Monday, January 30, 2012

Muppets Take On Corporate Puppets (Fox News) in interview

Here’s another Fox segment that will leave you shaking your head and wondering why they even claim to be a news channel.

In another baffling, mind-numbing, segment of Faux News, we see and hear how they think the Muppets are evil and the Liberal media is waging class warfare.

It’s really touching how Faux defends oil executives and corporations. For a moment, when the host, Eric Boldin, said he remembered the days when people pointed at wealthy oil executives and said, “That’s what I want to be someday,” I thought I would vomit!

I sure the hell don’t remember “those days” at all. Where the hell did Eric live when he was growing up? Oh yeah…I should have guessed. In the home of a very wealthy oil executive, or at least in a wealthy Republican home where 1%er values were instilled from the earliest age. When you grow up using real money in a monopoly game it’s kinda hard to understand why the masses don’t relate well with you.

This video is a step-by-step rebuttal of Fox’s accusations by a blogger.
This second video addresses in detail the various claims made by Eric and his female sidekick from corporate America.

The third video (below) is really funny. That, in itself, makes it worth watching.

Once again it’s rebuttal time, but the Muppets get their chance to speak up in a press conference.


The Muppets take on corporate puppets and do a damn good job of it!

The Road Back: Let’s keep ‘walking like Egyptians’ and party hard!

      Good Day Humboldt County!

 You’ve probably heard the old adage “There’s nothing new under the sun,” and when it comes to party animals the ancients set the standard.

Sometimes we need to take a road that leads us back in time to realize how long mankind has been a pleasure-loving species that enjoys altered states from booze and/or drugs.

Today let’s “walk like an Egyptian!”

Summertime fun isn't a modern invention: Ancient cultures liked to let the good times roll as well. Some celebrated with a few drinks. Others partied hard through the night. There were days at the spa, nights at the theater and time to play a little ball. The evidence for the good times in past eras comes from archaeologists who painstakingly dig through ancient remains. The fruits of their efforts help piece together tales showing how today's leisurely shenanigans are just the latest incarnation of cultural customs quite old.

Take the ancient Egyptians, for example. Not only did they drink beer to excess, they had an annual "festival of drunkenness" dedicated to the cause. Participants got wasted, had gratuitous sex and woke the next day to blaring music, according to an Egyptologist excavating a temple in Luxor where the festivities occurred. The debauchery even had a point: re-enactment of a myth about an evil goddess who became a savior after being tricked into drinking mass quantities of beer. The drawing above is based on a wall painting that depicts the festivities.” (Read the story here)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Border patrol agents, cops, declare war against Marijuana prohibition

                              By Dave Stancliff/For The Times-Standard
 If life was a movie.
Opening Scene for “A LEAP of Faith
 A green-and-white Border Patrol vehicle is cruising a primitive road along the international border between Mexico and California, It throws up plumes of dust as the occupants scan the horizon. The sun at high noon is an angry ball in a clear azure sky. Stretches of dirt turn into occasional strips of blacktop melting in the extreme heat. The patrol car disappears in a cloud of dust.
 Dialogue inside the car:
1st Agent
: “I wonder how long we’ll have to enforce this useless prohibition of pot? We know it‘s a farce, and the public knows it, too.”
 2nd Agent: “Better watch who is around when you say things like that, Pete.”
 1st Agent:  “I know…it makes me sick. Last month they called Charlie into Border Patrol Headquarters in Washington and fired him because of his personal views on this losing war against marijuana.”
 2nd Agent: “How did they hear about Charlie’s views anyway?”
 1st Agent: “He was talking about LEAP during lunch with some guys from the night shift. Someone probably passed his words along to his supervisor.”
 2nd Agent: “LEAP?”
 1st Agent: “That’s right. It stands for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.”
 2nd Agent: “ Tell me more about them…”

