Tuesday, November 20, 2018

You Know America is in Trouble When...

Good Day World!

When the orange anus woke up yesterday morning at the WH he renewed an attack against one of the most revered figures in the military.

The spat started when Adm. William H. McRaven a retired Navy SEAL and Special Operations commander who oversaw the 2011 killing of bin Laden, criticized Trump earlier this year. 

Not one to ignore a slight, no matter how old, our liar in chief pulled out his usual bag of shit with baseless claims during one of his temper tantrums.

Trump “has repeatedly and falsely claimed” that he predicted bin Laden was going to attack the United States and that the United States needed to “take him out,” The Washington Post’s Fact Checker wrote in 2015.

You know America is in trouble when...

The POTUS attacks our military heroes.

You know America is in trouble when...

Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people" and kicks reporters out of the WH when he doesn't like their questions...

You know America is in trouble when...

the world laughs at our president and countries protest his visits.

You know America is in trouble when...

the Republican Party morphed into a cult - the Party of Trump.

You know America is in trouble when...

we don't stand up to murderous authoritarian regimes because our corrupt president wants to keep selling arms to one of the biggest backers of terrorists in the middle east - Saudi Arabia. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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