Saturday, November 29, 2014

I’m looking forward to ‘Festivus for the rest of us’

Festivus Pole.jpg

Good Day World!

One of my favorite holidays is approaching fast.

Festivus, a well-celebrated parody, has become a secular holiday celebrated on December 23 that serves as an alternative to participating in the pressures and commercialism of the Christmas season.

(photo – Festivus Pole)

Originally a family tradition of scriptwriter Dan O'Keefe (The original holiday dinner in the O'Keefe household featured turkey or ham followed by a Pepperidge Farm cake decorated withM&M's, as described in detail in Dan O'Keefe's The Real Festivus, who worked on the American sitcom Seinfeld, the holiday entered popular culture after it was made the focus of a 1997 episode of the program.

The holiday's celebration, as it was shown on Seinfeld, includes a Festivus dinner, an unadorned aluminum Festivus pole, practices such as the "Airing of Grievances" and "Feats of Strength", and the labeling of easily explainable events as "Festivus miracles".

After the Festivus meal, the "Feats of Strength" are performed, involving wrestling the head of the household to the floor, with the holiday ending only if the head of the household is actually pinned.

This Seinfeld episode refers to the holiday as "a Festivus for the rest of us," referencing its non-commercial aspect. It has also been described both as a "parody holiday festival" and as a form of playful consumer resistance.

Some people, most of them inspired by the Seinfeld episode,subsequently began to celebrate the holiday with varying degrees of seriousness.

Allen Salkin's 2005 book Festivus: The Holiday for the Rest of Us chronicles the early adoption of Festivus. Rabbi Joshua Eli Plaut's book A Kosher Christmas: 'Tis the Season to Be Jewish (Rutgers University Press, 2012) references Festivus, along with hybrid holidays such as Chrismukkah.

Time for me to walk on down the road…


Friday, November 28, 2014

Singing the ‘Black Friday Blues’ and the News

                                              Good Day World!

I’d like to start your Black Friday with a great song by Brandon Fulson titled “The Black Friday Blues” It exposes the hypocrisy of our society nicely!

In the News:

A loose network led by African Americans in the film and arts world called for a quiet riot in response to the Ferguson Grand Jury’s decision not to indict a white cop for shooting a black teen. They are asking people to boycott Black Friday shopping today.

Blog Article

Are you feeling blue, even guilty or left out?  You did not participate in the Black Friday madness.

Alternatively, you indeed might have been lucky and perhaps smart as well to have avoided following the crowd of more than 100,000,000 Americans who were stampeding in and out of stores and cyberspace.

In a New York Times article, the research by a University of Washington professor revealed the truth about Black Friday.

“It's not until early December that prices are likely to be lowest for electronics, products that are among the biggest sellers on the Friday after Thanksgiving.”

Also in the News

If you're experiencing déjà vu this Black Friday, there's a reason: Retailers are repeating products and prices from last year.

A whopping 93% of stores surveyed are offering customers year-old products for the same "discount" that was offered last year, according to a recent study from NerdWallet.

While that may not be a huge issue for things like furniture and cookware, it does matter when it comes to tech and electronics that can be outdated or of poorer quality.

"It's probably not worth waking up very early for," said Matthew Ong, an analyst at NerdWallet.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Three Thanksgiving Day Thoughts and Wishes

Good Day World!

It’s Thanksgiving in America.

My first thought: families flocking to dinner tables to devour turkeys from coast to coast. Baked and mashed potatoes. Stuffing and gravy. Carrots and string beans. Salads and Deviled eggs. Cranberry sauce and apple juice. Apple and Pumpkin pies with a side of vanilla ice cream.

My second thought: How many people are taking the time to be thankful for what they have in life today? More important, how many people are thankful for what they have everyday – no matter how humble or simple?

My third thought: Kids today don’t buy the same thanksgiving Pilgrim/Indian story that I grew up with in the 50’s. For example; kids today know the white man took advantage of Native Americans – essentially ruining their way of life forever.

Wish #1- That the world would someday come together in peace and understanding, so everyone could be thankful for their life.

Wish #2 – Never forget how blessed I’ve been in my life. The Good, Bad, and the Ugly things that happened were necessary to fully appreciate that.

Wish #3 – the will power not to gorge myself today with all the good food my beautiful bride of 40 years has prepared!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Time for me to walk on down the road…


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Marilyn Monroe Memorabilia Auction Today & Next Month

Rare photos of Marilyn Monroe to be auctioned off.

(This composite image shows what is believed to be the earliest image of Marilyn Monroe. Left –1946 when she was 15 years-old. Right -the last photo she ever posed for in 1962.)

                                                     Good Day World!

