morning

Trump Admitted Something We All Knew Today. Then He Un-Admitted It

At this point in American history, we are facing a man-child doing his best to tear down democracy and increase his presidential powers to cover his corrupt ass.

I'm renewing my call today for someone to fund raise enough money to fly the, now famous, Baby Trump Blimp as near to the White House as possible. 

When he's gone, the blimp should be donated to the Smithsonian Museum to remind future generations of what happens when a presidential candidate is not properly vetted by his own party.

Meanwhile, the orange ape will continue to throw tantrums and tweet his outrage daily, instead of working with Congress to pass laws serving our nation.

It's all about him. Baby Trump is on a mission to survive and is stirring the shit pots in order to divert the bad news about him and his cronies.

As long as GOP senators are willing to change Trump's dirty diapers and give him clean one's every day, we'll have a romper room in the White House.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mueller Encourages Congress To Act On His Report

Good Day World!

"No matter what historians claim, BC really stood for Before Coffee." - Cherise Sinclair, Master of the Mountain
Reflecting on yesterday's surprise public appearance by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, I find myself going back to one sentence he said;

 "If We had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so."

Mueller, in his understated way, set the record straight about his report, and while doing so exposed Attorney General Bill Barr's partisan attempt to protect Trump by purposely re-interrupting, actually flat out lying about, what Mueller concluded in the report.

In his brief 9-minute speech, Mueller made it clear his hands were tied by Justice Department regulations from the get-go that wouldn't let him charge a sitting president.

It's also clear that Mueller handed over a roadmap to impeachment. Despite Barr's conclusion on the day he released the report (after sharing it with Trump) that it was time to move on because Mueller had exonerated the president on all counts.

The pressure on Nancy Pelosi from Democrats to file an impeachment inquiry has increased tenfold after what some see as a last call from Mueller for justice.

It's also interesting to note that Mueller announced his retirement, after 50 years of service, at the same time.

The White House response was predictable...time to move on. But it isn't time at all after Mueller's last clarion call for justice.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

No Surprise: Trump's Acts Like an Ass During Japanese State Visit

                                         Good Day World!

"Coffee, because crack isn't accepted in the work place." - Barista Life

There's some things you can count on in life.

Taxes. Getting older. A Congress so dysfunctional that when a bill does get passed - any bill - both sides do a victory dance for a week. Then Trump vetoes it.

And, the one thing Americans can count on about Trump is that he will embarrass the hell out them when he visits other countries. From the Surrender in Helsinki to love letters with Kim, he has stripped away all dignity in foreign affairs.

Trump's making lasting relationships with every dictator in the world and throwing our traditional allies under the bus.

Trump's latest state dinner event in Japan is a perfect example of how twisted he really is. 

First, he berates the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe about trade inequality, and then goes on to praise Japan's biggest enemy in the world, North Korea.   

In a stunning display of stupidity Trump said - during the elaborate Emperor's dinner - he had no problem with North Korea firing off missiles again! 

Abe definitely has a problem with it, and told Trump it was a violation of the current UN restrictions of no missile testing.

When national security adviser, John Bolton, said the same thing about his idiotic assertion, Trump doubled down (as usual) and said Kim just wanted his attention, and had no intention of starting any trouble.

As the polite Japanese dignitaries listened in stunned silence, Trump upped the ante and suggested Kim was a pretty smart guy because he said Joe Biden had a low IQ. Which of course, is part of Trump's current smear campaign and was heartedly received by the orange ape who agreed with Kim.

Now, wasn't that cozy? Is Kim sending Donny a message like some pundits believe? Or, is Kim trying to get Putin jealous by flirting with Donny? Who knows? 

By degrading a former vice president of the United States with the eager assistance of a bloodthirsty tyrant, Trump has sunk to another new low.

In his lizard brain he sees Biden as a competitor for the presidency next year, and is doing everything he can to demean him.

I'm trying hard not to think about Trump's upcoming visit to England, where he's set to meet the Queen, Prince William, Kate Middleton, and Prince Harry for lunch. Notably, Meghan Markle won't be there because she doesn't like his Orangeness. 

