Friday, July 1, 2022

Flying the 'Unfriendly Skies' in the 21st Century

Once upon a time a certain airline coined a slogan that made it famous. Do you remember, or have you ever heard the jingle 

Fly the Friendly Skies?" 

United Airlines used that slogan from 1965 to 1996 then dropped it. I think air travel was starting to lose its luster around then for numerous reasons hence goodby friendly skies.

The days of efficiency and warmth at United Airlines and their competitors are long gone in the 21st Century. Air travel has turned into a hellscape for travelers.

Pandemic mask regulations turned air travel into a nightmare for passengers with people freaking out about wearing their masks and causing flights to be sidetracked. Assaults have become commonplace in the last two years. 

This July 4th weekend travelers are watching their flights vanish in a chaos of cancellations because the airlines can't handle the massive demand. There are not enough pilots, air traffic controllers, steward and stewardess, ground crews, and on and on.

More than 1,500 flights in the US were cancelled yesterday and many more cancellations are expected this weekend.

This chaos can be blamed on the pandemic. Airlines were downsizing due to lack of customers, and they were encouraging pilots to take early retirements. Apparently, no one planned for the day the pandemic was no longer an issue and customers would return.

You don't want to be in an airport anywhere in the country today. There's a lot of pissed off people who spent significant amounts of money for their first weekend escape in two years who are watching their plans collapse in crowded airports.

All but two of the 13 major airlines have higher cancellation rates this year compared to pre-pandemic averages in the same time period between 2017 and 2019.

On one hand I get it. People want to travel. But it seems to me the odds of flying are a risky proposition this year. Turn on the news for confirmation. I'm just saying there's other methods of travel.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Welcome Ketanji Brown Jackson: The First Female African American Justice Starts Work Today

Ketanji Brown Jackson is taking her place on the Supreme Court today. 

I hope she has a hard shell because the group she's going to be working with are detested by a majority of Americans.

The Supreme court she's joining has the worst popularity ratings the institution has ever experienced. Only 25% of Americans have confidence in SCOTUS. The prior low was 34%. In other words, only one in four Americans believe the Supreme Court is legitimate and trustworthy.

It's like joining the infamous Chicago "Black Sox" baseball team the summer after they were caught cheating. Getting respect will take years and a new generation - or court in Jackson's case.

A new term begins in three months.

Jackson's supporters say that her time serving on the low courts has prepared her for the high court and a divided multi-member body. 

The point is she's not going into the job with her eyes closed. She's fully aware of the conservative takeover but believes she can make a difference someday.

By all reports, Jackson is looking forward to her career. I wish her all the best in her fight for justice.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

A Fairytale Fail: Trump's Fictional Fantasy Unraveled

When we last looked into Trump's fairytale about the 2020 election being stolen, it appeared his lies would prevail with his loyal minions continuing to enable his false narrative.

Then one of the minions in the White House had a "Go to Jesus" moment and decided to point out that the emperor had no clothes.

Ex-White House aide to Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Cassidy Hutchinson, pulled the veil back on what Trump was actually doing on Jan. 6 as the Capitol was being assaulted by his supporters.

The reality that Trump was the Pied Piper that lured his rabid followers into an insurrection was laid out in great detail by Cassidy who had a ringside seat to his fatal fantasy.

When White House counsel Pat Cipollone told Cassidy that "we need to make sure that this doesn't happen" referring to Trump going to the Capitol, she realized just how deranged he was. 

Upon learning of his actions in the presidential limousine where he tried to take the wheel away from the secret service driver because he didn't want to go back to the White House, Cassidy was convinced he was living in a fantasy world where lies are truth and truth is fake news.

In order to expose Trump's lies Cassidy took a brave step in cooperating with the Jan. 6 committee. She's already been threatened by MAGA morons since her live testimony yesterday.

It wasn't easy for her to unmask Trump who she supported during her time in office. Yet she did it. Whatever her reason for exposing Trump was I applaud her for telling the truth. That's something few Trump supporters can claim - telling the truth.

