Thursday, January 23, 2020

Day Three: Deja vu All Over Again

Good Day World!

To sum up Day Two:

Baseball legend Yogi Berra once quipped, "It's deja vu all over again."

Everything the House managers said yesterday, was exactly the same as Day One with the exception that it was in a narrative form. 

They presented a well-reasoned argument with mounds of evidence to prove Trump abused his office and obstructed Congress.

But their performance didn't really matter. 

Trump's team could have consisted of chimps with MAGA hats to guarantee a good show and be just as effective. Republican senators have already sold their souls. They're just waiting for Moscow Mitch to bring the sham trial to an end. 

To further illustrate the point Trump bragged yesterday, "We honestly have all of the material. They don't have material." 
He was so confident of the outcome that he didn't realize he was admitting he was obstructing evidence again... as in Article II of his impeachment papers.

But that doesn't matter. Trump is unchecked in his power thus far, and if the impeachment process doesn't stop him our 2020 elections are in jeopardy.

Allowing Trump to stay in office will be a nod to Putin, who has played Trump like a chump, and who brazenly interfered in our 2016 election and intends to do the same in this upcoming one.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Day Two: It's Not About What They Know. It's About Who They Know

Good Day World!

Republicans in the senate impeachment trial have been herded into a corner where facts are absent, and unswerving loyalty to McConnell and Trump are paramount.

Regardless of how much evidence the House presented it did not change any GOP senators minds. They already know Trump was guilty as hell. They've decided to live with it.

For those spineless Republican senators toeing-the-line, it's not what they know... it's who they know will destroy their career... Donald J. Trump.

Anyone watching Day One could see how McConnell is doing his best to cover up for Trump. For those Americans who tuned in to watch the drama one thing was obvious...

Trump's legal team got their ass kicked!

Political pundits from both parties agreed Trump's defense team offered no real defense for what he did. No evidence. Nothing but a diatribe of how the impeachment proceedings weren't fair in The House. 

Trump's Dweeb Team diverted to procedures because they literally had no other argument. There were no witnesses for Trump. No transcripts proving his innocence.

Yet, no one doubts the trial is going to end with Trump being acquitted. In other words, no amount of facts will take down the biggest liar in American history.

As long as those Republican senators fear Trump, they're going to break their oaths and let him get away with shredding the Constitution and every law in the land.

Re-election means that much to those GOP cowards that they are going to shamelessly aide Trump dump on our Democracy with impunity.

The American public wants a fair trial. After Day One they saw it's not going to happen. 

They also saw how the GOP senators were voting... and ignoring evidence.

They'll remember that at the polls in November.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Day One Senate Trial: Republicans Are Taking a Misguided Leap of Faith

                                       Good Day World!

A Pennsylvania woman was out driving around the other day looking for something to test her faith.

She told the cops who later arrested her that God said she should "Drive through another vehicle," so she turned her 2017 KIA Optima into the opposing lane of traffic.

Fortunately, no one was killed, but two of the people who were in the car she ran into were hospitalized. The woman, Nadejda Reilly, was charged with aggravated assault, simple assault, reckless endangerment and harassment along with several vehicle charges related to the crash.

Her leap of faith endangered others. Afterward, she showed no remorse for the injured who she said God would take care of.


Senate Republicans are also taking a "yuge" leap of faith to back Trump during his impeachment trial. 

They know Trump is guilty as hell for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. They know he's a chronic liar.

They know there's no evidence to back Trump's claim of searching for corruption in the Ukraine. They know he wanted the new president to dig up dirt on his political rival Joe Biden.

The know there's ample evidence to back that charge up. There's also open evidence Mitch McConnell is making sure it's not going to be a fair trial.

The public won't know for sure until the trial is underway and McConnell's game plan is unveiled today.

Those GOP senators who choose to ignore the evidence and take a leap of misguided faith by not convicting Trump of his crimes, will have to answer to their constituents, and their own conscience.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, January 20, 2020

Trump's Latest Diversion: Fanning the Flames for a Civil War in Richmond On MLK Holiday

Good Day World!

They came from all over the country. 

Militia groups...

white supremacists...

and anarchists. 

All determined to start a civil war over gun rights in Richmond, Virginia, today.

At first, groups called on thousands of their members to stage a protest on Capitol Square over losing 2nd Amendment Rights, because the new Democratic majority in the General Assembly planned on passing gun safety laws.

It was hard to tell how many people would attend. Organizers were hopeful for a big turnout.

Meanwhile, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam declared a state of emergency and issued a ban on firearms or other weapons on Capitol grounds after numerous threats, and the FBI's discovery that a white supremacist group called "The Base" was planning on murdering people.

Related: Three More Members of White Supremacist Group Arrested

Despite challenges from gun rights groups, the state Supreme Court upheld the ban. 

Just when it began to look like authorities had things in control, Trump stepped into the controversy and ginned up his Twitter followers:

"Your 2nd Amendment is under very serious attack in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia, he tweeted.

"That's what happens when you vote for Democrats, they will take your guns away," Trump claimed.

