Saturday, September 23, 2023

6 Nominees for the Most Disgraceful Member of Congress Announced

I'm going to go with Lawerence O'Donnell's recommendation on nominating Sen. Tommy Tuberville as the most disgraceful member in the Senate for blocking hundreds of military promotions.

It wasn't an easy choice. The competition for this year's list was fierce. Let's take a look at some of the other contestants:

* Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Without any evidence he opened an impeachment inquiry hoping to mollify the worst MAGA minions who are holding him hostage when it comes to passing any legislation in the House.

He's also proved to be the weakest speaker in history while trying to cling to power by selling his soul.

* Republican Rep. George Santos 

* A serious contender for the Liar of the Year award this December, Santos is facing a 13-count federal indictment centered on charges of money laundering and lying to Congress in his financial disclosure form. Party leader McCarthy has not asked him to resign despite the serious charges.

* Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez 

He and his wife have been indicted on bribery charges after the DOJ seized gold bars and a half of million in cash hidden in their house. This is the second time in 10 years he's been charged for corruption-related offenses. He managed to get off the first time. This time looks different.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has called for Menendez to resign immediately and took him off the panel he chaired, The Foreign Relations Committee.

* Republican Rep. Jim Jordan

As the House Judiciary Committee chairman Jordan has made numerous false claims in his blatant defense of Trump by accusing everyone from President Joe Biden to AG Merrick Garland of baseless conspiracies.

His committee is nothing more than a vehicle for spreading conspiracies as he's weaponized the panel to pursue partisan agendas.

Republican Rep. James Comer

After seizing the House Oversight Committee when the GOP became the majority, Comer has been a fixture on Fox News by accusing Biden - without evidence - of an influence peddling scheme and violating the Foreign Registry Act.

He's constantly promising dirt on the Biden Crime Family and every time he claims to have evidence it turns out to be a nothing burger. That doesn't deter the ambitious liar who has aspirations of moving up into the Senate someday.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz

He has only one agenda, blow up the government so he can be viewed as a MAGA star that hopefully will propel him into the governorship of Florida.

He and a couple of other miscreates aren't going to be happy until they force a government shutdown and cause complete chaos in the Republican party. 

As it stands, there was an impressive cast of corrupt characters to select from this year.

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