She exposed the dark underbelly of the beast, and it was ugly. I can only hope the Department of Justice finds her testimony as damning as I did.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Bad News for Trump: Today's Surprise Jan. 6 Committe Hearing Was Revealing

I was prepared to wait until mid-July for the next Jan. 6 hearing, so it was a surprise to find out that one was suddenly scheduled for today.

The panel has been keeping the hearing's topic secret since announcing it yesterday. The witness list is also a mystery.

I'm not Sherlock Holms, but I suspect their going for the jugular using never seen before-testimony by a Trump insider.

(UPDATE: Here's the hearing)

This is the panel's sixth hearing on the insurrection. The first five laid out how Trump knew he lost the election (the Big Lie) how he pressured Mike Pence to cheat, the role domestic terrorists played in the assault on the Capitol, and the role Congressional lawmakers played in a false elector scheme.

We've seen a variety of witnesses from the Department of Justice, Trump advisors, to two election workers whose lives were threatened and turned upside down because of the Big Lie. 

I think there's another good reason for this sudden turnabout. To be frank, I suspect today's hearing was cobbled together since the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade last week in an effort to keep pressure on the Republicans and to fire up their base while feelings are so raw.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Dissecting 'The Good Old Days'

How many times have you heard conversations about "The Good Old Days?"

I lost count decades ago.

(Photo: When I was a one-year-old. Good times) 

The Racial Component

Chances are if you live in the South or parts of the Midwest, you fly a Confederate flag and talk longingly about the good old days in Dixie before the Yankees came. It's a generational thing. Likely, the environment you grew up in those states was rife with Confederate Battle flags on cars, trucks, buildings, and clothing.

Obviously, the white southern version of the good old day's clashes with the reality of slavery and the hell African Americans lived though.

Dissecting the Good Old Days

Social scientists tell us that over time, our memory of an event changes so that we are more likely to remember the positive aspects than the negative ones (referred to as Fading Affect Bias - FAB).

As a parent I understand FAB perfectly. I have three sons (all grown up) but I remember their infant/toddler days with nostalgia. If I want to be honest those days of dirty diapers, endless tantrums, and frequent fighting they exhausted me. Yet, when I see pictures of their chubby little faces it makes me long for when they were little.

This bias isn't news by any means. Ancient Greeks coined the term nostalgia a few thousand years ago. Psychologists believe FAB exists so we can keep a positive outlook on life.

Have you ever remembered a movie from your childhood as one of your favorites, only to see it again and wonder "what was I thinking?"

According to Psychology Today our brains don't like uncertainty. That's why millions of Americans have had such a struggle with the Pandemic. We can't predict when it will end.

However, when we remember the past, all uncertainty is removed. We got the job. We found a life partner. We bought the house. We graduated.

By comparison, the present is scary and open-ended. Part of our longing for those Good Old Days is that we know everything turned out okay, or even if it didn't, we know we got through it.

Nostalgia for the good old days will never entirely go away. Its why artists have written songs about it since the beginning of time. It's only when our longing for days gone by keeps us from enjoying the present that we need to rethink how we're remembering the past.

Guess what? It turns out great when we realize we're living the good old days right now.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

June 26: A Rundown of Today's Holidays - Are You Ready to Celebrate?

Here's a list of holidays in case you'd like something to celebrate today.

America's Kids Day - Kinda generic but still a good reason to celebrate.

Beautician's Day - Got a favorite beautician? Here's a great opportunity to thank him or her for the good job they do for you.

Descendants Day - A good excuse for families to trace their personal lineage. 

International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking - A good reminder to us all that drugs are a real problem in our society but there's hope for those who break away from them.

International Day in Support of Victims of Torture - An opportunity to speak out against torture and those who employ it.

Log Cabin Day - Do you like log cabins? Well, here's your chance to celebrate living in one.

National Canoe Day - Do you canoe? If the answer is yes, get it out and find the nearest river.