A rare photo collection of Hollywood’s iconic blond bombshell, Marilyn Monroe, including never-before-seen-prints, are being auctioned off in England today. For sale - 32 rare prints from 1946 to 1962, which are expected to bring in about $125,000 dollars.

Monroe’s popularity has transcended the generations – from the 20th to the 21st century. Her star will never dim. Fans, young and old, view her images and fall in love with her.

More Marilyn memorabilia is going to be auctioned off next month.

Rare photos of Marilyn Monroe to be auctioned off.

It’s no secret Joe DiMaggio loved Marilyn Monroe. The baseball great cried at her funeral and for 20 years had flowers placed at her crypt several times a week.

The public displays were unusual for the famously stoic and private DiMaggio.

Now, his heartbreak over the breakup of their marriage will get a rare public airing when “Marilyn Monroe’s Lost Archives” goes up for bid at Julien’s Auctions in Beverly Hills next month.

“I love you and want to be with you,” DiMaggio said in one pained letter to Monroe from the collection, written when she announced she was filing for divorce after a matter of months in 1954. “There is nothing I would like better than to restore your confidence in me.”

The 300 items also include love letters from Monroe’s third and final husband, playwright Arthur Miller. There’s also a handwritten letter from Monroe to Miller in which the woman who was arguably Hollywood’s greatest sex symbol muses about her many insecurities.

Auction owner Darren Julien estimates the pieces could fetch $1 million or more, noting a watercolor Monroe painted and planned to give to President John Kennedy went for $80,000 at an estate auction nine years ago.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Marking time: yesterday and today

Good Day World!

Today is the 329th day of the year (330th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 36 days remaining until the end of the year.

On this day in history:

Last year - Guinness World Records stated that the Richards family in Canberra, Australia set the world record for having the most Christmas lights with over 500,000 lights around their home.

2009 - Wikileaks published 9/11 pager messages: The unfolding story of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is being given to the public with more than 500,000 intercepted pager messages (many from US officials) published online in the order in which they were sent.

1980 - “No more!” -Sugar Ray Leonard regains the welterweight championship when he defeats Roberto Duran in the eighth round. Duran just stopped fighting and turned his back as the ref asked him if he could still fight. His reply has become infamous, “No maus!”

1963 - Assassinated President John F Kennedy funeral takes place in Washington DC with over 800,000 mourners lining the streets standing in silence. The funeral was attended by statesmen representing counties around the globe. The service was held in St Matthew's Cathedral and the president was laid to rest in Arlington Cemetery with a 21 gun salute.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Monday, November 24, 2014

A Boomer’s reflections on legal and corporate pot

Good Day World!

For better, or worse, I’m a product of the 60’s revolution.

During those Cheech & Chong days of long-haired young men, free love, flower power, hippies, black light posters, lava lamps, and the discovery of marijuana, I dreamed of a time when weed would become legal.

A universal smoke out.

I couldn’t begin to tell you how many times my friends and I longed for legality during those hazy, lazy days – even though it was kind of fun getting stoned, knowing we were doing something illegal!

The 60’s was about change above all.

Now, another time of change is leading us out of the dark ages of the “demonic killer weed era” and into the age of medicinal and legal marijuana.  

With more states getting on the legal weed train you’d think Boomers – like myself – would be throwing our canes aside and dancing in the streets with uninhibited glee.

Not necessarily.

There’s still a 60’s stigma – a cultural thing - when it comes to talking about corporations. The idea of the Marlboro-ization of marijuana worries pot advocates for good reason.

“They hoped the market would remain a cottage industry of small-scale growers, collectives and dispensaries. Just a few years ago the threat of corporate pot was a distant concern. At the first marijuana business conferences, for example, organizers saw poor turn-out at panels that conflicted with 4:20 pm, the daily happy hour of weed.

By contrast Las Vegas hosted two massive pot gathering this month, the Marijuana Business Conference & Expo and a “pitch forum” run by The ArcView Group, one of the field’s new investment firms. At both events men and women wore suits and sipped San Pellegrino.” (source)

What a difference a few years can make.

The hope that there wouldn’t be corporate cannabis has been forever dashed, trashed, and thrashed. The rush is on to capitalize and corner the market on marijuana sales.

The poster-child for corporate pot is – ironically – Bob Marley. His family recently signed a world-wide deal to distribute pre-rolled marijuana cigarettes.

The family has partnered up with a private equity firm that focuses on the cannabis industry called Privateer Holdings. The two have struck a 30-year licensing deal, reports Fast Company, to create Marley Natural (what, not Marleyjuana?!), a pot brand that will have a slew of products on the market at dispensaries around late 2015.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Sunday, November 23, 2014

FBI arrests 2 would-be bombers while anxious protestors & agititators wait for decision

                              Good Day World!

Some people live for chaos.