                         Next Scene a week later:
fill the streets from LA to New York in support of members of LEAP. New demonstrations pop up daily across the nation as the common man demands justice. The media is filled with promises of support from politicians who see the writing on the wall. Law enforcement agencies countrywide rally to end prohibition against marijuana. Pot is decriminalized!
Agents and officers who lost their jobs while supporting LEAP have their jobs restored with raises for their bravery. News stories and talking heads publicly thank those who stood up for their rights as Americans and protested a bad policy.
Strains of “America” play as the movie comes to a close with a long shot of fields of amber grain swaying in a gentle breeze.
                             Back to the real world.
There is an organization called LEAP.  Too many people don’t know who they are and what they represent. They are current and former law enforcement officials who are against the prohibition of marijuana. People who have seen it’s ramifications first hand and know they are waging a losing war.
Border patrol agents like Bryan Gonzalez, who was fired for speaking in support of LEAP, do exist. Real people standing up for what’s right. Law enforcement officials who lose their jobs for questioning the war on drugs and fighting back in the courts.
In Arizona, Joe Miller, a probation officer in Mohave County, near the California border, filed suit recently in Federal District Court. He was dismissed for adding his name to a letter by LEAP, which is based in Medford, Mass., and known for its support of the decriminalization of marijuana.
Miller was one of 32 members of LEAP who signed the letter in support of a California ballot measure that would have permitted recreational marijuana use. The measure failed.
Most of the signers were retired members of law enforcement agencies, who could speak their minds without fear of action by their bosses. Miller and a handful of others who are still on the job — including Paul Gallegos, District Attorney for Humboldt County. He signed, too.
How can this support from the very people who have to enforce the draconian pot laws be ignored? They certainly know more about what’s going on behind the scenes than most American’s. They see the futility and the deaths.

An interview with LEAP’s Executive Director, Neill Franklin…

The war against marijuana persists like an old prizefighter unwilling to retire. It continues to take lives and taxpayer’s hard earned money and to stifle the free speech of those charged with enforcing laws they believe are wrong.
LEAP’s views must be heard. If you would, take a moment and go to their website at  and read up on the group. Hopefully, you’ll consider supporting these officers of the law and their freedom of speech.
As It Stands, I want to thank Tom Angell, LEAP Media Relations Director, for always keeping me informed on the organization’s actions. If you’d like to contact him, phone: (415) 488-6615 or (202) 557-4979. You can also e-mail him at:

Websites carrying this column:

1) NAINTELX – North American Intelligence Exchange 

2) National Association of Drug Testing Advisors

3) Marijuana decriminalization – Google News

4) SiloBreaker

5) DankWeed

6) Humboldt County News – Topix

Comments from Anonymous' LEAP blog, some of which bring optimism:

“Despite my current silence, I believe a paradigm shift regarding the drug war is quietly occurring in every law enforcement agency in this country, thanks in large part to the efforts of LEAP.  This paradigm shift is palpable— I can see it, feel it, and on occasion I hear it slip out from fellow officers and even supervisors once in a blue moon.  I firmly believe things are about to change in this country, and when they do, those within law enforcement will be jumping off this drug war rat ship like it was on fire.  And the jumpers will proclaim that they knew the drug war was wrong the whole time.  But alas, I am not here to judge or point fingers at those wearing badges—I wear one too.  I too am riding on that drug war rat ship.  Gladly, I will be jumping off that rat ship with everyone else.  In the meantime, I can point no fingers, except at myself.” 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

‘Civilized to Death’– documentary explores plight of Aboriginal societies worldwide

          Another new road has opened today:

I’ve had the honor of corresponding with John H.W. Hummel, Pollution/Health Researcher, Nelson, British Columbia, Canada, for less than a year, but in that time I’ve learned a lot about this world we live in. I’m going to share his most recent email because I heartily agree with it and think everyone should have an opportunity to know what’s happening to the Aboriginal people in our world today.

My friend Kimlee Wong and her colleagues at ‘Aboriginal People’s Television Network’ (APTN) produced this excellent documentary which has major implications for all Indigenous communities throughout the world. It shows what colonialism has done to the health of Indigenous people and gives us some direction as to where to go so the health of Indigenous People of this World might improve.”