National Chocolate Pudding Day - Be part of the in-crowd and celebrate with a big bowl of chocolate pudding. It doesn't get sweeter than that.

Tropical Cocktails Day - This is the holiday I'll be celebrating today. All day. Cheers! 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

A Tale of Two Americas: Roe vs Wade Overturned; 1st Gun Control Bill in 30 Years Passed

If we're being honest with ourselves, we all know there's two Americas.

In conservative America yesterday it was a day to celebrate because the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs Wade. In doing so it threw out a precedent protecting women's rights to their own bodies for political reasons.

Related: Pence: 'We Must Not Rest' Until Abortion is Outlawed in Every State

The Democrats warned that the court would seek to undo other constitutional rights if it overthrew Roe vs Wade. That's happened now. What's next?

Related: Justice Thomas: SCOTUS 'Should Reconsider' contraception. Same-Sex Marriage Rulings and more

The Supreme Court's decision got a rapid response from the "other America" with protesters pouring out into the streets of America minutes after the decision was made public.

Related: "We Won't Go Back!" Spontaneous Protests Break Out Across U.S. After Supreme Court Overturns Roe

                       On the Same Day

The House passed a landmark gun bill, sending it to Biden to sign into law. After 30 years liberals were finally able to pass some bipartisan gun legislation. This represented a win for one America. A loss for the other one.

VIDEO: House Passes Gun Reform Legislation

The Fallout for Both Landmark Cases

The Roe reversal reshapes Democrats' battle to keep Congress.

A fractured Supreme Court upended American politics

Senate breakthrough clears the way for toughening US gun laws

How deep is the divide between these two Americas? No doubt we'll find out in the years ahead, but right now the chasm between Democrats and Republicans is widening with states like Texas talking about succeeding from the Union.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Do You Feel it? The Political Landscape is Shifting

Political tremors have been reported in Washington DC and the rest of the country during the last two weeks.

Millions of Americans have tuned into an unlikely reality show that's been a smash hit. The House hearings on the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol has gotten huge ratings each episode. Good news for Democrats. Bad news for Republicans as they watch Trump, and his minions sink into a quagmire of their own lies about the 2020 election.

After five hearings, with more to come in July, the committee has rocked the Republican Party's world as GOP lawmakers get linked to Trump's plot to overthrow the election.

One of the latest revelations is Republican lawmakers were asking for pardons before Trump left office. As we all know someone doesn't ask for a pardon unless they did something wrong.

The committee revealed an email from Rep. Mo Brooks on Jan.11, 2021, asking for "all purpose" pardons for every lawmaker who objected to electoral votes from Arizona and Pennsylvania

Requesting pardons were Rep. Andy Biggs, Rep. Louis Gohmert, Rep. Scott Perry, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Mo Brooks, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green. Apparently, Rep. Jim Jordan didn't ask for a pardon but did request an update on the status of requests by other members.

The question is will the J6 committee request these lawmakers to testify in future hearings? If they do, and they don't, will there be subpoenas? It's nervous time for Republicans who want people to focus on the midterms and to ignore the mountains of evidence being presented by the committee.

A new development

Law enforcement officials searched the Virginia home of former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark Wednesday.

That's significant because Clark was part of a plot by Trump to take over the Department of Justice and to make them conduct unlawful voting fraud investigations. The DOJ is ramping up it's investigation on the attempt to overthrow our electoral system.

The good news is that means the DOJ is closing on Trump's closest allies. Trump is closer than ever to being indicted by the same DOJ he tried to take over.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Once Upon a Midterm Election so Dreary...

Editor's note: My muse for this post was Edgar Allen Poe.

Once upon a midterm election so drearyI worried our democracy was weak and weary.

I knew if the GOP took back the House total condemnation of democracy would be the result all would see.

Republicans are promising a purge of our government - from President Biden to AG Merrick Garland. No Democrat in the land would be safe against Trump's master race. Fascism will have a new place in the world.

Looking deep into the darkness of what could be, I can see the Republic sinking into total anarchy.

