Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday Talk: man hides in suitcase, teen survives train running over him, and the nation’s deadliest Superfund site gets worse

Image: Prison inmate Juan Ramirez Tijerina in a suitcase after his failed escape bid.Good Morning Humboldt County!

Jump start your morning with a cup of coffee or tea, and we’ll see what we see:

Peak-a-boo!I see you in that bag!

 A teenager tried to smuggle out her common-law husband serving a 20-year sentence for illegal weapons possession from a Mexican prison.

Iowa teen survives being run over by train

A 17-year-old boy suffered only cuts and bruises after being run over by a train in northwestern Iowa.

The teen, identified as Christian Latshaw by the Des Moines Register, told police he had been drinking at a music festival when he blacked out Sunday night.

Wood chips add to contaminated town's woes

For a decade, the people of Libby have longed for the day when they will be rid of the asbestos that turned their town into the deadliest Superfund site in America.

Now they are being forced to live through the agony all over again, thanks to two giant piles of bark and wood chips on the edge of town.


Thanks for stopping by. Time for me to head on down the road…

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