                      Here are links so you can watch this documentary on your computer:

Part 1

Part 2

Here is a brief Synopsis of this documentary:

“Aboriginal peoples suffer from some of the worse health and social stats of anyone in Canada. Many blame aboriginal peoples for their dismal living conditions yet health professionals point to the social determinants of health as the primary cause for these conditions. Things like poverty, racism, housing, access to healthy food and colonialism have long been recognized by experts as key causes of ill health.. Many Canadians believe that if aboriginal people would only assimilate into the dominant culture their problems would be solved, however, in Civilized to Death, APTN's Kimlee Wong talks to experts who say the solutions lie elsewhere.”

Not something you hear about every day: On duty cops shoot it out with each other, one dies!

A Santa Maria police officer was shot and killed Saturday by a fellow officer who was trying to arrest him for suspected sexual misconduct with a minor, the Santa Maria Times reported.

According to the Santa Maria Police Department, the slain officer was on duty when police tried to take him into custody.

The suspect officer allegedly drew his weapon and fired. "In response, one officer on scene fired at the suspect officer hitting him once," officials said in a news release, according to the Santa Maria Times.

For updates go here.

If your white and well-connected ‘Uncle Haley’ will pardon you

Good Day Humboldt County!

Todays path take us back to a time when southern aristocrats didn’t have to answer to the law if they were white and well connected. 

The historical inequities in Mississippi justice have been chronicled by journalists and fictionalized by novelists from Faulkner to Grisham. Even today, prison terms for the same crime can vary significantly from one part of the state to another.

Enter Haley Barbour,  Mississippi’s governor who has pardoned 10 times more criminals that the past four governors combined. In a state with the highest poverty rate in the nation, where nearly 70 percent of convicts are black, official redemption appears to have been attained disproportionately by white people and the well connected.

Here’s some examples of Uncle Haley’s benevolence towards the connected in the state:

1)In some of the appeals for clemency, personal connections to Mr. Barbour were unabashedly made. “Maggi and I wanted to begin by thanking you and Marsha for a lovely and special lunch at the Mansion last Tuesday,” began a letter to the governor by a family friend of Doug Hindman, one pardon applicant. “It was very interesting to see the historical quilt upstairs.”

Mr. Hindman, the son of a cardiologist from Jackson, was arrested in 2006 after exchanging hundreds of sexually explicit messages with an undercover officer posing as an under-age girl.”

2) Four murderers who worked at the Governor’s Mansion and Brett Favre’s brother, who killed a friend in a drunken-driving accident were all recently pardoned by Haley. GOP's Barbour under fire after pardoning 4 killers

3) A close look at some of the clemency applications of the nearly 200 others who were pardoned reveals that a significant share contained appeals from members of prominent Mississippi families, major Republican donors or others from the higher social strata of Mississippi life.

4)The governor erased records or suspended the sentences of at least 10 felons who had been students at the University of Mississippi or Mississippi State when they were arrested, including at least three who killed people while driving drunk and several others charged with selling cocaine, ecstasy and other drugs. Another pardon went to the grandson of a couple who once lived near Mr. Barbour’s family in his hometown, Yazoo City.”

5)One beneficiary, Burton Waldon, killed an 8-month-old boy in an alcohol-induced crash in 2001. Mr. Waldon, a high school senior at the time, pleaded guilty and received a suspended sentence. He is a member of the prominent Hill Brothers Construction Company family, big-money political donors who give mostly to Republicans, including Mr. Barbour. An uncle of Mr. Waldon, Kenneth W. Hill Sr., sought and received a pardon from President George W. Bush in 2006, erasing a federal income tax conviction.”

I could go on, but you get the idea. Uncle Haley is setting new lows when it comes to corruption in Mississippi. The Old South thrives in Mississippi because of people like Haley who are still in power.

Quotations from: 'Uncle Haley' pardoned many with ties to power, which ran in the New York Times today.

Time to walk on down the road…


Friday, January 27, 2012

Here’s 20 interesting facts about the human body…

1. Every hour one billion cells in the body must be replaced.

2. The eye of a human can distinguish 500 shades of the gray.

3. Human thighbones are stronger than concrete.

4. The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet (9 m).

5. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

6. The average cough comes out of your mouth at 60 miles (96.5 km) per hour.

7. Beards are the fastest growing hairs on the human body. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it would grow to nearly 30 feet long in his lifetime.