Surely, said I, surely there's something we can do to avoid this horror? Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore. I need to look behind every door. 

Desolate yet undaunted, in my search for hope, someone spoke, and said, "Democrats and Independents need to turn out in record numbers to vote."

Only this, and nothing more.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Trump and Cronies Should Face a Criminal Investigation for Putting Two Election Workers Lives at Stake

Where's the accountability?

Trump and his minions need to be hauled into the Department of Justice for targeting two American election workers (AP Photo of Wandrea "Shay" Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman) whose lives were put in jeopardy due to a fake ballot scheme in Fulton County, Georgia.

Wandrea "Shaye" Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman had their lives turned upside down when Trump targeted them and encouraged his supporters to pressure them into confessing that they illegally added Biden ballots to the counting machines.

At one point of the continual harassment campaign Moss testified that people pushed their way into her grandmother's house, claiming they were making a citizen's arrest.

Meanwhile the FBI told Ruby Freeman she had to leave her house for an undetermined amount of time because of credible death threats.

There was no fraud as the Republican governor and secretary of state explained to the Jan. 6 committee. 

Trump sycophants like Rudy Giuliani traveled around holding quasi "press conferences" accusing the women of cheating for the democrats. 

Giuliani and his goons literally launched an all-out attack besmirching their reputation and making the election workers targets for MAGA morons everywhere. No American citizen(s) should be subjected to this kind of life-changing abuse by the nation's commander in chief.

It's shameful. It should also be illegal. But I haven't heard a word about the DOJ looking into their baseless crusade against both women that could have cost them their lives. Not a damn word.

Here's a video of the two women's testimony before the Jan. 6 committee on 6/21.

Moss and Freeman's story is only one example of the wild voting conspiracy theories spread by the Trump campaign. When Trump started showing edited clips of the two women at work and accused them of cheating, he was personally putting them at risk.

An interesting aside: Among the many threats and instances of harassment, a woman claiming to be Kanye West's publicist came to Freeman's house to encourage her to confess to voter fraud.

The connection is clear. It's just another case of Trump committing a crime and routinely getting away with it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The 'Big Lie' is Devouring Democracy

After exhausting all avenues to change the results of the 2020 election Republicans have settled on ignoring reality.

The courts rejected 62 lawsuits that Trump's minions filed to try to overturn the voter's will. Then Trump cronies attempted a coup that failed.

The only tactic left was denying reality and defying all norms to secure a solid base of Trump believers' loyalty. 

So, openly lying has been embraced by the shambling Republican Party that is cannibalizing itself in an effort to please their chosen Lord and Master Trump.

The Big Lie is expanding every day. Just look at Texas. The state Republican Party adopted a resolution last weekend that rejects President Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election. 

Up to this point it's been individuals running for office proudly aligning themselves with the Big Lie to get Trump's endorsement. Meanwhile, Trump sycophants in the Senate and House have gone along with the election fraud narratives spread by Fox News and other right-wing media outlets.

Now we're looking at state GOP parties that are adopting election lies as the main part of their agenda. Don't be surprised if other state GOP parties decide to follow Texas. The Big Lie is a cancer that doesn't appear to have a cure. It's spreading throughout the land at an alarming rate.

How could this happen in America?

We're slipping into fascism as Trump slithers his way back towards a second term. Political pollsters and pundits are predicting a Red Wave in the midterms.

Make no mistake. Trump's cult is fully motivated to turn out in big numbers this fall. The economy is chaotic and rife with supply chain issues that stretch across the world, and it'll be Biden and the Democrats who get blamed.

In spite of all that, things could turn around before November. It's possible these Jan. 6 hearings will shock Democratic and Independent voters who value our liberty and freedoms picking Democracy over the economy.

One more thing to consider. When the Supreme Court takes down the Roe vs Wade decision, which is what the leaked draft showed, women - especially young women - will be motivated to vote in record numbers. Just what Democrats need. That young vote.   

In closing its ironic and scary as hell to consider the possibility that a lie could be what took down our democracy.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...