Monday, October 19, 2020

Daily Disinformation Dumps Highlight Nastiest Presidential Campaign in History

Pandemic Diary - Day 217

Dear Diary,


There's a lot of lies disguised as breaking news flooding into the mainstream press and confusing a lot of Americans two weeks from election day.

Who should we believe?

--Scott Atlas, WH coronavirus task force medical advisor? Oh, hell no! He's a Trump minion (with no experience in epidemiology) who denies science and claims we don't need face masks to be safe from COVID-19. 

For example, Atlas was flagged by Twitter for a tweet that violated the social media site's "misleading information" policy yesterday. He was nailed for pushing his mask lies.

--Trump? Unless you're drinking Orange Trump aid you know this virus is not turning a corner and getting better. Just look around. The virus is spiking in nearly every state and healthcare experts say it's only getting worse this fall and winter.

The fact of the matter is the Russians are amplifying the chaos Trump is causing and doubling down on it to spread more lies on social media platforms and into the mainstream media.

Case in point:

The New York Post ran a story that was riddled with lies about Joe and Hunter Biden. 

Loyal lapdog, Rudy Giuliani, supposedly came up with a damaging secret email about the Biden's (15 years ago) that was discovered on a water-damaged laptop from a third party who found it in a computer repair shop.

All fiction. The FBI is currently conducting an investigation into Rudy's weak attempt at an October Surprise. The agency has come out and said the email release was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

The agency was clear it was an attempt to "denigrate" Biden ahead of the election. The FBI also already warned Trump and other government officials this year that Rudy is a puppet for a Russian agent and has been since last year. 

The story also prompted a social media furor after Twitter and Facebook restricted access to the article because of its uncertain sourcing.

Disinformation dumps from the Trump campaign are tumbling out daily hoping to confuse voters and somehow rescue his fading efforts at getting re-elected.

I don't think most Americans are buying those lies however. The early voter turn-out in all 50 states has been historic, and is favoring the democrats according to political pundits and data supporting that assertion. 

We must not let our guard down. For those who haven't voted yet, please consider doing so before election day if possible. If not, then make sure you vote on Nov. 3rd.

The world's oldest Democracy is under assault by an authoritarian narcissistic sociopath who refuses actual reality in lieu of his reality TV show presidency.

Quote for the Day: "Truth will never shine from a heart filled with corruption and lies." -Suzy Kassem

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