8. Babies’ eyes do not produce tears until the baby is approximately six to eight weeks old.

9. Every person has a unique tongue print.

10. A sneeze can exceed the speed of 100 mph.

11. Dead cells in the body ultimately go to the kidneys for excretion.

12. The smile is the most frequently used facial expression. A smile can use anywhere from a pair of 5 to 53 facial muscles.

13. One out of 20 people have an extra rib.

14. People with darker skin will not wrinkle as fast as people with lighter skin.

15. Human blood travels 60,000 miles (96,540 km) per day on its journey through the body.

16. 85% of the population can curl their tongue into a tube.

17. It takes food seven seconds to go from the mouth to the stomach via the esophagus.

18. Women hearts beat faster than men.

19. In one day your heart beats 100,000 times.

20. Hair is made from the same substance as fingernails.

                                               Sources: Reader’s Digest Book of Facts

Atheist teen forces school to remove prayer from wall after 49 years

Image: Jessica Ahlquist, 16, in Cranston, R.I.

            Good Day Humboldt County!

  Today we’re going to look at someone who has chosen the path less traveled. Jessica Ahlquist doesn’t believe in God. But when she forced her school to cover up a prayer in the Gym that has been there for nearly 50 years years, the backlash was immediate.

My question to you: is it fair for one person to force their views on the majority? Is that Democracy to you? It’s troubling to me that a minority can overall a majority in a case of beliefs.

I understand the reasoning for separation of church and state, and agree with the policy. Still, isn’t there times when common sense should prevail? Miss Ahlquist didn’t like seeing the prayer on the gym wall, but she wasn’t forced to recite it (no one was). She didn’t even have to look in the direction of the prayer that occupied a tiny spot on a massive wall. Still, she feels her views are more important than the rest of the community and likens her actions to giving a child a shot for their own good.

Why can’t there be a compromise of some kind? It just rankles me to see a minority over rule a majority. Because one young lady lost her belief in God the whole community pays the price. It hardly seems fair. Read the following article and you decide how fair the whole situation is:

She is 16, the daughter of a firefighter and a nurse, a self-proclaimed nerd who loves Harry Potter and Facebook. But Jessica Ahlquist is also an outspoken atheist who has incensed this heavily Roman Catholic city with a successful lawsuit to get a prayer removed from the wall of her high school auditorium, where it has hung for 49 years.

A federal judge ruled this month that the prayer’s presence at Cranston High School West was unconstitutional, concluding that it violated the principle of government neutrality in religion.

In the weeks since, residents have crowded school board meetings to demand an appeal, Jessica has received online threats and the police have escorted her at school, and Cranston, a dense city of 80,000 just south of Providence, has throbbed with raw emotion.

State Representative Peter G. Palumbo, a Democrat from Cranston, called Jessica “an evil little thing” on a popular talk radio show. Three separate florists refused to deliver her roses sent from a national atheist group. The group, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, has filed a complaint with the Rhode Island Commission for Human Rights.

“I was amazed,” said Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the foundation, which is based in Wisconsin and has given Jessica $13,000 from support and scholarship funds. “We haven’t seen a case like this in a long time, with this level of revilement and ostracism and stigmatizing.” (Read the rest here)

Time to walk on down the road…

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Political theatre: Brewer gives letter to Obama then says it’s no one elses business!

Excuse me! Is Arizona’s governor finally losing whatever sanity she had left?

Gov. Jan Brewer said she won’t release a copy of a letter she so dramatically delivered to President Obama on Wednesday. One of her lackeys told the press it was a "personal, handwritten" correspondence and no one in her administration has a copy of it.

The handling of the letter, considered a public record by experts, raises legal questions about the way the Governor's Office is complying with Arizona's public-records law. Just now? They should have been looking a long time ago.

This letter is a perfect example. According to Dan Barr, a First Amendment attorney who commented on the letter, "Absolutely it's a public record — it's created in her official capacity."