It was a perfect diversion from his upcoming senate impeachment trial tomorrow. 

Just rile up his base, who like him, have a short memory span.

Knowing that the FBI had arrested three alleged members of a white-supremacist group for planning to attend the rally and incite violence, should have been Trump's cue to back off and not throw fuel on the fire... 

but, hell no.

Since his encouragement, more national militia and extremist groups have mobilzed, invigorated by what they see as Trump's approval of their activities.

The leader of the rally/protest is a familiar figure among extremists, Christian Yingling. 

You might remember him from Charlottesville. He was responsible for that debacle that left one woman dead. He, and his group were banned from ever returning there again while armed.

Trump the political pyromaniac starts fires for a reason. 

If what happens today in Richmond ends up in chaos and violence, people will be talking about that - and 2nd Amendment Rights - instead of his senate trial.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Trump's 'Dweeb Team' Unveils Strategy: Hear No Evil, Say No Evil, See No Evil

Good Day World!

The reality star that stole the White House (with Russia's help), has gathered a Dweeb Team" to defend him in his Senate impeachment trial on Tuesday.

No one was surprised when Trump picked Fox News contributors like Kenneth Starr (convicted of running a $35 million Ponzi scheme on celebrities in 2011) and Alan Dershowitz (pedophile Epstein's pal, and O.J. Simpson's counsel) to defend him.

Related: Trump on Kenneth Starr in 1999: 'He's a lunatic.' 

The one thing the Dweeb Team has in common is their willingness to sell their souls in Trump's defense. While that's what is normally required by Trump, it doesn't mean he put together O.J. Simpson's Dream Team, because he brought an aging feeble-minded Dershowitz and Starr into the mix.

I know, I wouldn't want the crazy bastards to defend me any more than I would want Trump's unhinged attorney Rudy Giuliani too.

If the trial turns out to be a solemn affair - like many hope it will be - that's going to cut down on the TV production value of the Fox News hosts who intend to provide Trump's defense on prime time.

Trump needs drama. It's the beginning, and the end of his very existence. Like all good con men, he knows the value of a good show.

Even though the majority of Republican Senators have already prostrated themselves before Trump, he needs to entertain his core base... and that means, "lights, camera, action!"

The Dweeb Team's strategy of "Hear no evil, say nor evil, and see no evil" is going up against a mountain of facts provided by government testimonies, transcripts, and the courts.

It's going to be a battle of facts versus fiction.

In any other trial Trump wouldn't stand a chance, and would be easily convicted with the evidence already provided. The defense team would lose with nothing to discredit, or to counter, the facts.


It's hard to see how justice can prevail in a rigged hearing designed only to exonerate the most corrupt president in American history.


You never know. The fate of our republic is on the line and those Republican senators know it... it's either democracy or a dictatorship. They get to chose know history is looking over their spineless backs.

Time for me to walk on down the line...

Saturday, January 18, 2020

'Tis the Season: Trump Flu Has Infected GOP Senators

                                         Good Day World!

Winter. The flu season. 

Happens every year.

But the 2020 flu bug is much more dangerous than a case of sniffles, and sore throats. The fate of our republic is at stake this time.

Trump flu has infected Republican senators preparing to determine his fate in only the third impeachment trial in American history.

The debilitating effects of Trump flu include complete loss of shame, hyper partisanship, lying under oath, and the ability to avoid facts like the plague.

There is no inoculation for Trump flu. Once someone has it, chaos will rule their life as they follow the pied-piper of lies to whatever depraved depths he chooses to go.

Side-effects include; constant fear; rage; irreversible brain damage; belief in ridiculous conspiracies; and the inability to make independent decisions.


Kick Trump's ass out of the White House by indicting him for his high crimes, or at the polls in November.

Those sick GOP senators that were infected will pay the price when they're kicked out of office by angry voters cleansing the government.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, January 17, 2020

What Will They Say? Future White House Historians Studying the Trump Era

                                         Good Day World!

Someday, White House historians are going to look back at the Trump era, and cross themselves!

They'll compare it to the Dark Ages in Europe where monarchs ruled and the common man was at the mercy of the king.

They'll examine the mountain of lies Trump spewed while fouling the Oval Office with his corpulent body.

They'll marvel at how much corruption Trump got away with in a short span of time.

They'll chart how Trump's foreign relations were all failures, and how he almost launched World War III in the Middle East trying to divert attention from his senate impeachment trial.

They'll shake their heads with wonder when they check out his Twitter account and how he went after world leaders to just common Americans, like a rabid badger. 

They'll try to decipher Trump's handwriting, but will be unable to.

They'll pour over numerous charts and graphics that were presented to Trump during briefings to keep his attention as he did not read, and lost focus listening to someone else read. 

They'll also have the original Weather Chart graphic where Trump infamously took a black marker to it, and claimed Alabama was in the path of a hurricane (that was actually going in the opposite direction).

They'll have a compilation of Trump quotes from "I know the best words," to "I'm the chosen one."