Motivated by stirring up trouble and taking advantage of legitimate protests, these dregs of society revel in violence. They give others a bad name by mingling among them, like time bombs ready to go off.

By now the country – and the rest of the world – know about a little city called Ferguson, in Missouri. A white cop shot a black teenager dead, setting off a firestorm that looks like a holocaust in waiting for a grand jury decision.

It’s common knowledge that there’s going to be riots if the grand jury doesn’t indict the cop. It’s also understood – among the waiting protestors and devious trouble-makers – that regardless of the decision there’s still going to be nationwide protests.

A “Justice for Mike Brown Map” identifies dozens of buildings, which could become targets for demonstrators, both those planning peaceful protests and those authorities fear could become violent. Downtown Clayton ranks high because it’s home to St. Louis County’s justice system.

Two troublemakers – members of the New Black Panther Party – have been arrested and charged with federal firearms offenses, according to a law enforcement official’s report to Reuters.

The men planned on setting off pipe bombs during the protests in Ferguson that they knew would follow the grand jury’s decision – regardless of the outcome.

Against this backdrop of heightened tensions, an FBI sting operation exposed Brandon Orlando Baldwin, and Olajuwon Davis’s, plan to set off the pipe bombs. The same pair was named in a newly unsealed federal indictment returned on Nov. 19, for purchasing two pistols from a firearms dealer under false pretenses.

They are more than just agitators. They are would-be murderers. They represent an extremism that has filtered into legitimate protests in this country today. There’s plenty of plain troublemakers – bored individuals who have nothing better to do than to stage endless protests.

At least they’re not would-be murderers like Baldwin and Davis who give a black eye to anyone protesting anything. Unfortunately, the few get a lot of attention. The nation is holding it’s breath.

Fact. Americans are polarized in politics and race relations. It’s a sad comment on our 21st century society. We’ve turned the clock back on these two issues, and are paying the price now.

There will be no winners after a decision is made. The only thing we know for sure is that chaos will reign for an undetermined amount of time.


St. Louis County fortifies police headquarters before Ferguson grand jury ruling

Shopkeeper: ‘If they break my window, they’ll put me out of business’

Time for me to walk on down the road…


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Get your dog a canine camera for the holidays

In this undated photo provided by GoPro, a dog wearing two GoPro cameras, one on his back and one on his chest, held on by what is known as a Fetch...

In this undated photo provided by GoPro, a dog wearing two GoPro cameras, one on his back and one on his chest, held on by what is known as a Fetch dog harness, dig into sand at an unknown location -AP Photo/GoPro)

                                       Good Day World!

Cameras. Action:

Fido finds stuff on the beach as camera rolls and a friend looks on.

The holidays are upon us, and it’s time to pamper your pet in oh so many ways. One unique – and sure to be popular – item for #CanineCompanions is the new GoPro cameras for dogs to wear.

The Fetch dog harness fits over Fido's chest or back and holds the small, waterproof camera known for attaching to helmets, surfboards, cars and wrists to film rugged adventures. Sony, Garmin and Kurgo also make camera mounts for dogs.

The most pet-friendly camera in the GoPro Inc. line is the Hero4, which allows people to decide what the dog records and control all the functions with a touch screen, company spokeswoman Kelly Baker said. The camera sells for $399, and the mount costs $59.

Those looking for pet gifts besides the traditional treats, new bowls and beds can give something unexpected such as:

UGLY SWEATERS - They are the rage this year, so PetSmart Inc. will hawk ugly sweaters for cats and dogs from Bret Michaels' Pets Rock line ($15.99)

"STAR WARS" GEAR - Dogs will "use the force" with Petco's line of "Star Wars" toys and clothing. Dress up dogs like Princess Leia with a headband sporting her signature bun hairstyle. The Death Star won't menace when it comes as a treat dispenser ($7.49) or tug-of-war toy ($5.99).

DEVICES FOR OLDER DOGS - Make it easier for your senior dog to get around safely with equipment from Solvit Pet Products ( ).

GOURMET FARE - After romping in the snow, pets can warm up with San Diego-based Honest Kitchen's Winter Warmers Broths. Just add hot water to the dehydrated mixes in chicken consomme, beef and bone, and turkey stock flavors. The company, which focuses on natural food good enough for people's palates, offers the $19.99 three-box sets for a limited time.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Friday, November 21, 2014

Hiding in plain sight: Court rejects WikiLeak founder Assange’s appeal

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaks during a news conference at the Ecuadorian embassy in central LondonGood Day World! 

After two years wikiLeak founder, Julian Assange, still lives in the Ecuadorian embassy in central London.

The 43-year-old Australian has been stuck there since June 2012 to avoid a British extradition to Sweden, which wants to question him on allegations of sexual assault and rape.