Fun fact: Markle voted for Hillary Clinton.

It's going to be a long time before America can restore its image in the international community. Hopefully, the healing process will begin next year when Trump gets driven out of office.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

2020 Fake Elections: 'Did They Really Say That?'

                                         Good Day World!

"Coffee helps me maintain my "Never killed anyone" streak. - Anonymous

After a crazed rightwing idiot doctored a video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, making it look like she was drunk when speaking, we entered another phase in the Trump era.

Full on political fake attacks are already setting the tone for next year's election. What happened with Pelosi is going to become increasingly common as Trumpies become more blatant in their use of doctored photos and videos.

Trump loved the fake Pelosi video so much he re-tweeted it. Even when confronted with the fact that it was faked by slowing the video down 25 percent, Trump shrugged it off.

His favorite liar, Sarah Sanders, explained that he was just getting back at Pelosi for making a negative comment about him. Like that was an excuse for an American President's conduct. It was nothing more than school yard bullshit.

By the time November 2020 rolls around, people are going to be so confused between what's real, and what has been doctored on the internet they're not going to want to vote.

With a president who cares little about reality, or the country, we know what to expect from Trump's campaign. With over 10,000 lies attributed to the orange ape thus far, we can fully expect more of the same in the months ahead.

What's weird, and shocking, is how Trump takes every event he goes to, and treats it like another rally for his base; praising his supposed accomplishments and popularity.

No matter what the occasion, he shamelessly lies about facts and defies his own experts on everything from national security to immigration.

At the rate we're going now the future looks like real fake news - from doctored videos to photos - is going to cause chaos.

"We're already at the point where we're wondering: "Did they really say that?" 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, May 27, 2019

A Word or Two About Memorial Day

                                          Good Day World!

"THE MUFFLED drum's sad roll has beat The soldier's last tattoo; No more on Life's parade shall meet That brave and fallen few. On Fame's eternal camping-ground 5 Their silent tents are spread, And Glory guards, with solemn round, The bivouac of the dead."

Bivouac Of The Dead, by Theodore O'Hara
I often find that when talking to friends and family there's some confusion about what Memorial Day is really all about.

Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Patriot Day blend together for many Americans. 

Setting the record straight...

Memorial Day (the last Monday of May) is a day to honor those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. This definition comes from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

I would like to take a moment here to remember a veteran, and good friend, James Roberts; who I fought alongside with in Vietnam, and Cambodia (where he was killed in action in 1970).

Moving on:

Veterans Day (November 11th) honors everyone who served the military.

Patriot's Day (September 11th) honors civilians who died during the 2001 terrorist attacks against our nation. 

Here's a good article about the differences - and origins - of Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Traveling Trump Reveling in Attention Allies Are Offering

Good Day World!

A strong earthquake rocked Tokyo shortly before Trump arrived there yesterday in an ominous start to his Asia Tour. 

He loves being treated like "king" for the day. Donny is being feted in Japan - he also gets to give a sumo wrestler a trophy. 

Something his aides have said he was eagerly looking forward to. Those same aides and other presidential staff have chosen not to tell Donny the whole Emperor transfer thing has nothing to do with him.

It is an honor to be the first national leader to witness the historic moment when the old emperor steps down and the new one assumes a new reign in their history.

I expect Donny will be a good boy and not cause a fuss during the solemn ceremonies as long as no one translates and tells him he's not the star of the show.

With England coming next it's going to be another fete Donny day when he meets with the king and queen, and Prince Charles.

As long as he doesn't leave the palace and wherever the government is putting him and Melania up, there should be no ugly incidents.

I mention this because the majority of people in the UK hate The Donald!  Expect to see the Baby Trump blimp over London in honor of his orangeness.

He certainly not getting a Sword Dance ceremony like the Saudis treated him to a couple of years ago. If the royals want him to see some of the country, he and Melania will have to ride in an armored car.

Also on the tour agenda:

South Korea, China, The Philippines, Vietnam. I'm not going to even speculate how he'll embarras our country during these stops. It's too overwhelming!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...