Because, I don't know if Trump is going to be indicted by the senate for high crimes and obstruction of justice, or if he's going to lose the 2020 election, I cannot complete how historians will record his exit from office.

Stay tuned.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Another Trump Coverup: Americans Want Answers Now, Not in Weeks!

                                          Good Day World!

While covering up the Ukraine scandal, Trump is also busy covering up another scandal/crisis that has set the Middle East on a war standing.

Trump's enablers in government abruptly - and with no excuse - canceled three classified congressional briefings yesterday that were related to the ongoing Iran crisis.

Today, The Pentagon scrapped a classified briefing on Iran for the House Armed Services Committee. Congress was informed that it would get briefings in the coming weeks.

Weeks! That's crazy! The balance of power in the Middle East has shifted. Americans are in danger. The public deserves to know why.

I think it's plain to see what's happening. Trump put out the word to stonewall congress - it's become a habit - about his bullshit reason for nearly starting World War III.

Now congressional lawmakers are going to have to fight tooth-and-nail just to schedule a hearing on what should be a HIGH PRIORITY issue. Who knows what he'll do next?

It's clear Trump and his puppets are lying about why he suddenly assassinated Iran's #2 leader. The changing stories coming from The Defense Department, The Pentagon, and The White House, point to a cover up.

At first, Trump claimed the American embassy in Baghdad was in danger of an immediate threat. Then it was four embassies. Then the threat went from imminent, to days, and then morphed into the excuse General Solumani has been a threat "for a long time." 

Sooner, or later, Trump's cronies are going to have to appear before congress and answer some serious questions.

For example: Why didn't the State Department issue warnings about specific threats to any US embassies before Trump targeted the Iranian general?

Trump is out-of-control. Being impeached put him over the edge. Why else would he do something so plainly stupid that it stunned Americans and our allies around the world? 

Iran was a wag the dog moment where Trump wanted everyone to take their eyes off his embarrassment that he's been impeached. It was also good theatre to rally his base and fake patriotism at an opportune time.

The majority of Americans aren't fooled by Trump anymore. The polls have shown that. After 15,000 plus lies in three years, Trump has no credibility here, or abroad.

The important thing however, is that the Senate does it's job fairly, and those GOP senators look at the facts before making their decision to acquit, or indict. Their choice is simple; country, or party.

Will those Republican senators elect to protect our Constitution... or, the most corrupt president this country has ever had?

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

WH Source Says Trump Secretly Working on His Resume

Good Day World!

Breaking News! 

An anonymous White House source emailed me the following information about Trump this morning;

"I talked Trump into doing a resume. Here's the results."



MAr-a_LAgo, FLourda

tO WhoeVeR iss REaDinG tHis,

SKillS -

I'm qUaliFied tO dO anything bEcaUse i'm tHe CHoSeN oNe

EXpeRiEnCe -

** I waS ThE BEsT pResIdeNt AMeRiCa eVeR HAd!

** i LoST a BiLLiOn dOLlars iN oNE DecaDe AnD StIll gOT EllectEd president oF UsA

** I hAd a sytring of falinG cassionos ThAT wE're GoOd tAX wRIteOffS

** ImPEachED four dOing a gOOd joB

** I HAve tHe BEst wOrds

** i stARTed mY oWN uNIveRSity

** I STartED a Yuge Charity fOUNdaTIon

** I Was nAmed WhiTe gUY Of tHE yEAr By NAtiOn EUroPa

Business and Personal References

TruMPLican PARTy

AppRENTice FAns

tROlls FOr TRuMp

RedNEckS wiTHOut REstraiNT

nATionAL cHApTer KKk


ruDY GuiLLiANi

After deciphering Trump's childish attempt, it occurred to me to ask my source why would Trump even need a resume?

There was a pause, then I received this:

"Trying to keep him occupied with something other than starting wars, attacking the media, and the upcoming Senate Trial. 

"Because a resume is all about him, Trump thinks it's like writing his biography!"
(Signed) MT

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Just In Time: More Incriminating Evidence Against Trump

Good Day World!

Despite the White House's best efforts to stop more evidence from accumulating against Trump, another dump of damning facts has emerged.

This time evidence is coming from Lev Parnas, one of Rudy Giuliaini's Soviet-born associates who got embroiled in the impeachment inquiry.

The judge in charge of Parnas' (separate) case in New York, allowed the transfer of WhatsApp messages, text messenges, and images from his personal records, according to his attorney Joseph A. Bondy.

That spells more bad news for Trump.

Related: Russians Hack Company at Center of Impeachment Trial

cConnell has sought to dismiss the trial although it doesn't appear he has enough Republican support to get away with it.

With the additional evidence discovered in just the last three weeks, the case against Trump has become even more solid.

Seeing this, McConnell is even more determined to not have a fair trial.

The only chance of any fairness will come if four Republicans vote for witnesses and release of transcripts.

If witnesses are allowed to testify and documents are released, the trial could suddenly take an unexpected turn and Trump could be convicted.

I wouldn't bet on it, but you never know. We're not living in normal times.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...