(Photo -Julian Assange (R) speaks as Ecuador's Foreign Affairs Minister Ricardo Patino listens, during a news conference on August 18, 2014. REUTERS/John Stillwell/pool)

A Swedish court rejected on Thursday an appeal by Assange to revoke a detention order issued over allegations of sexual assault.

"There is no reason to set aside the detention solely because Julian Assange is in an embassy and the detention order cannot be enforced at present for that reason," the Svea Court of Appeal said in a statement.

Assange denies the allegations and says he fears Sweden would extradite him to the United States, where he could be put on trial for one of the largest classified information leaks in U.S. history.

How this standoff will turn out is anyone’s guess.

The only question I have is, “After two years, does Assange speak Ecuadorian?”

Seems like a good language to learn if he’s going to live in that embassy the rest of his life to avoid being tried for rape.

Time for me to walk on down the road…



Thursday, November 20, 2014

Will the ‘Mirai’ usher in a hydrogen-based society in the US?

Mirai, fuel cell vehicle, Toyota, Toyota Mirai, Toyota fuel cell vehicle, hydrogen vehicle, hydrogen car, hydrogen fuel cell, toyota hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, sustainable transportation, green transportation, green car, eco vehicle, 2015 Toyota Mirai

Good Day World!

Electric cars have become commonplace.

Now, there’s a new technology on the block that’s arrived like a fresh breath of air. 

Toyota’s new fuel cell vehicle – Mirai - was unveiled on Nov.17th. The new technology includes the vehicle’s fuel cell stack, its converter, and its hydrogen storage tanks.

The Toyota Mirai can travel 300 miles on a single tank of compressed hydrogen, it has 153 horsepower with 247 lb-ft of torque, and it can go from 0-60 mph in 9 seconds. The hydrogen car will be available in California in the fall of 2015 for under $45,000 after incentives. It’s coming to the East Cost shortly thereafter.

But the automaker is promising much more than a sleekly styled zero emission vehicle; Mirai translates to “the future” in Japanese, and Toyota’s goal is to pave the way to a hydrogen-based society.

Mirai, fuel cell vehicle, Toyota, Toyota Mirai, Toyota fuel cell vehicle, hydrogen vehicle, hydrogen car, hydrogen fuel cell, toyota hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, sustainable transportation, green transportation, green car, eco vehicle, 2015 Toyota Mirai

Why Hydrogen?

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and there are many ways to produce it – including natural gas, wind, solar, geothermal, and bio-waste.

While there’s obvious reservations about the use of natural gas, the technology does provide an effective means of storing excess solar and wind energy through electrolysis, which uses an electric current to split water into oxygen and hydrogen gas.

For transportation purposes, hydrogen tanks can store more energy in less space than batteries, and it only takes 5 minutes to fill a hydrogen tank at fueling station – compared to the hours it takes to charge many electric vehicles.

As long as the source of the hydrogen is clean, hydrogen vehicles are 100% zero emission – their only byproducts are water and heat.

Toyota decided to make its first commercially available hydrogen vehicle a sedan for two reasons. First, they saw the challenge of packing a fuel cell system into a relatively compact vehicle as an opportunity – this forced them to work within constraints and develop a system that works on a small scale (but that can be scaled up to power utility vehicles, buses, and even airplanes).

Second, they know that in order for the vehicle to start a revolution it had to be accessible and appealing to the mass market, and sedans are the largest segment of vehicles on the streets today. (Source)

The Mirai has been 20 years in the making.

Will it’s new technology become as common as electric cars some day? Time will tell. Meanwhile good luck finding a filling station.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Juggalo followers threatening Portland businesses


What the heck is a Juggalo, you ask?

In a July FBI report Juggalos were classified as a "loosely organized hybrid gang."

The report said those who identify as Juggalos have committed assaults and vandalism, and a "small number" of them have engaged in more serious crimes.

In the past two weeks, about a dozen businesses in North Portland have received the same threatening note — featuring the black-and-white mask of the Juggalo fans — telling them to leave the neighborhood.

Employees arriving to work at restaurants and shops on November 6 found the black-and-white postAP_Insane_Clown_Posse_Gangers taped to their front windows, reading, "You have been targeted by the Juggalo Family to get...out."

(Insane Clown Posse members Joseph Bruce, aka Violent J, left, and Joseph Utsler, aka Shaggy 2 Dope, are seen after a news conference in Detroit on Jan. 8, 2014.(Photo: Carlos Osorio, AP)

Juggalos are followers of hardcore hip-hop groups such as the Insane Clown Posse, a duo popular in the 1990s that raps about horror scenarios and other violence.

Juggalos insist worshiping the band is simply a lifestyle, but the federal government has labeled them a criminal gang.

Last year, two Corvallis men affiliated with the group made national headlines when they were arrested for beating up strangers.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...