Wednesday, November 22, 2017

10 Things I'm Thankful That Trump Hasn't Done Yet

                                    Good Day World!

With Thanksgiving just a day away, I thought I'd get in the spirit of the holiday with a list of things I'm thankful Donny-Little-Hands hasn't done yet.

1. Paint the White House gold.

2. Make his bald generals wear bad hair pieces like his.

3. Divorce Melania, and have an affair with Ivanka.

4. Wear shorts when he golfs.

5. Declare Trump Tower is a National Heritage site.

6. Fire nukes at Rocket Man.

7. Give pardons to his son and other campaign cronies ahead of any announcement of wrongdoing.

8. Silenced the press.

9. Pass one major legislation since sneaking into office.

10. Get away with defying America's Constitution (not that he still isn't still trying).

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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