Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Biden Breaks Through: It's Down to Two Candidates

Good Day World!

Whoa Joe! You go!

What a difference a few days can make. Prior to the South Carolina primary people were writing Joe Biden off.

Today it's a two-man race. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. After yesterdays results from Super Tuesday the field of candidates has narrowed dramatically.

Suddenly Bernie Sanders is not the front runner. Just like that. The delegate count is (as of 8 a.m. PST) Biden 453 delegates, to Sander's 382 (NOTE: votes are still coming in and it looks like Bernie will win big in California).

Elizabeth Warren has not dropped out of the race thus far, although she doesn't have a viable way forward. There's a chance she may still drop out today.

One thing is now crystal clear, the battle is now between the far left and moderates. Biden's momentum is growing. Endorsements are pouring in. When Bloomberg dropped out he endorsed Biden, which is huge.

The race is far from over. In the coming weeks expect a fierce competition for the remaining states.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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