Barr went on to say, “There's nothing remotely personal about this. She presented it to the president of the United States in the most public way possible. The whole reason to hand him this letter in public is for political theater, and then to be asked what was in the letter. I find it incredible to believe there is no copy — and that there is not at least a draft of this letter lying around. My response to that excuse is — is that your story? Really?"

Well, Brewer? Is that your story? Because if it is, it’s so full of holes that it’ll never fly in the real world. It sure must be an interesting letter if your afraid to leave any copies around. Were staffers instructed to eat any hand-written notes left lying around? Just curious.

I hope you don’t think you’ve scored some sort of political victory on behalf of your crazed tea party cronies, by this grandstanding game. And don’t give me any crap about not remembering shaking your finger at the president like he was a bad boy. It went viral just like you intended.

The only thing you proved Brewer, is that you are a political creature always looking out for an opportunity to show your credentials as Alice in Wonderland for the Tea Party set.

For the record: quick thinking kids save lives all the time…

This cheerful little guy is a hero. You gotta love his personality…

      Good Day Humboldt County!

I always enjoy stories about children saving lives. Today, I found these examples to share with you.

We always seem to see stories about children/teens acting badly in the media nowadays. The negative images portrayed in the mainstream press far outweigh the positive ones.

You can test my assertion by scanning the headlines or listening to the TV or radio on any given day.

Not today. Not here. I’m talking about children who do the right things in emergencies. If you look hard enough, there are stories about them all the time. The problem is the stories are usually buried on page six. NOT today…they’re Page One on this blog.

This young lady is inspirational. her parents must be so proud.

Good news doesn’t seem to sell newspapers or get high ratings on TV or the radio, so we are seldom exposed to it.

The sensational, which is usually a negative report, is everywhere from the games we play to the news we listen and watch every day.

A Philadelphia teenager (see video on left) saves lives. In an eerily similar situation last March, a New York teenager saved a school bus from crashing. Here’s her story:

Julie Corson, 15, hopped on the school bus, took a seat up front and stared out of the window, while about 20 other kids chattered and listened to MP3s. But then, less than a mile from Newark Valley High School in upstate New York, the morning of March 6, the bus started swerving.

No one knew it then, but Ed Card, the 69-year-old driver, had suffered a heart attack. "He was going off the road—we were hitting mailboxes," Corson says. Worse still, the bus was careering straight for the side of a mattress store. Now cries of fear filled the bus—and the coolheaded Corson went to work. "I got on my hands and knees and moved Mr. Card's foot off the gas," she recalls. "Then I pushed my hands on the brake."

The bus skidded to a stop just a few feet short of the building. None of the kids were hurt, but many were still screaming—and Card lay slouched over in his seat, slipping into unconsciousness. Corson, a freshman, grabbed the bus radio and called for help while Samantha Lindquist, 16, and Jackie Celiberti, 16, soothed the stricken man. "I just held him and said, 'It's gonna be okay, Mr. Card,'" Celiberti says. Sadly, it wasn't: He died en route to the hospital.

The kids miss their grandfatherly driver, who often handed out candy to his passengers. "Even if he was having a bad day, he'd open the door with a smile and say something funny," Corson remembers. But as passenger Austin Brocious, 15, points out, "It easily could have been a lot worse. I think it's really, really good what they did."  (article source)

Time to walk on down the road…

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

In Amerika? Man spends 2 years in solitary after DWI arrest

How could anyone in America be treated so inhumanly for just having a DUI? This story will blow your mind.

What happened to him was so horrific someone had to pay. The question is, how many more prisoners in the Dona Ana County jail are being treated like animals? 

“A New Mexico man who said he was forced to pull his own tooth while in solitary confinement because he was denied access to a dentist has been awarded $22 million due to inhumane treatment by New (Picture above: Stephen Slevin’s booking photo right – left, what he looked like when released)

Mexico's Dona Ana County Jail. Stephen Slevin was arrested in August of 2005 for driving while intoxicated, then thrown in jail for two years. He was in solitary at Dona Ana County Jail for his entire sentence and basically forgotten about and never given a trial, he told NBC station Tuesday night.

The $22 million settlement, awarded by a federal jury Tuesday, is one of the largest prisoner civil rights settlements in U.S. history, according to”

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...