Thursday, January 26, 2012

For the record: quick thinking kids save lives all the time…

This cheerful little guy is a hero. You gotta love his personality…

      Good Day Humboldt County!

I always enjoy stories about children saving lives. Today, I found these examples to share with you.

We always seem to see stories about children/teens acting badly in the media nowadays. The negative images portrayed in the mainstream press far outweigh the positive ones.

You can test my assertion by scanning the headlines or listening to the TV or radio on any given day.

Not today. Not here. I’m talking about children who do the right things in emergencies. If you look hard enough, there are stories about them all the time. The problem is the stories are usually buried on page six. NOT today…they’re Page One on this blog.

This young lady is inspirational. her parents must be so proud.

Good news doesn’t seem to sell newspapers or get high ratings on TV or the radio, so we are seldom exposed to it.

The sensational, which is usually a negative report, is everywhere from the games we play to the news we listen and watch every day.

A Philadelphia teenager (see video on left) saves lives. In an eerily similar situation last March, a New York teenager saved a school bus from crashing. Here’s her story:

Julie Corson, 15, hopped on the school bus, took a seat up front and stared out of the window, while about 20 other kids chattered and listened to MP3s. But then, less than a mile from Newark Valley High School in upstate New York, the morning of March 6, the bus started swerving.

No one knew it then, but Ed Card, the 69-year-old driver, had suffered a heart attack. "He was going off the road—we were hitting mailboxes," Corson says. Worse still, the bus was careering straight for the side of a mattress store. Now cries of fear filled the bus—and the coolheaded Corson went to work. "I got on my hands and knees and moved Mr. Card's foot off the gas," she recalls. "Then I pushed my hands on the brake."

The bus skidded to a stop just a few feet short of the building. None of the kids were hurt, but many were still screaming—and Card lay slouched over in his seat, slipping into unconsciousness. Corson, a freshman, grabbed the bus radio and called for help while Samantha Lindquist, 16, and Jackie Celiberti, 16, soothed the stricken man. "I just held him and said, 'It's gonna be okay, Mr. Card,'" Celiberti says. Sadly, it wasn't: He died en route to the hospital.

The kids miss their grandfatherly driver, who often handed out candy to his passengers. "Even if he was having a bad day, he'd open the door with a smile and say something funny," Corson remembers. But as passenger Austin Brocious, 15, points out, "It easily could have been a lot worse. I think it's really, really good what they did."  (article source)

Time to walk on down the road…

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